# -------------------------------------------------------
# Available SIMPLE and DIVIDE AND CONQUER DRIVER routines:
# -------------------------------------------------------

file zgesv.c  zgesv.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a general system of linear equations AX=B.
gams d2c1

file zgbsv.c  zgbsv.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a general banded system of linear equations AX=B.
gams d2c2

file zgtsv.c  zgtsv.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a general tridiagonal system of linear equations AX=B.
gams d2c2a

file zposv.c  zposv.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a Hermitian positive definite system of linear
,    equations AX=B.
gams d2d1b

file zppsv.c  zppsv.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a Hermitian positive definite system of linear
,    equations AX=B, where A is in packed storage.
gams d2d1b

file zpbsv.c  zpbsv.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a Hermitian positive definite banded system
,    of linear  equations AX=B.
gams d2d2

file zptsv.c  zptsv.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal system
,    of linear equations AX=B.
gams d2d2a

file zsysv.c  
for  Solves a complex symmetric indefinite system of linear equations AX=B.
gams d2c1

file zhesv.c  zhesv.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a complex Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations AX=B.
gams d2d1a

file zspsv.c  zspsv.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a complex symmetric indefinite system of linear equations AX=B,
,    where A is held in packed storage.
gams d2c1

file zhpsv.c  zhpsv.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a complex Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations AX=B,
,    where A is held in packed storage.
gams d2d1a

file zgels.c  zgels.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the least squares solution to an over-determined system
,    of linear equations, A X=B or A**H X=B,  or the minimum norm
,    solution of an under-determined system, where A is a general
,    rectangular matrix of full rank,  using a QR or LQ factorization
,    of A.
gams d9a1

file zgglse.c  zgglse.c plus dependencies
for  Solves the LSE (Constrained Linear Least Squares Problem) using
,    the GRQ (Generalized RQ) factorization
gams d9b1

file zggglm.c  zggglm.c plus dependencies
for  Solves the GLM (Generalized Linear Regression Model) using
,    the GQR (Generalized QR) factorization

file zheev.c  zheev.c plus dependencies
for  Computes all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of a complex
,    Hermitian matrix.
gams d4a3

file zheevd.c  zheevd.c plus dependencies
for  Computes all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of a complex
,    Hermitian matrix.  If eigenvectors are desired, it uses a divide
,    and conquer algorithm.
gams d4a3

file zhpev.c  zhpev.c plus dependencies
for  Computes all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of a complex
,    Hermitian matrix in packed storage.
gams d4a3

file zhpevd.c  zhpevd.c plus dependencies
for  Computes all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of a complex
,    Hermitian matrix in packed storage.  If eigenvectors are desired, it
,    uses a divide and conquer algorithm.
gams d4a3

file zhbev.c  zhbev.c plus dependencies
for  Computes all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of a complex
,    Hermitian band matrix.
gams d4a3, d4a6

file zhbevd.c  zhbevd.c plus dependencies
for  Computes all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of a complex
,    Hermitian band matrix.  If eigenvectors are desired, it uses a divide
,    and conquer algorithm.
gams d4a3, d4a6

file zgees.c  zgees.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the eigenvalues and Schur factorization of a general
,    matrix, and orders the factorization so that selected eigenvalues
,    are at the top left of the Schur form.
gams d4a4

file zgeev.c  zgeev.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the eigenvalues and left and right eigenvectors of
,    a general matrix.
gams d4a4

file zgesvd.c  zgesvd.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a general
,    rectangular matrix.
gams d6

file zhegv.c  zhegv.c plus dependencies
for  Computes all eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of  a generalized
,    Hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblem,
,    Ax= lambda Bx,  ABx= lambda x,  or BAx= lambda x.
gams d4b3

file zhpgv.c  zhpgv.c plus dependencies
for  Computes all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of  a generalized
,    Hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblem,  Ax= lambda
,    Bx,  ABx= lambda x,  or BAx= lambda x, where A and B are in packed
,    storage.
gams d4b3

file zhbgv.c  zhbgv.c plus dependencies
for  Computes all the eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors
,    of a complex generalized Hermitian-definite banded eigenproblem, of
,    the form A*x=(lambda)*B*x.  A and B are assumed to be Hermitian
,    and banded, and B is also positive definite.

