subroutine DSFITC(CCODE, XI, YI, SD, KORDER, NCOEF, TKNOTS, * BCOEF, RNORM, ISET, INFO, WORK) c Copyright (c) 1996 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. c ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. c Based on Government Sponsored Research NAS7-03001. c>> 1996-03-30 DSFITC Krogh Added external statement. c>> 1996-01-23 DSGITC Krogh Changes to simplify conversion to C. c>> 1995-11-21 DSFITC Krogh Converted from SFTRAN to Fortran 77. c>> 1994-11-16 CLL Add loops to zero debug arrays XT() and RT(). c>> 1994-10-19 DSFITC Krogh Changes to use M77CON c>> 1994-01-31 DSFITC CLL Added test for SD(i) .le. 0 when SD(1) > 0. c>> 1992-12-16 CLL Corrected formula for NEED2 and comments re WORK(). c>> 1992-11-12 C. L. Lawson, JPL Initializing LEFT, J1, J2. c>> 1992-10-27 C. L. Lawson, JPL c>> 1989-03-02 C. L. Lawson, JPL c>> 1989-02-23 C. L. Lawson, JPL c>> 1988-04-01 C. L. Lawson, JPL c c Weighted least squares fit to discrete data by a polynomial c spline function of order KORDER. The user can specify equality or c inequality constraints. The fitting equations as well as the c constraints may involve the value, a derivative of specified c order, or a definite integral of the spline function. A fitting c equation or constraint may involve function or derivative values c at different points, and relations between derivatives of c different orders. c c The order of a polynomial spline function is one c greater than the degree of its polynomial pieces. c Example: KORDER = 4 specifies a cubic spline function. c c The "proper fitting interval" is from A = TKNOTS(KORDER) to c B = TKNOTS(NT+1-KORDER). Extrapolation outside this interval c is permitted, but one must expect diminished accuracy at c extrapolated points. The given data or constraint c abcissas may be outside [A, B], and subsequent evaluations can be c done at points X outside [A, B]. c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c Specification of fitting and constraint equations. c c Let F denote the polynomial spline to be determined. Let the c quadruple (CCODE(i), X(i), Y(i), SD(i)) be called the ith c specification row. For each desired fitting equation or c constraint equation, (either of which we call a relation) the user c must specify one or two (consecutive) specification rows. c c CCODE(i) consists of 4 characters, that we call c KIND, DERIV, RELOP, and ACTIVE. c c KIND may be '1', '2', '3', or '4'. KIND determines the kind of c relation being specified. When KIND = '1' or '2' all c information for the relation is given in a single specification c row. We call this Row i in the following discussion. c When KIND = '3' or '4', two consecutive specification rows are use c We call these Rows i and i+1. We will complete the explanation of c KIND after describing DERIV, RELOP, and ACTIVE. c c DERIV may be '0', '1', ..., or '9'. This selects the order of c derivative of F to appear in the relation. '0' denotes the value c of F itself. c c RELOP may be '~', '=', '<', or '>'. c RELOP = '~' means the relation is to be a least-squares fitting c equation, '=' means an equality constraint equation, '<' means a c less-than-or-equal constraint equation, and '>' means a c greater-than-or-equal constraint equation. When RELOP = '~', c SD(i) specifies the a priori standard deviation of the right-side c member of the equation. When RELOP indicates a constraint c equation, SD(i) will be ignored. c c ACTIVE may be 'A', 'N', or '!'