SUBROUTINE sdasls (sdasf, neq, t, y, yprime, info, ftol, rnktol, & c, ldc, ltd, idid, rwork, lrw, iwork, liw) c Copyright (c) 2008, Math a la Carte, Inc. c R. J. Hanson, Visual Numerics, Inc., 23 June 2008. c F. T. Krogh, Math a la Carte, Inc. c>>2009/11/02 sdasls Krogh Avoided ref. to undefined IWORK locations. c>>2008/10/26 sdasls Krogh Changed 'No' no 'N' in call to sgemv. c>>2008/09/18 sdasls Krogh obtained from Hanson set up single prec. c--S replaces "?":?daslx, ?dasls, ?dasf, ?swap, ?scal, ?axpy, ?copy, c--& ?asum, ?gbfa, ?gbsl, ?gemv, ?gefa, ?gesl c Provide starting values for y' == yprime(*) for a differential- c algebraic equation f(t,y,y') = 0. c This routine is normally to be used before a call to SDASLX c or SDASLX to get consistent initial conditions for y', c i.e. f(t,y,y') = 0 at the initial t. c The assumptions are: c A) The system has index 0 or index 1 c B) Initial values for (t,y) are known but maybe not all c values of y'. c C) All values of y' have some meaningful initial estimates. c The partials f_t, f_y and f_y' are computable and continuous c at (t,y,y'). The rank of f_y' must be positive. c D) The initial values (t,y) are fixed. Any values for y' are c allowed to change to achieve f(t,y,y') = 0. c This routine is organized so that a user can add additional cases in c the evaluation routine SDASF written for SDASLX that separately c computes f_t, f_y and f_y'. The evaluation of f(t,y,y') uses the c same flag as SDASLX. c SDASF:EXTERNAL -- Depending on how INFO(5) is set, for forward or c reverse communication, this routine is used to compute four c terms f, f_t, f_y, and f_y' as requested. It has the form c SUBROUTINE SDASF(T,Y,YPRIME,DELTA,C,LDC,CJ,IRES,RWORK,IWORK) c The actions taken depend on the value of the IRES argument c to SDASF. The values of IRES that occur when using sdasls are: c = 0 Initialize subroutine parameters or any storage requirements. c If this does not apply, then ignore this value and return c without any further action. Initial conditions for t, y and y' c can be assigned to T, Y(:) and YPRIME(:). c = 1 Evaluate f(t,y,y') and return the result in DELTA(1:NEQ). c = 6 Evaluate the NEQ-vector f_t (evaluated at (t,y,y')) and return c the result in DELTA(1:NEQ) c = 7 Evaluate the NEQ by NEQ matrix f_y' and return the result in c C(1:NEQ,1:NEQ), for dense Jacobians. For banded Jacobians c return the result in C(1:ML+MU+1,1:NEQ) according to the c Linpack data structure for banded matrices. c = 8 Evaluate the NEQ by NEQ matrix f_y and return the result in c C(1:NEQ,1:NEQ). For banded Jacobians return the result in c C(1:ML+MU+1,1:NEQ).This matrix is required when the c system has index 1, i.e. when f_y' is rank-deficient. c c NEQ:IN This is the number of equations to be solved. NEQ .ge. 1. c c T:IN This is the current value of the independent variable. c Set this to the value of the initial point. c c Y(.ge. NEQ):IN This array contains the solution components at T. c Initialize to the values at the initial point. c c YPRIME(.ge. NEQ):INOUT This array contains the current derivatives c of the solution components at T. You must provide some intial c values, but they need not satisfy f(t,y,y')=0. c c INFO(.ge. 16):IN The only task of the code is to solve the system c f(t,y,y')=0 at the initial point. Values of INFO(:) are used c for the same purposes as will occur when integrating the system c using SDASLX. c When the Jacobians are banded matrices, |INFO(5)|=4. In that c case a regularization paramter is required. For this use c INFO(14) .eq. 0 to have the parameter with value macheps**(2./3.) c To use other values set INFO(14) > 0 and place the regularization c parameter in