ScaLAPACK 2.1  2.1
ScaLAPACK: Scalable Linear Algebra PACKage
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 *
3 * -- PBLAS auxiliary routine (version 2.0) --
4 * University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
5 * and University of California, Berkeley.
6 * April 1, 1998
7 *
8 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
9 */
10 /*
11 * Include files
12 */
13 #include "../pblas.h"
14 #include "../PBpblas.h"
15 #include "../PBtools.h"
16 #include "../PBblacs.h"
17 #include "../PBblas.h"
19 #ifdef __STDC__
20 void PB_Cbinfo( int OFFD, int M, int N, int IMB1, int INB1, int MB,
21  int NB, int MRROW, int MRCOL, int * LCMT00, int * MBLKS,
22  int * NBLKS, int * IMBLOC, int * INBLOC, int * LMBLOC,
23  int * LNBLOC, int * ILOW, int * LOW, int * IUPP, int * UPP )
24 #else
25 void PB_Cbinfo( OFFD, M, N, IMB1, INB1, MB, NB, MRROW, MRCOL, LCMT00,
27  IUPP, UPP )
28 /*
29 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
30 */
31  int * ILOW, IMB1, * IMBLOC, INB1, * INBLOC, * IUPP,
32  * LCMT00, * LMBLOC, * LNBLOC, * LOW, M, MB, * MBLKS,
34 #endif
35 {
36 /*
37 * Purpose
38 * =======
39 *
40 * PB_Cbinfo initializes the local information of an m by n local array
41 * owned by the process of relative coordinates ( MRROW, MRCOL ). Note
42 * that if m or n is less or equal than zero, there is no data, in which
43 * case this process does not need the local information computed by
44 * this routine to proceed.
45 *
46 * Arguments
47 * =========
48 *
49 * OFFD (global input) INTEGER
50 * On entry, OFFD specifies the off-diagonal of the underlying
51 * matrix of interest as follows:
52 * OFFD = 0 specifies the main diagonal,
53 * OFFD > 0 specifies lower subdiagonals, and
54 * OFFD < 0 specifies upper superdiagonals.
55 *
56 * M (local input) INTEGER
57 * On entry, M specifies the local number of rows of the under-
58 * lying matrix owned by the process of relative coordinates
59 * ( MRROW, MRCOL ). M must be at least zero.
60 *
61 * N (local input) INTEGER
62 * On entry, N specifies the local number of columns of the un-
63 * derlying matrix owned by the process of relative coordinates
64 * ( MRROW, MRCOL ). N must be at least zero.
65 *
66 * IMB1 (global input) INTEGER
67 * On input, IMB1 specifies the global true size of the first
68 * block of rows of the underlying global submatrix. IMB1 must
69 * be at least MIN( 1, M ).
70 *
71 * INB1 (global input) INTEGER
72 * On input, INB1 specifies the global true size of the first
73 * block of columns of the underlying global submatrix. INB1
74 * must be at least MIN( 1, N ).
75 *
76 * MB (global input) INTEGER
77 * On entry, MB specifies the blocking factor used to partition
78 * the rows of the matrix. MB must be at least one.
79 *
80 * NB (global input) INTEGER
81 * On entry, NB specifies the blocking factor used to partition
82 * the the columns of the matrix. NB must be at least one.
83 *
84 * MRROW (local input) INTEGER
85 * On entry, MRROW specifies the relative row coordinate of the
86 * process that possesses these M rows. MRROW must be least zero
87 * and strictly less than NPROW.
88 *
89 * MRCOL (local input) INTEGER
90 * On entry, MRCOL specifies the relative column coordinate of
91 * the process that possesses these N columns. MRCOL must be
92 * least zero and strictly less than NPCOL.
93 *
94 * LCMT00 (local output) INTEGER
95 * On exit, LCMT00 is the LCM value of the left upper block of
96 * this m by n local block owned by the process of relative co-
97 * ordinates ( MRROW, MRCOL ).
98 *
99 * MBLKS (local output) INTEGER
100 * On exit, MBLKS specifies the local number of blocks of rows
101 * corresponding to M. MBLKS must be at least zero.