. Lower case 'a' and 'n' are c also accepted. ACTIVE = 'A' means the current specification row c is active, i.e., a relation will be generated from these c specifications. ACTIVE = 'N' means the specifications are not c active, i.e., no relation will be generated. ACTIVE = '!' means c the current row is inactive and there are no following rows, c i.e., this marks the end of the specification data. The user must c provide this termination signal. c When KIND = '3', or '4', meaning two specification rows are to c be interpreted together, the setting of ACTIVE = 'A' or c ACTIVE = 'N' must be consistent in these two rows. c Setting ACTIVE = '!' in only the first row is permitted, however, c since then the second row will not be accessed anyway. c c The forms of the relations selected by KIND are: c c KIND = 1: G(X(i)) RELOP Y(i) c c where G is the derivative of F selected by DERIV. c c KIND = 2: G(X(i)) - G(Y(i)) RELOP 0 c c where G is the derivative of F selected by DERIV. c c KIND = 3: G(X(i)) - Y(i+1) * H(X(i+1)) RELOP Y(i) c c where G is the derivative of F selected by DERIV(i) and c and H is the derivative of F selected by DERIV(i+1). In this c case KIND(i+1) and RELOP(i+1) are not used. c c KIND = 4: Integral from X(i) to X(i+1) of F RELOP Y(i) c c In this case DERIV(i), KIND(i+1), DERIV(i+1), RELOP(i+1), and c Y(i+1) are not used. c ------------------------------------------------------------------ C The linear algebra methods were designed by C.L.Lawson and c R.J.Hanson. The method of representing spline functions is due c to Carl de Boor. References: C "SOLVING LEAST SQUARES PROBLEMS", by Lawson and Hanson, C Prentice-Hall, 1974. c "A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SPLINES" by Carl de Boor, c Springer-Verlag, 1978. c The functionality and user interface of this subprogram are c modeled on the "French Curve" subroutine, FC, developed by Hanson c and Lawson at JPL in 1970, and the subsequent version developed by c Hanson at Sandia in 1979. c March 1988, CLL, JPL. Revised to conform to the Fortran 77 c standard. Intended for inclusion in the JPL MATH77 math library. c Feb 1989, CLL, JPL. Revised to use KIND = 3 to specify an c integral, and added new kind of relation using KIND = 4. c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c SUBROUTINE ARGUMENTS c c CCODE() [in, char*4] CCODE(i) is regarded as consisting of four c single-character fields. c CCODE(i)(1:1) = KIND = '1', '2', '3', '4'. c CCODE(i)(2:2) = DERIV = '0', '1', ..., '9'. c CCODE(i)(3:3) = RELOP = '~', '=', '<', '>'. c CCODE(i)(4:4) = ACTIVE = 'A', 'N', '!' c Where alphabetic characters are shown, the corresponding c lower case character is also acceptable. c c X() [in] Abcissas for specification of fitting or c constraint equations. c c Y() [in] Values or abcissas for specification c of fitting or constraint equations. c c SD() [in] Specifies the a priori standard deviation of error in