RWORK(INFO(14)). c FTOL:IN This is the tolerance required for the L_1 norm of c f(t,y,y'). Try macheps ** (2./3.) * size of values occuring in f. c RNKTOL:IN This is the relative column norm tolerance used for c determining rank deficiency of f_y'. It is also used for c determining the rank of certain rows of the combined matrix c [f_y' c f_y]. If this latter matrix is rank deficient the system c is defined to have an index .gt. 1. As such SDASLX does c not claim to solve it. Try macheps ** (2./3.). c c C(LDC, LTD):INOUT This is the working array where the partial c derivative matrices f_y' and f_y will be returned after c evaluation by sdasf or reverse communication. c c LDC:IN This is the leading dimension of the array C(:,:). It has c a value LDC .ge. NEQ when f_y' has full rank. This occurs with c an index 0 problem. When f_y' is rank deficient then c LDC .ge. 2*NEQ is required. When f_y' is rank deficient, c and the Jacobian matrices are banded, then c LDC .ge. 4*ML+2*MU+4 is required. This occurs when c the problem has index 1 or higher. c c LDT:IN This is the second dimension of the array C(:,:). It has c a value LTD .ge. NEQ when f_y' has full rank. This occurs with c an index 0 problem for either dense or banded problesm. When c f_y' is rank deficient, and the Jacobian matrices are banded, c then LDT .ge. 2*NEQ is required. This occurs when the problem c has index 1 or higher. c c IDID:OUT This is an output flag that shows the status of solving c f(t,y,y')=0 for values of y'. c = 0 The system is index 0 or 1 and consistent values for y' c were computed c =-1 An error or exceptional condition was noted. Details are c flagged by various values in IWORK(1). c .ge.1 Compute requested value using reverse communication. c Re-enter the routine sdasls() for further computations. c IWORK(1) flag, giving more detail: c Currently IOFF=8, IROFF=2. c = 0 The system has index 0 and consistent values for y' c were computed c = 1 The system has index 1 and consistent values for y' c were computed c = 2 The system has index 0 but the system f(t,y,y') is c not consistent using the tolerance FTOL. It should c be consistent so FTOL may be too small for this problem. c Iterations are done while the L_1 norm of f is .lt. c 1/4 the L_1 norm of f from the previous iteration. c = 3 The system has index 1 but the equation f(t,y,y')=0 c is not consistent using the tolerance FTOL. c Iterations are done while the L_1 norm of f is .lt. c 1/4 the L_1 norm of f from the previous iteration. c = 4 The system appears to have an index .gt. 1. c = 5 The system has rank f_y' = 0. This is not a DAE. c = 6 The value NEQ .le. 0, i.e. no system c = 7 LDC is too small. Must be .ge. NEQ for index 0 problems, c dense Jacobians. c Must be .ge. (2*ML+MU+1), banded, index 0. c Here ML, MU are the lower and upper band widths. Provide the c lower ML and upper MU bandwidths by setting IWORK(1)=ML and c IWORK(2)=MU. c Must be .ge. 4*ML+2*MU+4 if problem is banded with index 1. c = 8 LDC is too small. Must be .ge. 2*NEQ for index 1 problems, c dense Jacobians. c Must be .ge. 2*(2*ML+1)+2*(MU+1), banded. c = 9 LRW is too small. Must be .ge. 2*NEQ+IROFF for dense c systems and .ge. 7*NEQ+IROFF for c banded systems. c = 10 LIW is too small. Must be .ge. 2*NEQ+IOFF c = 11, Must have |INFO(5)|=2 or 4. Routine supports dense c or banded matrices only. The user computes derivatives in c forward or reverse communication. c = 12, Must have FTOL .gt. 0. Now .le. 0. c = 13, Must have RNKTOL .ge. 0. Now .lt. 0. c = 14, Must have sub- and super- bandwidth parameters c ML, MU .ge. 0. Now one of them is .lt. 0. c = 15, Must have second dimension, LTD, of C(*,*) .ge. NEQ c