/* dchkee.f -- translated by f2c (version 20061008). You must link the resulting object file with libf2c: on Microsoft Windows system, link with libf2c.lib; on Linux or Unix systems, link with .../path/to/libf2c.a -lm or, if you install libf2c.a in a standard place, with -lf2c -lm -- in that order, at the end of the command line, as in cc *.o -lf2c -lm Source for libf2c is in /netlib/f2c/libf2c.zip, e.g., http://www.netlib.org/f2c/libf2c.zip */ #include "f2c.h" #include "blaswrap.h" /* Common Block Declarations */ struct { integer nproc, nshift, maxb; } cenvir_; #define cenvir_1 cenvir_ struct { integer infot, nunit; logical ok, lerr; } infoc_; #define infoc_1 infoc_ struct { char srnamt[32]; } srnamc_; #define srnamc_1 srnamc_ struct { integer selopt, seldim; logical selval[20]; doublereal selwr[20], selwi[20]; } sslct_; #define sslct_1 sslct_ struct { integer iparms[100]; } zlaenv_; #define zlaenv_1 zlaenv_ /* Table of constant values */ static integer c__1 = 1; static integer c__3 = 3; static integer c__5 = 5; static integer c__6 = 6; static integer c__12 = 12; static integer c__11 = 11; static integer c__13 = 13; static integer c__2 = 2; static integer c__14 = 14; static integer c__0 = 0; static integer c__15 = 15; static integer c__16 = 16; static integer c__20 = 20; static integer c__132 = 132; static integer c__4 = 4; static integer c__8 = 8; static integer c__87781 = 87781; static integer c__9 = 9; static integer c__25 = 25; static integer c__89760 = 89760; static integer c__18 = 18; static integer c__400 = 400; static integer c__89758 = 89758; static integer c__264 = 264; /* Main program */ int MAIN__(void) { /* Initialized data */ static char intstr[10] = "0123456789"; static integer ioldsd[4] = { 0,0,0,1 }; /* Format strings */ static char fmt_9987[] = "(\002 Tests of the Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Pro" "blem routines\002)"; static char fmt_9986[] = "(\002 Tests of the Symmetric Eigenvalue Proble" "m routines\002)"; static char fmt_9985[] = "(\002 Tests of the Singular Value Decompositio" "n routines\002)"; static char fmt_9979[] = "(/\002 Tests of the Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Pr" "oblem Driver\002,/\002 DGEEV (eigenvalues and eigevectors)" "\002)"; static char fmt_9978[] = "(/\002 Tests of the Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Pr" "oblem Driver\002,/\002 DGEES (Schur form)\002)"; static char fmt_9977[] = "(/\002 Tests of the Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Pr" "oblem Expert\002,\002 Driver\002,/\002 DGEEVX (eigenvalues, e" "igenvectors and\002,\002 condition numbers)\002)"; static char fmt_9976[] = "(/\002 Tests of the Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Pr" "oblem Expert\002,\002 Driver\002,/\002 DGEESX (Schur form and" " condition\002,\002 numbers)\002)"; static char fmt_9975[] = "(/\002 Tests of the Generalized Nonsymmetric E" "igenvalue \002,\002Problem routines\002)"; static char fmt_9964[] = "(/\002 Tests of the Generalized Nonsymmetric E" "igenvalue \002,\002Problem Driver DGGES\002)"; static char fmt_9965[] = "(/\002 Tests of the Generalized Nonsymmetric E" "igenvalue \002,\002Problem Expert Driver DGGESX\002)"; static char fmt_9963[] = "(/\002 Tests of the Generalized Nonsymmetric E" "igenvalue \002,\002Problem Driver DGGEV\002)"; static char fmt_9962[] = "(/\002 Tests of the Generalized Nonsymmetric E" "igenvalue \002,\002Problem Expert Driver DGGEVX\002)"; static char fmt_9974[] = "(\002 Tests of DSBTRD\002,/\002 (reduction of " "a symmetric band \002,\002matrix to tridiagonal form)\002)"; static char fmt_9967[] = "(\002 Tests of DGBBRD\002,/\002 (reduction of " "a general band \002,\002matrix to real bidiagonal form)\002)"; static char fmt_9971[] = "(/\002 Tests of the Generalized Linear Regress" "ion Model \002,\002routines\002)"; static char fmt_9970[] = "(/\002 Tests of the Generalized QR and RQ rout" "ines\002)"; static char fmt_9969[] = "(/\002 Tests of the Generalized Singular Valu" "e\002,\002 Decomposition routines\002)"; static char fmt_9968[] = "(/\002 Tests of the Linear Least Squares routi" "nes\002)"; static char fmt_9992[] = "(1x,a3,\002: Unrecognized path name\002)"; static char fmt_9972[] = "(/\002 LAPACK VERSION \002,i1,\002.\002,i1," "\002.\002,i1)"; static char fmt_9984[] = "(/\002 The following parameter values will be " "used:\002)"; static char fmt_9989[] = "(\002 Invalid input value: \002,a,\002=\002," "i6,\002; must be >=\002,i6)"; static char fmt_9988[] = "(\002 Invalid input value: \002,a,\002=\002," "i6,\002; must be <=\002,i6)"; static char fmt_9983[] = "(4x,a,10i6,/10x,10i6)"; static char fmt_9981[] = "(\002 Relative machine \002,a,\002 is taken to" " be\002,d16.6)"; static char fmt_9982[] = "(/\002 Routines pass computational tests if te" "st ratio is \002,\002less than\002,f8.2,/)"; static char fmt_9999[] = "(/\002 Execution not attempted due to input er" "rors\002)"; static char fmt_9991[] = "(//\002 *** Invalid integer value in column" " \002,i2,\002 of input\002,\002 line:\002,/a79)"; static char fmt_9990[] = "(//1x,a3,\002 routines were not tested\002)"; static char fmt_9961[] = "(//1x,a3,\002: NB =\002,i4,\002, NBMIN =\002," "i4,\002, NX =\002,i4,\002, INMIN=\002,i4,\002, INWIN =\002,i4" ",\002, INIBL =\002,i4,\002, ISHFTS =\002,i4,\002, IACC22 =\002,i" "4)"; static char fmt_9980[] = "(\002 *** Error code from \002,a,\002 = \002,i" "4)"; static char fmt_9997[] = "(//1x,a3,\002: NB =\002,i4,\002, NBMIN =\002," "i4,\002, NX =\002,i4)"; static char fmt_9995[] = "(//1x,a3,\002: NB =\002,i4,\002, NBMIN =\002," "i4,\002, NX =\002,i4,\002, NRHS =\002,i4)"; static char fmt_9973[] = "(/1x,71(\002-\002))"; static char fmt_9996[] = "(//1x,a3,\002: NB =\002,i4,\002, NBMIN =\002," "i4,\002, NS =\002,i4,\002, MAXB =\002,i4,\002, NBCOL =\002,i4)"; static char fmt_9966[] = "(//1x,a3,\002: NRHS =\002,i4)"; static char fmt_9994[] = "(//\002 End of tests\002)"; static char fmt_9993[] = "(\002 Total time used = \002,f12.2,\002 seco" "nds\002,/)"; /* System generated locals */ integer i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4; doublereal d__1; cilist ci__1; /* Builtin functions */ integer s_rsfe(cilist *), do_fio(integer *, char *, ftnlen), e_rsfe(void); /* Subroutine */ int s_copy(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen); integer s_cmp(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen), s_wsfe(cilist *), e_wsfe( void), s_rsle(cilist *), do_lio(integer *, integer *, char *, ftnlen), e_rsle(void), s_wsle(cilist *), e_wsle(void); /* Subroutine */ int s_stop(char *, ftnlen); integer i_len(char *, ftnlen); /* Local variables */ doublereal a[243936] /* was [17424][14] */, b[87120] /* was [17424] [5] */, c__[160000] /* was [400][400] */, d__[1584] /* was [132][ 12] */; integer i__, k; doublereal x[660]; char c1[1], c3[3]; integer i1; doublereal s1, s2; integer ic, nk, nn, vers_patch__, vers_major__, vers_minor__; logical dbb, dbk, dgg, dbl, dgk, dgl, dsb, des, dgs, dev, glm, dgv, nep, lse, dgx, sep; doublereal eps; logical gqr, svd, dsx, gsv, dvx, dxv; char line[80]; doublereal taua[132]; integer info; char path[3]; integer kval[20], lenp, mval[20], nval[20]; doublereal taub[132]; integer pval[20], itmp, nrhs; doublereal work[87781]; integer iacc22[20]; logical fatal; integer iseed[4], nbcol[20], inibl[20], nbval[20], nbmin[20]; char vname[32]; integer inmin[20], newsd, nsval[20], inwin[20], nxval[20], iwork[89760]; extern /* Subroutine */ int dchkbb_(integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), dchkbd_( integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal * , integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *), dchkec_(doublereal *, logical *, integer *, integer *), dchkbk_(integer *, integer *), dchkbl_( integer *, integer *); extern doublereal dlamch_(char *); extern /* Subroutine */ int dchkgg_(integer *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *, doublereal *, logical *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, logical *, doublereal *, integer *), dchkgk_(integer *, integer *), dchkgl_(integer *, integer *), dchksb_(integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *); extern doublereal dsecnd_(void); extern /* Subroutine */ int dckglm_(integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, integer *), derrbd_(char *, integer *), dchkhs_(integer *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, logical *, doublereal *, integer *), alareq_(char *, integer *, logical *, integer *, integer *, integer *), dcklse_( integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer * , integer *, integer *), ddrvbd_(integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *), ddrges_(integer *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal * , doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, logical *, integer *), derred_(char *, integer *), derrgg_(char *, integer *), dckgqr_(integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, integer *), ddrgev_(integer *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal * , doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), ddrvgg_(integer *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal * , doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *); extern logical lsamen_(integer *, char *, char *); extern /* Subroutine */ int dchkst_(integer *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), dckgsv_(integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, integer *), ilaver_(integer *, integer *, integer *), ddrves_(integer *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *), derrhs_(char *, integer *); integer mxbval[20]; extern /* Subroutine */ int ddrvev_(integer *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, integer *), ddrgsx_(integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *), ddrvsg_(integer *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *); logical tstdif; doublereal thresh; extern /* Subroutine */ int ddrgvx_(integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, logical *, integer *); logical tstchk; integer nparms, ishfts[20]; extern /* Subroutine */ int derrst_(char *, integer *); logical dotype[30], logwrk[132]; doublereal thrshn; extern /* Subroutine */ int ddrvst_(integer *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *), xlaenv_(integer *, integer *), ddrvsx_(integer *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *), ddrvvx_(integer *, integer *, integer *, logical *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, integer *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, doublereal *, integer *, integer *, integer *); doublereal result[500]; integer maxtyp; logical tsterr; integer ntypes; logical tstdrv; /* Fortran I/O blocks */ static cilist io___29 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9987, 0 }; static cilist io___30 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9986, 0 }; static cilist io___31 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9985, 0 }; static cilist io___32 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9979, 0 }; static cilist io___33 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9978, 0 }; static cilist io___34 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9977, 0 }; static cilist io___35 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9976, 0 }; static cilist io___36 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9975, 0 }; static cilist io___37 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9964, 0 }; static cilist io___38 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9965, 0 }; static cilist io___39 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9963, 0 }; static cilist io___40 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9962, 0 }; static cilist io___41 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9974, 0 }; static cilist io___42 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9967, 0 }; static cilist io___43 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9971, 0 }; static cilist io___44 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9970, 0 }; static cilist io___45 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9969, 0 }; static cilist io___46 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9968, 0 }; static cilist io___47 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___50 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9992, 0 }; static cilist io___54 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9972, 0 }; static cilist io___55 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9984, 0 }; static cilist io___56 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___58 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___59 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9988, 0 }; static cilist io___60 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___64 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___65 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9988, 0 }; static cilist io___66 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___67 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___69 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___70 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9988, 0 }; static cilist io___71 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___72 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___74 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___75 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9988, 