the c right-side value in each fitting equation. c The weighted fitting algorithm will take account of these. c Optionally, the user may set SD(1) to a negative value. c Then this subr will use abs(SD(1)) as the standard deviation c for the right-side value in each fitting equation. In this c latter case the SD() array can be dimensioned SD(1). c Note that a negative value in SD(1) will always be interpreted c in this way by this subr, even if the associated RELOP is not c '~' or if ACTIVE is not 'A'. c c KORDER [in] Order of the spline basis functions. The c polynomial degree of the spline segments is one less than the c order. Example: the order of a cubic spline is 4. c Require KORDER .ge. 1. Internal arrays in subroutines used put c an upper limit of 20 on KORDER. c c NCOEF [in] No. of B-spline coefficients to be determined. c c (TKNOTS(j),j=1,NT, where NT = NCOEF+KORDER) [in] This is the deBoor c knot sequence for definition of the spline basis functions. c These values must be nondecreasing. c Repeated values are permitted, but values at c an index spacing of KORDER must be strictly increasing. c The first and last KORDER-1 values in TKNOTS() are needed to c support the deBoor method of representing splines. c The "proper fitting interval" is from c A = TKNOTS(KORDER) to B = TKNOTS(NT+1-KORDER). One acceptable and c convenient way to set the first and last KORDER-1 knots is to set c the first KORDER-1 to A and the last KORDER-1 to B. c Continuity of the spline at knots interior to (A, B) will be of c order KORDER-2, unless a knot is repeated, in which case the order c of continuity will be decreased at that knot. c c BCOEF() [out] An array of length NCOEF into which the computed c coefficients defining the fitted curve will be stored. These c are coeffients relative to B-spline basis functions. c For I = 1, ..., NCOEF, the coefficient BCOEF(I) c is associated with the basis function whose support interval c runs from TKNOTS(I) to TKNOTS(I+KORDER). c c RNORM [out] RNORM := sqrt( sum over the indices i for which c fitting was requested of [( (yfit(i) - Y(i))/SD(i))**2]) c c ISET() [in integer] Array of length 3. c ISET(1) = NINFO, the dimension of INFO(). A sufficiently c large value for NINFO is 7 + 2*(NCOEF + NS). c ISET(2) = NWORK, the dimension of WORK(). A sufficiently c large value for NWORK can be computed as follows: c See definition of NS, M1, and MFIT below under INFO(). c NTOT = NCOEF + NS c MTOT = M1 + MFIT c MINMN = min(MTOT, NTOT) c NWORK = MTOT*NTOT + 3*MTOT + 6*NTOT + 3*MINMN + M1 c ISET(3) = KPRINT, a print flag in the range [0, 4]. It is c passed on to DBLSE. Larger values produce more printing. c c INFO() [out and scratch integer] The first 7 elements of INFO() c are used to return information about the problem. The c following 2*(NCOEF+NS) locations are used as scratch. c INFO(1) = IERR5, the Error status indicator. c Note that IERR4 comes from DBLSE. Possible values of IERR5 are c as follows: c c = 0 means no errors detected. c = 100 means NCOEF .lt. 1 c = 200 means TKNOTS(I) .gt. TKNOTS(I+1) c = 250 means TKNOTS(I) .ge. TKNOTS(I+KORDER) c = 300 means NINFO or NWORK is too small. c = 500 means DERIV has bad