/* cblat3.f -- translated by f2c (version 20061008). You must link the resulting object file with libf2c: on Microsoft Windows system, link with libf2c.lib; on Linux or Unix systems, link with .../path/to/libf2c.a -lm or, if you install libf2c.a in a standard place, with -lf2c -lm -- in that order, at the end of the command line, as in cc *.o -lf2c -lm Source for libf2c is in /netlib/f2c/libf2c.zip, e.g., http://www.netlib.org/f2c/libf2c.zip */ #include "f2c.h" #include "blaswrap.h" /* Common Block Declarations */ union { struct { integer infot, noutc; logical ok, lerr; } _1; struct { integer infot, nout; logical ok, lerr; } _2; } infoc_; #define infoc_1 (infoc_._1) #define infoc_2 (infoc_._2) struct { char srnamt[6]; } srnamc_; #define srnamc_1 srnamc_ /* Table of constant values */ static complex c_b1 = {0.f,0.f}; static complex c_b2 = {1.f,0.f}; static integer c__9 = 9; static integer c__1 = 1; static integer c__3 = 3; static integer c__8 = 8; static integer c__4 = 4; static integer c__65 = 65; static integer c__7 = 7; static integer c__6 = 6; static integer c__2 = 2; static real c_b87 = 1.f; static logical c_true = TRUE_; static logical c_false = FALSE_; static integer c__0 = 0; static integer c_n1 = -1; /* Main program */ int MAIN__(void) { /* Initialized data */ static char snames[6*9] = "CGEMM " "CHEMM " "CSYMM " "CTRMM " "CTRSM " "CHERK " "CSYRK " "CHER2K" "CSYR2K"; /* Format strings */ static char fmt_9997[] = "(\002 NUMBER OF VALUES OF \002,a,\002 IS LESS " "THAN 1 OR GREATER \002,\002THAN \002,i2)"; static char fmt_9996[] = "(\002 VALUE OF N IS LESS THAN 0 OR GREATER THA" "N \002,i2)"; static char fmt_9995[] = "(\002 TESTS OF THE COMPLEX LEVEL 3 BL" "AS\002,//\002 THE F\002,\002OLLOWING PARAMETER VALUES WILL BE US" "ED:\002)"; static char fmt_9994[] = "(\002 FOR N \002,9i6)"; static char fmt_9993[] = "(\002 FOR ALPHA \002,7(\002(\002,f4" ".1,\002,\002,f4.1,\002) \002,:))"; static char fmt_9992[] = "(\002 FOR BETA \002,7(\002(\002,f4" ".1,\002,\002,f4.1,\002) \002,:))"; static char fmt_9984[] = "(\002 ERROR-EXITS WILL NOT BE TESTED\002)"; static char fmt_9999[] = "(\002 ROUTINES PASS COMPUTATIONAL TESTS IF TES" "T RATIO IS LES\002,\002S THAN\002,f8.2)"; static char fmt_9988[] = "(a6,l2)"; static char fmt_9990[] = "(\002 SUBPROGRAM NAME \002,a6,\002 NOT RECOGNI" "ZED\002,/\002 ******* T\002,\002ESTS ABANDONED *******\002)"; static char fmt_9998[] = "(\002 RELATIVE MACHINE PRECISION IS TAKEN TO" " BE\002,1p,e9.1)"; static char fmt_9989[] = "(\002 ERROR IN CMMCH - IN-LINE DOT PRODUCTS A" "RE BEING EVALU\002,\002ATED WRONGLY.\002,/\002 CMMCH WAS CALLED " "WITH TRANSA = \002,a1,\002 AND TRANSB = \002,a1,/\002 AND RETURN" "ED SAME = \002,l1,\002 AND \002,\002ERR = \002,f12.3,\002.\002," "/\002 THIS MAY BE DUE TO FAULTS IN THE \002,\002ARITHMETIC OR TH" "E COMPILER.\002,/\002 ******* TESTS ABANDONED \002,\002******" "*\002)"; static char fmt_9987[] = "(1x,a6,\002 WAS NOT TESTED\002)"; static char fmt_9986[] = "(/\002 END OF TESTS\002)"; static char fmt_9985[] = "(/\002 ******* FATAL ERROR - TESTS ABANDONED *" "******\002)"; static char fmt_9991[] = "(\002 AMEND DATA FILE OR INCREASE ARRAY SIZES " "IN PROGRAM\002,/\002 ******* TESTS ABANDONED *******\002)"; /* System generated locals */ integer i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5; real r__1; olist o__1; cllist cl__1; /* Builtin functions */ integer s_rsle(cilist *), do_lio(integer *, integer *, char *, ftnlen), e_rsle(void), f_open(olist *), s_wsfe(cilist *), do_fio(integer *, char *, ftnlen), e_wsfe(void), s_wsle(cilist *), e_wsle(void), s_rsfe(cilist *), e_rsfe(void), s_cmp(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen); /* Subroutine */ int s_stop(char *, ftnlen); integer f_clos(cllist *); /* Subroutine */ int s_copy(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen); /* Local variables */ complex c__[4225] /* was [65][65] */; real g[65]; integer i__, j, n; complex w[130], aa[4225], ab[8450] /* was [65][130] */, bb[4225], cc[ 4225], as[4225], bs[4225], cs[4225], ct[65], alf[7]; extern logical lce_(complex *, complex *, integer *); complex bet[7]; real eps, err; integer nalf, idim[9]; logical same; integer nbet, ntra; logical rewi; integer nout; extern /* Subroutine */ int cchk1_(char *, real *, real *, integer *, integer *, logical *, logical *, logical *, integer *, integer *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, real *, ftnlen), cchk2_(char *, real *, real *, integer *, integer *, logical *, logical *, logical *, integer *, integer *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, real *, ftnlen), cchk3_(char *, real *, real *, integer *, integer *, logical *, logical *, logical *, integer *, integer *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, real *, complex *, ftnlen), cchk4_(char *, real *, real *, integer *, integer *, logical *, logical *, logical *, integer *, integer *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, real *, ftnlen), cchk5_(char *, real *, real *, integer *, integer *, logical *, logical *, logical *, integer *, integer *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, complex *, real *, complex *, ftnlen), cchke_(integer *, char *, integer *, ftnlen); logical fatal; extern /* Subroutine */ int cmmch_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, real *, complex *, integer *, real *, real *, logical *, integer *, logical *, ftnlen, ftnlen); extern doublereal sdiff_(real *, real *); logical trace; integer nidim; char snaps[32]; integer isnum; logical ltest[9], sfatal; char snamet[6], transa[1], transb[1]; real thresh; logical ltestt, tsterr; char summry[32]; /* Fortran I/O blocks */ static cilist io___2 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___4 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___6 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___8 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___11 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___13 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___15 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___17 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___19 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___21 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9997, 0 }; static cilist io___22 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___25 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9996, 0 }; static cilist io___26 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___28 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9997, 0 }; static cilist io___29 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___31 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___33 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9997, 0 }; static cilist io___34 = { 0, 5, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___36 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9995, 0 }; static cilist io___37 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9994, 0 }; static cilist io___38 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9993, 0 }; static cilist io___39 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9992, 0 }; static cilist io___40 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___41 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9984, 0 }; static cilist io___42 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___43 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9999, 0 }; static cilist io___44 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___46 = { 0, 5, 1, fmt_9988, 0 }; static cilist io___49 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9990, 0 }; static cilist io___51 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9998, 0 }; static cilist io___64 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___65 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___66 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___67 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9989, 0 }; static cilist io___69 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___70 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9987, 0 }; static cilist io___71 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static cilist io___78 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9986, 0 }; static cilist io___79 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9985, 0 }; static cilist io___80 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9991, 0 }; /* Test program for the COMPLEX Level 3 Blas. */ /* The program must be driven by a short data file. The first 14 records */ /* of the file are read using list-directed input, the last 9 records */ /* are read using the format ( A6, L2 ). An annotated example of a data */ /* file can be obtained by deleting the first 3 characters from the */ /* following 23 lines: */ /* 'cblat3.out' NAME OF