for dense or banded systems. Value is now .lt. NEQ. c For banded systems of index 1 C(*,*) .ge. 2*NEQ. This c is checked when the index is .gt. 0, or f_y' is singular. c c RWORK(LRW .ge. 2*NEQ+IROFF):INOUT Working floating point c storage for dense systems, c LRW .ge. 7*NEQ+IROFF for banded systems. c IWORK(LIW .ge. 2*NEQ+IOFF):INOUT Working integer storage c User code can change values in these arrays past these minimum c limits for evaluation or other storage needs. c INTERNAL VARIABLE DICTIONARY - c Floating Point Variables: c DELTA(1:NEQ) of SDASF is associated with RWORK(1+IROFF:NEQ+IROFF). c Used for evaluation of f(t,y,y') and f_t. c EPS - Machine precision for this accuracy. Obtained by a c call to R1MACH. c REGUL - Value of the regularization parameter used if the system c is banded and of index .gt. 1. Default is EPS**(2./3.) c but the user can provide an alternate value in c location RWORK(INFO(14)). c BIGVAL - Temporary value used to contain the largest magnitude c during full pivoting c CJ - A dummy floating point value, not used in this routine, but c it is an argument of SDASF. Set to 0 for all SDASF calls. c ONE, ZERO - Constants, 1 and 0 c TEMP - Temporary value used in swapping row values during c elimination c BIGVAL - Temporary value used for choosing pivots c CJ - Value used as temporary for forward communication with SDASF. c This is not used but the value is assigned 0. c ONE, ZERO - Local copies of 1.e0 and 0.e0. c Integer Variables: c IRES - A flag for directing user action in routine sdasf c I - A dummy index for looping c IS - A dummy subscript for building interleaved matrix array c IROW - The row index of the largest magnitude in pivoting c IFLAG - Indicate a flat zero on the diagonal using c LINPACK LU factorization code, SGEFA. c IOFF - The offset value in IWORK(*) that is c used for storage of integer values and c communication flags. So IWORK(IOFF+1:IOFF+2*NEQ) c is used for pivoting information. c IWORK(1:IOFF) is used for storage and must remain c unchanged during forward or reverse communication. c The present value is IOFF=8. c IROFF - The offset value in RWORK(*) that is used for c storage of floating point parameters. c So RWORK(IROFF+1:IROFF+2*NEQ) is used for storage c of intermediate values and requested values from c user code. The present value is IROFF=2. c c J - A dummy index for looping c JCOL - The column index of the largest magnitude in pivoting c I1,I2 - Temporary indices for placement of interleaved c matrix values c IREVC - Type of matrix, dense or banded, forward c or reverse communication mode c IRANK - Rank of f_y' for index 1 problems c ML, MU - For banded Jacobians, these are temps that hold c the number of lower and upper co-diagonals that c are non-zero. c M - A temporary integer holding subscripts for the c banded interleaved Jacobian. c MLP, MUP - For banded Jacobians, these are temps that hold c the number of lower and upper co-diagonals when c the interleaved and regularized matrix is constructed. c Have MLP=2*ML+1, MUP=max(2*MU,1). c MP - A temporary integer holding subscripts for the c banded interleaved Jacobian. c NROWS - A temporary that holds the number of rows to zero c in the C(:,:) array for computing f_y' and f_y, later. c Logical Variables: c DENSE, BANDED - Logical variables signifying that the c Jacobians are either dense or banded matrices. c Exactly one of these variables are .TRUE. c This information is taken from the input value c INFO(5). c Variable typing, subroutine arguments EXTERNAL sdasf INTEGER neq,ldc,ltd,info(*),idid,lrw,liw,iwork(*) REAL eps,t,y(*),yprime(*),c(ldc,*),rwork(*),ftol, & rnktol,regul c Variable typing, local