value. c = 600 means RELOP has bad value. c = 700 means KIND has bad value. c = 800 means ACTIVE has bad value. c = 1000 + IERR4 means IERR4 .ne. 0 due to error c detected in _BLSE. c = 1100 means SD(1) = zero. c = 1200 means SD(1) > zero and SD(i) .le. zero for some i. c c INFO(2) = NEED1, the dimension needed for INFO(). c INFO(3) = NEED2, the dimension needed for WORK(). c INFO(4) = M1, the number of constraints rows in the matrix c representation of the problem. This will be a count of c the number of nonignored instances of CCODE(i) having c RELOP = '=', '<', or '>, and ACTIVE = 'A'. c INFO(5) = MFIT, the number of least-squares equations. c This will be a count of c the number of nonignored instances of CCODE(i) having c RELOP = '~' and ACTIVE = 'A'. c INFO(6) = NS, the number of slack variables. This will be a c count of the number of nonignored instances of CCODE(i) c having RELOP = '<' or '>, and ACTIVE = 'A'. c INFO(7) = NSETP, the number of variables in Set P at c termination. These variables are at values determined by c solution of a system of equations. The other NCOEF + NS c - NSETP variables will be at fixed values, either at one of c their bounds or at zero. c c WORK() [scratch] Work space dimensioned NWORK. c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c Important internal variables. c c BASIS() Array in which values of KORDER basis functions or their c will be stored. Dimensioned using the parameter KMAX. c This puts an upper limit on permissible KORDER. c JCOL Column of matrix into which first element of current c set of basis function values will be placed. c JCOL = LEFT - KORDER + 1. c KINFO Parameter specifying the number of locations at the c beginning of INFO() used for specific items of returned c information. Space beyond these locations is used for c scratch. c KMAX Intermal dimensioning parameter. The input value of KORDER c must not exceed KMAX. c KORDP1 = KORDER+1 C KSIZE Number of rows in current block. c LEFT Index of current spline segment. LEFT will satisfy c KORDER .le. LEFT .le. NCOEF. c The knot interval associated with index LEFT is from c T(LEFT) to T(LEFT+1). c Note that the union of these c segments is the "proper fitting interval". c ELIMIT Limit on number of errors in initial scan of specs before c quitting. c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c--D replaces "?": ?SFITC, ?BLSE, ?SBASI, ?SBASD, ?SFIND, ?ERV1 c Both versions use ERMOR, ERMSG, IERM1, IERV1 c ------------------------------------------------------------------ external D1MACH integer ELIMIT, KINFO parameter(ELIMIT = 9, KINFO = 7) integer ACTIVE, DERIV, FAC integer I, IC, IERR4, IERR5 integer INFO(*), IRCON, IRLS, IROW, ISET(3) integer IWBND, IWBVEC, IWCC, IWDIFF, IWINDX, IWJSTA integer IWRT, IWSIZ, IWSS, IWTNRM, IWWRK, IWXS, IWXT, IWZ integer J, J1, J2, JCOL, JS, KMAX, KORDER, KPRINT, LEFT integer M1, MFIT, MINMN, MN, MODE, MTOT integer NBADCC, NCOEF, NEED1, NEED2, NINFO, NTOT integer NS, NSETP, NT, NWORK, RELOP, KIND parameter(KMAX=20) double precision D1MACH double precision BASIS(KMAX), BCOEF(NCOEF), ONE double precision RNORM, RTVAL, SD(*), SDIC double precision TKNOTS(NCOEF+KORDER), TOL, UNBND double precision