SUMMARY OUTPUT FILE */ /* 6 UNIT NUMBER OF SUMMARY FILE */ /* 'CBLAT3.SNAP' NAME OF SNAPSHOT OUTPUT FILE */ /* -1 UNIT NUMBER OF SNAPSHOT FILE (NOT USED IF .LT. 0) */ /* F LOGICAL FLAG, T TO REWIND SNAPSHOT FILE AFTER EACH RECORD. */ /* F LOGICAL FLAG, T TO STOP ON FAILURES. */ /* T LOGICAL FLAG, T TO TEST ERROR EXITS. */ /* 16.0 THRESHOLD VALUE OF TEST RATIO */ /* 6 NUMBER OF VALUES OF N */ /* 0 1 2 3 5 9 VALUES OF N */ /* 3 NUMBER OF VALUES OF ALPHA */ /* (0.0,0.0) (1.0,0.0) (0.7,-0.9) VALUES OF ALPHA */ /* 3 NUMBER OF VALUES OF BETA */ /* (0.0,0.0) (1.0,0.0) (1.3,-1.1) VALUES OF BETA */ /* CGEMM T PUT F FOR NO TEST. SAME COLUMNS. */ /* CHEMM T PUT F FOR NO TEST. SAME COLUMNS. */ /* CSYMM T PUT F FOR NO TEST. SAME COLUMNS. */ /* CTRMM T PUT F FOR NO TEST. SAME COLUMNS. */ /* CTRSM T PUT F FOR NO TEST. SAME COLUMNS. */ /* CHERK T PUT F FOR NO TEST. SAME COLUMNS. */ /* CSYRK T PUT F FOR NO TEST. SAME COLUMNS. */ /* CHER2K T PUT F FOR NO TEST. SAME COLUMNS. */ /* CSYR2K T PUT F FOR NO TEST. SAME COLUMNS. */ /* See: */ /* Dongarra J. J., Du Croz J. J., Duff I. S. and Hammarling S. */ /* A Set of Level 3 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms. */ /* Technical Memorandum No.88 (Revision 1), Mathematics and */ /* Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 */ /* South Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois 60439, US. */ /* -- Written on 8-February-1989. */ /* Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory. */ /* Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. */ /* Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* 10-9-00: Change STATUS='NEW' to 'UNKNOWN' so that the testers */ /* can be run multiple times without deleting generated */ /* output files (susan) */ /* .. Parameters .. */ /* .. Local Scalars .. */ /* .. Local Arrays .. */ /* .. External Functions .. */ /* .. External Subroutines .. */ /* .. Intrinsic Functions .. */ /* .. Scalars in Common .. */ /* .. Common blocks .. */ /* .. Data statements .. */ /* .. Executable Statements .. */ /* Read name and unit number for summary output file and open file. */ s_rsle(&io___2); do_lio(&c__9, &c__1, summry, (ftnlen)32); e_rsle(); s_rsle(&io___4); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nout, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_rsle(); o__1.oerr = 0; o__1.ounit = nout; o__1.ofnmlen = 32; o__1.ofnm = summry; o__1.orl = 0; o__1.osta = 0; o__1.oacc = 0; o__1.ofm = 0; o__1.oblnk = 0; f_open(&o__1); infoc_1.noutc = nout; /* Read name and unit number for snapshot output file and open file. */ s_rsle(&io___6); do_lio(&c__9, &c__1, snaps, (ftnlen)32); e_rsle(); s_rsle(&io___8); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&ntra, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_rsle(); trace = ntra >= 0; if (trace) { o__1.oerr = 0; o__1.ounit = ntra; o__1.ofnmlen = 32; o__1.ofnm = snaps; o__1.orl = 0; o__1.osta = 0; o__1.oacc = 0; o__1.ofm = 0; o__1.oblnk = 0; f_open(&o__1); } /* Read the flag that directs rewinding of the snapshot file. */ s_rsle(&io___11); do_lio(&c__8, &c__1, (char *)&rewi, (ftnlen)sizeof(logical)); e_rsle(); rewi = rewi && trace; /* Read the flag that directs stopping on any failure. */ s_rsle(&io___13); do_lio(&c__8, &c__1, (char *)&sfatal, (ftnlen)sizeof(logical)); e_rsle(); /* Read the flag that indicates whether error exits are to be tested. */ s_rsle(&io___15); do_lio(&c__8, &c__1, (char *)&tsterr, (ftnlen)sizeof(logical)); e_rsle(); /* Read the threshold value of the test ratio */ s_rsle(&io___17); do_lio(&c__4, &c__1, (char *)&thresh, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); e_rsle(); /* Read and check the parameter values for the tests. */ /* Values of N */ s_rsle(&io___19); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nidim, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_rsle(); if (nidim < 1 || nidim > 9) { io___21.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___21); do_fio(&c__1, "N", (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__9, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); goto L220; } s_rsle(&io___22); i__1 = nidim; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&idim[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); } e_rsle(); i__1 = nidim; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { if (idim[i__ - 1] < 0 || idim[i__ - 1] > 65) { io___25.