SUBROUTINE PDSCAEXINFO( SUMMRY, NOUT, N, NRHS, NB, NPROW, NPCOL, $ WORK, IAM, NPROCS ) * * -- ScaLAPACK example code -- * University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, * and University of California, Berkeley. * * Written by Antoine Petitet, August 1995 ( * * This program solves a linear system by calling the ScaLAPACK * routine PDGESV. The input matrix and right-and-sides are * read from a file. The solution is written to a file. * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER*( * ) SUMMRY INTEGER IAM, N, NRHS, NB, NOUT, NPCOL, NPROCS, NPROW * .. * .. Array Arguments .. INTEGER WORK( * ) * .. * * ====================================================================== * * .. Parameters .. INTEGER NIN PARAMETER ( NIN = 11 ) * .. * .. Local Scalars .. CHARACTER*79 USRINFO INTEGER ICTXT * .. * .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL BLACS_ABORT, BLACS_GET, BLACS_GRIDEXIT, $ BLACS_GRIDINIT, BLACS_SETUP, IGEBR2D, IGEBS2D * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Process 0 reads the input data, broadcasts to other processes and * writes needed information to NOUT * IF( IAM.EQ.0 ) THEN * * Open file and skip data file header * OPEN( NIN, FILE='SCAEX.dat', STATUS='OLD' ) READ( NIN, FMT = * ) SUMMRY SUMMRY = ' ' * * Read in user-supplied info about machine type, compiler, etc. * READ( NIN, FMT = 9999 ) USRINFO * * Read name and unit number for summary output file * READ( NIN, FMT = * ) SUMMRY READ( NIN, FMT = * ) NOUT IF( NOUT.NE.0 .AND. NOUT.NE.6 ) $ OPEN( NOUT, FILE = SUMMRY, STATUS = 'UNKNOWN' ) * * Read and check the parameter values for the tests. * * Get matrix dimensions * READ( NIN, FMT = * ) N READ( NIN, FMT = * ) NRHS * * Get value of NB * READ( NIN, FMT = * ) NB * * Get grid shape * READ( NIN, FMT = * ) NPROW READ( NIN, FMT = * ) NPCOL * * Close input file * CLOSE( NIN ) * * If underlying system needs additional set up, do it now * IF( NPROCS.LT.1 ) THEN NPROCS = NPROW * NPCOL CALL BLACS_SETUP( IAM, NPROCS ) END IF * * Temporarily define blacs grid to include all processes so * information can be broadcast to all processes * CALL BLACS_GET( -1, 0, ICTXT ) CALL BLACS_GRIDINIT( ICTXT, 'Row-major', 1, NPROCS ) * * Pack information arrays and broadcast * WORK( 1 ) = N WORK( 2 ) = NRHS WORK( 3 ) = NB WORK( 4 ) = NPROW WORK( 5 ) = NPCOL CALL IGEBS2D( ICTXT, 'All', ' ', 5, 1, WORK, 5 ) * * regurgitate input * WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 ) $ 'SCALAPACK example driver.' WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 ) USRINFO WRITE( NOUT, FMT = * ) WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 ) $ 'The matrices A and B are read from '// $ 'a file.' WRITE( NOUT, FMT = * ) WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 ) $ 'An explanation of the input/output '// $ 'parameters follows:' * WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 ) $ 'N : The order of the matrix A.' WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 ) $ 'NRHS : The number of right and sides.' WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 ) $ 'NB : The size of the square blocks the'// $ ' matrices A and B are split into.' WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 ) $ 'P : The number of process rows.' WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 ) $ 'Q : The number of process columns.' WRITE( NOUT, FMT = * ) WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9999 ) $ 'The following parameter values will be used:' WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9998 ) 'N ', N WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9998 ) 'NRHS ', NRHS WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9998 ) 'NB ', NB WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9998 ) 'P ', NPROW WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9998 ) 'Q ', NPCOL WRITE( NOUT, FMT = * ) * ELSE * * If underlying system needs additional set up, do it now * IF( NPROCS.LT.1 ) $ CALL BLACS_SETUP( IAM, NPROCS ) * * Temporarily define blacs grid to include all processes so * information can be broadcast to all processes * CALL BLACS_GET( -1, 0, ICTXT ) CALL BLACS_GRIDINIT( ICTXT, 'Row-major', 1, NPROCS ) * CALL IGEBR2D( ICTXT, 'All', ' ', 5, 1, WORK, 5, 0, 0 ) N = WORK( 1 ) NRHS = WORK( 2 ) NB = WORK( 3 ) NPROW = WORK( 4 ) NPCOL = WORK( 5 ) * END IF * CALL BLACS_GRIDEXIT( ICTXT ) * RETURN * 20 WRITE( NOUT, FMT = 9997 ) CLOSE( NIN ) IF( NOUT.NE.6 .AND. NOUT.NE.0 ) $ CLOSE( NOUT ) CALL BLACS_ABORT( ICTXT, 1 ) * STOP * 9999 FORMAT( A ) 9998 FORMAT( 2X, A5, ' : ', I6 ) 9997 FORMAT( ' Illegal input in file ',40A,'. Aborting run.' ) * * End of PDSCAEXINFO * END