WORK(*), WT, WT1 double precision X, XI(*), YI(*), ZERO character ATAB*6, CCODE(*)*4, DTAB*10 character RTAB*4, NVTAB*4 character MSG1*19, MSG3*19, MSG4*19 logical USEWT1 parameter( ONE = 1.0D0, UNBND = 99.0D0, ZERO = 0.0D0) parameter(DTAB='0123456789', RTAB='~=<>') parameter(NVTAB='1234', ATAB=' AaNn!') data MSG1 / 'CCODE(I)(1:1) = ' / data MSG3 / 'CCODE(I)(3:3) = ' / data MSG4 / 'CCODE(I)(4:4) = ' / c ------------------------------------------------------------------ NINFO = ISET(1) NWORK = ISET(2) KPRINT = ISET(3) NT = NCOEF + KORDER IERR5 = 0 C C Exit immediately if NCOEF .lt. 1 or if C the knots fail to be nondecreasing. c if ( NCOEF .lt. 1 ) then IERR5 = 100 call IERM1('DSFITC',IERR5,0, * 'Require NCOEF .ge. 1', 'NCOEF',NCOEF,'.') go to 500 end if if(KORDER .gt. KMAX) then IERR5 = 150 call IERM1('DSFITC',IERR5,0,'Require KORDER .le. KMAX.', * 'KORDER',KORDER,',') call IERV1('KMAX',KMAX,'.') go to 500 end if c do 20 I = 1,NT-1 if (TKNOTS(I) .gt. TKNOTS(I+1)) then IERR5 = 200 call IERM1('DSFITC',IERR5,0, * 'Require knots, TKNOTS(I), to be nondecreasing.', * 'I',I,',') call DERV1('TKNOTS(I)',TKNOTS(I),',') call DERV1('TKNOTS(I+1)',TKNOTS(I+1),'.') go to 500 end if 20 continue c do 40 I = 1,NCOEF if (TKNOTS(I) .ge. TKNOTS(I+KORDER)) then IERR5 = 250 call IERM1('DSFITC',IERR5,0, * 'Require TKNOTS(I) < TKNOTS(I+KORDER).', * 'I',I,',') call DERV1('TKNOTS(I)',TKNOTS(I),',') call DERV1('TKNOTS(I+KORDER)',TKNOTS(I+KORDER),'.') go to 500 end if 40 continue C c ------------------------------------------------------------------ C TEST SD(1) if(SD(1) .lt. ZERO) then WT1 = -ONE/SD(1) USEWT1 = .true. else if( SD(1) .gt. ZERO) THEN USEWT1 = .false. else IERR5 = 1100 call ERMSG('DSFITC',IERR5,0,'Require SD(1) .ne. Zero','.') go to 500 end if c c . Determine M1, MFIT, NS, MTOT, and NTOT. c . M1 = number of non-ignored constraint specifications. c . MFIT = number of non-ignored least-squates equations. c . NS = number of non-ignored constraints that c . are inequality constraints and thus require a slack variable. c . MTOT = M1 + MFIT c . NTOT = NCOEF + NS c NBADCC = 0 M1 = 0 MFIT = 0 NS = 0 I = 1 c do forever 60 continue KIND = index(NVTAB, CCODE(I)(1:1)) DERIV = index(DTAB, CCODE(I)(2:2)) - 1 RELOP = index(RTAB, CCODE(I)(3:3)) ACTIVE = index(ATAB, CCODE(I)(4:4))/2 if(ACTIVE .eq. 3) go to 180 c c . CCODE(I)(1:1) = 1 2 3 4 c . KIND = 1 2 3 4 c c . CCODE(I)(2:2) = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 c . DERIV = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 c c . CCODE(I)(3:3) = ~ = < > c . RELOP = 1 2 3 4 c c . CCODE(I)(4:4) = A a N n ! c . ACTIVE = 1 1 2 2 3 c if(ACTIVE .eq. 1) then C do case(RELOP, 4) go to (110, 120, 130, 140), RELOP C case other IERR5 = 600 call IERM1('DSFITC',IERR5,0, * 'RELOP = CCODE(I)(3:3) has invalid value.','I',I,',') MSG3(19:19) = CCODE(I)(3:3) call ERMOR(MSG3, '.') NBADCC = NBADCC+1 go to 150 C case 1 110 MFIT = MFIT+1 go to 150 C case 2 120 M1 = M1+1 go to 150 C case 3 130 M1 = M1+1 NS = NS+1 go to 150 C case 4 140 M1 = M1+1 NS = NS+1 150 continue c end case else if(ACTIVE .ne. 2) then IERR5 = 800 call IERM1('DSFITC',IERR5,0, * 'ACTIVE = CCODE(I)(4:4) has invalid value.','I',I,',') MSG4(19:19) = CCODE(I)(4:4) call