file zgegs.c  zgegs.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the generalized eigenvalues, Schur form, and left and/or
,    right Schur vectors for a pair of nonsymmetric matrices

file zgegv.c  zgegv.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the generalized eigenvalues, and left and/or right
,    generalized eigenvectors for a pair of nonsymmetric matrices

file zggsvd.c  zggsvd.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition

# ---------------------------------
# Available EXPERT DRIVER routines:
# ---------------------------------

file zgesvx.c  zgesvx.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a general system of linear equations AX=B, A**T X=B
,    or A**H X=B, and provides an estimate of the condition number
,    and error bounds on the solution.
gams d2c1

file zgbsvx.c  zgbsvx.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a general banded system of linear equations AX=B,
,    A**T X=B or A**H X=B, and provides an estimate of the condition
,    number and error bounds on the solution.
gams d2c2

file zgtsvx.c  zgtsvx.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a general tridiagonal system of linear equations AX=B,
,    A**T X=B or A**H X=B, and provides an estimate of the condition
,    number  and error bounds on the solution.
gams d2c2a

file zposvx.c  zposvx.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a Hermitian positive definite system of linear
,    equations AX=B, and provides an estimate of the condition number
,    and error bounds on the solution.
gams d2d1b

file zppsvx.c  zppsvx.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a Hermitian positive definite system of linear
,    equations AX=B, where A is held in packed storage, and provides
,    an estimate of the condition number and error bounds on the
,    solution.
gams d2d1b

file zpbsvx.c  zpbsvx.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a Hermitian positive definite banded system
,    of linear equations AX=B, and provides an estimate of the condition
,    number and error bounds on the solution.
gams d2d2

file zptsvx.c  zptsvx.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal
,    system of linear equations AX=B, and provides an estimate of
,    the condition number and error bounds on the solution.
gams d2d2a

file zsysvx.c  zsysvx.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a complex symmetric
,    indefinite system  of linear equations AX=B, and provides an
,    estimate of the condition number and error bounds on the solution.
gams d2c1

file zhesvx.c  zhesvx.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a complex Hermitian
,    indefinite system  of linear equations AX=B, and provides an
,    estimate of the condition number and error bounds on the solution.
gams d2d1a

file zspsvx.c  zspsvx.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a complex symmetric
,    indefinite system of linear equations AX=B, where A is held
,    in packed storage, and provides an estimate of the condition
,    number and error bounds on the solution.
gams d2c1

file zhpsvx.c  zhpsvx.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a complex Hermitian
,    indefinite system of linear equations AX=B, where A is held
,    in packed storage, and provides an estimate of the condition
,    number and error bounds on the solution.
gams d2d1a

file zgelsx.c  zgelsx.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the minimum norm least squares solution to an over-
,   or under-determined system of linear equations A X=B, using a
,   complete orthogonal factorization of A.
gams d9a1

file zgelss.c  zgelss.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the minimum norm least squares solution to an over-
,    or under-determined system of linear equations A X=B,  using
,    the singular value decomposition of A.
gams d9a1

file zheevx.c  zheevx.c plus dependencies
for  Computes selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hermitian matrix.
gams d4a3

file zhpevx.c  zhpevx.c plus dependencies
for  Computes selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a
,    Hermitian matrix in packed storage.
gams d4a3

file zhbevx.c  zhbevx.c plus dependencies
for  Computes selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a
,    Hermitian band matrix.
gams d4a3, d4a6

file zgeesx.c  zgeesx.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the eigenvalues and Schur factorization of a general
,    matrix, orders the factorization so that selected eigenvalues
,    are at the top left of the Schur form, and computes reciprocal
,    condition numbers for the average of the selected eigenvalues,
,    and for the associated right invariant subspace.
gams d4a4

file zgeevx.c  zgeevx.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the eigenvalues and left and right eigenvectors of
,    a general matrix,  with preliminary balancing of the matrix,
,    and computes reciprocal condition numbers for the eigenvalues
,    and right eigenvectors.
gams d4a4

# ---------------------------------
# Available COMPUTATIONAL routines:
# ---------------------------------

file zbdsqr.c  zbdsqr.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a real bidiagonal
,    matrix, using the bidiagonal QR algorithm.
gams d6

file zgbbrd.c  zgbbrd.c plus dependencies
,    Reduces a complex general band matrix to real upper bidiagonal form
,    by a unitary transformation.