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___25); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__65, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); goto L220; } /* L10: */ } /* Values of ALPHA */ s_rsle(&io___26); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nalf, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_rsle(); if (nalf < 1 || nalf > 7) { io___28.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___28); do_fio(&c__1, "ALPHA", (ftnlen)5); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__7, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); goto L220; } s_rsle(&io___29); i__1 = nalf; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__6, &c__1, (char *)&alf[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(complex)); } e_rsle(); /* Values of BETA */ s_rsle(&io___31); do_lio(&c__3, &c__1, (char *)&nbet, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_rsle(); if (nbet < 1 || nbet > 7) { io___33.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___33); do_fio(&c__1, "BETA", (ftnlen)4); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&c__7, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); goto L220; } s_rsle(&io___34); i__1 = nbet; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_lio(&c__6, &c__1, (char *)&bet[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(complex)); } e_rsle(); /* Report values of parameters. */ io___36.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___36); e_wsfe(); io___37.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___37); i__1 = nidim; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&idim[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); } e_wsfe(); io___38.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___38); i__1 = nalf; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&alf[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); } e_wsfe(); io___39.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___39); i__1 = nbet; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&bet[i__ - 1], (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); } e_wsfe(); if (! tsterr) { io___40.ciunit = nout; s_wsle(&io___40); e_wsle(); io___41.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___41); e_wsfe(); } io___42.ciunit = nout; s_wsle(&io___42); e_wsle(); io___43.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___43); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&thresh, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); e_wsfe(); io___44.ciunit = nout; s_wsle(&io___44); e_wsle(); /* Read names of subroutines and flags which indicate */ /* whether they are to be tested. */ for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 9; ++i__) { ltest[i__ - 1] = FALSE_; /* L20: */ } L30: i__1 = s_rsfe(&io___46); if (i__1 != 0) { goto L60; } i__1 = do_fio(&c__1, snamet, (ftnlen)6); if (i__1 != 0) { goto L60; } i__1 = do_fio(&c__1, (char *)<estt, (ftnlen)sizeof(logical)); if (i__1 != 0) { goto L60; } i__1 = e_rsfe(); if (i__1 != 0) { goto L60; } for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 9; ++i__) { if (s_cmp(snamet, snames + (i__ - 1) * 6, (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) == 0) { goto L50; } /* L40: */ } io___49.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___49); do_fio(&c__1, snamet, (ftnlen)6); e_wsfe(); s_stop("", (ftnlen)0); L50: ltest[i__ - 1] = ltestt; goto L30; L60: cl__1.cerr = 0; cl__1.cunit = 5; cl__1.csta = 0; f_clos(&cl__1); /* Compute EPS (the machine precision). */ eps = 1.f; L70: r__1 = eps + 1.f; if (sdiff_(&r__1, &c_b87) == 0.f) { goto L80; } eps *= .5f; goto L70; L80: eps += eps; io___51.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___51); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&eps, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); e_wsfe(); /* Check the reliability of CMMCH using exact data. */ n = 32; i__1 = n; for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) { i__2 = n; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) { i__3 = i__ + j * 65 - 66; /* Computing MAX */ i__5 = i__ - j + 1; i__4 = max(i__5,0); ab[i__3].r = (real) i__4, ab[i__3].i = 0.f; /* L90: */ } i__2 = j + 4224; ab[i__2].r = (real) j, ab[i__2].i = 0.f; i__2 = (j + 65) * 65 - 65; ab[i__2].r = (real) j, ab[i__2].i = 0.f; i__2 = j - 1; c__[i__2].r = 0.f, c__[i__2].i = 0.f; /* L100: */ } i__1 = n; for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) { i__2 = j - 1; i__3 = j * ((j + 1) * j) / 2 - (j + 1) * j * (j - 1) / 3; cc[i__2].r = (real) i__3, cc[i__2].i = 0.f; /* L110: */ } /* CC holds the exact result. On exit from CMMCH CT holds */ /* the result computed by CMMCH. */ *(unsigned char *)transa = 'N'; *(unsigned char *)transb = 'N'; cmmch_(transa, transb, &n, &c__1, &n, &c_b2, ab, &c__65, &ab[4225], & c__65, &c_b1, c__, &c__65, ct, g, cc, &c__65, &eps, &err, &fatal, &nout, &c_true, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); same = lce_(cc, ct, &n); if (! same || err != 0.f) { io___64.