arguments or routines called INTEGER i,i1,i2,is,iflag,ioff,iroff,ires,irank,irevc,irow,j,jcol, & k,ml,mu,mlp,mup,m,mp,nrows EXTERNAL r1mach,sasum,sscal,saxpy,sswap,scopy,sgemv,sgefa,sgesl, & sgbfa,sgbsl REAL r1mach,bigval,cj,sasum,one,zero,temp LOGICAL dense,banded ires=0 one=1.e0 zero=0.e0 c This defines the starting index in IWORK(*) where c row and column pivoting interchanges are stored. c Locations of IWORK(1:IOFF) are needed for possible reverse c communication storage and signalling. ioff=8 c This defines the starting index in RWORK(*) where c requested results for f and f_t will be placed. Locations c RWORK(1:IROFF) are needed for storage of routine values. iroff=2 c This routine only recognizes |IREVC| = 2 or 4. c These values correspond to dense or banded matrices. irevc=info(5) c Check that these are the allowed values. i=abs(irevc) dense=i.eq.2 banded=i.eq.4 IF (.not.(dense.or.banded)) THEN iwork(1)=11 idid=-1 GO TO 370 END IF if (info(1) .eq. 1) then c When reverse communication is used IRANK is saved. c With forward communication IRANK is not defined until c the LU factorization of f_y' is completed. irank=iwork(6) c Extract band widths. If the Jacobian is dense these are not c used but it does not matter. ml=iwork(7) mu=iwork(8) end if c Give this parameter a defined value. It is not used c but the evaluator routine needs a slot for it. cj=zero c Re-enter to just past this subroutine return point when reverse c communication is used. GO TO (40,70,170,190),info(1) c The first entry drops through here, INFO(1) == 0. c Check sizes of arrays and other parameters. Branch to c a block of code that does this and then branches back here. GO TO 360 c Set up counters and flags for reverse communication. c This is done just once because INFO(1) is .gt. 0 for c reverse communication entries. c This is where the results for an evaluation of f or f_t c should be placed, RWORK(IWORK(4)+1:IWORK(4)+NEQ) 10 iwork(4)=iroff iwork(5)=0 c Make initialization call. This is done even when reverse c communication is used. ires=0 CALL sdasf (t, y, yprime, rwork(iroff+1), c, ldc, cj, ires, rwork, & iwork) c Start of overall loop to compute Newton update for y' c Make a call to sdasf to obtain the value of f(t,y,y'). The c result is returned in RWORK(IROFF+1:IROFF+NEQ). 20 ires=1 c If IRES=1 or 6, clear out the spot where the results will go. c These are respectively the function and f_t. DO 30 i=1,neq rwork(i+iroff)=zero 30 CONTINUE IF ( THEN CALL sdasf (t, y, yprime, rwork(iroff+1), c, ldc, cj, ires, & rwork, iwork) ELSE info(1)=1 GO TO 380 END IF c Branch back place if reverse communication in use. 40 CONTINUE c After one Newton update step, check the size of the c function f(t,y,y'). It should be zero but won't be c due to rounding and other approximations. Check its c value against the user tolerance, FTOL. IF (iwork(5).gt.0) THEN c Need to distinguish index 0 and 1 cases here. temp=sasum(neq,rwork(iroff+1),1) IF (temp.le.ftol) THEN idid=0 iwork(1)=0 c Return L_1 norm of f here. rwork(2)=temp ELSE c After a Newton update step the defect or residual in the DAE c should be small. If it is not decreasing at an acceptable c rate (1/4) then flag a possible inconsistency. IF (*rwork(2)) THEN c Save the current norm of f for checking the next iteration. rwork(2)=temp GO TO 50 END IF idid=-1 iwork(1)=2 IF ( iwork(1)=3 c Return L_1 norm of f here. rwork(2)=temp END IF IF(IDID .lt. 0) GO TO 370 c No errors here. Function is small, everything normal. c No error processing needed here. info(1)=0 RETURN END IF c Branch point for looping while norm of f is decreasing c at an acceptable rate. 50 CONTINUE c Obtain the NEQ by NEQ partial matrix