file zgbcon.c  zgbcon.c plus dependencies
for  Estimates the reciprocal of the condition number of a general
,    band matrix, in either the 1-norm or the infinity-norm, using
,    the LU factorization computed by CGBTRF.
gams d2c2

file zgbequ.c  zgbequ.c plus dependencies
for  Computes row and column scalings to equilibrate a general band
,    matrix and reduce its condition number.
gams d2c2

file zgbrfs.c  zgbrfs.c plus dependencies
for  Improves the computed solution to a general banded system of
,    linear equations AX=B, A**T X=B or A**H X=B, and provides forward
,    and backward error bounds for the solution.
gams d2c2

file zgbtrf.c  zgbtrf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes an LU factorization of a general band matrix, using
,    partial pivoting with row interchanges.
gams d2c2

file zgbtrs.c  zgbtrs.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a general banded system of linear equations AX=B,
,    A**T X=B or A**H X=B, using the LU factorization computed
,    by CGBTRF.
gams d2c2

file zgebak.c  zgebak.c plus dependencies
for  Transforms eigenvectors of a balanced matrix to those of the
,    original matrix supplied to CGEBAL.
gams d4c4

file zgebal.c  zgebal.c plus dependencies
for  Balances a general matrix in order to improve the accuracy
,    of computed eigenvalues.
gams d4c1a

file zgebrd.c  zgebrd.c plus dependencies
for  Reduces a general rectangular matrix to real bidiagonal form
,    by an unitary transformation.
gams d6

file zgecon.c  zgecon.c plus dependencies
for  Estimates the reciprocal of the condition number of a general
,    matrix, in either the 1-norm or the infinity-norm, using the
,    LU factorization computed by CGETRF.
gams d2c1

file zgeequ.c  zgeequ.c plus dependencies
for  Computes row and column scalings to equilibrate a general
,    rectangular matrix and reduce its condition number.
gams d2c1

file zgehrd.c  zgehrd.c plus dependencies
for  Reduces a general matrix to upper Hessenberg form by an
,    unitary similarity transformation.
gams d4c1b2

file zgelqf.c  zgelqf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes an LQ factorization of a general rectangular matrix.
gams d5

file zgeqlf.c  zgeqlf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes a QL factorization of a general rectangular matrix.
gams d5

file zgeqpf.c  zgeqpf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes a QR factorization with column pivoting of a general
,    rectangular matrix.
gams d5

file zgeqrf.c  zgeqrf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes a QR factorization of a general rectangular matrix.
gams d5

file zgerfs.c  zgerfs.c plus dependencies
for  Improves the computed solution to a general system of linear
,    equations AX=B, A**T X=B or A**H X=B, and provides forward and
,    backward error bounds for the solution.
gams d2c1

file zgerqf.c  zgerqf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes an RQ factorization of a general rectangular matrix.
gams d5

file zgetrf.c  zgetrf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes an LU factorization of a general matrix, using partial
,    pivoting with row interchanges.
gams d2c1

file zggbak.c  zggbak.c plus dependencies
for  Forms the right or left eigenvectors of the generalized eigenvalue
,    problem by backward transformation on the computed eigenvectors of
,    the balanced pair of matrices output by CGGBAL.

file zggbal.c  zggbal.c plus dependencies
For  Balances a pair of general complex matrices for the generalized
,    eigenvalue problem A x = lambda B x.

file zgghrd.c  zgghrd.c plus dependencies
for  Reduces a pair of complex matrices to generalized upper
,    Hessenberg form using unitary similarity transformations.

file zggqrf.c  zggqrf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes a generalized QR factorization of a pair of matrices.

file zggrqf.c  zggrqf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes a generalized RQ factorization of a pair of matrices.

file zggsvp.c  zggsvp.c plus dependencies
for  Computes unitary matrices as a preprocessing step
,    for computing the generalized singular value decomposition

file zgtcon.c  zgtcon.c plus dependencies
for  Estimates the reciprocal of the condition number of a general
,    tridiagonal matrix, in either the 1-norm or the infinity-norm,
,    using the LU factorization computed by CGTTRF.
gams d2c2a

file zgtrfs.c  zgtrfs.c plus dependencies
for  Improves the computed solution to a general tridiagonal system
,    of linear equations AX=B, A**T X=B or A**H X=B, and provides
,    forward and backward error bounds for the solution.
gams d2c2a

