
There have been 460 accesses to this library. (Last updated Sun Aug 28 22:08:09 EDT 1994)



There have been 460 accesses to this library. (Last updated Sun Aug 28 22:08:09 EDT 1994)



There have been 460 accesses to this library. (Last updated Sun Aug 28 22:08:09 EDT 1994)

(help on downloading multiple files)

file typesetting/springer/jns.amm
for the macro package with am-fonts (the old \TeX{} fonts)
lang Plain TeX

file typesetting/springer/jns.cmm
for the macro package with cm-fonts (newer and preferable)
lang Plain TeX

file typesetting/springer/jns.dem
for an example showing how to code the front matter
lang Plain TeX

file typesetting/springer/jns.doc
for general instructions
lang Plain TeX

file typesetting/springer/jns.sty
for Springer journal style file
lang Plain TeX

file typesetting/springer/jnsa.dem
for an example showing how to code
lang AmSTeX

file typesetting/springer/jnsa.doc
for general instructions
lang AmSTeX

file typesetting/springer/jnsams.cmm
for the macro package
lang AmSTeX

file typesetting/springer/jnsl.dem
for an example showing how to code
lang LaTeX

file typesetting/springer/jnsl.doc
for general instructions
lang LaTeX

file typesetting/springer/jnsldoc.sty
for documentstyle
lang LaTeX

file typesetting/springer/readme