'Level 1 PBLAS, Timing input file' 'Intel iPSC/860 hypercube, gamma model.' 'PDBLAS1TIM.SUMM' output file name (if any) 6 device out 1 number of process grids (ordered pairs of P & Q) 2 2 1 4 2 3 8 values of P 2 2 4 1 3 2 1 values of Q 2.0D0 value of ALPHA 2 number of tests problems 1000 1000 values of N 1000 1 values of M_X 1 1500 values of N_X 32 32 values of IMB_X 32 32 values of INB_X 32 32 values of MB_X 32 32 values of NB_X 0 0 values of RSRC_X 0 0 values of CSRC_X 1 1 values of IX 1 1 values of JX 1 1 values of INCX 1 1 values of M_Y 1000 1500 values of N_Y 32 32 values of IMB_Y 32 32 values of INB_Y 32 32 values of MB_Y 32 32 values of NB_Y 0 0 values of RSRC_Y 0 0 values of CSRC_Y 1 1 values of IY 1 1 values of JY 1 1 values of INCY PDSWAP T put F for no test in the same column PDSCAL T put F for no test in the same column PDCOPY T put F for no test in the same column PDAXPY T put F for no test in the same column PDDOT T put F for no test in the same column PDNRM2 T put F for no test in the same column PDASUM T put F for no test in the same column PDAMAX T put F for no test in the same column