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The Evaluation Function

The evaluation function of our program is similar in style to that of the Cray  Blitz program [Welsh:85a]. The most important term is material, which is a simple count of the number of pieces on each side, modified by a factor which encourages the side ahead in material to trade pieces but not pawns. The material evaluator also recognizes known draws such as king and two knights versus king.

There are several types of positional terms, including pawn structure, king safety, center control, king attack, and specialized bonuses for things like putting rooks on the seventh rank.

The pawn structure evaluator knows about doubled, isolated, backward, and passed pawns. It also has some notion of pawn chains and phalanxes. Pawn structure computation is very expensive, so a hash table is used to store the scores of recently evaluated pawn structures. Since pawn structure changes slowly, this hash table almost always saves us the work of pawn structure evaluation.

King safety is evaluated by considering the positions of all pawns on the file the king is occupying and both neighboring files. A penalty is assessed if any of the king's covering pawns are missing or if there are holes (squares which can never be attacked by a friendly pawn) in front of the king. Additional penalties are imposed if the opponent has open or half-open files near the king. The whole king safety score is multiplied by the amount of material on the board, so the program will want to trade pieces when its king is exposed, and avoid trades when the opponent's king is exposed. As in pawn structure, king safety uses a hash table to avoid recomputing the same information.

The center control term rewards the program for posting its pieces safely in the center of the board. This term is crude since it does not consider pieces attacking the center from a distance, but it can be computed very quickly and it encourages the kind of straightforward play we want.

King attack gives a bonus for placing pieces near the opposing king. Like center control, this term is crude but tends to lead to positions in which attacking opportunities exist.

The evaluation function is rounded out by special bonuses to encourage particular types of moves. These include a bonus for castling, a penalty for giving up castling rights, rewards for placing rooks on open and half-open files or on the seventh rank, and a penalty for a king on the back rank with no air.

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Guy Robinson
Wed Mar 1 10:19:35 EST 1995