with respect to y' c Note that there is no check on the norm of f until at least one c update step for y'. This is to catch systems that are of c index .gt. 1, but the user has provided consistent initial data. ires=7 c Clear out the working matrix C(:,1:NEQ) before c computing the partials f_y'. IF (dense) nrows=neq IF (banded) nrows=2*ml+mu+1 DO 65 j=1,neq DO 60 i=1,nrows c(i,j)=zero 60 CONTINUE 65 CONTINUE IF ( THEN CALL sdasf (t, y, yprime, rwork(iroff+1), c, ldc, cj, ires, & rwork, iwork) ELSE info(1)=2 GO TO 380 END IF c Branch back place if reverse communication in use. 70 CONTINUE c For the dense Jacobian case: c Compute LU factorization with full pivoting and explicit c interchanges. The use of full pivoting is to achieve the c best numerical stability and to put the small block, if c there is one, in the lower SE corner of the matrix. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (dense) THEN DO 100 i=1,neq c Search in the remaining SE block for the largest magnitude. c Record the row and column where it is located. bigval=abs(c(i,i)) irow=i jcol=i DO 85 j=i,neq DO 80 k=i,neq IF (abs(c(k,j)).le.bigval) GO TO 80 bigval=abs(c(k,j)) irow=k jcol=j 80 CONTINUE 85 CONTINUE c Record the row interchanges in IWORK(IOFF+1:IOFF+NEQ-1) c Record the column interchanges in IWORK(IOFF+NEQ+1:IOFF+2*NEQ) iwork(i+ioff)=irow iwork(i+neq+ioff)=jcol c Interchange this column if necessary. Then make a rank c test and proceed on to the next phase if partials are c rank deficient. IF ( CALL sswap (neq, c(1,i), 1, c(1,jcol), 1) IF ( THEN temp=c(i,i) c(i,i)=c(irow,i) c(irow,i)=temp END IF IF (abs(c(i,i)).gt.rnktol*sasum(i,c(1,i),1)) THEN c Compute multipliers and apply column operations to rest of matrix. temp=-one/c(i,i) CALL sscal (neq-i, temp, c(i+1,i), 1) DO 90 j=i+1,neq temp=c(irow,j) c Note that any interchange in a row is done just before c the column operation. IF ( THEN c(irow,j)=c(i,j) c(i,j)=temp END IF CALL saxpy (neq-i, temp, c(i+1,i), 1, c(i+1,j), 1) 90 CONTINUE c Apply to the right-hand side, f(t,y,y'). temp=rwork(irow+iroff) IF ( THEN rwork(irow+iroff)=rwork(i+iroff) rwork(i+iroff)=temp END IF CALL saxpy (neq-i, temp, c(i+1,i), 1, rwork(i+1+iroff), 1) ELSE c Have rank deficiency. Proceed to index 1 phase. irank=i-1 c If IRANK == 0 the problem is an algebraic equation. c This exceptional case is flagged and a return is made. GO TO 150 END IF 100 CONTINUE irank=neq c Have an index 0 problem. But it may not be consistent. c Back-solve for the update to y'. DO 110 i=neq,1,-1 temp=-rwork(i+iroff)/c(i,i) CALL saxpy (i-1, temp, c(1,i), 1, rwork(iroff+1), 1) rwork(i+iroff)=-temp 110 CONTINUE c Rearrange solution corresponding to column pivoting. DO 120 i=neq,1,-1 j=iwork(neq+i+ioff) IF ( THEN temp=rwork(j+iroff) rwork(j+iroff)=rwork(i+iroff) rwork(i+iroff)=temp END IF 120 CONTINUE !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSE c Compute LU factorization of banded matrix. c The size of leading and trailing dimensions of c C(*,*) have been checked for adequate size. c If there is room in the last rows of C(*,*) to save c f_y' then do so. This anticipates that the problem c may have index 1 or greater. Doing this copy saves c an evaluation of f_y' when the index is 1 or higher. IF (*ml+2*mu+3) THEN DO 130 j=1,neq CALL scopy (2*ml+mu+1, c(1,j), 1, c(2*ml+mu+2,j), 1) 130 CONTINUE END IF c Save the current value of f(t,y,y') in c RWORK(2*NEQ+IROFF+1:3*NEQ+IROFF). This may be unnecessary if c the problem has index 0. If it has index 1 this saves an c evaluation of f(). The size of RWORK() has been checked. CALL scopy (neq, rwork(iroff+1), 1, rwork(2*neq+iroff+1), 1) CALL sgbfa (c, ldc, neq, ml, mu, iwork(ioff+1), iflag) c