SUBROUTINE SSVDRS (A,LDA,M1,N1,B,LDB,NB,S,WORK) c Copyright (c) 1996 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. c ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. c Based on Government Sponsored Research NAS7-03001. C>> 2001-05-25 SSVDRS Krogh Minor change for making .f90 version. C>> 1999-08-12 SSVDRS Krogh Loop at 180 => 2 loops for Sun optimizer. C>> 1994-10-20 SSVDRS Krogh Changes to use M77CON C>> 1992-06-16 SSVDRS CLL C>> 1992-03-13 SSVDRS FTK Removed implicit statements. C>> 1989-10-20 CLL C>> 1989-06-05 SSVDRS Snyder Add END statement, polish a little. C>> 1987-11-24 SSVDRS Lawson Adaptation to Fortran 77 and MATH77. c>> 1974-01-01 Lawson and Hanson initial code. c C This subr computes the singular value decomposition of the c given M1 x N1 matrix, A, and optionally applys the transformations c from the left to the NB column vectors of the M1 x NB matrix B. c Either M1 .ge. N1 or M1 .lt. N1 is permitted. c c The singular value decomposition of A is of the form c C A = U * S * V**t c c where U is M1 x M1 orthogonal, S is M1 x N1 diagonal with the c diagonal terms nonnegative and ordered from large to small, and c V is N1 x N1 orthogonal. Note that these matrices also satisfy c c S = (U**t) * A * V c c The matrix V is returned in the leading N1 rows and c columns of the array A(,). c c The singular values, i.e. the diagonal terms of the matrix S, c are returned in the array S(). If M1 .lt. N1, positions M1+1 c through N1 of S() will be set to zero. c c The product matrix G = U**t * B replaces the given matrix B c in the array B(,). c c If the user wishes to obtain a minimum length least squares c solution of the linear system c c A * X ~=~ B c c the solution X can be constructed, following use of this subr, c by computing the sum for i = 1, ..., R of the outer products c c (Col i of V) * (1/S(i)) * (Row i of G) c c Here R denotes the pseudorank of A which the user may choose c in the range 0 through Min(M1, N1) based on the sizes of the c singular values. C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C Subroutine Arguments c c A(,) (In/Out) On input contains the M1 x N1 matrix A. c On output contains the N1 x N1 matrix V. c c LDA (In) First dimensioning parameter for A(,). c Require LDA .ge. Max(M1, N1). c c M1 (In) No. of rows of matrices A, B, and G. c Require M1 > 0. c c N1 (In) No. of cols of matrix A, No. of rows and cols of c matrix V. Permit M1 .ge. N1 or M1 .lt. N1. c Require N1 > 0. c c B(,) (In/Out) If NB .gt. 0 this array must contain an C M1 x NB matrix on input and will contain the c M1 x NB product matrix, G = (U**t) * B on output. c c LDB (In) First dimensioning parameter for B(,). c Require LDB .ge. M1. c c NB (In) No. of cols in the matrices B and G. c Require NB .ge. 0. c c S() (Out) Must be dimensioned at least N1. On return will c contain the singular values of A, with the ordering c S(1) .ge. S(2) .ge. ... .ge. S(N1) .ge. 0. c If M1 .lt. N1 the singular values indexed from M1+1 c through N1 will be zero. c If the given integer arguments are not consistent, this c subr will return immediately, setting S(1) = -1.0. c c WORK() (Scratch) Work space of total size at least 2*N1. c Locations 1 thru N1 will hold the off-diagonal terms of c the bidiagonal matrix for subr _QRBD. Locations N1+1 c thru 2*N1 will save info from one call to the next of c _HTGEN. c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c Subprograms referenced directly: SCOPY, SHTCC, SHTGEN,SQRBD,SSWAP, c ERMSG, ERMOR, IERV1 c Other subprograms needed: ERFIN, *1MACH (Fortran 77 only), *ROT, c *ROTG (* = S or D) C ------------------------------------------------------------------ c This subr gives special treatment to the cases of entire rows c and/or columns of A being zero. This provides the feature that c singular values that are zero because of the zero structure of A c will be produced as exact zeros rather than as relatively small c nonzero values. This is convenient for cases in which a user c wishes to remove a variable from a problem by simply zeroing the c corresponding column of A. c c Method for this special feature: c C 1. EXCHANGE COLS OF A TO PACK NONZERO COLS TO THE LEFT. C SET NWORK = NO. OF NONZERO COLS. C USE LOCATIONS A(1,NWORK+1),...,A(1,N1) TO RECORD THE C COL PERMUTATIONS. C 2. EXCHANGE ROWS OF A TO PACK NONZERO ROWS TO THE TOP. C QUIT PACKING IF FIND NWORK NONZERO ROWS. MAKE SAME ROW C EXCHANGES IN B. SET MWORK SO THAT ALL NONZERO ROWS OF THE C PERMUTED A ARE IN FIRST MWORK ROWS. IF MWORK .LE. NWORK THEN C ALL MWORK ROWS ARE NONZERO. IF MWORK .GT. NWORK THEN THE C FIRST NWORK ROWS ARE KNOWN TO BE NONZERO, AND ROWS NWORK+1 C THRU MWORK MAY BE ZERO OR NONZERO. C 3. APPLY THE BASIC SVD ALGORITHM TO THE MWORK BY NWORK PROBLEM. C 4. MOVE PERMUTATION RECORD FROM A(,) TO S(I),I = NWORK+1,...,N1. C 5. BUILD V UP FROM NWORK BY NWORK TO N1 BY N1 BY PLACING ONES ON C THE DIAGONAL AND ZEROS ELSEWHERE. THIS IS ONLY PARTLY DONE C EXPLICITLY. IT IS COMPLETED DURING STEP 6. C 6. EXCHANGE ROWS OF V TO COMPENSATE FOR COL EXCHANGES OF STEP 2. C 7. PLACE ZEROS IN S(I),I = NWORK+1,...,N1 TO REPRESENT ZERO C SING VALS. C c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c This code was originally developed by Charles L. Lawson and c Richard J. Hanson at Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1973. The c original code was described and listed in the book, c c Solving Least Squares Problems c C. L. Lawson and R. J. Hanson c Prentice-Hall, 1974 c c Feb 1985, Mar 1987, C. L. Lawson & S. Y. Chiu, JPL. Adapted code c from the Lawson & Hanson book to Fortran 77 for use in the c JPL MATH77 library. c Prefixing subprogram names with S or D for s.p. or d.p. versions. c Using generic names for intrinsic functions. c Adding calls to BLAS and MATH77 error processing subrs in some c program units. c 1989-10-20 CLL Moved integer declaration to earlier position to c avoid warning msg from Cray compiler. C 1992-06-16 CLL. Using "min" fcn in arg list of calls to _HTCC c and _HTGEN to avoid "index out of range" when using a bounds c checker, even though no reference would be made to the "out of c range" location. c ------------------------------------------------------------------ C--S replaces "?": ?SVDRS, ?COPY, ?HTCC, ?HTGEN, ?QRBD, ?SWAP c ------------------------------------------------------------------ integer I,IPASS,J,K,L,LBASE,LDA,LDB,M1,MWORK,N1,NB,NP1,NS,NWORK real A(LDA,N1),B(LDB,*),ONE,S(N1),UPARAM,WORK(2*N1) real ZERO logical COL, ROW parameter( ZERO = 0.0E0, ONE = 1.0E0, COL = .true., ROW = .false.) c ------------------------------------------------------------------ NWORK = N1 LBASE = NWORK if(LDA .lt. max(M1,NWORK) .or. M1 .le. 0 .or. NWORK .le. 0 .or. * (NB .gt. 0 .and. LDB .lt. M1)) then call ERMSG('SSVDRS',1,0, * 'Bad argument values. Require LDA .ge. max(M,N), M > 0,', * ',') call ERMOR('N > 0, LDB .ge. M if NB > 0', ',') call IERV1('LDA',LDA, ',') call IERV1('M', M1, ',') call IERV1('N', NWORK, ',') call IERV1('LDB',LDB, ',') call IERV1('NB', NB, '.') S(1) = -ONE return endif C BEGIN.. SPECIAL FOR ZERO ROWS AND COLS. C C PACK THE NONZERO COLS TO THE LEFT C DO 50 J = NWORK, 1, -1 DO 20 I = 1,M1 IF (A(I,J) .NE. ZERO) GO TO 50 20 CONTINUE C C COL J IS ZERO. EXCHANGE IT WITH COL NWORK. C IF (J .ne. NWORK) then DO 30 I = 1, M1 30 A(I,J) = A(I,NWORK) end if