Message Passing<A NAME=589> </A>

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Message Passing 

Sending a message comprises three steps in PVM. First, a send buffer must be initialized by a call to pvm_initsend() or pvm_mkbuf(). Second, the message must be ``packed'' into this buffer using any number and combination of pvm_pk*() routines. (In Fortran all message packing is done with the pvmfpack() subroutine.) Third, the completed message is sent to another process by calling the pvm_send() routine or multicast with the pvm_mcast() routine.

A message is received by calling either a blocking or nonblocking receive routine and then ``unpacking'' each of the packed items from the receive buffer. The receive routines can be set to accept any message, or any message from a specified source, or any message with a specified message tag, or only messages with a given message tag from a given source. There is also a probe function that returns whether a message has arrived, but does not actually receive it.

If required, other receive contexts can be handled by PVM 3. The routine pvm_recvf() allows users to define their own receive contexts that will be used by the subsequent PVM receive routines.