file zgttrf.c  zgttrf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes an LU factorization of a general tridiagonal matrix,
,    using partial pivoting with row interchanges.
gams d2c2a

file zgttrs.c  zgttrs.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a general tridiagonal system of linear equations AX=B,
,    A**T X=B or A**H X=B, using the LU factorization computed by
,    CGTTRF.
gams d2c2a

file zhgeqz.c  zhgeqz.c plus dependencies
for  Implements a single-/double-shift version of the QZ method for
,    finding the generalized eigenvalues of the equation 
,    det(A - w(i) B) = 0

file zhsein.c  zhsein.c plus dependencies
for  Computes specified right and/or left eigenvectors of an upper
,    Hessenberg matrix by inverse iteration.
gams d4c3

file zhseqr.c  zhseqr.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the eigenvalues and Schur factorization of an upper
,    Hessenberg matrix, using the multishift QR algorithm.
gams d4c2b

file zupgtr.c  zupgtr.c plus dependencies
for  Generates the unitary transformation matrix from
,    a reduction to tridiagonal form determined by CHPTRD.
gams d4c1b1

file zupmtr.c  zupmtr.c plus dependencies
for  Multiplies a general matrix by the unitary
,    transformation matrix from a reduction to tridiagonal form
,    determined by CHPTRD.
gams d4c4

file zungbr.c  zungbr.c plus dependencies
for  Generates the unitary transformation matrices from
,    a reduction to bidiagonal form determined by CGEBRD.
gams d6

file zunghr.c  zunghr.c plus dependencies
for  Generates the unitary transformation matrix from
,    a reduction to Hessenberg form determined by CGEHRD.
gams d4c1b2

file zunglq.c  zunglq.c plus dependencies
for  Generates all or part of the unitary matrix Q from
,    an LQ factorization determined by CGELQF.
gams d5

file zungql.c  zungql.c plus dependencies
for  Generates all or part of the unitary matrix Q from
,    a QL factorization determined by CGEQLF.
gams d5

file zungqr.c  zungqr.c plus dependencies
for  Generates all or part of the unitary matrix Q from
,    a QR factorization determined by CGEQRF.
gams d5

file zungrq.c  zungrq.c plus dependencies
for  Generates all or part of the unitary matrix Q from
,    an RQ factorization determined by CGERQF.
gams d5

file zungtr.c  zungtr.c plus dependencies
for  Generates the unitary transformation matrix from
,    a reduction to tridiagonal form determined by CHETRD.
gams d4c1b1

file zunmbr.c  zunmbr.c plus dependencies
for  Multiplies a general matrix by one of the unitary
,    transformation matrices from a reduction to bidiagonal form
,    determined by CGEBRD.
gams d6

file zunmhr.c  zunmhr.c plus dependencies
for  Multiplies a general matrix by the unitary transformation
,    matrix from a reduction to Hessenberg form determined by CGEHRD.
gams d4c4

file zunmlq.c  zunmlq.c plus dependencies
for  Multiplies a general matrix by the unitary matrix
,    from an LQ factorization determined by CGELQF.
gams d5

file zunmql.c  zunmql.c plus dependencies
for  Multiplies a general matrix by the unitary matrix
,    from a QL factorization determined by CGEQLF.
gams d5

file zunmqr.c  zunmqr.c plus dependencies
for  Multiplies a general matrix by the unitary matrix
,    from a QR factorization determined by CGEQRF.
gams d5

file zunmrq.c  zunmrq.c plus dependencies
for  Multiplies a general matrix by the unitary matrix
,    from an RQ factorization determined by CGERQF.
gams d5

file zunmtr.c  zunmtr.c plus dependencies
for  Multiplies a general matrix by the unitary
,    transformation matrix from a reduction to tridiagonal form
,    determined by CHETRD.
gams d4c4

file zpbcon.c  zpbcon.c plus dependencies
for  Estimates the reciprocal of the condition number of a
,    Hermitian positive definite band matrix, using the
,    Cholesky factorization computed by CPBTRF.
gams d2d2

file zpbequ.c  zpbequ.c plus dependencies
for  Computes row and column scalings to equilibrate a Hermitian
,    positive definite band matrix and reduce its condition number.
gams d2d2

file zpbrfs.c  zpbrfs.c plus dependencies
for  Improves the computed solution to a Hermitian positive
,    definite banded system of linear equations AX=B, and provides
,    forward and backward error bounds for the solution.
gams d2d2

file zpbstf.c  zpbstf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes a split Cholesky factorization of a complex Hermitian
,    positive definite band matrix.