Check for a nearly rank deficient problem. c IF IFLAG .eq. 0 the code SGBFA did not encounter a zero diagonal. c A better check is to see if any diagonal terms are small c compared to a column L_1 norm. DO 140 i=1,neq IF (abs(c(ml+mu+1,i)).le.sasum(ml+mu+1,c(1,i),1)*rnktol) THEN iflag=i-1 c Process the index 1 (or higher) case. This requires computing c df/dy and df/dt. GO TO 150 END IF 140 CONTINUE irank=neq c There is no rank deficiency using the banded matrix c df/dy'. Compute the Newton step update and apply it CALL sgbsl (c, ldc, neq, ml, mu, iwork(ioff+1), & rwork(iroff+1), 0) END IF !---------------------------------------------------------------------- c Update the values of y' for index 0 problems. c Loop back to check size of f(t,y,y') again. CALL saxpy (neq, -one, rwork(iroff+1), 1, yprime, 1) c This is an iteration counter. It is used c as a one-time check to allow one iteration before c checking the norm of f(t,y,y'). iwork(5)=iwork(5)+1 c Loop back to get another function evaluation c and check its norm against the user tolerance FTOL. GO TO 20 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- c This is the index 1 phase of solving for y'. 150 CONTINUE IF (dense) THEN c Check if rank of f_y' .eq. 0. If so flag and return. c This gives the rank only when full pivoting was done. IF (irank.eq.0) THEN idid=-1 iwork(1)=5 GO TO 370 END IF c Copy the transformed value of f(t,y,y') and save it. CALL scopy (neq, rwork(iroff+1), 1, rwork(neq+iroff+1), 1) END IF c The space in RWORK(:) is used for f_t. c Get the partial f_t. ires=6 c If IRES=1 or 6, clear out the spot where the results will go. c These are respectively the function and f_t. DO 160 i=1,neq rwork(i+iroff)=zero 160 CONTINUE IF ( THEN CALL sdasf (t, y, yprime, rwork(iroff+1), c, ldc, cj, ires, & rwork, iwork) ELSE info(1)=3 GO TO 380 END IF c Branch back place if reverse communication in use. 170 CONTINUE c Get the partial f_y. This is placed in C(1:NEQ,1:NEQ) c so check that there is room. Require LDC .ge. 2*NEQ in the c dense Jacobian case and .gt. 4*ML+2*MU+3 in the banded case. IF (dense) THEN IF (*neq) THEN idid=-1 iwork(1)=8 info(1)=0 RETURN END IF ELSE IF (ldc.le.4*ml+2*mu+3) THEN idid=-1 iwork(1)=8 info(1)=0 RETURN END IF c In the banded case the second dimension must c be at least 2*NEQ. IF (*neq) THEN idid=-1 iwork(1)=15 info(1)=0 RETURN END IF END IF ires=8 c Clear out rows of the working matrix before computing c the partials f_y. IF (dense) nrows=neq IF (banded) nrows=2*ml+mu+1 DO 185 j=1,neq c Copy the working store for the LU factorization into rows c NEQ+1:2*NEQ for dense problems. IF (dense) THEN CALL scopy (neq, c(1,j), 1, c(neq+1,j), 1) END IF c Zero the working rows in C(,) that will be used to c compute the matrix f_y. DO 180 i=1,nrows c(i,j)=zero 180 CONTINUE 185 CONTINUE IF ( THEN CALL sdasf (t, y, yprime, rwork(iroff+1), c, ldc, cj, ires, & rwork, iwork) ELSE info(1)=4 GO TO 380 END IF c Branch back place if reverse communication in use. 190 CONTINUE c Compute the matrix-vector operation: RWORK <- f_t + f_y*y' c Use a dense matrix-vector product operation. IF (dense) THEN CALL sgemv ('N', neq, neq, one, c, ldc, yprime, 1, one, & rwork(iroff+1), 1) ELSE IF (banded) THEN DO 200 j=1,neq i1=max(1,j-mu) i2=min(neq,j+ml) CALL saxpy (i2-i1+1, yprime(j), c(i1-j+ml+mu+1,j), 1, & rwork(iroff+i1), 1) 200 CONTINUE END IF IF (dense) THEN c Apply the transformations and column pivoting to f_y. DO 220 i=1,irank c Interchange columns as required. jcol=iwork(i+neq+ioff) IF ( CALL sswap (neq, c(1,i), 1, c(1,jcol), 1) irow=iwork(i+ioff) DO 210 j=1,neq temp=c(irow,j) IF ( THEN c(irow,j)=c(i,j) c(i,j)=temp END IF IF ( CALL saxpy (neq-i, temp, c(neq+i+1,i), 1, & c(i+1,j), 1) 210 CONTINUE c Apply transformation to the right-hand side, f_t + f_y*y' temp=rwork(irow+iroff) IF ( THEN rwork(irow+iroff)=rwork(i+iroff) rwork(i+iroff)=temp END IF IF ( CALL saxpy (neq-i, temp, c(neq+i+1,i), 1, & rwork(i+iroff+1), 1) 220 CONTINUE c Now use the IRANK by NEQ upper trapazoid of the transformed matrix c f_y' and the last NEQ-IRANK by NEQ block of the now transformed c matrix f_y. Eliminate using this special structure to complete the c factorization. The working space C(1:NEQ,1:NEQ) is used for c this last step. The resulting matrix should be of full rank but c may not be if the problem has index .gt. 1. DO 240 i=1,neq DO 230 k=i+1,irank c Explicitly zero entries to achieve upper trapazoidal form. c(k,i)=zero 230 CONTINUE c Copy the upper trapazoidal matrix into working space. CALL scopy (min(i,irank), c(neq+1,i), 1, c(1,i), 1) 240 CONTINUE c Copy the first IRANK entries of the transformed f(t,y,y') c values into RWORK(:). CALL scopy (irank, rwork(neq+iroff+1), 1, rwork(iroff+1), 1) c Use LINPACK code to compute LU factorization of the combined c transformed blocks. CALL sgefa (c, ldc, neq, iwork(ioff+1), iflag) c Check for a nearly rank deficient problem. c IF IFLAG .eq. 0 the code SGEFA did not encounter a zero diagonal. c A better check is to see if the diagonal terms are small c compared to a column L_1 norm. DO 250 i=1,neq IF (abs(c(i,i)).le.sasum(i,c(1,i),1)*rnktol) THEN iflag=i-1 idid=-1 iwork(1)=4 GO TO 370 c Branch place for rank deficiency when it is not c expected for index 1 problems. This indicates c a value of the index greater than 1. END IF 250 CONTINUE c Compute updates of y' using LINPACK code. CALL sgesl (c, ldc, neq, iwork(ioff+1), rwork(iroff+1), 0) c Rearrange solution corresponding to column pivoting. c Note that only IRANK column permutations are recorded. DO 260 i=irank,1,-1 j=iwork(neq+i+ioff) IF ( THEN temp=rwork(j+iroff) rwork(j+iroff)=rwork(i+iroff) rwork(i+iroff)=temp END IF 260 CONTINUE c Update the values of y' for index 0 problems. c Loop back to check size of f(t,y,y') again. ELSE IF (banded) THEN c Compute the regularization parameter. If the user gives c it then for INFO(14) .gt. 0 it is passed in RWORK(INFO(14)). c If the user has not passed it then use macheps**(2./3.) for c the value. IF (info(14).gt.0) THEN regul=rwork(info(14)) ELSE c Get machine eps for this precision - eps=r1mach(4) regul=eps**(2.e0/3.e0) END IF c Construct the interleaved banded matrix from the banded c matrices f_y' and f_y. This requires use of the same c data structure that now contains [f_y c f_y'] to hold the c ultimate interleaved and regularized banded matrix. m=ml+mu+1 mlp=2*ml+1 mup=max(2*mu,1) mp=mlp+mup+1 DO 320 j=neq,1,-1 c Copy the value J into columns 2*J-1 and 2*J of ultimate c matrix banded representation. c Clear space in buffer area of RWORK(:). DO 270 i=1,2*neq rwork(3*neq+iroff+i)=zero rwork(5*neq+iroff+i)=zero 270 CONTINUE c Place columns 2*J-1 and 2*J of the interleaved matrix. c This involves values of column J from f_y, f_y' and the c regularization parameter, REGUL. Build the pair of columns c in the buffer area first. i1=max(1,j-mu) i2=min(neq,j+ml) DO 280 i=i1,i2 is=i-j+m c Place values of f_y' into buffer space. rwork(3*neq+iroff+2*i-1)=c(is+2*ml+mu+1,j) rwork(5*neq+iroff+2*i)=c(is+2*ml+mu+1,j) c Place values of f_y into buffer space. rwork(3*neq+iroff+2*i)=c(is,j) 280 CONTINUE c Place value of regularization parameter into buffer space. rwork(5*neq+iroff+2*j-1)=regul c Clear target area for columns 2*J-1 and 2*J of interleaved c banded matrix. DO 290 i=1,2*mlp+mup+1 c(i,2*j-1)=zero c(i,2*j)=zero 290 CONTINUE c Copy from