0 }; static cilist io___76 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___77 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___78 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___80 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___82 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___83 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9988, 0 }; static cilist io___84 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___85 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___94 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___95 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___96 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___97 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___98 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___99 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___100 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___101 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___102 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___103 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___104 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___105 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___106 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___107 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___108 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___109 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___110 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___113 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___114 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___115 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___116 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___117 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___118 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___119 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___120 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___121 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___122 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___123 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___125 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___126 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9988, 0 }; static cilist io___127 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___128 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___129 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9988, 0 }; static cilist io___130 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___131 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___132 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___133 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9988, 0 }; static cilist io___134 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___135 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___136 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___137 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9988, 0 }; static cilist io___138 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___139 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___140 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___141 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9988, 0 }; static cilist io___142 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___143 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___144 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___145 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9988, 0 }; static cilist io___146 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___147 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___148 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___149 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___150 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___151 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___152 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___153 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___154 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___155 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___156 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___157 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___158 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___159 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___160 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___161 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___162 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___164 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___165 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9988, 0 }; static cilist io___166 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9983, 0 }; static cilist io___167 = { 0, 6, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___169 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9981, 0 }; static cilist io___170 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9981, 0 }; static cilist io___171 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9981, 0 }; static cilist io___172 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___173 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9982, 0 }; static cilist io___174 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___176 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___178 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___179 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___181 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___183 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9999, 0 }; static cilist io___192 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9991, 0 }; static cilist io___193 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9990, 0 }; static cilist io___196 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9961, 0 }; static cilist io___204 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___205 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9997, 0 }; static cilist io___206 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___207 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___208 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9997, 0 }; static cilist io___209 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___211 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9995, 0 }; static cilist io___212 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___213 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9990, 0 }; static cilist io___214 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___215 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9973, 0 }; static cilist io___216 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9990, 0 }; static cilist io___217 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___218 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9973, 0 }; static cilist io___219 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9990, 0 }; static cilist io___220 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___221 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9973, 0 }; static cilist io___222 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9990, 0 }; static cilist io___223 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___224 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9973, 0 }; static cilist io___225 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9996, 0 }; static cilist io___228 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___229 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___230 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9990, 0 }; static cilist io___231 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___232 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9973, 0 }; static cilist io___233 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9990, 0 }; static cilist io___235 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___236 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9973, 0 }; static cilist io___237 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9990, 0 }; static cilist io___238 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___239 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9973, 0 }; static cilist io___240 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9990, 0 }; static cilist io___241 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___242 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9973, 0 }; static cilist io___243 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___244 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9966, 0 }; static cilist io___245 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___248 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___251 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___252 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___253 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9980, 0 }; static cilist io___254 = { 0, 6, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___255 = { 0, 6, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___256 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9992, 0 }; static cilist io___257 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9994, 0 }; static cilist io___259 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9993, 0 }; /* -- LAPACK test routine (version 3.1.1) -- */ /* Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. */ /* January 2007 */ /* Purpose */ /* ======= */ /* DCHKEE tests the DOUBLE PRECISION LAPACK subroutines for the matrix */ /* eigenvalue problem. The test paths in this version are */ /* NEP (Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem): */ /* Test DGEHRD, DORGHR, DHSEQR, DTREVC, DHSEIN, and DORMHR */ /* SEP (Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem): */ /* Test DSYTRD, DORGTR, DSTEQR, DSTERF, DSTEIN, DSTEDC, */ /* and drivers DSYEV(X), DSBEV(X), DSPEV(X), DSTEV(X), */ /* DSYEVD, DSBEVD, DSPEVD, DSTEVD */ /* SVD (Singular Value Decomposition): */ /* Test DGEBRD, DORGBR, DBDSQR, DBDSDC */ /* and the drivers DGESVD, DGESDD */ /* DEV (Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue/eigenvector Driver): */ /* Test DGEEV */ /* DES (Nonsymmetric Schur form Driver): */ /* Test DGEES */ /* DVX (Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue/eigenvector Expert Driver): */ /* Test DGEEVX */ /* DSX (Nonsymmetric Schur form Expert Driver): */ /* Test DGEESX */ /* DGG (Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem): */ /* Test DGGHRD, DGGBAL, DGGBAK, DHGEQZ, and DTGEVC */ /* and the driver routines DGEGS and DGEGV */ /* DGS (Generalized Nonsymmetric Schur form Driver): */ /* Test DGGES */ /* DGV (Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue/eigenvector Driver): */ /* Test DGGEV */ /* DGX (Generalized Nonsymmetric Schur form Expert Driver): */ /* Test DGGESX */ /* DXV (Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue/eigenvector Expert Driver): */ /* Test DGGEVX */ /* DSG (Symmetric Generalized Eigenvalue Problem): */ /* Test DSYGST, DSYGV, DSYGVD, DSYGVX, DSPGST, DSPGV, DSPGVD, */ /* DSPGVX, DSBGST, DSBGV, DSBGVD, and DSBGVX */ /* DSB (Symmetric Band Eigenvalue Problem): */ /* Test DSBTRD */ /* DBB (Band Singular Value Decomposition): */ /* Test DGBBRD */ /* DEC (Eigencondition estimation): */ /* Test DLALN2, DLASY2, DLAEQU, DLAEXC, DTRSYL, DTREXC, DTRSNA, */ /* DTRSEN, and DLAQTR */ /* DBL (Balancing a general matrix) */ /* Test DGEBAL */ /* DBK (Back transformation on a balanced matrix) */ /* Test DGEBAK */ /* DGL (Balancing a matrix pair) */ /* Test DGGBAL */ /* DGK (Back transformation on a matrix pair) */ /* Test DGGBAK */ /* GLM (Generalized Linear Regression Model): */ /* Tests DGGGLM */ /* GQR (Generalized QR and RQ factorizations): */ /* Tests DGGQRF and DGGRQF */ /* GSV (Generalized Singular Value Decomposition): */ /* Tests DGGSVD, DGGSVP, DTGSJA, DLAGS2, DLAPLL, and DLAPMT */ /* LSE (Constrained Linear Least Squares): */ /* Tests DGGLSE */ /* Each test path has a different set of inputs, but the data sets for */ /* the driver routines xEV, xES, xVX, and xSX can be concatenated in a */ /* single input file. The first line of input should contain one of the */ /* 3-character path names in columns 1-3. The number of remaining lines */ /* depends on what is found on the first line. */ /* The number of matrix types used in testing is often controllable from */ /* the input file. The number of matrix types for each path, and the */ /* test routine that describes them, is as follows: */ /* Path name(s) Types Test routine */ /* DHS or NEP 21 DCHKHS */ /* DST or SEP 21 DCHKST (routines) */ /* 18 DDRVST (drivers) */ /* DBD or SVD 16 DCHKBD (routines) */ /* 5 DDRVBD (drivers) */ /* DEV 21 DDRVEV */ /* DES 21 DDRVES */ /* DVX 21 DDRVVX */ /* DSX 21 DDRVSX */ /* DGG 26 DCHKGG (routines) */ /* 26 DDRVGG (drivers) */ /* DGS 26 DDRGES */ /* DGX 5 DDRGSX */ /* DGV 26 DDRGEV */ /* DXV 2 DDRGVX */ /* DSG 21 DDRVSG */ /* DSB 15 DCHKSB */ /* DBB 15 DCHKBB */ /* DEC - DCHKEC */ /* DBL - DCHKBL */ /* DBK - DCHKBK */ /* DGL - DCHKGL */ /* DGK - DCHKGK */ /* GLM 8 DCKGLM */ /* GQR 8 DCKGQR */ /* GSV 8 DCKGSV */ /* LSE 8 DCKLSE */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* NEP input file: */ /* line 2: NN, INTEGER */ /* Number of values of N. */ /* line 3: NVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NN) */ /* The values for the matrix dimension N. */ /* line 4: NPARMS, INTEGER */ /* Number of values of the parameters NB, NBMIN, NX, NS, and */ /* MAXB. */ /* line 5: NBVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* The values for the blocksize NB. */ /* line 6: NBMIN, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* The values for the minimum blocksize NBMIN. */ /* line 7: NXVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* The values for the crossover point NX. */ /* line 8: INMIN, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* LAHQR vs TTQRE crossover point, >= 11 */ /* line 9: INWIN, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* recommended deflation window size */ /* line 10: INIBL, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* nibble crossover point */ /* line 11: ISHFTS, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* number of simultaneous shifts) */ /* line 12: IACC22, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* select structured matrix multiply: 0, 1 or 2) */ /* line 13: THRESH */ /* Threshold value for the test ratios. Information will be */ /* printed about each test for which the test ratio is greater */ /* than or equal to the threshold. To have all of the test */ /* ratios printed, use THRESH = 0.0 . */ /* line 14: NEWSD, INTEGER */ /* A code indicating how to set the random number seed. */ /* = 0: Set the seed to a default value before each run */ /* = 1: Initialize the seed to a default value only before the */ /* first run */ /* = 2: Like 1, but use the seed values on the next line */ /* If line 14 was 2: */ /* line 15: INTEGER array, dimension (4) */ /* Four integer values for the random number seed. */ /* lines 15-EOF: The remaining lines occur in sets of 1 or 2 and allow */ /* the user to specify the matrix types. Each line contains */ /* a 3-character path name in columns 1-3, and the number */ /* of matrix types must be the first nonblank item in columns */ /* 4-80. If the number of matrix types is at least 1 but is */ /* less than the maximum number of possible types, a second */ /* line will be read to get the numbers of the matrix types to */ /* be used. For example, */ /* NEP 21 */ /* requests all of the matrix types for the nonsymmetric */ /* eigenvalue problem, while */ /* NEP 4 */ /* 9 10 11 12 */ /* requests only matrices of type 9, 10, 11, and 12. */ /* The valid 3-character path names are 'NEP' or 'SHS' for the */ /* nonsymmetric eigenvalue routines. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* SEP or DSG input file: */ /* line 2: NN, INTEGER */ /* Number of values of N. */ /* line 3: NVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NN) */ /* The values for the matrix dimension N. */ /* line 4: NPARMS, INTEGER */ /* Number of values of the parameters NB, NBMIN, and NX. */ /* line 5: NBVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* The values for the blocksize NB. */ /* line 6: NBMIN, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* The values for the minimum blocksize NBMIN. */ /* line 7: NXVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* The values for the crossover point NX. */ /* line 8: THRESH */ /* Threshold value for the test ratios. Information will be */ /* printed about each test for which the test ratio is greater */ /* than or equal to the threshold. */ /* line 9: TSTCHK, LOGICAL */ /* Flag indicating whether or not to test the LAPACK routines. */ /* line 10: TSTDRV, LOGICAL */ /* Flag indicating whether or not to test the driver routines. */ /* line 11: TSTERR, LOGICAL */ /* Flag indicating whether or not to test the error exits for */ /* the LAPACK routines and driver routines. */ /* line 12: NEWSD, INTEGER */ /* A code indicating how to set the random number seed. */ /* = 0: Set the seed to a default value before each run */ /* = 1: Initialize the seed to a default value only before the */ /* first run */ /* = 2: Like 1, but use the seed values on the next line */ /* If line 12 was 2: */ /* line 13: INTEGER array, dimension (4) */ /* Four integer values for the random number seed. */ /* lines 13-EOF: Lines specifying matrix types, as for NEP. */ /* The 3-character path names are 'SEP' or 'SST' for the */ /* symmetric eigenvalue routines and driver routines, and */ /* 'DSG' for the routines for the symmetric generalized */ /* eigenvalue problem. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* SVD input file: */ /* line 2: NN, INTEGER */ /* Number of values of M and N. */ /* line 3: MVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NN) */ /* The values for the matrix row dimension M. */ /* line 4: NVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NN) */ /* The values for the matrix column dimension N. */ /* line 5: NPARMS, INTEGER */ /* Number of values of the parameter NB, NBMIN, NX, and NRHS. */ /* line 6: NBVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* The values for the blocksize NB. */ /* line 7: NBMIN, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* The values for the minimum blocksize NBMIN. */ /* line 8: NXVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* The values for the crossover point NX. */ /* line 9: NSVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* The values for the number of right hand sides NRHS. */ /* line 10: THRESH */ /* Threshold value for the test ratios. Information will be */ /* printed about each test for which the test ratio is greater */ /* than or equal to the threshold. */ /* line 11: TSTCHK, LOGICAL */ /* Flag indicating whether or not to test the LAPACK routines. */ /* line 12: TSTDRV, LOGICAL */ /* Flag indicating whether or not to test the driver routines. */ /* line 13: TSTERR, LOGICAL */ /* Flag indicating whether or not to test the error exits for */ /* the LAPACK routines and driver routines. */ /* line 14: NEWSD, INTEGER */ /* A code indicating how to set the random number seed. */ /* = 0: Set the seed to a default value before each run */ /* = 1: Initialize the seed to a default value only before the */ /* first run */ /* = 2: Like 1, but use the seed values on the next line */ /* If line 14 was 2: */ /* line 15: INTEGER array, dimension (4) */ /* Four integer values for the random number seed. */ /* lines 15-EOF: Lines specifying matrix types, as for NEP. */ /* The 3-character path names are 'SVD' or 'SBD' for both the */ /* SVD routines and the SVD driver routines. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* DEV and DES data files: */ /* line 1: 'DEV' or 'DES' in columns 1 to 3. */ /* line 2: NSIZES, INTEGER */ /* Number of sizes of matrices to use. Should be at least 0 */ /* and at most 20. If NSIZES = 0, no testing is done */ /* (although the remaining 3 lines are still read). */ /* line 3: NN, INTEGER array, dimension(NSIZES) */ /* Dimensions of matrices to be tested. */ /* line 4: NB, NBMIN, NX, NS, NBCOL, INTEGERs */ /* These integer parameters determine how blocking is done */ /* (see ILAENV for details) */ /* NB : block size */ /* NBMIN : minimum block size */ /* NX : minimum dimension for blocking */ /* NS : number of shifts in xHSEQR */ /* NBCOL : minimum column dimension for blocking */ /* line 5: THRESH, REAL */ /* The test threshold against which computed residuals are */ /* compared. Should generally be in the range from 10. to 20. */ /* If it is 0., all test case data will be printed. */ /* line 6: TSTERR, LOGICAL */ /* Flag indicating whether or not to test the error exits. */ /* line 7: NEWSD, INTEGER */ /* A code indicating how to set the random number seed. */ /* = 0: Set the seed to a default value before each run */ /* = 1: Initialize the seed to a default value only before the */ /* first run */ /* = 2: Like 1, but use the seed values on the next line */ /* If line 7 was 2: */ /* line 8: INTEGER array, dimension (4) */ /* Four integer values for the random number seed. */ /* lines 9 and following: Lines specifying matrix types, as for NEP. */ /* The 3-character path name is 'DEV' to test SGEEV, or */ /* 'DES' to test SGEES. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* The DVX data has two parts. The first part is identical to DEV, */ /* and the second part consists of test matrices with precomputed */ /* solutions. */ /* line 1: 'DVX' in columns 1-3. */ /* line 2: NSIZES, INTEGER */ /* If NSIZES = 0, no testing of randomly generated examples */ /* is done, but any precomputed examples are tested. */ /* line 3: NN, INTEGER array, dimension(NSIZES) */ /* line 4: NB, NBMIN, NX, NS, NBCOL, INTEGERs */ /* line 5: THRESH, REAL */ /* line 6: TSTERR, LOGICAL */ /* line 7: NEWSD, INTEGER */ /* If line 7 was 2: */ /* line 8: INTEGER array, dimension (4) */ /* lines 9 and following: The first line contains 'DVX' in columns 1-3 */ /* followed by the number of matrix types, possibly with */ /* a second line to specify certain matrix types. */ /* If the number of matrix types = 0, no testing of randomly */ /* generated examples is done, but any precomputed examples */ /* are tested. */ /* remaining lines : Each matrix is stored on 1+2*N lines, where N is */ /* its dimension. The first line contains the dimension (a */ /* single integer). The next N lines contain the matrix, one */ /* row per line. The last N lines correspond to each */ /* eigenvalue. Each of these last N lines contains 4 real */ /* values: the real part of the eigenvalue, the imaginary */ /* part of the eigenvalue, the reciprocal condition number of */ /* the eigenvalues, and the reciprocal condition number of the */ /* eigenvector. The end of data is indicated by dimension N=0. */ /* Even if no data is to be tested, there must be at least one */ /* line containing N=0. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* The DSX data is like DVX. The first part is identical to DEV, and the */ /* second part consists of test matrices with precomputed solutions. */ /* line 1: 'DSX' in columns 1-3. */ /* line 2: NSIZES, INTEGER */ /* If NSIZES = 0, no testing of randomly generated examples */ /* is done, but any precomputed examples are tested. */ /* line 3: NN, INTEGER array, dimension(NSIZES) */ /* line 4: NB, NBMIN, NX, NS, NBCOL, INTEGERs */ /* line 5: THRESH, REAL */ /* line 6: TSTERR, LOGICAL */ /* line 7: NEWSD, INTEGER */ /* If line 7 was 2: */ /* line 8: INTEGER array, dimension (4) */ /* lines 9 and following: The first line contains 'DSX' in columns 1-3 */ /* followed by the number of matrix types, possibly with */ /* a second line to specify certain matrix types. */ /* If the number of matrix types = 0, no testing of randomly */ /* generated examples is done, but any precomputed examples */ /* are tested. */ /* remaining lines : Each matrix is stored on 3+N lines, where N is its */ /* dimension. The first line contains the dimension N and the */ /* dimension M of an invariant subspace. The second line */ /* contains M integers, identifying the eigenvalues in the */ /* invariant subspace (by their position in a list of */ /* eigenvalues ordered by increasing real part). The next N */ /* lines contain the matrix. The last line contains the */ /* reciprocal condition number for the average of the selected */ /* eigenvalues, and the reciprocal condition number for the */ /* corresponding right invariant subspace. The end of data is */ /* indicated by a line containing N=0 and M=0. Even if no data */ /* is to be tested, there must be at least one line containing */ /* N=0 and M=0. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* DGG input file: */ /* line 2: NN, INTEGER */ /* Number of values of N. */ /* line 3: NVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NN) */ /* The values for the matrix dimension N. */ /* line 4: NPARMS, INTEGER */ /* Number of values of the parameters NB, NBMIN, NS, MAXB, and */ /* NBCOL. */ /* line 5: NBVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* The values for the blocksize NB. */ /* line 6: NBMIN, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* The values for NBMIN, the minimum row dimension for blocks. */ /* line 7: NSVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* The values for the number of shifts. */ /* line 8: MXBVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* The values for MAXB, used in determining minimum blocksize. */ /* line 9: NBCOL, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* The values for NBCOL, the minimum column dimension for */ /* blocks. */ /* line 10: THRESH */ /* Threshold value for the test ratios. Information will be */ /* printed about each test for which the test ratio is greater */ /* than or equal to the threshold. */ /* line 11: TSTCHK, LOGICAL */ /* Flag indicating whether or not to test the LAPACK routines. */ /* line 12: TSTDRV, LOGICAL */ /* Flag indicating whether or not to test the driver routines. */ /* line 13: TSTERR, LOGICAL */ /* Flag indicating whether or not to test the error exits for */ /* the LAPACK routines and driver routines. */ /* line 14: NEWSD, INTEGER */ /* A code indicating how to set the random number seed. */ /* = 0: Set the seed to a default value before each run */ /* = 1: Initialize the seed to a default value only before the */ /* first run */ /* = 2: Like 1, but use the seed values on the next line */ /* If line 14 was 2: */ /* line 15: INTEGER array, dimension (4) */ /* Four integer values for the random number seed. */ /* lines 15-EOF: Lines specifying matrix types, as for NEP. */ /* The 3-character path name is 'DGG' for the generalized */ /* eigenvalue problem routines and driver routines. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* DGS and DGV input files: */ /* line 1: 'DGS' or 'DGV' in columns 1 to 3. */ /* line 2: NN, INTEGER */ /* Number of values of N. */ /* line 3: NVAL, INTEGER array, dimension(NN) */ /* Dimensions of matrices to be tested. */ /* line 4: NB, NBMIN, NX, NS, NBCOL, INTEGERs */ /* These integer parameters determine how blocking is done */ /* (see ILAENV for details) */ /* NB : block size */ /* NBMIN : minimum block size */ /* NX : minimum dimension for blocking */ /* NS : number of shifts in xHGEQR */ /* NBCOL : minimum column dimension for blocking */ /* line 5: THRESH, REAL */ /* The test threshold against which computed residuals are */ /* compared. Should generally be in the range from 10. to 20. */ /* If it is 0., all test case data will be printed. */ /* line 6: TSTERR, LOGICAL */ /* Flag indicating whether or not to test the error exits. */ /* line 7: NEWSD, INTEGER */ /* A code indicating how to set the random number seed. */ /* = 0: Set the seed to a default value before each run */ /* = 1: Initialize the seed to a default value only before the */ /* first run */ /* = 2: Like 1, but use the seed values on the next line */ /* If line 17 was 2: */ /* line 7: INTEGER array, dimension (4) */ /* Four integer values for the random number seed. */ /* lines 7-EOF: Lines specifying matrix types, as for NEP. */ /* The 3-character path name is 'DGS' for the generalized */ /* eigenvalue problem routines and driver routines. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* DXV input files: */ /* line 1: 'DXV' in columns 1 to 3. */ /* line 2: N, INTEGER */ /* Value of N. */ /* line 3: NB, NBMIN, NX, NS, NBCOL, INTEGERs */ /* These integer parameters determine how blocking is done */ /* (see ILAENV for details) */ /* NB : block size */ /* NBMIN : minimum block size */ /* NX : minimum dimension for blocking */ /* NS : number of shifts in xHGEQR */ /* NBCOL : minimum column dimension for blocking */ /* line 4: THRESH, REAL */ /* The test threshold against which computed residuals are */ /* compared. Should generally be in the range from 10. to 20. */ /* Information will be printed about each test for which the */ /* test ratio is greater than or equal to the threshold. */ /* line 5: TSTERR, LOGICAL */ /* Flag indicating whether or not to test the error exits for */ /* the LAPACK routines and driver routines. */ /* line 6: NEWSD, INTEGER */ /* A code indicating how to set the random number seed. */ /* = 0: Set the seed to a default value before each run */ /* = 1: Initialize the seed to a default value only before the */ /* first run */ /* = 2: Like 1, but use the seed values on the next line */ /* If line 6 was 2: */ /* line 7: INTEGER array, dimension (4) */ /* Four integer values for the random number seed. */ /* If line 2 was 0: */ /* line 7-EOF: Precomputed examples are tested. */ /* remaining lines : Each example is stored on 3+2*N lines, where N is */ /* its dimension. The first line contains the dimension (a */ /* single integer). The next N lines contain the matrix A, one */ /* row per line. The next N lines contain the matrix B. The */ /* next line contains the reciprocals of the eigenvalue */ /* condition numbers. The last line contains the reciprocals of */ /* the eigenvector condition numbers. The end of data is */ /* indicated by dimension N=0. Even if no data is to be tested, */ /* there must be at least one line containing N=0. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* DGX input files: */ /* line 1: 'DGX' in columns 1 to 3. */ /* line 2: N, INTEGER */ /* Value of N. */ /* line 3: NB, NBMIN, NX, NS, NBCOL, INTEGERs */ /* These integer parameters determine how blocking is done */ /* (see ILAENV for details) */ /* NB : block size */ /* NBMIN : minimum block size */ /* NX : minimum dimension for blocking */ /* NS : number of shifts in xHGEQR */ /* NBCOL : minimum column dimension for blocking */ /* line 4: THRESH, REAL */ /* The test threshold against which computed residuals are */ /* compared. Should generally be in the range from 10. to 20. */ /* Information will be printed about each test for which the */ /* test ratio is greater than or equal to the threshold. */ /* line 5: TSTERR, LOGICAL */ /* Flag indicating whether or not to test the error exits for */ /* the LAPACK routines and driver routines. */ /* line 6: NEWSD, INTEGER */ /* A code indicating how to set the random number seed. */ /* = 0: Set the seed to a default value before each run */ /* = 1: Initialize the seed to a default value only before the */ /* first run */ /* = 2: Like 1, but use the seed values on the next line */ /* If line 6 was 2: */ /* line 7: INTEGER array, dimension (4) */ /* Four integer values for the random number seed. */ /* If line 2 was 0: */ /* line 7-EOF: Precomputed examples are tested. */ /* remaining lines : Each example is stored on 3+2*N lines, where N is */ /* its dimension. The first line contains the dimension (a */ /* single integer). The next line contains an integer k such */ /* that only the last k eigenvalues will be selected and appear */ /* in the leading diagonal blocks of $A$ and $B$. The next N */ /* lines contain the matrix A, one row per line. The next N */ /* lines contain the matrix B. The last line contains the */ /* reciprocal of the eigenvalue cluster condition number and the */ /* reciprocal of the deflating subspace (associated with the */ /* selected eigencluster) condition number. The end of data is */ /* indicated by dimension N=0. Even if no data is to be tested, */ /* there must be at least one line containing N=0. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* DSB input file: */ /* line 2: NN, INTEGER */ /* Number of values of N. */ /* line 3: NVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NN) */ /* The values for the matrix dimension N. */ /* line 4: NK, INTEGER */ /* Number of values of K. */ /* line 5: KVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NK) */ /* The values for the matrix dimension K. */ /* line 6: THRESH */ /* Threshold value for the test ratios. Information will be */ /* printed about each test for which the test ratio is greater */ /* than or equal to the threshold. */ /* line 7: NEWSD, INTEGER */ /* A code indicating how to set the random number seed. */ /* = 0: Set the seed to a default value before each run */ /* = 1: Initialize the seed to a default value only before the */ /* first run */ /* = 2: Like 1, but use the seed values on the next line */ /* If line 7 was 2: */ /* line 8: INTEGER array, dimension (4) */ /* Four integer values for the random number seed. */ /* lines 8-EOF: Lines specifying matrix types, as for NEP. */ /* The 3-character path name is 'DSB'. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* DBB input file: */ /* line 2: NN, INTEGER */ /* Number of values of M and N. */ /* line 3: MVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NN) */ /* The values for the matrix row dimension M. */ /* line 4: NVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NN) */ /* The values for the matrix column dimension N. */ /* line 4: NK, INTEGER */ /* Number of values of K. */ /* line 5: KVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NK) */ /* The values for the matrix bandwidth K. */ /* line 6: NPARMS, INTEGER */ /* Number of values of the parameter NRHS */ /* line 7: NSVAL, INTEGER array, dimension (NPARMS) */ /* The values for the number of right hand sides NRHS. */ /* line 8: THRESH */ /* Threshold value for the test ratios. Information will be */ /* printed about each test for which the test ratio is greater */ /* than or equal to the threshold. */ /* line 9: NEWSD, INTEGER */ /* A code indicating how to set the random number seed. */ /* = 0: Set the seed to a default value before each run */ /* = 1: Initialize the seed to a default value only before the */ /* first run */ /* = 2: Like 1, but use the seed values on the next line */ /* If line 9 was 2: */ /* line 10: INTEGER array, dimension (4) */ /* Four integer values for the random number seed. */ /* lines 10-EOF: Lines specifying matrix types, as for SVD. */ /* The 3-character path name is 'DBB'. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* DEC input file: */ /* line 2: THRESH, REAL */ /* Threshold value for the test ratios. Information will be */ /* printed about each test for which the test ratio is greater */ /* than or equal to the threshold. */ /* lines 3-EOF: */ /* Input for testing the eigencondition routines consists of a set of */ /* specially constructed test cases and their solutions. The data */ /* format is not intended to be modified by the user. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* DBL and DBK input files: */ /* line 1: 'DBL' in columns 1-3 to test SGEBAL, or 'DBK' in */ /* columns 1-3 to test SGEBAK. */ /* The remaining lines consist of specially constructed test cases. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* DGL and DGK input files: */ /* line 1: 'DGL' in columns 1-3 to test DGGBAL, or 'DGK' in */ /* columns 1-3 to test DGGBAK. */ /* The remaining lines consist of specially constructed test cases. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* GLM data file: */ /* line 1: 'GLM' in columns 1 to 3. */ /* line 2: NN, INTEGER */ /* Number of values of M, P, and N. */ /* line 3: MVAL, INTEGER array, dimension(NN) */ /* Values of M (row dimension). */ /* line 4: PVAL, INTEGER array, dimension(NN) */ /* Values of P (row dimension). */ /* line 5: NVAL, INTEGER array, dimension(NN) */ /* Values of N (column dimension), note M <= N <= M+P. */ /* line 6: THRESH, REAL */ /* Threshold value for the test ratios. Information will be */ /* printed about each test for which the test ratio is greater */ /* than or equal to the threshold. */ /* line 7: TSTERR, LOGICAL */ /* Flag indicating whether or not to test the error exits for */ /* the LAPACK routines and driver routines. */ /* line 8: NEWSD, INTEGER */ /* A code indicating how to set the random number seed. */ /* = 0: Set the seed to a default value before each run */ /* = 1: Initialize the seed to a default value only before the */ /* first run */ /* = 2: Like 1, but use the seed values on the next line */ /* If line 8 was 2: */ /* line 9: INTEGER array, dimension (4) */ /* Four integer values for the random number seed. */ /* lines 9-EOF: Lines specifying matrix types, as for NEP. */ /* The 3-character path name is 'GLM' for the generalized */ /* linear regression model routines. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* GQR data file: */ /* line 1: 'GQR' in columns 1 to 3. */ /* line 2: NN, INTEGER */ /* Number of values of M, P, and N. */ /* line 3: MVAL, INTEGER array, dimension(NN) */ /* Values of M. */ /* line 4: PVAL, INTEGER array, dimension(NN) */ /* Values of P. */ /* line 5: NVAL, INTEGER array, dimension(NN) */ /* Values of N. */ /* line 6: THRESH, REAL */ /* Threshold value for the test ratios. Information will be */ /* printed about each test for which the test ratio is greater */ /* than or equal to the threshold. */ /* line 7: TSTERR, LOGICAL */ /* Flag indicating whether or not to test the error exits for */ /* the LAPACK routines and driver routines. */ /* line 8: NEWSD, INTEGER */ /* A code indicating how to set the random number seed. */ /* = 0: Set the seed to a default value before each run */ /* = 1: Initialize the seed to a default value only before the */ /* first run */ /* = 2: Like 1, but use the seed values on the next line */ /* If line 8 was 2: */ /* line 9: INTEGER array, dimension (4) */ /* Four integer values for the random number seed. */ /* lines 9-EOF: Lines specifying matrix types, as for NEP. */ /* The 3-character path name is 'GQR' for the generalized */ /* QR and RQ routines. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* GSV data file: */ /* line 1: 'GSV' in columns 1 to 3. */ /* line 2: NN, INTEGER */ /* Number of values of M, P, and N. */ /* line 3: MVAL, INTEGER array, dimension(NN) */ /* Values of M (row dimension). */ /* line 4: PVAL, INTEGER array, dimension(NN) */ /* Values of P (row dimension). */ /* line 5: NVAL, INTEGER array, dimension(NN) */ /* Values of N (column dimension). */ /* line 6: THRESH, REAL */ /* Threshold value for the test ratios. Information will be */ /* printed about each test for which the test ratio is greater */ /* than or equal to the threshold. */ /* line 7: TSTERR, LOGICAL */ /* Flag indicating whether or not to test the error exits for */ /* the LAPACK routines and driver routines. */ /* line 8: NEWSD, INTEGER */ /* A code indicating how to set the random number seed. */ /* = 0: Set the seed to a default value before each run */ /* = 1: Initialize the seed to a default value only before the */ /* first run */ /* = 2: Like 1, but use the seed values on the next line */ /* If line 8 was 2: */ /* line 9: INTEGER array, dimension (4) */ /* Four integer values for the random number seed. */ /* lines 9-EOF: Lines specifying matrix types, as for NEP. */ /* The 3-character path name is 'GSV' for the generalized */ /* SVD routines. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* LSE data file: */ /* line 1: 'LSE' in columns 1 to 3. */ /* line 2: NN, INTEGER */ /* Number of values of M, P, and N. */ /* line 3: MVAL, INTEGER array, dimension(NN) */ /* Values of M. */ /* line 4: PVAL, INTEGER array, dimension(NN) */ /* Values of P. */ /* line 5: NVAL, INTEGER array, dimension(NN) */ /* Values of N, note P <= N <= P+M. */ /* line 6: THRESH, REAL */ /* Threshold value for the test ratios. Information will be */ /* printed about each test for which the test ratio is greater */ /* than or equal to the threshold. */ /* line 7: TSTERR, LOGICAL */ /* Flag indicating whether or not to test the error exits for */ /* the LAPACK routines and driver routines. */ /* line 8: NEWSD, INTEGER */ /* A code indicating how to set the random number seed. */ /* = 0: Set the seed to a default value before each run */ /* = 1: Initialize the seed to a default value only before the */ /* first run */ /* = 2: Like 1, but use the seed values on the next line */ /* If line 8 was 2: */ /* line 9: INTEGER array, dimension (4) */ /* Four integer values for the random number seed. */ /* lines 9-EOF: Lines specifying matrix types, as for NEP. */ /* The 3-character path name is 'GSV' for the generalized */ /* SVD routines. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* NMAX is currently set to 132 and must be at least 12 for some of the */ /* precomputed examples, and LWORK = NMAX*(5*NMAX+5)+1 in the parameter */ /* statements below. For SVD, we assume NRHS may be as big as N. The */ /* parameter NEED is set to 14 to allow for 14 N-by-N matrices for DGG. */ /* ===================================================================== */ /* .. Parameters .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Local Scalars .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Local Arrays .. */ /* .. */ /* .. External Functions .. */ /* .. */ /* .. External Subroutines .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Intrinsic Functions .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Scalars in Common .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Arrays in Common .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Common blocks .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Data statements .. */ /* .. */ /* .. Executable Statements .. */ s1 = dsecnd_(); fatal = FALSE_; infoc_1.nunit = 6; /* Return to here to read multiple sets of data */ L10: /* Read the first line and set the 3-character test path */ ci__1.cierr = 0; ci__1.ciend = 1; ci__1.ciunit = 5; ci__1.cifmt = "(A80)"; i__1 = s_rsfe(&ci__1); if (i__1 != 0) { goto L380; } i__1 = do_fio(&c__1, line, (ftnlen)80); if (i__1 != 0) { goto L380; } i__1 = e_rsfe(); if (i__1 != 0) { goto L380; } s_copy(path, line, (ftnlen)3, (ftnlen)3); nep = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "NEP") || lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DHS"); sep = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "SEP") || lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DST") || lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DSG"); svd = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "SVD") || lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DBD"); dev = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DEV"); des = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DES"); dvx = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DVX"); dsx = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DSX"); dgg = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DGG"); dgs = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DGS"); dgx = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DGX"); dgv = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DGV"); dxv = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DXV"); dsb = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DSB"); dbb = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DBB"); glm = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "GLM"); gqr = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "GQR") || lsamen_(&c__3, path, "GRQ"); gsv = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "GSV"); lse = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "LSE"); dbl = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DBL"); dbk = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DBK"); dgl = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DGL"); dgk = lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DGK"); /* Report values of parameters. */ if (s_cmp(path, " ", (ftnlen)3, (ftnlen)3) == 0) { goto L10; } else if (nep) { s_wsfe(&io___29); e_wsfe(); } else if (sep) { s_wsfe(&io___30); e_wsfe(); } else if (svd) { s_wsfe(&io___31); e_wsfe(); } else if (dev) { s_wsfe(&io___32); e_wsfe(); } else if (des) { s_wsfe(&io___33); e_wsfe(); } else if (dvx) { s_wsfe(&io___34); e_wsfe(); } else if (dsx) { s_wsfe(&io___35); e_wsfe(); } else if (dgg) { s_wsfe(&io___36); e_wsfe(); } else if (dgs) { s_wsfe(&io___37); e_wsfe(); } else if (dgx) { s_wsfe(&io___38); e_wsfe(); } else if (dgv) { s_wsfe(&io___39); e_wsfe(); } else if (dxv) { s_wsfe(&io___40); e_wsfe(); } else if (dsb) { s_wsfe(&io___41); e_wsfe(); } else if (dbb) { s_wsfe(&io___42); e_wsfe(); } else if (glm) { s_wsfe(&io___43); e_wsfe(); } else if (gqr) { s_wsfe(&io___44); e_wsfe(); } else if (gsv) { s_wsfe(&io___45); e_wsfe(); } else if (lse) { s_wsfe(&io___46); e_wsfe(); } else if (dbl) { /* DGEBAL: Balancing */ dchkbl_(&c__5, &c__6); goto L10; } else if (dbk) { /* DGEBAK: Back transformation */ dchkbk_(&c__5, &c__6); goto L10; } else if (dgl) { /* DGGBAL: Balancing */ dchkgl_(&c__5, &c__6); goto L10; } else if (dgk) { /* DGGBAK: Back transformation */ dchkgk_(&c__5, &c__6); goto L10; } else if (lsamen_(&c__3, path, "DEC")) { /* DEC: Eigencondition estimation */ s_rsle(&io___47); do_lio(&c__5, &c__1, (char *)&thresh, (ftnlen)sizeof(doublereal)); e_rsle(); xlaenv_(&c__1, &c__1); xlaenv_(&c__12, &c__11); xlaenv_(&c__13, &c__2); xlaenv_(&c__14, &c__0); xlaenv_(&c__15, &c__2); xlaenv_(&c__16, &c__2); tsterr = TRUE_; dchkec_(&thresh, &tsterr, &c__5, &c__6); goto L10; } else { s_wsfe(&io___50); do_fio(&c__1, path, (ftnlen)3); e_wsfe(); goto L10; } ilaver_(&vers_major__, &vers_minor__, &vers_patch__); s_wsfe(&io___54); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&vers_major__, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&vers_minor__, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&vers_patch__, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); s_wsfe(&io___55); e_wsfe(); /* Read the number of values of M, P, and N. */ s_rsle(&io___56); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nn, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_rsle(); if (nn < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___58); do_fio(&c__1, " NN ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nn, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__1, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); nn = 0; fatal = TRUE_; } else if (nn > 20) { s_wsfe(&io___59); do_fio(&c__1, " NN ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nn, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__20, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); nn = 0; fatal = TRUE_; } /* Read the values of M */ if (! (dgx || dxv)) { s_rsle(&io___60); i__1 = nn; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&mval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_rsle(); if (svd) { s_copy(vname, " M ", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); } else { s_copy(vname, " N ", (ftnlen)32, (ftnlen)6); } i__1 = nn; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { if (mval[i__ - 1] < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___64); do_fio(&c__1, vname, (ftnlen)32); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&mval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)) ; do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__0, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (mval[i__ - 1] > 132) { s_wsfe(&io___65); do_fio(&c__1, vname, (ftnlen)32); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&mval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)) ; do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__132, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } /* L20: */ } s_wsfe(&io___66); do_fio(&c__1, "M: ", (ftnlen)6); i__1 = nn; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&mval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); } e_wsfe(); } /* Read the values of P */ if (glm || gqr || gsv || lse) { s_rsle(&io___67); i__1 = nn; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&pval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_rsle(); i__1 = nn; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { if (pval[i__ - 1] < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___69); do_fio(&c__1, " P ", (ftnlen)4); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&pval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)) ; do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__0, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (pval[i__ - 1] > 132) { s_wsfe(&io___70); do_fio(&c__1, " P ", (ftnlen)4); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&pval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)) ; do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__132, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } /* L30: */ } s_wsfe(&io___71); do_fio(&c__1, "P: ", (ftnlen)6); i__1 = nn; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&pval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); } e_wsfe(); } /* Read the values of N */ if (svd || dbb || glm || gqr || gsv || lse) { s_rsle(&io___72); i__1 = nn; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_rsle(); i__1 = nn; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { if (nval[i__ - 1] < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___74); do_fio(&c__1, " N ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)) ; do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__0, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (nval[i__ - 1] > 132) { s_wsfe(&io___75); do_fio(&c__1, " N ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)) ; do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__132, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } /* L40: */ } } else { i__1 = nn; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { nval[i__ - 1] = mval[i__ - 1]; /* L50: */ } } if (! (dgx || dxv)) { s_wsfe(&io___76); do_fio(&c__1, "N: ", (ftnlen)6); i__1 = nn; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); } e_wsfe(); } else { s_wsfe(&io___77); do_fio(&c__1, "N: ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nn, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } /* Read the number of values of K, followed by the values of K */ if (dsb || dbb) { s_rsle(&io___78); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nk, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_rsle(); s_rsle(&io___80); i__1 = nk; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&kval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_rsle(); i__1 = nk; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { if (kval[i__ - 1] < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___82); do_fio(&c__1, " K ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&kval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)) ; do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__0, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (kval[i__ - 1] > 132) { s_wsfe(&io___83); do_fio(&c__1, " K ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&kval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)) ; do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__132, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } /* L60: */ } s_wsfe(&io___84); do_fio(&c__1, "K: ", (ftnlen)6); i__1 = nk; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&kval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); } e_wsfe(); } if (dev || des || dvx || dsx) { /* For the nonsymmetric QR driver routines, only one set of */ /* parameters is allowed. */ s_rsle(&io___85); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nbval[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nbmin[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nxval[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&inmin[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&inwin[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&inibl[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&ishfts[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&iacc22[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_rsle(); if (nbval[0] < 1) { s_wsfe(&io___94); do_fio(&c__1, " NB ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbval[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__1, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (nbmin[0] < 1) { s_wsfe(&io___95); do_fio(&c__1, "NBMIN ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbmin[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__1, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (nxval[0] < 1) { s_wsfe(&io___96); do_fio(&c__1, " NX ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nxval[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__1, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (inmin[0] < 1) { s_wsfe(&io___97); do_fio(&c__1, " INMIN ", (ftnlen)9); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&inmin[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__1, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (inwin[0] < 1) { s_wsfe(&io___98); do_fio(&c__1, " INWIN ", (ftnlen)9); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&inwin[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__1, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (inibl[0] < 