file zpbtrf.c  zpbtrf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the Cholesky factorization of a Hermitian
,    positive definite band matrix.
gams d2d2

file zpbtrs.c  zpbtrs.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a Hermitian positive definite banded system
,    of linear equations AX=B, using the Cholesky factorization
,    computed by CPBTRF.
gams d2d2

file zpocon.c  zpocon.c plus dependencies
for  Estimates the reciprocal of the condition number of a
,    Hermitian positive definite matrix, using the
,    Cholesky factorization computed by CPOTRF.
gams d2d1b

file zpoequ.c  zpoequ.c plus dependencies
for  Computes row and column scalings to equilibrate a Hermitian
,    positive definite matrix and reduce its condition number.
gams d2d1b

file zporfs.c  zporfs.c plus dependencies
for  Improves the computed solution to a Hermitian positive
,    definite system of linear equations AX=B, and provides forward
,    and backward error bounds for the solution.
gams d2d1b

file zpotrf.c  zpotrf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the Cholesky factorization of a Hermitian
,    positive definite matrix.
gams d2d1b

file zpotri.c  zpotri.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the inverse of a Hermitian positive definite
,    matrix, using the Cholesky factorization computed by CPOTRF.
gams d2d1b

file zpotrs.c  zpotrs.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a Hermitian positive definite system of linear
,    equations AX=B, using the Cholesky factorization computed by
,    CPOTRF.
gams d2d1b

file zppcon.c  zppcon.c plus dependencies
for  Estimates the reciprocal of the condition number of a
,    Hermitian positive definite matrix in packed storage,
,    using the Cholesky factorization computed by CPPTRF.
gams d2d1b

file zppequ.c  zppequ.c plus dependencies
for  Computes row and column scalings to equilibrate a Hermitian
,    positive definite matrix in packed storage and reduce its condition
,    number.
gams d2d1b

file zpprfs.c  zpprfs.c plus dependencies
for  Improves the computed solution to a Hermitian positive
,    definite system of linear equations AX=B, where A is held in
,    packed storage, and provides forward and backward error bounds
,    for the solution.
gams d2d1b

file zpptrf.c  zpptrf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the Cholesky factorization of a Hermitian
,    positive definite matrix in packed storage.
gams d2d1b

file zpptri.c  zpptri.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the inverse of a Hermitian positive definite
,    matrix in packed storage, using the Cholesky factorization computed
,    by CPPTRF.
gams d2d1b

file zpptrs.c  zpptrs.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a Hermitian positive definite system of linear
,    equations AX=B, where A is held in packed storage, using the
,    Cholesky factorization computed by CPPTRF.
gams d2d1b

file zptcon.c  zptcon.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the reciprocal of the condition number of a
,    Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal matrix,
,    using the LDL**H factorization computed by CPTTRF.
gams d2d2a

file zpteqr.c  zpteqr.c plus dependencies
for  Computes all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a complex symmetric
,    positive definite tridiagonal matrix, by computing the SVD of
,    its bidiagonal Cholesky factor.
gams d4c2a

file zptrfs.c  zptrfs.c plus dependencies
for  Improves the computed solution to a Hermitian positive
,    definite tridiagonal system of linear equations AX=B, and provides
,    forward and backward error bounds for the solution.
gams d2d2a

file zpttrf.c  zpttrf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the LDL**H factorization of a Hermitian
,    positive definite tridiagonal matrix.
gams d2d2a

file zpttrs.c  zpttrs.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal
,    system of linear equations, using the LDL**H factorization
,    computed by CPTTRF.
gams d2d2a

file zhbgst.c  zhbgst.c plus dependencies
for  Reduces a complex Hermitian-definite banded generalized eigenproblem
,    A x = lambda B x to standard form, where B has been factorized by
,    CPBSTF (Crawford's algorithm).

