SPEC Benchmark CFP92 Summary

SPECfp92 (Volume 7, Issue 4, December 1995)

Intel Corporation

Alder System (150MHz, 256KB L2)

                      SPEC-     SPEC-     SPEC-     SPEC- 
                       fp92      base      fp92      base 
   Benchmark name Time(Sec) Time(Sec) SPECratio SPECratio 
   -------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 
   013.spice2g6       161.4     166.2     148.7     144.4 
   015.doduc            8.8      10.6     211.4     175.5 
   034.mdljdp2         27.8      35.8     255.0     198.0 
   039.wave5           30.6      38.3     120.9      96.6 
   047.tomcatv         10.9      12.6     243.1     210.3 
   048.ora             35.2      38.0     210.8     195.3 
   052.alvinn          19.3      20.6     398.4     373.3 
   056.ear             50.6      57.8     504.0     441.2 
   077.mdljsp2         26.1      36.5     128.4      91.8 
   078.swm256         103.0     117.5     123.3     108.1 
   089.su2cor          49.3      77.2     261.7     167.1 
   090.hydro2d         51.5      60.4     266.0     226.8 
   093.nasa7           70.9     112.3     237.0     149.6 
   094.fpppp           38.6      38.7     238.3     237.7 

Geometric Mean:
SPECfp92: 220.0
SPECbase_fp92: 182.0

Model Number: Alder
CPU: 150MHz Pentium Pro Processor
FPU: Integrated
Number of CPUs: 1
Primary Cache: 8KBI+8KBD on chip
Secondary Cache: 256KB(I+D)
Other Cache: None
Memory: 128 MB (60ns fast page)
Disk Subsystem: 2GB ST32550W
Other Hardware: Controller: AHA-2940W
O/S & Version: UnixWare 2.0
Compilers & Version: Intel Ref. C Compiler 2.2 Beta
Intel Ref. FORTRAN Comp. 2.2 Beta
Other Software: UnixWare SDK, KAP/C & F V1.0
File System Type: ufs, vxfs (/tmp as 8MB /tmpfs)
System State: Single User (root+killall)

Hardware Availability: Jan-96
Software Availability: Feb-96

License #: 14
Tested : Oct-95
By: Intel
Of: Santa Clara, CA

SPECbase_fp92 Tuning Parameters/Notes/Summary Of Changes:
For Baseline: All benchmarks: -tp p6 -ipo -mem -pc 64 -dn
For portability: 013: -DSYSV 039: -save 093: -DTIMES
For Peak: 013, 015, 048, use FDO: pass1: -tp p6 -prof_gen -ircdb_dir 'pwd'/IRCDB; pass2 includes: -prof_use -ircdb_dir 'pwd'/IRCDB Options listed as: icc; KAP
013: -tp P6 -xi -ipo -mem -pc 64 015: -tp P6 -xi -ipo -mem -pc 64 -rct -pad; ; -o=5 -so=3 -r=3 -ag=abc -ur=8 -ur2=400 -ur3=10 -inll=3 -ind=3 -inff=ewv.f,si.f,x21y21.f

SPECfp92 Tuning Parameters/Notes/Summary Of Changes:
034: -tp P6 -xi -rct -ipo -pc 64 -pad -distype; -o=5 -so=3 -r=3 -ag=abc -inlc -ind=4 -inll=1 047:-tp P6 -xi -ip -pc 64 -pad -fcon -distype -mem; -o=5 -so=3 -r=0 -ag=abc
039: -tp P6 -mil0 -ipo -mem -pc 32 -pad -distype -xi -W0,-mo_alternate_loops,-mo_block_loops -W0,-mo_distribute,-mo_interchange=FALSE -w; -o=5 -so=3 -r=3 -inlc -ind=-1 -inll=1 -ur=5
-ur2=200 -ur3=10 048:-tp P6 -xi -ipo -pc 64 -pad; -o=5 -so=3 -r=3 -ag=abc -inline=abc -inll=8 -inff=std0.f -inline=specbd 052:-tp P6 -mil1 -ip -mem -pc 32 -fcon;
-o=5 -so=3 -r=3 -arl=4 -chs=8,256 -chl=16,16 056: -tp p6 -mil1 -ip -mem -pad -W0,-ip_inline_max_stats=1200,-mo_sibl ings_limit=25,-ip_inline_max_bblocks=50,
-mo_strip_mine,-mo_strip_size=15 089: -tp P6 -xi -ip -pc 64 -pad -rct -mil1 -mP1FOPT_pad_dim=5; -o=5 -so=3 -r=3 -ag=ab -ur=4 -ur2=200 -ur3=1 -ind=20 -inll=20 -inff=su2cor.dat
077:-o=5 -so=3 -r=0 -inlc -ind=20 -inll=20 -chs=8 -ur=8 -ur2=250 -ur3=1 078: -tp P6 -xi -ipo -pc 64 -pad -fcon -rct -mil1 -mP1FOPT_pad_dim=2; -o=5 -so=3 -r =3 -ur=4 -ur2=300 -ur3=1
090: -tp P6 -xi -mil0 -ip -mem -pc 64 -distype -fcon -W0,-mo_alternate_loops,-mo_block_loops; -o=5 -so=3 -r=3 -ag=ab -fuse -sasc=4,4 -chs=8,256 -ur=2 -ur2=200
093: -tp p6 -xi -ipo -mem -pad -distype -rct -fcon;-o=5 -so=3 -r=3 -ag=ad -fuse -sasc=4,4 -chs=8,256 -ur=2 -ur2=400 -ur3=15 -lc=blas -inll=10 -inff=ffttst.f,cholsky.f,
copy.f,btrix.f,emit.f,verifybtr.f,verifycho.f,verifyemi.f,verifyvpe.f -routine=nasa7 -skip 094: -tp p5 -pc64 -mem; Memory is four-way interleaved.
Questions? Concerns? Send mail to utpds@cs.utk.edu