SUBROUTINE DTRC2C (B,NB,C1,YTAB, YPTAB) c Copyright (c) 1996 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. c ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. c Based on Government Sponsored Research NAS7-03001. C>> 1994-11-11 DTRC2C Krogh Declared all vars. C>> 1994-10-20 DTRC2C Krogh Changes to use M77CON C>> 1987-12-09 DTRC2C Lawson Initial code. c--D replaces "?": ?TRC2C, ?C2BAS c Given C1() containing coefficients relative to a c cubic B-spline basis, this subr computes and stores into c YTAB() and YPTAB() respectively, the value and first derivative c of the spline curve at each nodal point given in B(). C INPUT.. C (B(I),I=1,NB) PARTITION POINTS,INCLUDING ENDPOINTS C NB NO. OF POINTS IN B(). C NO. OF SEGMENTS IS NSEG = NB-1 c (C1(I),I=1,NB+2) Coefficients relative to a cubic B-spline basis C C OUTPUT.. c (YTAB(i),i=1,NB) and (YPTAB(i),i=1,NB) c Values of spline function and its first c derivative at the points given in B(). c YTAB(2*j-1) = f(B(j), YPTAB(2*j) = fprime(B(j)). c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c Based on code written by Lawson, Hanson, Lang, and Campbell, JPL, c 1968-1974. c Modified July 1984 and July 1987 by C. L. Lawson, JPL, for c inclusion in the MATH 77 library. c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c Subprogram referenced: DC2BAS c ------------------------------------------------------------------ integer NB, MB, NSEG, IB, ISEG, ISEGM1, IDERIV, I double precision B(NB), C1(NB+2), YTAB(NB), YPTAB(NB), P(4) double precision SUM, ZERO logical NEWSEG parameter( ZERO = 0.0D0) c ------------------------------------------------------------------ MB=NB NSEG=MB-1 do 30 IB=1,MB ISEG=min(NSEG,IB) ISEGM1=ISEG-1 NEWSEG = .TRUE. do 20 IDERIV=0,1 call DC2BAS(B(IB), IDERIV, ISEG, NEWSEG, B, NB, P) SUM=ZERO do 10 I=1,4 SUM = SUM + C1(ISEGM1+I)*P(I) 10 continue if(IDERIV .eq. 0) then YTAB(IB) = SUM else YPTAB(IB) = SUM endif 20 continue 30 continue return end