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___64); do_fio(&c__1, transa, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, transb, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&same, (ftnlen)sizeof(logical)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&err, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); e_wsfe(); s_stop("", (ftnlen)0); } *(unsigned char *)transb = 'C'; cmmch_(transa, transb, &n, &c__1, &n, &c_b2, ab, &c__65, &ab[4225], & c__65, &c_b1, c__, &c__65, ct, g, cc, &c__65, &eps, &err, &fatal, &nout, &c_true, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); same = lce_(cc, ct, &n); if (! same || err != 0.f) { io___65.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___65); do_fio(&c__1, transa, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, transb, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&same, (ftnlen)sizeof(logical)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&err, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); e_wsfe(); s_stop("", (ftnlen)0); } i__1 = n; for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) { i__2 = j + 4224; i__3 = n - j + 1; ab[i__2].r = (real) i__3, ab[i__2].i = 0.f; i__2 = (j + 65) * 65 - 65; i__3 = n - j + 1; ab[i__2].r = (real) i__3, ab[i__2].i = 0.f; /* L120: */ } i__1 = n; for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) { i__2 = n - j; i__3 = j * ((j + 1) * j) / 2 - (j + 1) * j * (j - 1) / 3; cc[i__2].r = (real) i__3, cc[i__2].i = 0.f; /* L130: */ } *(unsigned char *)transa = 'C'; *(unsigned char *)transb = 'N'; cmmch_(transa, transb, &n, &c__1, &n, &c_b2, ab, &c__65, &ab[4225], & c__65, &c_b1, c__, &c__65, ct, g, cc, &c__65, &eps, &err, &fatal, &nout, &c_true, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); same = lce_(cc, ct, &n); if (! same || err != 0.f) { io___66.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___66); do_fio(&c__1, transa, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, transb, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&same, (ftnlen)sizeof(logical)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&err, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); e_wsfe(); s_stop("", (ftnlen)0); } *(unsigned char *)transb = 'C'; cmmch_(transa, transb, &n, &c__1, &n, &c_b2, ab, &c__65, &ab[4225], & c__65, &c_b1, c__, &c__65, ct, g, cc, &c__65, &eps, &err, &fatal, &nout, &c_true, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); same = lce_(cc, ct, &n); if (! same || err != 0.f) { io___67.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___67); do_fio(&c__1, transa, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, transb, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&same, (ftnlen)sizeof(logical)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&err, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); e_wsfe(); s_stop("", (ftnlen)0); } /* Test each subroutine in turn. */ for (isnum = 1; isnum <= 9; ++isnum) { io___69.ciunit = nout; s_wsle(&io___69); e_wsle(); if (! ltest[isnum - 1]) { /* Subprogram is not to be tested. */ io___70.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___70); do_fio(&c__1, snames + (isnum - 1) * 6, (ftnlen)6); e_wsfe(); } else { s_copy(srnamc_1.srnamt, snames + (isnum - 1) * 6, (ftnlen)6, ( ftnlen)6); /* Test error exits. */ if (tsterr) { cchke_(&isnum, snames + (isnum - 1) * 6, &nout, (ftnlen)6); io___71.ciunit = nout; s_wsle(&io___71); e_wsle(); } /* Test computations. */ infoc_1.infot = 0; infoc_1.ok = TRUE_; fatal = FALSE_; switch (isnum) { case 1: goto L140; case 2: goto L150; case 3: goto L150; case 4: goto L160; case 5: goto L160; case 6: goto L170; case 7: goto L170; case 8: goto L180; case 9: goto L180; } /* Test CGEMM, 01. */ L140: cchk1_(snames + (isnum - 1) * 6, &eps, &thresh, &nout, &ntra, & trace, &rewi, &fatal, &nidim, idim, &nalf, alf, &nbet, bet, &c__65, ab, aa, as, &ab[4225], bb, bs, c__, cc, cs, ct, g, (ftnlen)6); goto L190; /* Test