SPEC Benchmark CFP92 Summary

SPECfp92 (Volume 6, Issue 4, December 1994)

Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme

PCD-5T 60

                      SPEC-     SPEC-     SPEC-     SPEC- 
                       fp92      base      fp92      base 
   Benchmark name Time(Sec) Time(Sec) SPECratio SPECratio 
   -------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 
   013.spice2g6       586.2     596.0      40.9      40.3 
   015.doduc           39.2      39.2      47.4      47.4 
   034.mdljdp2        121.9     128.8      58.2      55.0 
   039.wave5          105.5     111.8      35.1      33.1 
   047.tomcatv         36.3      44.9      73.0      59.0 
   048.ora            127.7     127.7      58.1      58.1 
   052.alvinn          73.6      74.8     104.5     102.8 
   056.ear            198.9     229.3     128.2     111.2 
   077.mdljsp2        116.5     122.7      28.8      27.3 
   078.swm256         311.8     452.0      40.7      28.1 
   089.su2cor         389.5     409.4      33.1      31.5 
   090.hydro2d        258.1     260.9      53.1      52.5 
   093.nasa7          411.4     476.7      40.8      35.2 
   094.fpppp          149.0     151.1      61.7      60.9 

Geometric Mean:
SPECfp92: 52.4
SPECbase_fp92: 48.3

Model Number: PCD-5T 60
CPU: 60 MHz Pentium
FPU: Integrated
Number of CPUs: 1
Primary Cache: 8KBI+8KBD on chip
Secondary Cache: 256KB(I+D) off chip
Other Cache: None
Memory: 96MB
Disk Subsystem: 2GB
Other Hardware: DPT Controller (16MB)
O/S & Version: SINIX-Z V5.42A
Compilers & Version: Intel C Ref. Comp. V2.0.8
Intel Fortran Ref. Comp. V2.0.8
Other Software: None
File System Type: xvfs
System State: Multi-user

Hardware Availability: May-94
Software Availability: Sep-94

License #: 22
Tested : Oct-94
Of: Augsburg, Germany

SPECbase_fp92 Tuning Parameters/Notes/Summary Of Changes:
All benchmarks: -tp p5 -ip -mem -pc 64 -dn -lm (-lF77 for all Fortran)
For portability: 013: -DSYSV 039: -save 093: -DTIMES

SPECfp92 Tuning Parameters/Notes/Summary Of Changes:
For Partability see above; All benchmarks: -tp p5 -dn -lm (-lF77 for all Fortran)
013: -pc 64 -prof_use -prof_dir pwd /IRCDB (feedback optimization); 015: -ip -mem -pc 64
034: -pc 64 -ip -pad; 039: -ip -mem -pc 32 -pad -distype; 047; -ip -mem -pc 64 -fcon -w -pad
048: -pc 64 -ip -mem; 052: -pc 32 -ip -mem -distype
056: -ip -mem -w -pad -W0,-ip_inline_max_stats=1200, ear.c and earfilters.c compiled in one step
077: -pc 32 -mem; 078: -cp 64 -ip -pad -fcon -w; 090: -pc 64 -ip -fcon -w
093: -ip -mem -pad -fcon -W0,-mo_strip_mine,-mo_strip_size=20 -w -distype
094: -ip -mem -w
Questions? Concerns? Send mail to utpds@cs.utk.edu