####################################################################### # This is the makefile to create a library of the test matrix # generators used in LAPACK. The files are organized as follows: # # SCATGEN -- Auxiliary routines called from single precision # DZATGEN -- Auxiliary routines called from double precision # SMATGEN -- Single precision real matrix generation routines # CMATGEN -- Single precision complex matrix generation routines # DMATGEN -- Double precision real matrix generation routines # ZMATGEN -- Double precision complex matrix generation routines # ####################################################################### set(SCATGEN slatm1.f slatm7.f slaran.f slarnd.f) set(SMATGEN slatms.f slatme.f slatmr.f slatmt.f slagge.f slagsy.f slakf2.f slarge.f slaror.f slarot.f slatm2.f slatm3.f slatm5.f slatm6.f slahilb.f) set(CMATGEN clatms.f clatme.f clatmr.f clatmt.f clagge.f claghe.f clagsy.f clakf2.f clarge.f claror.f clarot.f clatm1.f clarnd.f clatm2.f clatm3.f clatm5.f clatm6.f clahilb.f) set(DZATGEN dlatm1.f dlatm7.f dlaran.f dlarnd.f) set(DMATGEN dlatms.f dlatme.f dlatmr.f dlatmt.f dlagge.f dlagsy.f dlakf2.f dlarge.f dlaror.f dlarot.f dlatm2.f dlatm3.f dlatm5.f dlatm6.f dlahilb.f) set(ZMATGEN zlatms.f zlatme.f zlatmr.f zlatmt.f zlagge.f zlaghe.f zlagsy.f zlakf2.f zlarge.f zlaror.f zlarot.f zlatm1.f zlarnd.f zlatm2.f zlatm3.f zlatm5.f zlatm6.f zlahilb.f) set(SOURCES) if(BUILD_SINGLE) list(APPEND SOURCES ${SMATGEN} ${SCATGEN}) endif() if(BUILD_DOUBLE) list(APPEND SOURCES ${DMATGEN} ${DZATGEN}) endif() if(BUILD_COMPLEX) list(APPEND SOURCES ${CMATGEN} ${SCATGEN}) endif() if(BUILD_COMPLEX16) list(APPEND SOURCES ${ZMATGEN} ${DZATGEN}) endif() list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES SOURCES) add_library(${TMGLIB} ${SOURCES}) set_target_properties( ${TMGLIB} PROPERTIES VERSION ${LAPACK_VERSION} SOVERSION ${LAPACK_MAJOR_VERSION} ) target_link_libraries(${TMGLIB} ${LAPACK_LIBRARIES} ${BLAS_LIBRARIES}) lapack_install_library(${TMGLIB})