CHEMM, 02, CSYMM, 03. */ L150: cchk2_(snames + (isnum - 1) * 6, &eps, &thresh, &nout, &ntra, & trace, &rewi, &fatal, &nidim, idim, &nalf, alf, &nbet, bet, &c__65, ab, aa, as, &ab[4225], bb, bs, c__, cc, cs, ct, g, (ftnlen)6); goto L190; /* Test CTRMM, 04, CTRSM, 05. */ L160: cchk3_(snames + (isnum - 1) * 6, &eps, &thresh, &nout, &ntra, & trace, &rewi, &fatal, &nidim, idim, &nalf, alf, &c__65, ab, aa, as, &ab[4225], bb, bs, ct, g, c__, (ftnlen)6); goto L190; /* Test CHERK, 06, CSYRK, 07. */ L170: cchk4_(snames + (isnum - 1) * 6, &eps, &thresh, &nout, &ntra, & trace, &rewi, &fatal, &nidim, idim, &nalf, alf, &nbet, bet, &c__65, ab, aa, as, &ab[4225], bb, bs, c__, cc, cs, ct, g, (ftnlen)6); goto L190; /* Test CHER2K, 08, CSYR2K, 09. */ L180: cchk5_(snames + (isnum - 1) * 6, &eps, &thresh, &nout, &ntra, & trace, &rewi, &fatal, &nidim, idim, &nalf, alf, &nbet, bet, &c__65, ab, aa, as, bb, bs, c__, cc, cs, ct, g, w, ( ftnlen)6); goto L190; L190: if (fatal && sfatal) { goto L210; } } /* L200: */ } io___78.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___78); e_wsfe(); goto L230; L210: io___79.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___79); e_wsfe(); goto L230; L220: io___80.ciunit = nout; s_wsfe(&io___80); e_wsfe(); L230: if (trace) { cl__1.cerr = 0; cl__1.cunit = ntra; cl__1.csta = 0; f_clos(&cl__1); } cl__1.cerr = 0; cl__1.cunit = nout; cl__1.csta = 0; f_clos(&cl__1); s_stop("", (ftnlen)0); /* End of CBLAT3. */ return 0; } /* MAIN__ */ /* Subroutine */ int cchk1_(char *sname, real *eps, real *thresh, integer * nout, integer *ntra, logical *trace, logical *rewi, logical *fatal, integer *nidim, integer *idim, integer *nalf, complex *alf, integer * nbet, complex *bet, integer *nmax, complex *a, complex *aa, complex * as, complex *b, complex *bb, complex *bs, complex *c__, complex *cc, complex *cs, complex *ct, real *g, ftnlen sname_len) { /* Initialized data */ static char ich[3] = "NTC"; /* Format strings */ static char fmt_9995[] = "(1x,i6,\002: \002,a6,\002('\002,a1,\002','\002" ",a1,\002',\002,3(i3,\002,\002),\002(\002,f4.1,\002,\002,f4.1," "\002), A,\002,i3,\002, B,\002,i3,\002,(\002,f4.1,\002,\002,f4.1" ",\002), C,\002,i3,\002).\002)"; static char fmt_9994[] = "(\002 ******* FATAL ERROR - ERROR-EXIT TAKEN O" "N VALID CALL *\002,\002******\002)"; static char fmt_9998[] = "(\002 ******* FATAL ERROR - PARAMETER NUMBER" " \002,i2,\002 WAS CH\002,\002ANGED INCORRECTLY *******\002)"; static char fmt_9999[] = "(\002 \002,a6,\002 PASSED THE COMPUTATIONAL TE" "STS (\002,i6,\002 CALL\002,\002S)\002)"; static char fmt_9997[] = "(\002 \002,a6,\002 COMPLETED THE COMPUTATIONAL" " TESTS (\002,i6,\002 C\002,\002ALLS)\002,/\002 ******* BUT WITH " "MAXIMUM TEST RATIO\002,f8.2,\002 - SUSPECT *******\002)"; static char fmt_9996[] = "(\002 ******* \002,a6,\002 FAILED ON CALL NUMB" "ER:\002)"; /* System generated locals */ integer a_dim1, a_offset, b_dim1, b_offset, c_dim1, c_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5, i__6, i__7, i__8; alist al__1; /* Builtin functions */ integer s_wsfe(cilist *), do_fio(integer *, char *, ftnlen), e_wsfe(void), f_rew(alist *); /* Local variables */ integer i__, k, m, n, ia, ib, ma, mb, na, nb, nc, ik, im, in, ks, ms, ns, ica, icb, laa, lbb, lda, lcc, ldb, ldc; extern logical lce_(complex *, complex *, integer *); complex als, bls; real err; complex beta; integer ldas, ldbs, ldcs; logical same, null; extern /* Subroutine */ int cmake_(char *, char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, logical *, complex *, ftnlen, ftnlen, ftnlen); complex alpha; extern /* Subroutine */ int cgemm_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *), cmmch_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, real *, complex *, integer *, real *, real *, logical * , integer *, logical *, ftnlen, ftnlen); logical isame[13], trana, tranb; integer nargs; logical reset; extern logical lceres_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, ftnlen, ftnlen); char tranas[1], tranbs[1], transa[1], transb[1]; real errmax; /* Fortran I/O blocks */ static cilist io___124 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9995, 0 }; static cilist io___125 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9994, 0 }; static cilist io___128 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9998, 0 }; static cilist io___130 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9999, 0 }; static cilist io___131 