file zhbtrd.c  zhbtrd.c plus dependencies
for  Reduces a Hermitian band matrix to real symmetric
,    tridiagonal form by a unitary similarity transformation.
gams d4c1b1

file zspcon.c  zspcon.c plus dependencies
for  Estimates the reciprocal of the condition number of a
,    complex symmetric indefinite
,    matrix in packed storage, using the factorization computed
,    by CSPTRF.
gams d2c1

file zhpcon.c  zhpcon.c plus dependencies
for  Estimates the reciprocal of the condition number of a
,    complex Hermitian indefinite
,    matrix in packed storage, using the factorization computed
,    by CHPTRF.
gams d2d1a

file zhpgst.c  zhpgst.c plus dependencies
for  Reduces a Hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblem
,    Ax= lambda Bx,  ABx= lambda x,  or BAx= lambda x, to standard
,    form,  where A and B are held in packed storage, and B has been
,    factorized by CPPTRF.
gams d4c1c

file zsprfs.c  zsprfs.c plus dependencies
for  Improves the computed solution to a complex
,    symmetric indefinite system of linear equations
,    AX=B, where A is held in packed storage, and provides forward
,    and backward error bounds for the solution.
gams d2c1

file zhprfs.c  zhprfs.c plus dependencies
for  Improves the computed solution to a complex
,    Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations
,    AX=B, where A is held in packed storage, and provides forward
,    and backward error bounds for the solution.
gams d2d1a

file zhptrd.c  zhptrd.c plus dependencies
for  Reduces a Hermitian matrix in packed storage to real
,    symmetric tridiagonal form by a unitary similarity
,    transformation.
gams d4c1b1

file zsptrf.c  zsptrf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the factorization of a complex
,    symmetric-indefinite matrix in packed storage,
,    using the diagonal pivoting method.
gams d2c1

file zhptrf.c  zhptrf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the factorization of a complex
,    Hermitian-indefinite matrix in packed storage,
,    using the diagonal pivoting method.
gams d2d1a

file zsptri.c  zsptri.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the inverse of a complex symmetric
,    indefinite matrix in packed storage, using the factorization
,    computed by CSPTRF.
gams d2c1

file zhptri.c  zhptri.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the inverse of a complex
,    Hermitian indefinite matrix in packed storage, using the factorization
,    computed by CHPTRF.
gams d2d1a

file zsptrs.c  zsptrs.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a complex symmetric
,    indefinite system of linear equations AX=B, where A is held
,    in packed storage, using the factorization computed
,    by CSPTRF.
gams d2c1

file zhptrs.c  zhptrs.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a complex Hermitian
,    indefinite system of linear equations AX=B, where A is held
,    in packed storage, using the factorization computed
,    by CHPTRF.
gams d2d1a

file zstedc.c  zstedc.c plus dependencies
for  Computes all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of a
,    symmetric tridiagonal matrix using the divide and conquer algorithm.

file zstein.c  zstein.c plus dependencies
for  Computes selected eigenvectors of a real symmetric tridiagonal
,    matrix by inverse iteration.
gams d4c3

file zsteqr.c  zsteqr.c plus dependencies
for  Computes all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric
,    tridiagonal matrix, using the implicit QL or QR algorithm.
gams d4a1, d4a5, d4c2a

file zsycon.c  zsycon.c plus dependencies
for  Estimates the reciprocal of the condition number of a
,    complex symmetric indefinite matrix,
,    using the factorization computed by CSYTRF.
gams d2c1

file zhecon.c  zhecon.c plus dependencies
for  Estimates the reciprocal of the condition number of a
,    complex Hermitian indefinite matrix,
,    using the factorization computed by CHETRF.
gams d2d1a

file zhegst.c  zhegst.c plus dependencies
for  Reduces a Hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblem
,    Ax= lambda Bx,  ABx= lambda x,  or BAx= lambda x, to standard
,    form, where B has been factorized by CPOTRF.
gams d4c1c

file zsyrfs.c  zsyrfs.c plus dependencies
for  Improves the computed solution to a complex
,    symmetric indefinite system of linear equations
,    AX=B, and provides forward and backward error bounds for the
,    solution.
gams d2c1

file zherfs.c  zherfs.c plus dependencies
for  Improves the computed solution to a complex
,    Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations
,    AX=B, and provides forward and backward error bounds for the
,    solution.
gams d2d1a

file zhetrd.c  zhetrd.c plus dependencies
for  Reduces a Hermitian matrix to real symmetric tridiagonal
,    form by an unitary similarity transformation.
gams d4c1b1

file zsytrf.c  zsytrf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the factorization of a complex symmetric-indefinite matrix,
,    using the diagonal pivoting method.
gams d2c1

