xps150> xdQR_NX ScaLAPACK QR factorizations routines. 'for PARKBENCH LINALG kernel suite' Tests of the parallel real double precision QR factorizations routines. The following scaled residual checks will be computed: || A - QR || / (|| A || * eps * N) and/or || A - QL || / (|| A || * eps * N) and/or || A - LQ || / (|| A || * eps * N) and/or || A - RQ || / (|| A || * eps * N) and/or || A - QRP || / (|| A || * eps * N) The matrix A is randomly generated for each test. An explanation of the input/output parameters follows: TIME : Indicates whether WALL or CPU time was used. M : The number of rows in the matrix A. N : The number of columns in the matrix A. MB : The row blocksize of the blocks the matrix A is split into. NB : The column blocksize of the blocks the matrix A is split into. P : The number of process rows. Q : The number of process columns. THRESH : If a residual value is less than THRESH, CHECK is flagged as PASSED Fact Time: Time in seconds to factor the matrix. MFLOPS : Execution rate of the factorization. The following parameter values will be used: M : 1000 1000 10000 N : 1000 1000 10000 NB : 6 P : 16 Q : 16 Relative machine precision (eps) is taken to be 0.111022E-15 Routines pass computational tests if scaled residual is less than -3.0000 QR factorization tests. TIME M N MB NB P Q Fact Time MFLOPS CHECK Residual ---- ------ ------ --- --- ----- ----- --------- ----------- ------ -------- WALL 1000 1000 6 6 16 16 6.31 211.57 BYPASS 0.0E+00 CPU 1000 1000 6 6 16 16 6.31 211.57 BYPASS 0.0E+00 WALL 1000 1000 6 6 16 16 2.64 506.12 BYPASS 0.0E+00 CPU 1000 1000 6 6 16 16 2.64 506.12 BYPASS 0.0E+00 WALL 10000 10000 6 6 16 16 159.43 8364.32 BYPASS 0.0E+00 CPU 10000 10000 6 6 16 16 159.43 8364.32 BYPASS 0.0E+00 Finished 3 tests, with the following results: 3 tests completed without checking. 0 tests skipped because of illegal input values. END OF TESTS. FORTRAN STOP