LAPACK  3.6.1
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
logical function lse ( real, dimension( * )  RI,
real, dimension( * )  RJ,
integer  LR 

Definition at line 2323 of file c_sblat3.f.

2323 *
2324 * Tests if two arrays are identical.
2325 *
2326 * Auxiliary routine for test program for Level 3 Blas.
2327 *
2328 * -- Written on 8-February-1989.
2329 * Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory.
2330 * Iain Duff, AERE Harwell.
2331 * Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.
2332 * Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.
2333 *
2334 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
2335  INTEGER lr
2336 * .. Array Arguments ..
2337  REAL ri( * ), rj( * )
2338 * .. Local Scalars ..
2339  INTEGER i
2340 * .. Executable Statements ..
2341  DO 10 i = 1, lr
2342  IF( ri( i ).NE.rj( i ) )
2343  $ GO TO 20
2344  10 CONTINUE
2345  lse = .true.
2346  GO TO 30
2347  20 CONTINUE
2348  lse = .false.
2349  30 RETURN
2350 *
2351 * End of LSE.
2352 *
logical function lse(RI, RJ, LR)
Definition: sblat2.f:2945

Here is the call graph for this function: