cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc cc cc cc mnfour : fourco test program cc cc cc cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc real c(20),t(20),wrk1(20),wrk2(20),alfa(10),ress(10),resc(10) integer i,ier,j,k,k1,m,n,nk1 real ak,rc,rs c as an example we calculate some integrals of the form c / 1 / 1 c ! x * sin(alfa*x) dx and ! x * cos(alfa*x) dx c 0 / 0 / c c we will represent y = x as a cubic spline. k = 3 k1 = k+1 c we fetch the knots of the cubic spline n = 2*k1+4 c the boundary knots j = n do 10 i=1,k1 t(i) = 0. t(j) = 0.1e+01 j = j-1 10 continue c the interior knots t(5) = 0.1e+0 t(6) = 0.3e+0 t(7) = 0.4e+0 t(8) = 0.8e+0 c find the b-spline representation of y=x nk1 = n-k1 ak = k c(1) = 0. do 20 i=2,nk1 j = i+k c(i) = c(i-1)+(t(j)-t(i))/ak 20 continue c print the data for the spline. write(6,900) k write(6,905) write(6,910) (t(i),i=1,n) write(6,915) write(6,920) (c(i),i=1,nk1) c fetch the different values for alfa m = 8 alfa(1) = 0. alfa(2) = 0.1e-02 do 30 i=3,m alfa(i) = -alfa(i-1)*0.1e+02 30 continue c calculate the fourier integrals of the cubic spline call fourco(t,n,c,alfa,m,ress,resc,wrk1,wrk2,ier) c print the results write(6,925) do 40 i=1,m c fetch the exact values of the integrals call exfour(alfa(i),rs,rc) write(6,930) alfa(i),ress(i),rs,resc(i),rc 40 continue stop c format statements. 900 format(25h0degree of the spline k =,i2) 905 format(1x,21hposition of the knots) 910 format(5x,12f5.1) 915 format(1x,21hb-spline coefficients) 920 format(5x,8f9.5) 925 format(1h0,2x,4halfa,9x,4hress,9x,4hexas,9x,4hresc,9x,4hexac) 930 format(1x,e8.1,4f13.5) end subroutine exfour(alfa,rs,rc) c subroutine exfour calculates the integrals c / 1 c rs = ! x*sin(alfa*x) dx and c 0 / c / 1 c rc = ! x*cos(alfa*x) dx c 0 / integer k,k2 real aa,ak,alfa,cc,c1,half,one,rc,rs,ss,s1,three c ..function references.. real cos,sin,abs c set constants one = 0.1e+01 three = 0.3e+01 half = 0.5e0 if(abs(alfa) go to 10 c integration by parts aa = one/alfa cc = cos(alfa) ss = sin(alfa) rs = (ss*aa-cc)*aa rc = ((cc-one)*aa+ss)*aa go to 50 c using the series expansions of sin(alfa*x) and cos(alfa*x) 10 rs = 0. rc = half if(alfa.eq.0.) go to 50 rs = alfa/three ss = rs cc = rc aa = -alfa*alfa do 20 k=1,21 k2 = 2*(k-1) ak = (k2+2)*(k2+5) ss = ss*aa/ak s1 = rs+ss if( to 30 rs = s1 20 continue 30 do 40 k=1,21 k2 = 2*(k-1) ak = (k2+1)*(k2+4) cc = cc*aa/ak c1 = rc+cc if(c1.eq.rc)go to 50 rc = c1 40 continue 50 return end