program DRSELI c>>1994-10-19 DRSELI Krogh Changes to use M77CON c>>1992-03-09 DRSELI WV Snyder Create separate single and double demos. c>>1991-10-04 DRSELI WV Snyder JPL Original code. c--S replaces "?": DR?ELI,?RCVAL,?ELEFI,?ELPII,?RDVAL,?RFVAL,?RJVAL c c Demonstration driver for incomplete elliptic integral procedures. c real ALPHA2, E, F, K, K2, PHI, PI, R, RC, RD, RF, RJ real SINPHI, T, U, X, Y, Z integer IERR c c Compute arc sine x using ASIN and RC, for x = 0.5 c print *, 'Identities from write-up:' x = 0.5e0 call srcval (1.0e0-x*x,1.0e0,rc,ierr) if (ierr.eq.0) then t = asin(x) - x * rc print '('' ASIN(0.5) - 0.5*RC(1-0.5**2,1) ='',g15.8)', t else print '('' SRCVAL returns error signal '',i1)', ierr end if c c Evaluate identities given by equations (8-10) in the write-up c with k**2 = 1/2, sin(phi)**2 = 1/4, alpha**2 = 1/2, c = 1. c From this, we have a = 3/4, b = r = 7/8. c alpha2 = 0.5e0 k = sqrt(0.5e0) k2 = 0.5e0 sinphi = 0.5e0 phi = asin(sinphi) r = 0.875e0 x = 0.75e0 y = 0.875e0 z = 1.0e0 call selefi (phi,k,f,e,ierr) if ( then print '('' SELEFI returns error signal '',i1)', ierr go to 99 end if call selpii (phi,k2,alpha2,pi,ierr) if ( then print '('' SELPII returns error signal '',i1)', ierr go to 99 end if call srdval (x,y,z,rd,ierr) if ( then print '('' SRDVAL returns error signal '',i1)', ierr go to 99 end if call srfval (x,y,z,rf,ierr) if ( then print '('' SRFVAL returns error signal '',i1)', ierr go to 99 end if call srjval (x,y,z,r,rj,ierr) if ( then print '('' SRJVAL returns error signal '',i1)', ierr go to 99 end if u = sqrt(z**3) * rd t = 3.0e0 / (k2 * sinphi**3) * (f-e) r = (u-t) / u print '('' Equation (8), (LHS - RHS)/LHS ='',g15.8)', r u = sqrt(z) * rf t = f / sinphi r = (u-t) / u print '('' Equation (9), (LHS - RHS)/LHS ='',g15.8)', r u = sqrt(z**3) * rj t = 3 / (alpha2 * sinphi**3) * (pi - f) r = (u-t) / u print '('' Equation (10), (LHS - RHS)/LHS ='',g15.8)', r c 99 stop end