C$TEST DTTGR2 c main program common /cstak/ ds double precision ds(350000) external handle, bc, af integer ndx, ndy, istkgt, is(1000), iu, ix integer iy, nu, kx, nx, ky, ny integer idumb real errpar(2), rs(1000) logical ls(1000) complex cs(500) double precision tstart, dt, lx, ly, rx, ry double precision ws(500), tstop equivalence (ds(1), cs(1), ws(1), rs(1), is(1), ls(1)) c to solve two coupled, nonlinear heat equations. c u1 sub t = div . ( u1x, u1y ) - u1*u2 + g1 c u2 sub t = div . ( u2x, u2y ) - u1*u2 + g2 c the port library stack and its aliases. c initialize the port library stack length. call istkin(350000, 4) call enter(1) nu = 2 lx = 0 rx = 1 ly = 0 ry = 1 kx = 4 ky = 4 ndx = 3 ndy = 3 tstart = 0 tstop = 1 dt = 1e-2 errpar(1) = 1e-2 errpar(2) = 1e-4 c uniform grid. ix = idumb(lx, rx, ndx, kx, nx) c uniform grid. iy = idumb(ly, ry, ndy, ky, ny) c space for the solution. iu = istkgt(nu*(nx-kx)*(ny-ky), 4) call setd(nu*(nx-kx)*(ny-ky), 1d0, ws(iu)) call dttgr(ws(iu), nu, kx, ws(ix), nx, ky, ws(iy), ny, tstart, 1 tstop, dt, af, bc, errpar, handle) call leave call wrapup stop end subroutine af(t, x, nx, y, ny, nu, u, ut, ux, uy, uxt, uyt 1 , a, au, aut, aux, auy, auxt, auyt, f, fu, fut, fux, fuy, fuxt, 2 fuyt) integer nu, nx, ny double precision t, x(nx), y(ny), u(nx, ny, nu), ut(nx, ny, nu), 1 ux(nx, ny, nu) double precision uy(nx, ny, nu), uxt(nx, ny, nu), uyt(nx, ny, nu), 1 a(nx, ny, nu, 2), au(nx, ny, nu, nu, 2), aut(nx, ny, nu, nu, 2) double precision aux(nx, ny, nu, nu, 2), auy(nx, ny, nu, nu, 2), 1 auxt(nx, ny, nu, nu, 2), auyt(nx, ny, nu, nu, 2), f(nx, ny, nu) 2 , fu(nx, ny, nu, nu) double precision fut(nx, ny, nu, nu), fux(nx, ny, nu, nu), fuy(nx, 1 ny, nu, nu), fuxt(nx, ny, nu, nu), fuyt(nx, ny, nu, nu) integer p, q double precision dexp do 2 q = 1, ny do 1 p = 1, nx a(p, q, 1, 1) = ux(p, q, 1) aux(p, q, 1, 1, 1) = 1 a(p, q, 1, 2) = uy(p, q, 1) auy(p, q, 1, 1, 2) = 1 f(p, q, 1) = ut(p, q, 1)+u(p, q, 1)*u(p, q, 2) fu(p, q, 1, 1) = u(p, q, 2) fu(p, q, 1, 2) = u(p, q, 1) fut(p, q, 1, 1) = 1 a(p, q, 2, 1) = ux(p, q, 2) aux(p, q, 2, 2, 1) = 1 a(p, q, 2, 2) = uy(p, q, 2) auy(p, q, 2, 2, 2) = 1 f(p, q, 2) = ut(p, q, 2)+u(p, q, 1)*u(p, q, 2) fu(p, q, 2, 1) = u(p, q, 2) fu(p, q, 2, 2) = u(p, q, 1) fut(p, q, 2, 2) = 1 f(p, q, 1) = f(p, q, 1)-(dexp(t*(x(p)-y(q)))*(x(p)-y(q)-2d0* 1 t*t)+1d0) f(p, q, 2) = f(p, q, 2)-(dexp(t*(y(q)-x(p)))*(y(q)-x(p)-2d0* 1 t*t)+1d0) 1 continue 2 continue return end subroutine bc(t, x, nx, y, ny, lx, rx, ly, ry, u, ut, ux, 1 uy, uxt, uyt, nu, b, bu, but, bux, buy, buxt, buyt) integer nu, nx, ny double precision