ERMOR(MSG4, '.') NBADCC = NBADCC+1 end if c if(KIND .eq. 1 .or. KIND .eq. 2) then I = I+1 else if(KIND .eq. 3 .or. KIND .eq. 4) then I = I+2 else IERR5 = 700 call IERM1('DSFITC',IERR5,0, * 'KIND = CCODE(I)(1:1) has invalid value.','I',I,',') MSG1(19:19) = CCODE(I)(1:1) call ERMOR(MSG1, '.') NBADCC = ELIMIT+1 end if if(NBADCC .gt. ELIMIT) then call ERMSG('DSFITC',IERR5,0, * 'Quitting on bad values in CCODE()','.') go to 500 end if go to 60 180 continue C end forever c if(NBADCC .ne. 0) then call ERMSG('DSFITC',IERR5,0, * 'Quitting on bad values in CCODE()','.') go to 500 end if MTOT = M1 + MFIT NTOT = NCOEF + NS * print*,'DSFITC.. M1, MFIT, NCOEF, NS =',M1, MFIT, NCOEF, NS MINMN = min(MTOT, NTOT) INFO(4) = M1 INFO(5) = MFIT INFO(6) = NS c c . Set indices to partition the work arrays INFO() and WORK(). c IWINDX = 1+KINFO IWJSTA = IWINDX+NTOT NEED1 = IWJSTA+NTOT - 1 INFO(2) = NEED1 c MN = MTOT*NTOT IWBVEC = MN+1 IWBND = IWBVEC+MTOT IWXS = IWBND +2*NTOT IWWRK = IWXS+NTOT IWSIZ = IWWRK+NTOT IWTNRM = IWSIZ+M1 IWZ = IWTNRM+NTOT IWCC = IWZ+MINMN IWSS = IWCC+MINMN IWXT = IWSS+MINMN IWRT = IWXT+NTOT IWDIFF = IWRT+MTOT NEED2 = IWDIFF+MTOT - 1 INFO(3) = NEED2 c . Check NINFO and NWORK. c if(NINFO .lt. NEED1 .or. NWORK .lt. NEED2) then IERR5 = 300 call IERM1('DSFITC',IERR5,0, * 'Require NINFO .ge. NEED1 and NWORK .ge. NEED2.', * 'NINFO',NINFO,',') call IERV1('NEED1',NEED1,',') call IERV1('NWORK',NWORK,',') call IERV1('NEED2',NEED2,'.') go to 500 end if c . Zero an MTOT x NTOT space for the matrix. do 200 I = 1, MN WORK(I) = ZERO 200 continue c . Zero debug arrays XT() and RT() in WORK(). do 210 j = 1, ntot work(iwxt + j - 1) = ZERO 210 continue do 220 j = 1, mtot work(iwrt + j - 1) = ZERO 220 continue c c . Set bounds for variables. Storing into a 2 x NTOT space. c do 240 J = 1,2*NTOT WORK(IWBND-1+J) = UNBND 240 continue do 250 J = 1,NS WORK(IWBND+(NCOEF+J-1)*2) = ZERO 250 continue c -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c Begin loop to form equations, both constraints and least-squares. c c Initialize JS = column index of previous slack variable. c IRCON = row index of previous constraint equation. c IRLS = row index of previous least-squares equation. c IC = index of current specification data. c LEFT = Arbitrary starting value for use by DSFIND. c J1,J2 = Arbitrary starting values for use by DSBASI. c JS = NCOEF IRCON = 0 IRLS = M1 IC = 1 J1 = 1 J2 = 1 LEFT = 1 C do forever 300 continue ACTIVE = index(ATAB, CCODE(IC)(4:4))/2 if(ACTIVE .eq. 3) go to 400 if(ACTIVE .eq. 2) then IC = IC+1 go to 300 end if KIND= index(NVTAB, CCODE(IC)(1:1)) RELOP = index(RTAB, CCODE(IC)(3:3)) c c . CCODE(I)(1:1) = 1 2 3 4 c . KIND = 1 2 3 4 c c . CCODE(I)(2:2) = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 c . DERIV = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 c c . CCODE(I)(3:3) = ~ = < > c . RELOP = 1 2 3 4 c c . CCODE(I)(4:4) = A a N n ! c . ACTIVE = 1 1 2 2 3 c c . Set matrix row index, IROW. c . Set weight, WT, if RELOP = 1. c . Store coefficient of +1 or -1 for slack variable if c . RELOP is 3 or 4. c if(RELOP .eq. 1) then IRLS = IRLS+1 IROW = IRLS if( USEWT1) then WT = WT1 else SDIC = SD(IC) if(SDIC .gt. ZERO) then