Rank Ordering Option Welcome to the Rank Ordering section of Xnetlib if you have questions or comments, please send mail to utpds@cs.utk.edu The following data is a PARTIAL PERFECT REPORT. For complete results, download all the results.

file performance/rank/perfect/fullperfect for The complete report listed below will be downloaded to your site...

The following reports are rank ordered on the ADM section of the Perfect benchmark.

lib performance/rank/perfect/baselineclock for This report contains ONLY baseline clock portions of each perfect section. This report is sorted on baseline ADM clock

lib performance/rank/perfect/baselinecpu for This report contains ONLY baseline cpu portions of each perfect section. This report is sorted on baseline ADM Mflops

lib performance/rank/perfect/optimizedclock for This report contains ONLY optimized clock portions of each perfect section. This report is sorted on optimized ADM clock

lib performance/rank/perfect/optimizedcpu for This report contains ONLY optimized cpu portions of each perfect section. This report is sorted on optimized ADM Mflops