Chapter 7. Mathematica Interface

Table of Contents
What to do first
Blocking call to NetSolve
Nonblocking Call to NetSolve
Catching Errors
Optional: Testing the NetSolve BLAS interfaces
Optional: Testing the NetSolve LAPACK interfaces


Before compiling the NetSolve-Mathematica client interface, the user must have specified the pathname to the MathLink Development Kit during the configure phase of NetSolve (./configure --with-mldk=MLDK_PATH), where MLDK_PATH is the pathname. By default this value is set to $(HOME)/AddOns/MathLink/DevelopersKits/Linux/CompilerAdditions. Alternatively, the user could have manually edited the $NETSOLVE_ROOT/conf/Makefile.$ file to set this variable instead of specifying the path as a configure command line option.

The Mathematica client interface for NetSolve is then built by typing
UNIX> make mathematica
in the directory $NETSOLVE_ROOT.

Details of this interface can be found in [ns:mathematica] and quick instructions/requirements for building it are in the file: $NETSOLVE_ROOT/src/Mathematica/INSTALL Full details of the installation procedure can be found in: $NETSOLVE_ROOT/src/Mathematica/doc/UsersGuide.tex