
Click here to see the number of accesses to this library.

file	maind.d
for	output from (y12m/ex/maind.f)

file	maind.f
for	test program for (y12m/y12mae)

file	maine.f
for	test program for the (y12m/y12m) package

file	mainf.f
for	test program for (y12m/y12mhe)

file	mainf2.f
for	test program for the (y12m/y12m) package

file	matrd1.f
for	auxillary routine needed by (y12m/ex/maind.f)

file	matre1.f
for	auxillary routine needed by (y12m/ex/maind.f)

file	matrf2.f
for	auxillary routine needed by (y12m/ex/mainf.f)

file	test1.f
for	template for (y12m/y12mae) use, user must supply data

file	test2.f
for	template for (y12m/y12mfe) use, user must supply data