1) { s_wsfe(&io___99); do_fio(&c__1, " INIBL ", (ftnlen)9); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&inibl[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__1, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (ishfts[0] < 1) { s_wsfe(&io___100); do_fio(&c__1, " ISHFTS ", (ftnlen)10); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ishfts[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__1, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (iacc22[0] < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___101); do_fio(&c__1, " IACC22 ", (ftnlen)10); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&iacc22[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__0, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } xlaenv_(&c__1, nbval); xlaenv_(&c__2, nbmin); xlaenv_(&c__3, nxval); i__1 = max(11,inmin[0]); xlaenv_(&c__12, &i__1); xlaenv_(&c__13, inwin); xlaenv_(&c__14, inibl); xlaenv_(&c__15, ishfts); xlaenv_(&c__16, iacc22); s_wsfe(&io___102); do_fio(&c__1, "NB: ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbval[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); s_wsfe(&io___103); do_fio(&c__1, "NBMIN:", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbmin[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); s_wsfe(&io___104); do_fio(&c__1, "NX: ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nxval[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); s_wsfe(&io___105); do_fio(&c__1, "INMIN: ", (ftnlen)9); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&inmin[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); s_wsfe(&io___106); do_fio(&c__1, "INWIN: ", (ftnlen)7); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&inwin[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); s_wsfe(&io___107); do_fio(&c__1, "INIBL: ", (ftnlen)7); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&inibl[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); s_wsfe(&io___108); do_fio(&c__1, "ISHFTS: ", (ftnlen)8); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ishfts[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); s_wsfe(&io___109); do_fio(&c__1, "IACC22: ", (ftnlen)8); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&iacc22[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } else if (dgs || dgx || dgv || dxv) { /* For the nonsymmetric generalized driver routines, only one set */ /* of parameters is allowed. */ s_rsle(&io___110); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nbval[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nbmin[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nxval[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nsval[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&mxbval[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_rsle(); if (nbval[0] < 1) { s_wsfe(&io___113); do_fio(&c__1, " NB ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbval[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__1, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (nbmin[0] < 1) { s_wsfe(&io___114); do_fio(&c__1, "NBMIN ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbmin[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__1, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (nxval[0] < 1) { s_wsfe(&io___115); do_fio(&c__1, " NX ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nxval[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__1, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (nsval[0] < 2) { s_wsfe(&io___116); do_fio(&c__1, " NS ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nsval[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__2, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (mxbval[0] < 1) { s_wsfe(&io___117); do_fio(&c__1, " MAXB ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&mxbval[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__1, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } xlaenv_(&c__1, nbval); xlaenv_(&c__2, nbmin); xlaenv_(&c__3, nxval); xlaenv_(&c__4, nsval); xlaenv_(&c__8, mxbval); s_wsfe(&io___118); do_fio(&c__1, "NB: ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbval[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); s_wsfe(&io___119); do_fio(&c__1, "NBMIN:", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbmin[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); s_wsfe(&io___120); do_fio(&c__1, "NX: ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nxval[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); s_wsfe(&io___121); do_fio(&c__1, "NS: ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nsval[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); s_wsfe(&io___122); do_fio(&c__1, "MAXB: ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&mxbval[0], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } else if (! dsb && ! glm && ! gqr && ! gsv && ! lse) { /* For the other paths, the number of parameters can be varied */ /* from the input file. Read the number of parameter values. */ s_rsle(&io___123); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nparms, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_rsle(); if (nparms < 1) { s_wsfe(&io___125); do_fio(&c__1, "NPARMS", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nparms, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__1, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); nparms = 0; fatal = TRUE_; } else if (nparms > 20) { s_wsfe(&io___126); do_fio(&c__1, "NPARMS", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nparms, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__20, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); nparms = 0; fatal = TRUE_; } /* Read the values of NB */ if (! dbb) { s_rsle(&io___127); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nbval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_rsle(); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { if (nbval[i__ - 1] < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___128); do_fio(&c__1, " NB ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__0, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (nbval[i__ - 1] > 132) { s_wsfe(&io___129); do_fio(&c__1, " NB ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__132, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } /* L70: */ } s_wsfe(&io___130); do_fio(&c__1, "NB: ", (ftnlen)6); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer) ); } e_wsfe(); } /* Read the values of NBMIN */ if (nep || sep || svd || dgg) { s_rsle(&io___131); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nbmin[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_rsle(); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { if (nbmin[i__ - 1] < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___132); do_fio(&c__1, "NBMIN ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbmin[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__0, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (nbmin[i__ - 1] > 132) { s_wsfe(&io___133); do_fio(&c__1, "NBMIN ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbmin[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__132, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } /* L80: */ } s_wsfe(&io___134); do_fio(&c__1, "NBMIN:", (ftnlen)6); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbmin[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer) ); } e_wsfe(); } else { i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { nbmin[i__ - 1] = 1; /* L90: */ } } /* Read the values of NX */ if (nep || sep || svd) { s_rsle(&io___135); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nxval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_rsle(); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { if (nxval[i__ - 1] < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___136); do_fio(&c__1, " NX ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nxval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__0, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (nxval[i__ - 1] > 132) { s_wsfe(&io___137); do_fio(&c__1, " NX ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nxval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__132, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } /* L100: */ } s_wsfe(&io___138); do_fio(&c__1, "NX: ", (ftnlen)6); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nxval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer) ); } e_wsfe(); } else { i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { nxval[i__ - 1] = 1; /* L110: */ } } /* Read the values of NSHIFT (if DGG) or NRHS (if SVD */ /* or DBB). */ if (svd || dbb || dgg) { s_rsle(&io___139); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nsval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_rsle(); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { if (nsval[i__ - 1] < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___140); do_fio(&c__1, " NS ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nsval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__0, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (nsval[i__ - 1] > 132) { s_wsfe(&io___141); do_fio(&c__1, " NS ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nsval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__132, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } /* L120: */ } s_wsfe(&io___142); do_fio(&c__1, "NS: ", (ftnlen)6); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nsval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer) ); } e_wsfe(); } else { i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { nsval[i__ - 1] = 1; /* L130: */ } } /* Read the values for MAXB. */ if (dgg) { s_rsle(&io___143); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&mxbval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_rsle(); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { if (mxbval[i__ - 1] < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___144); do_fio(&c__1, " MAXB ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&mxbval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__0, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (mxbval[i__ - 1] > 132) { s_wsfe(&io___145); do_fio(&c__1, " MAXB ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&mxbval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__132, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } /* L140: */ } s_wsfe(&io___146); do_fio(&c__1, "MAXB: ", (ftnlen)6); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&mxbval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_wsfe(); } else { i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { mxbval[i__ - 1] = 1; /* L150: */ } } /* Read the values for INMIN. */ if (nep) { s_rsle(&io___147); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&inmin[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_rsle(); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { if (inmin[i__ - 1] < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___148); do_fio(&c__1, " INMIN ", (ftnlen)7); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&inmin[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__0, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } /* L540: */ } s_wsfe(&io___149); do_fio(&c__1, "INMIN: ", (ftnlen)7); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&inmin[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer) ); } e_wsfe(); } else { i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { inmin[i__ - 1] = 1; /* L550: */ } } /* Read the values for INWIN. */ if (nep) { s_rsle(&io___150); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&inwin[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_rsle(); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { if (inwin[i__ - 1] < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___151); do_fio(&c__1, " INWIN ", (ftnlen)7); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&inwin[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__0, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } /* L560: */ } s_wsfe(&io___152); do_fio(&c__1, "INWIN: ", (ftnlen)7); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&inwin[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer) ); } e_wsfe(); } else { i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { inwin[i__ - 1] = 1; /* L570: */ } } /* Read the values for INIBL. */ if (nep) { s_rsle(&io___153); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&inibl[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_rsle(); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { if (inibl[i__ - 1] < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___154); do_fio(&c__1, " INIBL ", (ftnlen)7); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&inibl[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__0, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } /* L580: */ } s_wsfe(&io___155); do_fio(&c__1, "INIBL: ", (ftnlen)7); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&inibl[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer) ); } e_wsfe(); } else { i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { inibl[i__ - 1] = 1; /* L590: */ } } /* Read the values for ISHFTS. */ if (nep) { s_rsle(&io___156); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&ishfts[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_rsle(); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { if (ishfts[i__ - 1] < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___157); do_fio(&c__1, " ISHFTS ", (ftnlen)8); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ishfts[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__0, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } /* L600: */ } s_wsfe(&io___158); do_fio(&c__1, "ISHFTS: ", (ftnlen)8); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ishfts[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_wsfe(); } else { i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { ishfts[i__ - 1] = 1; /* L610: */ } } /* Read the values for IACC22. */ if (nep) { s_rsle(&io___159); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&iacc22[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_rsle(); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { if (iacc22[i__ - 1] < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___160); do_fio(&c__1, " IACC22 ", (ftnlen)8); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&iacc22[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__0, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } /* L620: */ } s_wsfe(&io___161); do_fio(&c__1, "IACC22: ", (ftnlen)8); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&iacc22[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_wsfe(); } else { i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { iacc22[i__ - 1] = 1; /* L630: */ } } /* Read the values for NBCOL. */ if (dgg) { s_rsle(&io___162); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nbcol[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_rsle(); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { if (nbcol[i__ - 1] < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___164); do_fio(&c__1, "NBCOL ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbcol[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__0, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } else if (nbcol[i__ - 1] > 132) { s_wsfe(&io___165); do_fio(&c__1, "NBCOL ", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbcol[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__132, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); fatal = TRUE_; } /* L160: */ } s_wsfe(&io___166); do_fio(&c__1, "NBCOL:", (ftnlen)6); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbcol[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer) ); } e_wsfe(); } else { i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { nbcol[i__ - 1] = 1; /* L170: */ } } } /* Calculate and print the machine dependent constants. */ s_wsle(&io___167); e_wsle(); eps = dlamch_("Underflow threshold"); s_wsfe(&io___169); do_fio(&c__1, "underflow", (ftnlen)9); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&eps, (ftnlen)sizeof(doublereal)); e_wsfe(); eps = dlamch_("Overflow threshold"); s_wsfe(&io___170); do_fio(&c__1, "overflow ", (ftnlen)9); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&eps, (ftnlen)sizeof(doublereal)); e_wsfe(); eps = dlamch_("Epsilon"); s_wsfe(&io___171); do_fio(&c__1, "precision", (ftnlen)9); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&eps, (ftnlen)sizeof(doublereal)); e_wsfe(); /* Read the threshold value for the test ratios. */ s_rsle(&io___172); do_lio(&c__5, &c__1, (char *)&thresh, (ftnlen)sizeof(doublereal)); e_rsle(); s_wsfe(&io___173); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&thresh, (ftnlen)sizeof(doublereal)); e_wsfe(); if (sep || svd || dgg) { /* Read the flag that indicates whether to test LAPACK routines. */ s_rsle(&io___174); do_lio(&c__8, &c__1, (char *)&tstchk, (ftnlen)sizeof(logical)); e_rsle(); /* Read the flag that indicates whether to test driver routines. */ s_rsle(&io___176); do_lio(&c__8, &c__1, (char *)&tstdrv, (ftnlen)sizeof(logical)); e_rsle(); } /* Read the flag that indicates whether to test the error exits. */ s_rsle(&io___178); do_lio(&c__8, &c__1, (char *)&tsterr, (ftnlen)sizeof(logical)); e_rsle(); /* Read the code describing how to set the random number seed. */ s_rsle(&io___179); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&newsd, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_rsle(); /* If NEWSD = 2, read another line with 4 integers for the seed. */ if (newsd == 2) { s_rsle(&io___181); for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 4; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&ioldsd[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); } e_rsle(); } for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 4; ++i__) { iseed[i__ - 1] = ioldsd[i__ - 1]; /* L180: */ } if (fatal) { s_wsfe(&io___183); e_wsfe(); s_stop("", (ftnlen)0); } /* Read the input lines indicating the test path and its parameters. */ /* The first three characters indicate the test path, and the number */ /* of test matrix types must be the first nonblank item in columns */ /* 4-80. */ L190: if (! (dgx || dxv)) { L200: ci__1.cierr = 0; ci__1.ciend = 1; ci__1.ciunit = 5; ci__1.cifmt = "(A80)"; i__1 = s_rsfe(&ci__1); if (i__1 != 0) { goto L380; } i__1 = do_fio(&c__1, line, (ftnlen)80); if (i__1 != 0) { goto L380; } i__1 = e_rsfe(); if (i__1 != 0) { goto L380; } s_copy(c3, line, (ftnlen)3, (ftnlen)3); lenp = i_len(line, (ftnlen)80); i__ = 3; itmp = 0; i1 = 0; L210: ++i__; if (i__ > lenp) { if (i1 > 0) { goto L240; } else { ntypes = 30; goto L240; } } if (*(unsigned char *)&line[i__ - 1] != ' ' && *(unsigned char *)& line[i__ - 1] != ',') { i1 = i__; *(unsigned char *)c1 = *(unsigned char *)&line[i1 - 1]; /* Check that a valid integer was read */ for (k = 1; k <= 10; ++k) { if (*(unsigned char *)c1 == *(unsigned char *)&intstr[k - 1]) { ic = k - 1; goto L230; } /* L220: */ } s_wsfe(&io___192); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&i__, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, line, (ftnlen)80); e_wsfe(); goto L200; L230: itmp = itmp * 10 + ic; goto L210; } else if (i1 > 0) { goto L240; } else { goto L210; } L240: ntypes = itmp; /* Skip the tests if NTYPES is <= 0. */ if (! (dev || des || dvx || dsx || dgv || dgs) && ntypes <= 0) { s_wsfe(&io___193); do_fio(&c__1, c3, (ftnlen)3); e_wsfe(); goto L200; } } else { if (dxv) { s_copy(c3, "DXV", (ftnlen)3, (ftnlen)3); } if (dgx) { s_copy(c3, "DGX", (ftnlen)3, (ftnlen)3); } } /* Reset the random number seed. */ if (newsd == 0) { for (k = 1; k <= 4; ++k) { iseed[k - 1] = ioldsd[k - 1]; /* L250: */ } } if (lsamen_(&c__3, c3, "DHS") || lsamen_(&c__3, c3, "NEP")) { /* ------------------------------------- */ /* NEP: Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem */ /* ------------------------------------- */ /* Vary the parameters */ /* NB = block size */ /* NBMIN = minimum block size */ /* NX = crossover point */ /* NS = number of shifts */ /* MAXB = minimum submatrix size */ maxtyp = 21; ntypes = min(maxtyp,ntypes); alareq_(c3, &ntypes, dotype, &maxtyp, &c__5, &c__6); xlaenv_(&c__1, &c__1); if (tsterr) { derrhs_("DHSEQR", &c__6); } i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { xlaenv_(&c__1, &nbval[i__ - 1]); xlaenv_(&c__2, &nbmin[i__ - 1]); xlaenv_(&c__3, &nxval[i__ - 1]); /* Computing MAX */ i__3 = 11, i__4 = inmin[i__ - 1]; i__2 = max(i__3,i__4); xlaenv_(&c__12, &i__2); xlaenv_(&c__13, &inwin[i__ - 1]); xlaenv_(&c__14, &inibl[i__ - 1]); xlaenv_(&c__15, &ishfts[i__ - 1]); xlaenv_(&c__16, &iacc22[i__ - 1]); if (newsd == 0) { for (k = 1; k <= 4; ++k) { iseed[k - 1] = ioldsd[k - 1]; /* L260: */ } } s_wsfe(&io___196); do_fio(&c__1, c3, (ftnlen)3); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbmin[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nxval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); /* Computing MAX */ i__3 = 11, i__4 = inmin[i__ - 1]; i__2 = max(i__3,i__4); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&i__2, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&inwin[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&inibl[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ishfts[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&iacc22[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); dchkhs_(&nn, nval, &maxtyp, dotype, iseed, &thresh, &c__6, a, & c__132, &a[17424], &a[34848], &a[52272], &a[69696], & c__132, &a[87120], &a[104544], d__, &d__[132], &d__[264], &d__[396], &a[121968], &a[139392], &a[156816], &a[174240], &a[191664], &d__[528], work, &c__87781, iwork, logwrk, result, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___204); do_fio(&c__1, "DCHKHS", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } /* L270: */ } } else if (lsamen_(&c__3, c3, "DST") || lsamen_(& c__3, c3, "SEP")) { /* ---------------------------------- */ /* SEP: Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem */ /* ---------------------------------- */ /* Vary the parameters */ /* NB = block size */ /* NBMIN = minimum block size */ /* NX = crossover point */ maxtyp = 21; ntypes = min(maxtyp,ntypes); alareq_(c3, &ntypes, dotype, &maxtyp, &c__5, &c__6); xlaenv_(&c__1, &c__1); xlaenv_(&c__9, &c__25); if (tsterr) { derrst_("DST", &c__6); } i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { xlaenv_(&c__1, &nbval[i__ - 1]); xlaenv_(&c__2, &nbmin[i__ - 1]); xlaenv_(&c__3, &nxval[i__ - 1]); if (newsd == 0) { for (k = 1; k <= 4; ++k) { iseed[k - 1] = ioldsd[k - 1]; /* L280: */ } } s_wsfe(&io___205); do_fio(&c__1, c3, (ftnlen)3); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbmin[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nxval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); if (tstchk) { dchkst_(&nn, nval, &maxtyp, dotype, iseed, &thresh, &c__6, a, &c__132, &a[17424], d__, &d__[132], &d__[264], &d__[ 396], &d__[528], &d__[660], &d__[792], &d__[924], & d__[1056], &d__[1188], &d__[1320], &a[34848], &c__132, &a[52272], &a[69696], &d__[1452], &a[87120], work, & c__87781, iwork, &c__89760, result, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___206); do_fio(&c__1, "DCHKST", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } if (tstdrv) { ddrvst_(&nn, nval, &c__18, dotype, iseed, &thresh, &c__6, a, & c__132, &d__[264], &d__[396], &d__[528], &d__[660], & d__[924], &d__[1056], &d__[1188], &d__[1320], &a[ 17424], &c__132, &a[34848], &d__[1452], &a[52272], work, &c__87781, iwork, &c__89760, result, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___207); do_fio(&c__1, "DDRVST", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } /* L290: */ } } else if (lsamen_(&c__3, c3, "DSG")) { /* ---------------------------------------------- */ /* DSG: Symmetric Generalized Eigenvalue Problem */ /* ---------------------------------------------- */ /* Vary the parameters */ /* NB = block size */ /* NBMIN = minimum block size */ /* NX = crossover point */ maxtyp = 21; ntypes = min(maxtyp,ntypes); alareq_(c3, &ntypes, dotype, &maxtyp, &c__5, &c__6); xlaenv_(&c__9, &c__25); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { xlaenv_(&c__1, &nbval[i__ - 1]); xlaenv_(&c__2, &nbmin[i__ - 1]); xlaenv_(&c__3, &nxval[i__ - 1]); if (newsd == 0) { for (k = 1; k <= 4; ++k) { iseed[k - 1] = ioldsd[k - 1]; /* L300: */ } } s_wsfe(&io___208); do_fio(&c__1, c3, (ftnlen)3); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbmin[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nxval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); if (tstchk) { ddrvsg_(&nn, nval, &maxtyp, dotype, iseed, &thresh, &c__6, a, &c__132, &a[17424], &c__132, &d__[264], &a[34848], & c__132, &a[52272], &a[69696], &a[87120], &a[104544], work, &c__87781, iwork, &c__89760, result, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___209); do_fio(&c__1, "DDRVSG", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } /* L310: */ } } else if (lsamen_(&c__3, c3, "DBD") || lsamen_(& c__3, c3, "SVD")) { /* ---------------------------------- */ /* SVD: Singular Value Decomposition */ /* ---------------------------------- */ /* Vary the parameters */ /* NB = block size */ /* NBMIN = minimum block size */ /* NX = crossover point */ /* NRHS = number of right hand sides */ maxtyp = 16; ntypes = min(maxtyp,ntypes); alareq_(c3, &ntypes, dotype, &maxtyp, &c__5, &c__6); xlaenv_(&c__1, &c__1); xlaenv_(&c__9, &c__25); /* Test the error exits */ if (tsterr && tstchk) { derrbd_("DBD", &c__6); } if (tsterr && tstdrv) { derred_("DBD", &c__6); } i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { nrhs = nsval[i__ - 1]; xlaenv_(&c__1, &nbval[i__ - 1]); xlaenv_(&c__2, &nbmin[i__ - 1]); xlaenv_(&c__3, &nxval[i__ - 1]); if (newsd == 0) { for (k = 1; k <= 4; ++k) { iseed[k - 1] = ioldsd[k - 1]; /* L320: */ } } s_wsfe(&io___211); do_fio(&c__1, c3, (ftnlen)3); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbmin[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nxval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nrhs, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); if (tstchk) { dchkbd_(&nn, mval, nval, &maxtyp, dotype, &nrhs, iseed, & thresh, a, &c__132, d__, &d__[132], &d__[264], &d__[ 396], &a[17424], &c__132, &a[34848], &a[52272], &a[ 69696], &c__132, &a[87120], &c__132, &a[104544], &a[ 121968], work, &c__87781, iwork, &c__6, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___212); do_fio(&c__1, "DCHKBD", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } if (tstdrv) { ddrvbd_(&nn, mval, nval, &maxtyp, dotype, iseed, &thresh, a, & c__132, &a[17424], &c__132, &a[34848], &c__132, &a[ 52272], &a[69696], &a[87120], d__, &d__[132], &d__[ 264], work, &c__87781, iwork, &c__6, &info); } /* L330: */ } } else if (lsamen_(&c__3, c3, "DEV")) { /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* DEV: Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem Driver */ /* DGEEV (eigenvalues and eigenvectors) */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ maxtyp = 21; ntypes = min(maxtyp,ntypes); if (ntypes <= 0) { s_wsfe(&io___213); do_fio(&c__1, c3, (ftnlen)3); e_wsfe(); } else { if (tsterr) { derred_(c3, &c__6); } alareq_(c3, &ntypes, dotype, &maxtyp, &c__5, &c__6); ddrvev_(&nn, nval, &ntypes, dotype, iseed, &thresh, &c__6, a, & c__132, &a[17424], d__, &d__[132], &d__[264], &d__[396], & a[34848], &c__132, &a[52272], &c__132, &a[69696], &c__132, result, work, &c__87781, iwork, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___214); do_fio(&c__1, "DGEEV", (ftnlen)5); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } s_wsfe(&io___215); e_wsfe(); goto L10; } else if (lsamen_(&c__3, c3, "DES")) { /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* DES: Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem Driver */ /* DGEES (Schur form) */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ maxtyp = 21; ntypes = min(maxtyp,ntypes); if (ntypes <= 0) { s_wsfe(&io___216); do_fio(&c__1, c3, (ftnlen)3); e_wsfe(); } else { if (tsterr) { derred_(c3, &c__6); } alareq_(c3, &ntypes, dotype, &maxtyp, &c__5, &c__6); ddrves_(&nn, nval, &ntypes, dotype, iseed, &thresh, &c__6, a, & c__132, &a[17424], &a[34848], d__, &d__[132], &d__[264], & d__[396], &a[52272], &c__132, result, work, &c__87781, iwork, logwrk, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___217); do_fio(&c__1, "DGEES", (ftnlen)5); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } s_wsfe(&io___218); e_wsfe(); goto L10; } else if (lsamen_(&c__3, c3, "DVX")) { /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* DVX: Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem Expert Driver */ /* DGEEVX (eigenvalues, eigenvectors and condition numbers) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------- */ maxtyp = 21; ntypes = min(maxtyp,ntypes); if (ntypes < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___219); do_fio(&c__1, c3, (ftnlen)3); e_wsfe(); } else { if (tsterr) { derred_(c3, &c__6); } alareq_(c3, &ntypes, dotype, &maxtyp, &c__5, &c__6); ddrvvx_(&nn, nval, &ntypes, dotype, iseed, &thresh, &c__5, &c__6, a, &c__132, &a[17424], d__, &d__[132], &d__[264], &d__[ 396], &a[34848], &c__132, &a[52272], &c__132, &a[69696], & c__132, &d__[528], &d__[660], &d__[792], &d__[924], &d__[ 1056], &d__[1188], &d__[1320], &d__[1452], result, work, & c__87781, iwork, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___220); do_fio(&c__1, "DGEEVX", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } s_wsfe(&io___221); e_wsfe(); goto L10; } else if (lsamen_(&c__3, c3, "DSX")) { /* --------------------------------------------------- */ /* DSX: Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem Expert Driver */ /* DGEESX (Schur form and condition numbers) */ /* --------------------------------------------------- */ maxtyp = 21; ntypes = min(maxtyp,ntypes); if (ntypes < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___222); do_fio(&c__1, c3, (ftnlen)3); e_wsfe(); } else { if (tsterr) { derred_(c3, &c__6); } alareq_(c3, &ntypes, dotype, &maxtyp, &c__5, &c__6); ddrvsx_(&nn, nval, &ntypes, dotype, iseed, &thresh, &c__5, &c__6, a, &c__132, &a[17424], &a[34848], d__, &d__[132], &d__[ 264], &d__[396], &d__[528], &d__[660], &a[52272], &c__132, &a[69696], result, work, &c__87781, iwork, logwrk, &info) ; if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___223); do_fio(&c__1, "DGEESX", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } s_wsfe(&io___224); e_wsfe(); goto L10; } else if (lsamen_(&c__3, c3, "DGG")) { /* ------------------------------------------------- */ /* DGG: Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem */ /* ------------------------------------------------- */ /* Vary the parameters */ /* NB = block size */ /* NBMIN = minimum block size */ /* NS = number of shifts */ /* MAXB = minimum submatrix size */ /* NBCOL = minimum column dimension for blocks */ maxtyp = 26; ntypes = min(maxtyp,ntypes); alareq_(c3, &ntypes, dotype, &maxtyp, &c__5, &c__6); if (tstchk && tsterr) { derrgg_(c3, &c__6); } i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { xlaenv_(&c__1, &nbval[i__ - 1]); xlaenv_(&c__2, &nbmin[i__ - 1]); xlaenv_(&c__4, &nsval[i__ - 1]); xlaenv_(&c__8, &mxbval[i__ - 1]); xlaenv_(&c__5, &nbcol[i__ - 1]); if (newsd == 0) { for (k = 1; k <= 4; ++k) { iseed[k - 1] = ioldsd[k - 1]; /* L340: */ } } s_wsfe(&io___225); do_fio(&c__1, c3, (ftnlen)3); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbmin[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nsval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&mxbval[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nbcol[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); tstdif = FALSE_; thrshn = 10.; if (tstchk) { dchkgg_(&nn, nval, &maxtyp, dotype, iseed, &thresh, &tstdif, & thrshn, &c__6, a, &c__132, &a[17424], &a[34848], &a[ 52272], &a[69696], &a[87120], &a[104544], &a[121968], &a[139392], &c__132, &a[156816], &a[174240], &a[ 191664], d__, &d__[132], &d__[264], &d__[396], &d__[ 528], &d__[660], &a[209088], &a[226512], work, & c__87781, logwrk, result, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___228); do_fio(&c__1, "DCHKGG", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } xlaenv_(&c__1, &c__1); if (tstdrv) { ddrvgg_(&nn, nval, &maxtyp, dotype, iseed, &thresh, &thrshn, & c__6, a, &c__132, &a[17424], &a[34848], &a[52272], &a[ 69696], &a[87120], &a[104544], &c__132, &a[121968], d__, &d__[132], &d__[264], &d__[396], &d__[528], &d__[ 660], &a[209088], &a[226512], work, &c__87781, result, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___229); do_fio(&c__1, "DDRVGG", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } /* L350: */ } } else if (lsamen_(&c__3, c3, "DGS")) { /* ------------------------------------------------- */ /* DGS: Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem */ /* DGGES (Schur form) */ /* ------------------------------------------------- */ maxtyp = 26; ntypes = min(maxtyp,ntypes); if (ntypes <= 0) { s_wsfe(&io___230); do_fio(&c__1, c3, (ftnlen)3); e_wsfe(); } else { if (tsterr) { derrgg_(c3, &c__6); } alareq_(c3, &ntypes, dotype, &maxtyp, &c__5, &c__6); ddrges_(&nn, nval, &maxtyp, dotype, iseed, &thresh, &c__6, a, & c__132, &a[17424], &a[34848], &a[52272], &a[104544], & c__132, &a[121968], d__, &d__[132], &d__[264], work, & c__87781, result, logwrk, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___231); do_fio(&c__1, "DDRGES", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } s_wsfe(&io___232); e_wsfe(); goto L10; } else if (dgx) { /* ------------------------------------------------- */ /* DGX: Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem */ /* DGGESX (Schur form and condition numbers) */ /* ------------------------------------------------- */ maxtyp = 5; ntypes = maxtyp; if (nn < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___233); do_fio(&c__1, c3, (ftnlen)3); e_wsfe(); } else { if (tsterr) { derrgg_(c3, &c__6); } alareq_(c3, &ntypes, dotype, &maxtyp, &c__5, &c__6); xlaenv_(&c__5, &c__2); ddrgsx_(&nn, &c__20, &thresh, &c__5, &c__6, a, &c__132, &a[17424], &a[34848], &a[52272], &a[69696], &a[87120], d__, &d__[ 132], &d__[264], c__, &c__400, &a[191664], work, & c__87781, iwork, &c__89760, logwrk, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___235); do_fio(&c__1, "DDRGSX", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } s_wsfe(&io___236); e_wsfe(); goto L10; } else if (lsamen_(&c__3, c3, "DGV")) { /* ------------------------------------------------- */ /* DGV: Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem */ /* DGGEV (Eigenvalue/vector form) */ /* ------------------------------------------------- */ maxtyp = 26; ntypes = min(maxtyp,ntypes); if (ntypes <= 0) { s_wsfe(&io___237); do_fio(&c__1, c3, (ftnlen)3); e_wsfe(); } else { if (tsterr) { derrgg_(c3, &c__6); } alareq_(c3, &ntypes, dotype, &maxtyp, &c__5, &c__6); ddrgev_(&nn, nval, &maxtyp, dotype, iseed, &thresh, &c__6, a, & c__132, &a[17424], &a[34848], &a[52272], &a[104544], & c__132, &a[121968], &a[139392], &c__132, d__, &d__[132], & d__[264], &d__[396], &d__[528], &d__[660], work, & c__87781, result, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___238); do_fio(&c__1, "DDRGEV", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } s_wsfe(&io___239); e_wsfe(); goto L10; } else if (dxv) { /* ------------------------------------------------- */ /* DXV: Generalized Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem */ /* DGGEVX (eigenvalue/vector with condition numbers) */ /* ------------------------------------------------- */ maxtyp = 2; ntypes = maxtyp; if (nn < 0) { s_wsfe(&io___240); do_fio(&c__1, c3, (ftnlen)3); e_wsfe(); } else { if (tsterr) { derrgg_(c3, &c__6); } alareq_(c3, &ntypes, dotype, &maxtyp, &c__5, &c__6); ddrgvx_(&nn, &thresh, &c__5, &c__6, a, &c__132, &a[17424], &a[ 34848], &a[52272], d__, &d__[132], &d__[264], &a[69696], & a[87120], iwork, &iwork[1], &d__[396], &d__[528], &d__[ 660], &d__[792], &d__[924], &d__[1056], work, &c__87781, & iwork[2], &c__89758, result, logwrk, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___241); do_fio(&c__1, "DDRGVX", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } s_wsfe(&io___242); e_wsfe(); goto L10; } else if (lsamen_(&c__3, c3, "DSB")) { /* ------------------------------ */ /* DSB: Symmetric Band Reduction */ /* ------------------------------ */ maxtyp = 15; ntypes = min(maxtyp,ntypes); alareq_(c3, &ntypes, dotype, &maxtyp, &c__5, &c__6); if (tsterr) { derrst_("DSB", &c__6); } dchksb_(&nn, nval, &nk, kval, &maxtyp, dotype, iseed, &thresh, &c__6, a, &c__132, d__, &d__[132], &a[17424], &c__132, work, & c__87781, result, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___243); do_fio(&c__1, "DCHKSB", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } else if (lsamen_(&c__3, c3, "DBB")) { /* ------------------------------ */ /* DBB: General Band Reduction */ /* ------------------------------ */ maxtyp = 15; ntypes = min(maxtyp,ntypes); alareq_(c3, &ntypes, dotype, &maxtyp, &c__5, &c__6); i__1 = nparms; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { nrhs = nsval[i__ - 1]; if (newsd == 0) { for (k = 1; k <= 4; ++k) { iseed[k - 1] = ioldsd[k - 1]; /* L360: */ } } s_wsfe(&io___244); do_fio(&c__1, c3, (ftnlen)3); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nrhs, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); dchkbb_(&nn, mval, nval, &nk, kval, &maxtyp, dotype, &nrhs, iseed, &thresh, &c__6, a, &c__132, &a[17424], &c__264, d__, & d__[132], &a[52272], &c__132, &a[69696], &c__132, &a[ 87120], &c__132, &a[104544], work, &c__87781, result, & info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___245); do_fio(&c__1, "DCHKBB", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } /* L370: */ } } else if (lsamen_(&c__3, c3, "GLM")) { /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* GLM: Generalized Linear Regression Model */ /* ----------------------------------------- */ xlaenv_(&c__1, &c__1); if (tsterr) { derrgg_("GLM", &c__6); } dckglm_(&nn, mval, pval, nval, &ntypes, iseed, &thresh, &c__132, a, & a[17424], b, &b[17424], x, work, d__, &c__5, &c__6, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___248); do_fio(&c__1, "DCKGLM", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } else if (lsamen_(&c__3, c3, "GQR")) { /* ------------------------------------------ */ /* GQR: Generalized QR and RQ factorizations */ /* ------------------------------------------ */ xlaenv_(&c__1, &c__1); if (tsterr) { derrgg_("GQR", &c__6); } dckgqr_(&nn, mval, &nn, pval, &nn, nval, &ntypes, iseed, &thresh, & c__132, a, &a[17424], &a[34848], &a[52272], taua, b, &b[17424] , &b[34848], &b[52272], &b[69696], taub, work, d__, &c__5, & c__6, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___251); do_fio(&c__1, "DCKGQR", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } else if (lsamen_(&c__3, c3, "GSV")) { /* ---------------------------------------------- */ /* GSV: Generalized Singular Value Decomposition */ /* ---------------------------------------------- */ if (tsterr) { derrgg_("GSV", &c__6); } dckgsv_(&nn, mval, pval, nval, &ntypes, iseed, &thresh, &c__132, a, & a[17424], b, &b[17424], &a[34848], &b[34848], &a[52272], taua, taub, &b[52272], iwork, work, d__, &c__5, &c__6, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___252); do_fio(&c__1, "DCKGSV", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } else if (lsamen_(&c__3, c3, "LSE")) { /* -------------------------------------- */ /* LSE: Constrained Linear Least Squares */ /* -------------------------------------- */ xlaenv_(&c__1, &c__1); if (tsterr) { derrgg_("LSE", &c__6); } dcklse_(&nn, mval, pval, nval, &ntypes, iseed, &thresh, &c__132, a, & a[17424], b, &b[17424], x, work, d__, &c__5, &c__6, &info); if (info != 0) { s_wsfe(&io___253); do_fio(&c__1, "DCKLSE", (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&info, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } } else { s_wsle(&io___254); e_wsle(); s_wsle(&io___255); e_wsle(); s_wsfe(&io___256); do_fio(&c__1, c3, (ftnlen)3); e_wsfe(); } if (! (dgx || dxv)) { goto L190; } L380: s_wsfe(&io___257); e_wsfe(); s2 = dsecnd_(); s_wsfe(&io___259); d__1 = s2 - s1; do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&d__1, (ftnlen)sizeof(doublereal)); e_wsfe(); /* L9998: */ /* End of DCHKEE */ return 0; } /* MAIN__ */ /* Main program alias */ int dchkee_ () { MAIN__ (); return 0; }