102 *
103 * NBLKS (local output) INTEGER
104 * On exit, NBLKS specifies the local number of blocks of co-
105 * lumns corresponding to N. NBLKS must be at least zero.
106 *
107 * IMBLOC (local output) INTEGER
108 * On exit, IMBLOC specifies the number of rows (size) of the
109 * uppest blocks of this m by n local array owned by the process
110 * of relative coordinates ( MRROW, MRCOL ). IMBLOC is at least
111 * MIN( 1, M ).
112 *
113 * INBLOC (local output) INTEGER
114 * On exit, INBLOC specifies the number of columns (size) of
115 * the leftmost blocks of this m by n local array owned by the
116 * process of relative coordinates ( MRROW, MRCOL ). INBLOC is
117 * at least MIN( 1, N ).
118 *
119 * LMBLOC (local output) INTEGER
120 * On exit, LMBLOC specifies the number of rows (size) of the
121 * lowest blocks of this m by n local array owned by the process
122 * of relative coordinates ( MRROW, MRCOL ). LMBLOC is at least
123 * MIN( 1, M ).
124 *
125 * LNBLOC (local output) INTEGER
126 * On exit, LNBLOC specifies the number of columns (size) of the
127 * rightmost blocks of this m by n local array owned by the
128 * process of relative coordinates ( MRROW, MRCOL ). LNBLOC is
129 * at least MIN( 1, N ).
130 *
131 * ILOW (local output) INTEGER
132 * On exit, ILOW is the lower bound characterizing the first co-
133 * lumn block owning offdiagonals of this m by n array. ILOW
134 * must be less or equal than zero.
135 *
136 * LOW (global output) INTEGER
137 * On exit, LOW is the lower bound characterizing the column
138 * blocks with te exception of the first one (see ILOW) owning
139 * offdiagonals of this m by n array. LOW must be less or equal
140 * than zero.
141 *
142 * IUPP (local output) INTEGER
143 * On exit, IUPP is the upper bound characterizing the first row
144 * block owning offdiagonals of this m by n array. IUPP must be
145 * greater or equal than zero.
146 *
147 * UPP (global output) INTEGER
148 * On exit, UPP is the upper bound characterizing the row
149 * blocks with te exception of the first one (see IUPP) owning
150 * offdiagonals of this m by n array. UPP must be greater or
151 * equal than zero.
152 *
153 * -- Written on April 1, 1998 by
154 * Antoine Petitet, University of Tennessee, Knoxville 37996, USA.
155 *
156 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
157 */
158 /*
159 * .. Local Scalars ..
160 */
161  int tmp1;
162 /* ..
163 * .. Executable Statements ..
164 *
165 */
166 /*
168 * NBLKS and LCMT00.
169 */
170  *LOW = 1 - NB;
171  *UPP = MB - 1;
173  *LCMT00 = OFFD;
175  if( ( M <= 0 ) || ( N <= 0 ) )
176  {
177 /*
178 * If the local virtual array is empty, then simplify the remaining of the
179 * initialization.
180 */
181  *IUPP = ( MRROW ? MB - 1 : ( IMB1 > 0 ? IMB1 - 1 : 0 ) );
182  *IMBLOC = 0;
183  *MBLKS = 0;
184  *LMBLOC = 0;
186  *ILOW = ( MRCOL ? 1 - NB : ( INB1 > 0 ? 1 - INB1 : 0 ) );
187  *INBLOC = 0;
188  *NBLKS = 0;
189  *LNBLOC = 0;
191  *LCMT00 += ( *LOW - *ILOW + MRCOL * NB ) - ( *IUPP - *UPP + MRROW * MB );
193  return;
194  }
196  if( MRROW )
197  {
198 /*
199 * I am not in the first relative process row. Use the first local row block
200 * size MB to initialize the VM structure.
201 */
202  *IMBLOC = MIN( M, MB );
203  *IUPP = MB - 1;
204  *LCMT00 -= IMB1 - MB + MRROW * MB;
205  *MBLKS = ( M - 1 ) / MB + 1;
206  *LMBLOC = M - ( M / MB ) * MB;
207  if( !( *LMBLOC ) ) *LMBLOC = MB;
209  if( MRCOL )
210  {
211 /*
212 * I am not in the first relative process column. Use the first local column
213 * block size NB to initialize the VM structure.
