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The Integration Computations

These computations of DASSL are a fixed-leading-coefficient, variable-stepsize and -order, backward-differentiation-formula (BDF) implicit integration scheme, described clearly in [Brenan:89a, Chapter 5] and outlined in [Petzold:83a]. Concurrent DASSL faithfully implements this numerical method, with no significant differences. Test problems run with the DASSL Fortran code and the new C code (on one and multiple computers) certify this degree of compatibility.

The sequential time complexity of the integration computations is , if considered separately from the residual calculation called in turn, which is also normally (see below). We pose these operations on a grid, where we assume that each process column can compute complete residual vectors. Each process column repeats the entire prediction operations: There is no speedup associated with Q > 1, and we replicate all DASSL BDF and predictor vectors in each process column. Taller, narrower grids are likely to provide the overall greatest speedup, though the residual calculation may saturate (and slow down again) because of excessive vertical communication requirements. It's definitely not true that the shape is optimal in all cases.

The distribution of coefficients in the rows has no impact on the integration operations, and is dictated largely by the requirements of the residual calculation itself. In practical problems, the concurrent database cannot be reproduced in each process (cf., [Lorenz:92a]), so a given process will only be able to compute some of the residuals. Furthermore, we may not have complete freedom in scattering these equations, because there will often be a trade-off between the degree of scattering and the amount of communication needed to form the entire residual vector.

The amount of integration-computation work is not terribly large-there is consequently a nontrivial but not tremendous effort involved in the integration computations. (Residual computations dominate in many if not most circumstances.) Integration operations consist mainly of vector-vector operations not requiring any interprocess communication and, in addition, fixed startup costs. Operations include prediction of the solution at the time point, initiation and control of the Newton iteration that ``corrects'' the solution, convergence  and error-tolerance checking, and so forth. For example, the approximation is chosen within this block using the BDF formulas. For these operations, each process column currently operates independently, and repetitively forms the results. Alternatively, each process column could stride with step Q, and row-combines could be used to propagate information across the columns [Skjellum:90a]. This alternative would increase speed for sufficiently large problems, and can easily be implemented. However, because of load imbalance in other stages of the calculation, we are convinced that including this type of synchronization could be an overall negative rather than positive to performance. This alternative will nevertheless be a future user-selectable option.

Included in these operations are a handful of norm operations, which constitute the main interprocess communication required by the integration computations step; norms are implemented concurrently via recursive doubling (combine) [Stone:87a], [Skjellum:90a]. Actually, the weighted norm used by DASSL requires two recursive doubling operations, each of which combines a scalar. The first operation obtains the vector coefficient of maximum absolute value, the second sums the weighted norm itself. Each can be implemented as Q independent column combines, each producing the same repetitive result, or a single Q-striding norm that takes advantage of the repetition of information, but utilizes two combines over the entire process grid. Both are supported in Concurrent DASSL, although the former is the default norm. As with the original DASSL, the norm function can be replaced, if desired.

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Guy Robinson
Wed Mar 1 10:19:35 EST 1995