A(1,NWORK) = J NWORK = NWORK - 1 50 CONTINUE C IF NWORK = 0 THEN A IS ENTIRELY ZERO AND SVD C COMPUTATION CAN BE SKIPPED NS = 0 IF (NWORK .ne. 0) then C --------------------------------------------------------------- C PACK NONZERO ROWS TO THE TOP C QUIT PACKING IF FIND NWORK NONZERO ROWS I = 1 MWORK = M1 60 IF (I.le.NWORK .and. then DO 80 J = I, NWORK IF (A(I,J) .NE. ZERO) GO TO 145 80 CONTINUE DO 85 J = 1, I-1 IF(A(I,J) .NE. ZERO) GO TO 145 85 CONTINUE C ROW I IS ZERO C EXCHANGE ROWS I AND MWORK IF (NB .GT. 0) * CALL SSWAP( NB, B(MWORK,1), LDB, B(I,1), LDB) CALL SCOPY(NWORK, A(MWORK,1), LDA, A(I,1), LDA) IF (MWORK .LE. NWORK) THEN DO 130 J = 1,NWORK 130 A(MWORK,J) = ZERO ENDIF C EXCHANGE IS FINISHED MWORK = MWORK - 1 GO TO 60 c Here when row I is not all zero. No exchange needed. 145 I = I + 1 GO TO 60 end if C END.. SPECIAL FOR ZERO ROWS AND COLUMNS c --------------------------------------------------------------- C BEGIN.. SVD ALGORITHM C METHOD.. C (1) REDUCE THE MATRIX TO UPPER BIDIAGONAL FORM WITH C HOUSEHOLDER TRANSFORMATIONS. C H(NWORK)...H(1)AQ(1)...Q(NWORK-2) = (D**T,0)**T C WHERE D IS UPPER BIDIAGONAL. C C (2) APPLY H(NWORK)...H(1) TO B. HERE H(NWORK)...H(1)*B REPLAC C IN STORAGE. C C (3) THE MATRIX PRODUCT W = Q(1)...Q(NWORK-2) OVERWRITES THE F C NWORK ROWS OF A IN STORAGE. C C (4) AN SVD FOR D IS COMPUTED. HERE K ROTATIONS RI AND PI ARE C COMPUTED SO THAT C RK...R1*D*P1**(T)...PK**(T) = DIAG(S1,...,S.NS) C TO WORKING ACCURACY. THE SI ARE NONNEGATIVE AND NONINCREASING. C HERE RK...R1*B OVERWRITES B IN STORAGE WHILE C A*P1**(T)...PK**(T) OVERWRITES A IN STORAGE. C C (5) IT FOLLOWS THAT,WITH THE PROPER DEFINITIONS, C U**(T)*B OVERWRITES B, WHILE V OVERWRITES THE FIRST NWORK ROW AND C COLUMNS OF A. C ------------------------------------------------------------------ L = MIN(MWORK,NWORK) C THE FOLLOWING LOOP REDUCES A TO UPPER BIDIAGONAL AND C ALSO APPLIES THE PREMULTIPLYING TRANSFORMATIONS TO B. C DO 170 J = 1,L IF(J .LT. MWORK) THEN CALL SHTCC(1,J,J+1,MWORK,A(1,J),UPARAM, * A(1,min(J+1,NWORK)),LDA,NWORK-J) CALL SHTCC(2,J,J+1,MWORK,A(1,J),UPARAM,B,LDB,NB) ENDIF IF (J .LT. NWORK-1) THEN CALL SHTGEN (1,J+1,J+2,NWORK,A(J,1),LDA,ROW, * WORK(LBASE + J),A(min(J+1,MWORK),1),LDA,MWORK-J,ROW) ENDIF 170 CONTINUE C Copy the bidiagonal matrix into the arrays c S() and WORK(1:N1) for _QRBD. DO 180 J = 1, L 180 S(J) = A(J,J) DO 190 J = 2, L 190 WORK(J) = A(J-1,J) C NS = NWORK IF (MWORK .LT. NWORK) THEN NS = MWORK + 1 S(NS) = ZERO WORK(NS) = A(MWORK,MWORK+1) ENDIF C C CONSTRUCT THE EXPLICIT NWORK BY NWORK PRODUCT MATRIX, C W = Q1*Q2*...*QL*I IN THE ARRAY A(). C DO 230 I = NWORK, 1, -1 IF (I .LE. MIN(MWORK,NWORK-2)) * CALL SHTGEN(2,I+1,I+2,NWORK,A(I,1),LDA,ROW, * WORK(LBASE+I),A(1,min(I+1,NWORK)),LDA,NWORK-I,COL) C DO 220 J = 1, NWORK 220 A(I,J) = ZERO 230 A(I,I) = ONE C C COMPUTE THE SVD OF THE BIDIAGONAL MATRIX C CALL SQRBD (IPASS,S,WORK(1),NS,A,LDA,NWORK,B,LDB,NB) C C If the above subr has a convergence failure it will report c the error via the MATH77 error message subrs and return c with IPASS = 2. Since the error has been reported, we don't c report it again here but just return. c IF (IPASS .EQ. 2) RETURN C --------------------------------------------------------------- end if DO 250 J = NS+1, NWORK 250 S(J) = ZERO IF (NWORK .EQ. N1) RETURN NP1 = NWORK + 1 C MOVE RECORD OF PERMUTATIONS C AND STORE ZEROS DO 280 J = NP1, N1 S(J) = A(1,J) DO 270 I = 1,NWORK 270 A(I,J) = ZERO 280 CONTINUE C PERMUTE ROWS AND SET ZERO SINGULAR VALUES. DO 300 K = NP1, N1 I = S(K) S(K) = ZERO DO 290 J = 1,N1 A(K,J) = A(I,J) 290 A(I,J) = ZERO A(I,K) = ONE 300 CONTINUE c End.. Special for zero rows and columns. RETURN END