214 */
215  *INBLOC = MIN( N, NB );
216  *ILOW = 1 - NB;
217  *LCMT00 += INB1 - NB + MRCOL * NB;
218  *NBLKS = ( N - 1 ) / NB + 1;
219  *LNBLOC = N - ( N / NB ) * NB;
220  if( !( *LNBLOC ) ) *LNBLOC = NB;
221  }
222  else
223  {
224 /*
225 * I am in the first relative process column. Use the first column block size
226 * INB1 to initialize the VM structure.
227 */
228  *INBLOC = INB1;
229  *ILOW = 1 - INB1;
230  tmp1 = N - INB1;
231  if( tmp1 )
232  {
233 /*
234 * There is more than one column block. Compute the number of local column
235 * blocks and the size of the last one.
236 */
237  *NBLKS = ( tmp1 - 1 ) / NB + 2;
238  *LNBLOC = tmp1 - ( tmp1 / NB ) * NB;
239  if( !( *LNBLOC ) ) *LNBLOC = NB;
240  }
241  else
242  {
243 /*
244 * There is only one column block.
245 */
246  *NBLKS = 1;
247  *LNBLOC = INB1;
248  }
249  }
250  }
251  else
252  {
253 /*
254 * I am in the first relative process row. Use the first row block size IMB1 to
255 * initialize the VM structure.
256 */
257  *IMBLOC = IMB1;
258  *IUPP = IMB1 - 1;
259  tmp1 = M - IMB1;
260  if( tmp1 )
261  {
262 /*
263 * There is more than one row block. Compute the number of local row blocks and
264 * the size of the last one.
265 */
266  *MBLKS = ( tmp1 - 1 ) / MB + 2;
267  *LMBLOC = tmp1 - ( tmp1 / MB ) * MB;
268  if( !( *LMBLOC ) ) *LMBLOC = MB;
269  }
270  else
271  {
272 /*
273 * There is only one row block.
274 */
275  *MBLKS = 1;
276  *LMBLOC = IMB1;
277  }
279  if( MRCOL )
280  {
281 /*
282 * I am not in the first relative process column. Use the first local column
283 * block size NB to initialize the VM structure.
284 */
285  *INBLOC = MIN( N, NB );
286  *ILOW = 1 - NB;
287  *LCMT00 += INB1 - NB + MRCOL * NB;
288  *NBLKS = ( N - 1 ) / NB + 1;
289  *LNBLOC = N - ( N / NB ) * NB;
290  if( !( *LNBLOC ) ) *LNBLOC = NB;
291  }
292  else
293  {
294 /*
295 * I am in the first relative process column. Use the first column block size
296 * INB1 to initialize the VM structure.
297 */
298  *INBLOC = INB1;
299  *ILOW = 1 - INB1;
300  tmp1 = N - INB1;
301  if( tmp1 )
302  {
303 /*
304 * There is more than one column block. Compute the number of local column
305 * blocks and the size of the last one.
306 */
307  *NBLKS = ( tmp1 - 1 ) / NB + 2;
308  *LNBLOC = tmp1 - ( tmp1 / NB ) * NB;
309  if( !( *LNBLOC ) ) *LNBLOC = NB;
310  }
311  else
312  {
313 /*
314 * There is only one column block.
315 */
316  *NBLKS = 1;
317  *LNBLOC = INB1;
318  }
319  }
320  }
321 /*
322 * End of PB_Cbinfo
323 */
324 }
void PB_Cbinfo(int OFFD, int M, int N, int IMB1, int INB1, int MB, int NB, int MRROW, int MRCOL, int *LCMT00, int *MBLKS, int *NBLKS, int *IMBLOC, int *INBLOC, int *LMBLOC, int *LNBLOC, int *ILOW, int *LOW, int *IUPP, int *UPP)
Definition: PB_Cbinfo.c:25
#define MIN(a_, b_)
Definition: PBtools.h:76