c program DRCBLAS c>> 1997-06-13 DRCBLAS Krogh Added External Statement. c>> 1992-03-13 CLL c DRCBLAS.. Demo driver for SCNRM2, CCOPY, CDOTC, and CDOTU. c ------------------------------------------------------------------ external SCNRM2, CDOTC, CDOTU real SCNRM2 complex CDOTC, CDOTU real S2 complex C1, C2, C3, C4, CX(4), CY(4), CZ(4) integer N data CX / (5.0, 3.0), (-2.0, 6.0), (4.0, -7.0), (-8.0, -11.0)/ data CY / (1.0, -2.0), (4.0, 8.0), (-5.0, -6.0), (-3.0, 7.0)/ c ------------------------------------------------------------------ print*, * ' DRCBLAS.. Demo driver for SCNRM2, CCOPY, CDOTC, and CDOTU.' N = 4 call CCOPY(N, CY, 1, CZ, 1) c C1 = CDOTC(N, CX, 1, CY, 1) - cmplx(8.0, -201.0) C2 = CDOTC(N, CX, 1, CZ, 1) - cmplx(8.0, -201.0) print'(/a)', * ' Using CCOPY and CDOTC. Expect C1 = C2 = (0.0, 0.0)' print'(a,2f8.2/10x,a,2f8.2)',' Computed: C1 =',C1,' C2 =',C2 c C3 = CDOTU(N, CX, 1, CY, 1) - cmplx(-6.0, -11.0) C4 = CDOTU(N, CX, 1, CZ, 1) - cmplx(-6.0, -11.0) print'(/a)', * ' Using CCOPY and CDOTU. Expect C3 = C4 = (0.0, 0.0)' print'(a,2f8.2/10x,a,2f8.2)',' Computed: C3 =',C3,' C4 =',C4 c S2 = SCNRM2(N, CX, 1) - 18.0 print'(/a,f9.4)', * ' Using SCNRM2. Expect S2 = 0.0. Computed: ',S2 end