file zhetrf.c  zhetrf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the factorization of a complex Hermitian-indefinite matrix,
,    using the diagonal pivoting method.
gams d2d1a

file zsytri.c  zsytri.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the inverse of a complex symmetric indefinite matrix,
,    using the factorization computed by CSYTRF.
gams d2c1

file zhetri.c  zhetri.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the inverse of a complex Hermitian indefinite matrix,
,    using the factorization computed by CHETRF.
gams d2d1a

file zsytrs.c  zsytrs.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a complex symmetric indefinite system of linear equations AX=B,
,    using the factorization computed by CSPTRF.
gams d2c1

file zhetrs.c  zhetrs.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a complex Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations AX=B,
,    using the factorization computed by CHPTRF.
gams d2d1a

file ztbcon.c  ztbcon.c plus dependencies
for  Estimates the reciprocal of the condition number of a triangular
,    band matrix, in either the 1-norm or the infinity-norm.
gams d2c2, d2c3

file ztbrfs.c  ztbrfs.c plus dependencies
for  Provides forward and backward error bounds for the solution
,    of a triangular banded system of linear equations AX=B,
,    A**T X=B or A**H X=B.
gams d2c2, d2c3

file ztbtrs.c  ztbtrs.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a triangular banded system of linear equations AX=B,
,    A**T X=B or A**H X=B.
gams d2c2, d2c3

file ztgevc.c  ztgevc.c plus dependencies
for  Computes some or all of the right and/or left generalized eigenvectors
,    of a pair of complex upper triangular matrices. 
gams d4b4

file ztgsja.c  ztgsja.c plus dependencies
for  Computes the generalized singular value decomposition of two complex
,    upper triangular (or trapezoidal) matrices as output by CGGSVP.
gams d6

file ztpcon.c  ztpcon.c plus dependencies
for  Estimates the reciprocal of the condition number of a triangular
,    matrix in packed storage, in either the 1-norm or the infinity-norm.
gams d2c3

file ztprfs.c  ztprfs.c plus dependencies
for  Provides forward and backward error bounds for the solution
,    of a triangular system of linear equations AX=B, A**T X=B or
,    A**H X=B, where A is held in packed storage.
gams d2c3

file ztptri.c  ztptri.c plus dependencies
for   Computes the inverse of a triangular matrix in packed storage.
gams d2c3

file ztptrs.c  ztptrs.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a triangular system of linear equations AX=B,
,    A**T X=B or A**H X=B, where A is held in packed storage.
gams d2c3

file ztrcon.c  ztrcon.c plus dependencies
for  Estimates the reciprocal of the condition number of a triangular
,    matrix, in either the 1-norm or the infinity-norm.
gams d2c3

file ztrevc.c  ztrevc.c plus dependencies
for  Computes left and right eigenvectors of an complex upper triangular
,    matrix.
gams d4c3

file ztrexc.c  ztrexc.c plus dependencies
for  Reorders the Schur factorization of a matrix by a unitary
,    similarity transformation.
gams d4c

file ztrrfs.c  ztrrfs.c plus dependencies
for  Provides forward and backward error bounds for the solution
,    of a triangular system of linear equations A X=B, A**T X=B or
,    A**H X=B.
gams d2c3

file ztrsen.c  ztrsen.c plus dependencies
for  Reorders the Schur factorization of a matrix in order to find
,    an orthonormal basis of a right invariant subspace corresponding
,    to selected eigenvalues, and returns reciprocal condition numbers
,    (sensitivities) of the average of the cluster of eigenvalues
,    and of the invariant subspace.
gams d4c

file ztrsna.c  ztrsna.c plus dependencies
for  Estimates the reciprocal condition numbers (sensitivities)
,    of selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a complex upper
,    triangular matrix.
gams d4c

file ztrsyl.c  ztrsyl.c plus dependencies
for  Solves the Sylvester matrix equation A X +/- X B=C where A
,    and B are complex upper triangular, and may be transposed.
gams d8

file ztrtri.c  ztrtri.c plus dependencies
for   Computes the inverse of a triangular matrix.
gams d2c3

file ztrtrs.c  ztrtrs.c plus dependencies
for  Solves a triangular system of linear equations AX=B,
,    A**T X=B or A**H X=B.
gams d2c3

file ztzrqf.c  ztzrqf.c plus dependencies
for  Computes an RQ factorization of an upper trapezoidal matrix.
gams d5