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9997, 0 }; static cilist io___132 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9996, 0 }; static cilist io___133 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9995, 0 }; /* Tests CGEMM. */ /* Auxiliary routine for test program for Level 3 Blas. */ /* -- Written on 8-February-1989. */ /* Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory. */ /* Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. */ /* Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* .. Parameters .. */ /* .. Scalar Arguments .. */ /* .. Array Arguments .. */ /* .. Local Scalars .. */ /* .. Local Arrays .. */ /* .. External Functions .. */ /* .. External Subroutines .. */ /* .. Intrinsic Functions .. */ /* .. Scalars in Common .. */ /* .. Common blocks .. */ /* .. Data statements .. */ /* Parameter adjustments */ --idim; --alf; --bet; --g; --ct; --cs; --cc; c_dim1 = *nmax; c_offset = 1 + c_dim1; c__ -= c_offset; --bs; --bb; b_dim1 = *nmax; b_offset = 1 + b_dim1; b -= b_offset; --as; --aa; a_dim1 = *nmax; a_offset = 1 + a_dim1; a -= a_offset; /* Function Body */ /* .. Executable Statements .. */ nargs = 13; nc = 0; reset = TRUE_; errmax = 0.f; i__1 = *nidim; for (im = 1; im <= i__1; ++im) { m = idim[im]; i__2 = *nidim; for (in = 1; in <= i__2; ++in) { n = idim[in]; /* Set LDC to 1 more than minimum value if room. */ ldc = m; if (ldc < *nmax) { ++ldc; } /* Skip tests if not enough room. */ if (ldc > *nmax) { goto L100; } lcc = ldc * n; null = n <= 0 || m <= 0; i__3 = *nidim; for (ik = 1; ik <= i__3; ++ik) { k = idim[ik]; for (ica = 1; ica <= 3; ++ica) { *(unsigned char *)transa = *(unsigned char *)&ich[ica - 1] ; trana = *(unsigned char *)transa == 'T' || *(unsigned char *)transa == 'C'; if (trana) { ma = k; na = m; } else { ma = m; na = k; } /* Set LDA to 1 more than minimum value if room. */ lda = ma; if (lda < *nmax) { ++lda; } /* Skip tests if not enough room. */ if (lda > *nmax) { goto L80; } laa = lda * na; /* Generate the matrix A. */ cmake_("GE", " ", " ", &ma, &na, &a[a_offset], nmax, &aa[ 1], &lda, &reset, &c_b1, (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)1, ( ftnlen)1); for (icb = 1; icb <= 3; ++icb) { *(unsigned char *)transb = *(unsigned char *)&ich[icb - 1]; tranb = *(unsigned char *)transb == 'T' || *(unsigned char *)transb == 'C'; if (tranb) { mb = n; nb = k; } else { mb = k; nb = n; } /* Set LDB to 1 more than minimum value if room. */ ldb = mb; if (ldb < *nmax) { ++ldb; } /* Skip tests if not enough room. */ if (ldb > *nmax) { goto L70; } lbb = ldb * nb; /* Generate the matrix B. */ cmake_("GE", " ", " ", &mb, &nb, &b[b_offset], nmax, & bb[1], &ldb, &reset, &c_b1, (ftnlen)2, ( ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); i__4 = *nalf; for (ia = 1; ia <= i__4; ++ia) { i__5 = ia; alpha.r = alf[i__5].r, alpha.i = alf[i__5].i; i__5 = *nbet; for (ib = 1; ib <= i__5; ++ib) { i__6 = ib; beta.r = bet[i__6].r, beta.i = bet[i__6].i; /* Generate the matrix C. */ cmake_("GE", " ", " ", &m, &n, &c__[c_offset], nmax, &cc[1], &ldc, &reset, &c_b1, ( ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); ++nc; /* Save every datum before calling the */ /* subroutine. */ *(unsigned char *)tranas = *(unsigned char *) transa; *(unsigned char *)tranbs = *(unsigned char *) transb; ms = m; ns = n; ks = k; als.r = alpha.r, als.i = alpha.i; i__6 = laa; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__6; ++i__) { i__7 = i__; i__8 = i__; as[i__7].r = aa[i__8].r, as[i__7].i = aa[ i__8].i; /* L10: */ } ldas = lda; i__6 = lbb; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__6; ++i__) { i__7 = i__; i__8 = i__; bs[i__7].r = bb[i__8].r, bs[i__7].i = bb[ i__8].i; /* L20: */ } ldbs = ldb; bls.r = beta.r, bls.i = beta.i; i__6 = lcc; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__6; ++i__) { i__7 = i__; i__8 = i__; cs[i__7].r = cc[i__8].r, cs[i__7].i = cc[ i__8].i; /* L30: */ } ldcs = ldc; /* Call the subroutine. */ if (*trace) { io___124.ciunit = *ntra; s_wsfe(&io___124); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, transa, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, transb, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&m, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&n, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&k, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&alpha, (ftnlen) sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&lda, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldb, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&beta, (ftnlen) sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldc, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } if (*rewi) { al__1.aerr = 0; al__1.aunit = *ntra; f_rew(&al__1); } cgemm_(transa, transb, &m, &n, &k, &alpha, & aa[1], &lda, &bb[1], &ldb, &beta, &cc[ 1], &ldc); /* Check if error-exit was taken incorrectly. */ if (! infoc_1.ok) { io___125.