subroutine SSFIND ( XT, IX1, IX2, X, LEFTI, MODE ) c Copyright (c) 1996 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. c ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. c Based on Government Sponsored Research NAS7-03001. c>> 1996-03-30 SSFIND Krogh Removed Fortran 90 comment. c>> 1994-11-11 CLL Replaced Fortran 90 DO WHILE's with GOTO's for F77. c>> 1994-10-20 SSFIND Krogh Changes to use M77CON c>> 1992-11-12 SSFIND C. L. Lawson, JPL c>> 1992-10-23 C. L. Lawson, JPL c>> 1988-03-16 C. L. Lawson, JPL c c Require IX1 < IX2. c Require the values in XT() indexed from IX1 to IX2 to be c nondecreasing. c Require XT(IX1) < XT(IX1+1). c Require XT(IX2-1) < XT(IX2). c Let A = XT(IX1) and B = XT(IX2). c The closed interval, [A, B], is regarded as being partitioned c partitioned into IX2-IX1 disjoint subintervals, with all but the c last being half-open, and the last one being closed: c [XT(I), XT(I+1)), I = IX1, ..., IX2-2 c [XT(IX2-1), XT(IX2)] c Some of these intervals may have zero length, but not the first c and last ones. c This subroutine identifies the location of X with respect to these c subintervals by setting LEFTI and MODE as follows: c If X is contained in one of these segments of nonzero length, c set MODE = 0 and set LEFTI to be the index of the left end of the c segment containing X. Thus LEFTI will satisfy c IX1 .le. LEFTI .le. IX2-1. c If X < A, set MODE = -1 and LEFTI = IX1. c If X > B, set MODE = +1 and LEFTI = IX2-1. c Issue an error message and stop if c X < XT(IX1+1) and XT(IX1) .ge. XT(IX1+1) or if c X .ge. XT(IX2-1) and XT(IX2-1) .ge. XT(IX2) c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c Method c c Saves the value of LEFTI returned on previous call in ILO. c Starts by checking to see if X is in this same segment. c If so, finishes quickly. We assume this will be a frequently c occurring case. c If not, searches either to the left or right from this previous c segment, as appropriate. During this search the stride is doubled c until a bracketing value is found. Then we finish with a binary c search between the bracketing points. c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c Based on subroutine INTERV on pp. 92-93 of A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO c SPLINES by Carl De Boor, Springer-Verlag, 1978. c Current version by C. L. Lawson, JPL, March 1988. c ------------------------------------------------------------------ C XT() [in] This subr will access XT(i) for i = IX1, ..., IX2. These c values must be nondecreasing. Repeated values are permitted c except for the first two and last two. c IX1, IX2 [in] Indices specifying the portion of the array XT() to c be considered by this subr. Require IX1 < IX2. c X [in] Value to be looked up. c LEFTI [inout] On entry LEFTI must contain an integer value. If it c in the range [IX1, IX2-1] the search will start with this index. c Otherwise the search will start with IX1 or IX2-1. c On return LEFTI will be in [IX1, IX2-1], and identifies c the interval (of nonzero length) from X(LEFTI) to c X(LEFTI+1) as the reference subinterval for X. c LEFTI = IX1 means X < XT(IX1+1) c IX1 < LEFTI < IX2-1 means XT(LEFTI) .le. X .lt. XT(LEFTI+1) c LEFTI = IX2-1 means XT(IX2-1) .le. X c MODE [out] Set to c -1 if X < XT(IX1) c 0 if XT(IX1) .le. X .le. XT(IX2) c +1 if XT(IX2) < X c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c--S replaces "?": ?SFIND, ?ERV1 c Both use IERM1 c ------------------------------------------------------------------ integer IHI, ILO, LEFTI, IX1, IX2, MIDDLE, MODE, STEP real X, XT(1:IX2) c ------------------------------------------------------------------ ILO = max(IX1, min(LEFTI, IX2-1)) if(X .ge. XT(ILO))then if(X .lt. XT(ILO+1))then MODE = 0 LEFTI = ILO return else c -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c procedure( SEARCH TO RIGHT ) STEP = 1 IHI = ILO + 1 * do while(.true.) ! Using Fortran 90 "DO" syntax. 5 continue if(IHI .eq. IX2) then c Here X .ge. XT(IX2) if(X .eq. XT(IX2)) then MODE = 0 else MODE = +1 endif ILO = IX2-1 LEFTI = ILO if(XT(ILO) .ge. XT(IX2)) then call IERM1('SSFIND',2,2,'Require T(IX2-1) < T(IX2)', * 'IX2',IX2,',') call SERV1('T(IX2-1)',XT(IX2-1),',') call SERV1('T(IX2)', XT(IX2), '.') endif return endif ILO = IHI IHI = min(IHI + STEP, IX2) if(X .lt. XT(IHI)) go to 10 STEP = 2.0e0 * STEP go to 5 * end do !while 10 continue c end proc !( SEARCH TO RIGHT ) c -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - endif else c -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c procedure( SEARCH TO LEFT ) STEP = 1 * do while(.true.) 15 continue if(ILO .eq. IX1) then MODE = -1 LEFTI = IX1 if(XT(IX1) .ge. XT(IX1+1)) then call IERM1('SSFIND',1,2,'Require T(IX1) < T(IX1+1)', * 'IX1',IX1,',') call SERV1('T(IX1)', XT(IX1), ',') call SERV1('T(IX1+1)',XT(IX1+1),'.') endif return endif IHI = ILO ILO = max(ILO - STEP, IX1) if(X .ge. XT(ILO)) go to 20 STEP = 2.0e0 * STEP go to 15 * end do !while 20 continue c end proc !( SEARCH TO LEFT ) c -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - endif c -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c procedure( BINARY SEARCH ) c Here XT(ILO) .le. X .lt. XT(IHI) c * do while(.true.) 25 continue MIDDLE = (ILO + IHI)/2 if (MIDDLE .eq. ILO) go to 30 if (X .ge. XT(MIDDLE)) then ILO = MIDDLE else IHI = MIDDLE endif go to 25 * end do !while 30 continue MODE = 0 LEFTI = ILO c end proc !( BINARY SEARCH ) c -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - return end