'Level 1 PBLAS, Testing input file' 'Intel iPSC/860 hypercube, gamma model.' 'PZBLAS1TST.SUMM' output file name (if any) 6 device out F logical flag, T to stop on failures T logical flag, T to test error exits 0 verbosity, 0 for pass/fail, 1-3 for matrix dump on errors 10 the leading dimension gap 4 number of process grids (ordered pairs of P & Q) 2 1 2 1 4 2 3 8 values of P 2 2 1 4 1 3 2 1 values of Q (2.0D0, -3.0D0) value of ALPHA 4 number of tests problems 14 44 28 7 values of N 36 9 39 53 values of M_X 24 67 3 12 values of N_X 2 5 2 5 values of IMB_X 2 5 2 5 values of INB_X 2 5 2 5 values of MB_X 2 5 2 5 values of NB_X 0 0 0 0 values of RSRC_X 0 0 0 0 values of CSRC_X 5 3 1 1 values of IX 2 6 1 1 values of JX 1 9 1 53 values of INCX 2 6 35 14 values of M_Y 27 55 43 12 values of N_Y 2 5 2 5 values of IMB_Y 2 5 2 5 values of INB_Y 2 5 2 5 values of MB_Y 2 5 2 5 values of NB_Y 0 0 0 0 values of RSRC_Y 0 0 0 0 values of CSRC_Y 1 4 1 1 values of IY 7 6 1 1 values of JY 2 6 35 1 values of INCY PZSWAP T put F for no test in the same column PZSCAL T put F for no test in the same column PZDSCAL T put F for no test in the same column PZCOPY T put F for no test in the same column PZAXPY T put F for no test in the same column PZDOTU T put F for no test in the same column PZDOTC T put F for no test in the same column PDZNRM2 T put F for no test in the same column PDZASUM T put F for no test in the same column PZAMAX T put F for no test in the same column