buffer area to target columns 2*J, then 2*J-1. i1=max(1,2*j-mup) i2=min(2*neq,2*j+mlp) DO 300 i=i1,i2 is=i-2*j+mp c(is,2*j)=rwork(5*neq+iroff+i) 300 CONTINUE i1=max(1,2*j-1-mup) i2=min(2*neq,2*j-1+mlp) DO 310 i=i1,i2 is=i-(2*j-1)+mp c(is,2*j-1)=rwork(3*neq+iroff+i) 310 CONTINUE 320 CONTINUE c Interleave values of f and f_t + f_y * y' c These occupy array positions RWORK(NEQ+IROFF+1:3*NEQ+IROFF) c after the merge step. DO 330 j=1,neq c Get f component into place rwork(neq+iroff+2*j-1)=rwork(2*neq+iroff+j) c Get f_t + f_y*y' component into alternate place rwork(neq+iroff+2*j)=rwork(iroff+j) 330 CONTINUE CALL sgbfa (c, ldc, 2*neq, mlp, mup, iwork(ioff+1), iflag) c Check for a zero diagonal. This should not happen for c index 1 problems. Declare the problem to have index .gt. 1. IF ( THEN idid=-1 iwork(1)=4 GO TO 370 END IF CALL sgbsl (c, ldc, 2*neq, mlp, mup, iwork(ioff+1), & rwork(iroff+neq+1), 0) DO 340 j=1,neq c Get the changes for values of y', now interleaved rwork(iroff+j)=rwork(iroff+neq+2*j-1) 340 CONTINUE END IF CALL saxpy (neq, -one, rwork(iroff+1), 1, yprime, 1) c This is an iteration counter. It is used c as a one-time check to allow one iteration before c checking the norm of f(t,y,y'). iwork(5)=iwork(5)+1 c Loop back to get another function evaluation c and check its norm against the user tolerance FTOL. GO TO 20 c This block of code checks values of array sizes and other c parameters. If there are errors a return is made with c indicators flagged in IDID and IWORK(1). It is executed c just once per usage of sdasls. It is not re-entered when c reverse communication is used. 360 CONTINUE if (banded) then c For banded problems extract the lower and upper bandwidth. ml=iwork(1) mu=iwork(2) end if iwork(1)=0 idid=0 irank=-1 IF (neq.le.0) THEN iwork(1)=6 idid=-1 GO TO 370 END IF c An additional requirement is that LDC .ge. 2*NEQ c for index 1 dense problems. This is checked as needed. IF (dense) THEN IF ( THEN iwork(1)=7 idid=-1 GO TO 370 END IF ELSE c Test that bandwidth parameters are non-negative. IF ( THEN iwork(1)=14 idid=-1 GO TO 370 END IF c The row dimension of the working array must be at least c 2*ML+MU+1 for banded Jacobians. If this is an index 1 c problem the value must be larger, 2*(2*ML+1)*2*MU+1. c This is checked when an index 1 problem is encountered. IF (ldc.le.2*ml+mu) THEN iwork(1)=7 idid=-1 GO TO 370 END IF END IF c In the dense or banded case the second dimension must c be at least NEQ. For banded index 1 problems the value must c be at least 2*NEQ. This is checked as needed. IF ( THEN idid=-1 iwork(1)=15 GO TO 370 END IF c Check sizes of additional work arrays. IF (dense) THEN IF (*neq+iroff) THEN iwork(1)=9 idid=-1 GO TO 370 END IF ELSE IF (banded) THEN IF (*neq+iroff) THEN iwork(1)=9 idid=-1 GO TO 370 END IF END IF IF (*neq+ioff) THEN iwork(1)=10 idid=-1 GO TO 370 END IF IF ( THEN iwork(1)=12 idid=-1 GO TO 370 END IF IF ( THEN iwork(1)=13 idid=-1 GO TO 370 END IF c Set INFO(1)=0 so integration can start. First the problem c corresponding to IDID .lt. 0 must be fixed. 370 CONTINUE IF ( THEN c Error messages can be put here. info(1)=0 RETURN END IF c Save an initial dummy large value for the L_1 norm of f. c This is updated each iteration and is used to enforce c a minimal rate of decrease in the L_1 norm of f. rwork(2)=r1mach(2) GO TO 10 c This is the fixup and save place for reverse communication c function requests. All saved values are stored and the direction c flag, IRES, is stored for aiding the user in choosing c which evalution to make. No error processing here. 380 CONTINUE iwork(3)=ires iwork(6)=irank iwork(7)=ml iwork(8)=mu idid=1 RETURN c Last statement of routine sdasls END