\documentstyle{book} \newlength{\lblwdth} \newlength{\lftmgn} \newcommand{\lhead}[1]{\markboth{ #1 }{ #1 }} \newcommand{\blC}{\begin{list}{$\bullet$}{}} \begin{document} \chapter*{Revision History} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Revision History} \lhead{Revision History} \settowidth{\lblwdth}{1.88 (88-88-88)} \setlength{\lftmgn}{\lblwdth} \addtolength{\lftmgn}{\labelsep} \begin{list}{}{\setlength{\labelwidth}{\lblwdth} \setlength{\leftmargin}{\lftmgn}} \item[2.01 (06-19-92)] ODRPACK 2.01 corrects two minor errors. The first affected the derivative checking procedure, and the second affected the values specified by {\tt NDIGIT}. The solutions found by ODRPACK 2.00 were not affected in any way by the first of these errors, and were not seriously affected by the second. Version 2.01 also encorporates several other minor modifications that further improve the code. The most significant of these modifications changes how the scale values are used within the solution procedure. This change should increase the robustness of the procedure for poorly scaled problems, and will result in slightly different computed results for all problems. Another of these changes is to the report generated by the derivative checking procedure. This report now includes the user supplied derivative value, as well as the relative difference between the user supplied value and the finite difference value it was checked against. This should help users assess the validity of the checking procedure results. The ``ODRPACK 2.01 User's Reference Guide'' is essentially the same as the version 2.00 Guide (NISTIR 89-4103, Revised). The major differences are that \blC \item the minimum length of array {\tt WORK} has been increased by $(p+m)q$ locations, and \item the sample programs and output shown in Chapter~2, and the discussion of the derivative checking results in Chapter~5 have been modified to reflect the above mentioned changes. \end{list} \item[2.00 (03-04-92)] ODRPACK 2.00 adds several new features to those available in version 1.8 and earlier versions. \blC \item With version 2.00, ODRPACK can now easily accommodate complex and other types of multiresponse data, i.e., data where each observation is multidimensional. \item It can handle implicit as well as explicit models. \item The weighting scheme has been enhanced to allow for instances when the components of a multidimensional observation are correlated. \item A facility for computing central finite difference derivatives has been added. \item The amount of work space required for the computations has been reduced for most problems. \end{list} {\em Because of these new features, the argument lists for the ODRPACK 2.00 user callable subroutines, including the user supplied subroutine {\tt FCN} that now comprises the functionality of subroutines {\tt FUN} and {\tt JAC}, are not the same as for earlier versions.} The interpretations of some arguments have changed, and new arguments have been added. In addition, the arguments have been reordered, with arguments having similar purpose now grouped together. Those who have been using an earlier release of ODRPACK should be especially careful to examine the new calling sequences, and the definitions for subroutine arguments {\tt FCN}, {\tt JOB}, {\tt WE} and {\tt WD}. \item[1.80 (12-18-90)] ODRPACK 1.80, a test release with only limited distribution, differs from prior releases in several respects. \blC \item The number of function evaluations required to find the solution has been reduced, and the ``restart'' facility has been modified to better accommodate cases where the user supplied subroutines {\tt FUN} and/or {\tt JAC} are very time consuming. \item The printed reports have been redesigned to identify parameters that induce rank deficiency, and to include a 95\% confidence interval for the estimated parameters. \item Several enhancements have been added to the covariance matrix computations, including the option of constructing the covariance matrix without incurring any additional derivative evaluations. \item The finite difference approximation to the Jacobian matrix has been improved. \end{list} \item[1.71 (07-27-89)] ODRPACK 1.71 corrects an error in the code that performs the computation of finite difference derivatives with respect to the errors $\Delta$ when $m\ge2$ and the default value of {\tt IFIXX} is invoked. (The default value of {\tt IFIXX} is invoked when {\tt IFIXX(1,1)} is set to a negative value or when ODRPACK routines {\tt DODR} or {\tt SODR} are called.) This error could result in incorrect ``fixing'' of the explanatory variables, which would affect the final solution. Such ``fixing'' could be detected by observing the presence of estimated values for $\Delta$ that are identically zero. The error could go undetected by the user, however, if the values of $\Delta$ were not examined after the fit. \end{list} \end{document}