t, x(nx), y(ny), lx, rx, ly double precision ry, u(nx, ny, nu), ut(nx, ny, nu), ux(nx, ny, nu) 1 , uy(nx, ny, nu), uxt(nx, ny, nu) double precision uyt(nx, ny, nu), b(nx, ny, nu), bu(nx, ny, nu, 1 nu), but(nx, ny, nu, nu), bux(nx, ny, nu, nu), buy(nx, ny, nu 2 , nu) double precision buxt(nx, ny, nu, nu), buyt(nx, ny, nu, nu) integer i, j double precision dexp do 2 j = 1, ny do 1 i = 1, nx bu(i, j, 1, 1) = 1 b(i, j, 1) = u(i, j, 1)-dexp(t*(x(i)-y(j))) bu(i, j, 2, 2) = 1 b(i, j, 2) = u(i, j, 2)-dexp(t*(y(j)-x(i))) 1 continue 2 continue return end subroutine handle(t0, u0, t, u, nv, dt, tstop) integer nv double precision t0, u0(nv), t, u(nv), dt, tstop common /cstak/ ds double precision ds(500) common /d7tgrp/ errpar, nu, mxq, myq integer nu, mxq, myq real errpar(2) common /d7tgrm/ kx, ix, nx, ky, iy, ny integer kx, ix, nx, ky, iy, ny integer ifa, ita(2), ixa(2), nta(2), nxa(2), idlumd integer ixs, iys, nxs, nys, istkgt, i integer j, iewe, ka(2), ma(2), is(1000), i1mach real rs(1000) logical ls(1000) complex cs(500) double precision dabs, erru, dmax1, ws(500) integer temp, temp1, temp2 equivalence (ds(1), cs(1), ws(1), rs(1), is(1), ls(1)) c the port library stack and its aliases. if (t0 .ne. t) goto 2 write (6, 1) t 1 format (16h restart for t =, 1pe10.2) return 2 call enter(1) c find the error in the solution at 2*kx * 2*ky points / mesh rectangle. c x search grid. ixs = idlumd(ws(ix), nx, 2*kx, nxs) c y search grid. iys = idlumd(ws(iy), ny, 2*ky, nys) c u search grid values. iewe = istkgt(nu*nxs*nys, 4) c the exact solution. call ewe(t, ws(ixs), nxs, ws(iys), nys, ws(iewe), nu) ka(1) = kx ka(2) = ky ita(1) = ix ita(2) = iy nta(1) = nx nta(2) = ny ixa(1) = ixs ixa(2) = iys nxa(1) = nxs nxa(2) = nys ma(1) = 0 c get solution. ma(2) = 0 c approximate solution values. ifa = istkgt(nxs*nys, 4) do 5 j = 1, nu c evaluate them. temp = (j-1)*(nx-kx)*(ny-ky) call dtsd1(2, ka, ws, ita, nta, u(temp+1), ws, ixa, nxa, ma, 1 ws(ifa)) c error in solution values. erru = 0 temp = nxs*nys do 3 i = 1, temp temp2 = iewe+i-1+(j-1)*nxs*nys temp1 = ifa+i erru = dmax1(erru, dabs(ws(temp2)-ws(temp1-1))) 3 continue temp = i1mach(2) write (temp, 4) t, j, erru 4 format (14h error in u(.,, 1pe10.2, 1h,, i2, 3h) =, 1pe10.2) 5 continue call leave return end subroutine ewe(t, x, nx, y, ny, u, nu) integer nu, nx, ny double precision t, x(nx), y(ny), u(nx, ny, nu) integer i, j, p real float double precision dble, dexp c the exact solution. do 3 p = 1, nu do 2 i = 1, nx do 1 j = 1, ny u(i, j, p) = dexp(dble(float((-1)**(p+1)))*t*(x(i)-y(j))) 1 continue 2 continue 3 continue return end