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Optimality and Pipelining Tradeoffs

  The communication algorithms used also influence performance. In the LU factorization algorithm, all the communication can be done by moving data along rows and/or columns of the process template. This type of communication can be done by passing from one process to the next along the row or column. We shall call this a ``ring'' algorithm, although the ring may, or may not, be closed. An alternative is to use a spanning tree algorithm, of which there are several varieties. The complexity of the ring algorithm is linear in the number of processes involved, whereas that of spanning tree algorithms is logarithmic (for example, see [6]). Thus, considered in isolation, the spanning tree algorithms are preferable to a ring algorithm. However, in a spanning tree algorithm, a process may take part in several of the logarithmic steps, and in some implementations these algorithms act as a barrier. In a ring algorithm, each process needs to communicate only once, and can then continue to compute, in effect overlapping the communication with computation. An algorithm that interleaves communication and calculation in this way is often referred to as a pipelined algorithm. In a pipelined LU factorization algorithm with no pivoting, communication and calculation would flow in waves across the matrix. Pivoting tends to inhibit this advantage of pipelining.

In the pseudocode in Figure 15, we do not specify how the pivot information should be broadcast. In an optimized implementation, we need to finish with the pivot phase, and the triangular solve phase, as soon as possible in order to begin the update phase which is richest in parallelism. Thus, it is not a good idea to broadcast the pivot information from a single source process using a spanning tree algorithm, since this may occupy some of the processes involved in the panel factorization for too long. It is important to get the pivot information to the other processes in this template column as soon as possible, so the pivot information is first sent to these processes which subsequently broadcast it along the template rows to the other processes not involved in the panel factorization. In addition, the exchange of the parts of the pivot rows lying within the panel is done separately from that of the parts outside the pivot panel. Another factor to consider here is when the pivot information should be broadcast along the template columns. In Figure 15, the information is broadcast, and rows exchanged, immediately after the pivot is found. An alternative is to store up the sequence of r pivots for a panel and to broadcast them along the template rows when panel factorization is complete. This defers the exchange of pivot rows for the parts outside the panel until the panel factorization has been done, as shown in the pseudocode fragment in Figure 20. An advantage of this second approach is that only one message is used to send the pivot information for the panel along the template rows, instead of r messages.

Figure 20: Pseudocode fragment for partial pivoting over rows. This may be regarded as replacing the first box inside the k loop in Figure 15. In the above code pivot information is first disseminated within the template column doing the panel factorization. The pivoting of the parts of the rows lying outside the panel is deferred until the panel factorization has been completed.

In our implementation of LU factorization on the Intel Delta system, we used a spanning tree algorithm to locate the pivot and to broadcast it within the column of the process template performing the panel factorization. This ensures that pivoting, which involves only P processes, is completed as quickly as possible. A ring broadcast is used to pipeline the pivot information and the factored panel along the template rows. Finally, after the triangular solve phase has completed, a spanning tree broadcast is used to send the newly-formed block row of U along the template columns. Results for square matrices from runs on the Intel Delta system are shown in Figure 21. For each curve the results for the best process template configuration are shown. For a memory-constrained scalable algorithm the performance should depend linearly on the number of processors for fixed granularity, and so scalability may be assessed by the extent to which isogranularity curves differ from linearity. An isogranularity curve is a plot of performance against number of processors for a fixed granularity. The results in Figure 21 can be used to generate the isogranularity curves shown in Figure 22 which show that on the Delta system the LU factorization routine starts to lose scalability when the granularity falls below about tex2html_wrap_inline2677. This corresponds to a matrix size of about M=10000 on 512 processors, or about 13% of the memory available to applications on the Delta, indicating that LU factorization scales rather well on the Intel Delta system.

Figure 21: Performance of LU factorization on the Intel Delta as a function of square matrix size for different numbers of processors. For each curve, results are shown for the process template configuration that gave the best performance for that number of processors.

Figure 22: Isogranularity curves in the tex2html_wrap_inline2681 plane for the LU factorization of square matrices on the Intel Delta system. The curves are labeled by the granularity in units of tex2html_wrap_inline2683 matrix elements per processor. The linearity of the plots for granularities exceeding about tex2html_wrap_inline2677 indicates that the LU factorization algorithm scales well on the Delta.

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Jack Dongarra
Sun Feb 9 10:05:05 EST 1997