parameter (iha = 10,nn = 200,nn1 = 100) implicit real (a-b,g,p,t-v),integer(c,f,h-n,r-s,z) real a(nn),pivot(iha),b(iha),aflag(8) integer snr(nn),rnr(nn1),ha(iha,11),iflag(10) data nin/5/, nout/6/ c c initialization of the parameters. c read (nin,101)n,z 101 format(2i4) c c initialize the non-zero elements of matrix c a in arbitrary order. c do 120 k = 1,z read(nin,110) rnr(k), snr(k), a(k) 110 format(2i4,f12.6) 120 continue c c c initialize the components of the right-hand side vector b. c read(nin,130) (b(k),k = 1,n) 130 format(6f12.6) c c call the subroutine y12mae. c call y12mae(n,z,a,snr,nn,rnr,nn1,pivot,ha,iha,aflag, 1 iflag,b,ifail) c c print the results. c write(nout,1)ifail 1 format('1the error diagnostic parameter ifail', 1 ' is equal to',i4) if( to 5 write(nout,2) 2 format('0the solution vector is given below.') do 4 i = 1,6 write(nout,3)i,b(i) 3 format(' ',i10,f20.5) 4 continue c c print the auxiliary information about the solution. c this is optionally. c write(nout,11)aflag(6) 11 format('0the largest element in the original', 1 ' matrix is:'f12.5) write(nout,12)aflag(7) 12 format('0the largest element found in the elimination', 1f12.5) write(nout,13)aflag(8) 13 format('0the minimal(in absolute value)pivotal element', 1 f12.5) write(nout,14)aflag(5) 14 format('0the growth factor is:',1pd12.2) write(nout,15)iflag(6) 15 format('0the number of collections in the row list',i5) write(nout,16)iflag(7) 16 format('0the number of collections in the column list',i5) write(nout,17)iflag(8) 17 format('0the largest number of elements found in array a', 1 i9) 5 continue stop end