WT=ONE/SDIC else IERR5 = 1200 call ERMSG('DSFITC',IERR5,0, * 'With SD(1) > 0 require all SD(I) > 0.', ',') call DERV1('SD(1)',SD(1),',') call IERV1('I',IC,',') call DERV1('SD(I)',SDIC,'.') go to 500 end if end if else IRCON = IRCON+1 IROW = IRCON if(RELOP .eq. 3) then JS = JS+1 WORK(IROW+(JS-1)*MTOT) = ONE else if(RELOP .eq. 4) then JS = JS+1 WORK(IROW+(JS-1)*MTOT) = -ONE end if end if c if(KIND .eq. 4) then c Setup for integral call DSBASI(KORDER, NCOEF, TKNOTS, XI(IC), XI(IC+1), * J1, J2, WORK(IWXS)) do 320 J = J1, J2 if(RELOP .eq. 1) then WORK(IROW+(J-1)*MTOT) = WORK(IWXS-1+J) * WT else WORK(IROW+(J-1)*MTOT) = WORK(IWXS-1+J) end if 320 continue c if(RELOP .eq. 1) then WORK(MN+IROW) = YI(IC) * WT else WORK(MN+IROW) = YI(IC) end if c End of setup for integral IC = IC+2 else c Setup for value or derivative c . DERIV = CCODE()(2:2) = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 c DERIV = index(DTAB, CCODE(IC)(2:2)) - 1 X = XI(IC) FAC = ONE c Negate KIND to flag that this is the first time accumulating values. KIND = -KIND 340 continue c Accumulate values into matrix call DSFIND(TKNOTS, KORDER, NCOEF+1, X, LEFT, MODE) call DSBASD(KORDER, LEFT, TKNOTS, X, DERIV, BASIS) JCOL = LEFT-KORDER+1 * print*,'DSFITC.. X =',X * print*,'DSFITC.. IC,LEFT,JCOL =',IC,LEFT,JCOL if(RELOP .eq. 1) FAC = FAC * WT do 360 J = 1,KORDER WORK(IROW+(JCOL-1)*MTOT) = * WORK(IROW+(JCOL-1)*MTOT) + FAC * BASIS(J) JCOL = JCOL + 1 360 continue c End of accumulate values into matrix if (KIND .lt. 0) then c KIND is reset to positive here. KIND = -KIND if(KIND .eq. 1) then RTVAL = YI(IC) else c . Here KIND = 2 or 3 if(KIND .eq. 2) then FAC = -ONE RTVAL = ZERO X = YI(IC) else DERIV = index(DTAB, CCODE(IC+1)(2:2)) - 1 FAC = -YI(IC+1) RTVAL = YI(IC) X = XI(IC+1) end if c Go back to accumulate values a second time and last time on this iter. go to 340 end if end if c Set right side of relation. if(RELOP .eq. 1) then WORK(MN+IROW) = RTVAL * WT else WORK(MN+IROW) = RTVAL end if c End of setup for value or derivative IC = IC+1 if(KIND .eq. 3) IC = IC+1 end if go to 300 400 continue c end forever c . End loop to form equations. c -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c print'(1x/1x,a,i5,a,i5)','DSFITC.. MTOT =',MTOT,', NTOT =',NTOT c print'(1x/1x,a/1x)','DSFITC.. Matrix going to DBLSE:' c do for I = 1,MTOT c print'(1x/1x,i5,3x,5g13.5/(9x,5g13.5))', c * I,(WORK(I+(J-1)*MTOT),J=1,NTOT+1) c end for c c . All points have been processed. Call for the solution. c TOL = D1MACH(4)**(0.75d0) call DBLSE(WORK, MTOT, MTOT, NTOT, M1, WORK(MN+1), * WORK(IWBND), UNBND, KPRINT, TOL, IERR4, WORK(IWXS), * RNORM, NSETP, * WORK(IWWRK), WORK(IWSIZ), WORK(IWTNRM), WORK(IWZ), * WORK(IWCC), WORK(IWSS), INFO(IWINDX), INFO(IWJSTA), * WORK(IWXT), WORK(IWRT), WORK(IWDIFF)) c c -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INFO(7) = NSETP if(IERR4 .ne. 0) then IERR5 = 1000 + IERR4 call ERMSG('DSFITC',IERR5,0, 'Error noted in DBLSE.','.') go to 500 end if c do 440 I=1,NCOEF BCOEF(I) = WORK(IWXS-1+I) 440 continue INFO(1) = IERR5 return c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c ERROR RETURN 500 do 520 I=1,NCOEF BCOEF(I)=ZERO 520 continue INFO(1) = IERR5 return end