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___125); e_wsfe(); *fatal = TRUE_; goto L120; } /* See what data changed inside subroutines. */ isame[0] = *(unsigned char *)transa == *( unsigned char *)tranas; isame[1] = *(unsigned char *)transb == *( unsigned char *)tranbs; isame[2] = ms == m; isame[3] = ns == n; isame[4] = ks == k; isame[5] = als.r == alpha.r && als.i == alpha.i; isame[6] = lce_(&as[1], &aa[1], &laa); isame[7] = ldas == lda; isame[8] = lce_(&bs[1], &bb[1], &lbb); isame[9] = ldbs == ldb; isame[10] = bls.r == beta.r && bls.i == beta.i; if (null) { isame[11] = lce_(&cs[1], &cc[1], &lcc); } else { isame[11] = lceres_("GE", " ", &m, &n, & cs[1], &cc[1], &ldc, (ftnlen)2, ( ftnlen)1); } isame[12] = ldcs == ldc; /* If data was incorrectly changed, report */ /* and return. */ same = TRUE_; i__6 = nargs; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__6; ++i__) { same = same && isame[i__ - 1]; if (! isame[i__ - 1]) { io___128.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___128); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&i__, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } /* L40: */ } if (! same) { *fatal = TRUE_; goto L120; } if (! null) { /* Check the result. */ cmmch_(transa, transb, &m, &n, &k, &alpha, &a[a_offset], nmax, &b[b_offset], nmax, &beta, &c__[c_offset], nmax, &ct[1], &g[1], &cc[1], &ldc, eps, &err, fatal, nout, &c_true, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); errmax = dmax(errmax,err); /* If got really bad answer, report and */ /* return. */ if (*fatal) { goto L120; } } /* L50: */ } /* L60: */ } L70: ; } L80: ; } /* L90: */ } L100: ; } /* L110: */ } /* Report result. */ if (errmax < *thresh) { io___130.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___130); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } else { io___131.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___131); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&errmax, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); e_wsfe(); } goto L130; L120: io___132.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___132); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); e_wsfe(); io___133.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___133); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, transa, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, transb, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&m, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&n, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&k, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&alpha, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&lda, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldb, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&beta, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); L130: return 0; /* End of CCHK1. */ } /* cchk1_ */ /* Subroutine */ int cchk2_(char *sname, real *eps, real *thresh, integer * nout, integer *ntra, logical *trace, logical *rewi, logical *fatal, integer *nidim, integer *idim, integer *nalf, complex *alf, integer * nbet, complex *bet, integer *nmax, complex *a, complex *aa, complex * as, complex *b, complex *bb, complex *bs, complex *c__, complex *cc, complex *cs, complex *ct, real *g, ftnlen sname_len) { /* Initialized data */ static char ichs[2] = "LR"; static char ichu[2] = "UL"; /* Format strings */ static char fmt_9995[] = "(1x,i6,\002: \002,a6,\002(\002,2(\002'\002,a1" ",\002',\002),2(i3,\002,\002),\002(\002,f4.1,\002,\002,f4.1,\002)" ", A,\002,i3,\002, B,\002,i3,\002,(\002,f4.1,\002,\002,f4.1,\002)" ", C,\002,i3,\002) .\002)"; static char fmt_9994[] = "(\002 ******* FATAL ERROR - ERROR-EXIT TAKEN O" "N VALID CALL *\002,\002******\002)"; static char fmt_9998[] = "(\002 ******* FATAL ERROR - PARAMETER NUMBER" " \002,i2,\002 WAS CH\002,\002ANGED INCORRECTLY *******\002)"; static char fmt_9999[] = "(\002 \002,a6,\002 PASSED THE COMPUTATIONAL TE" "STS (\002,i6,\002 CALL\002,\002S)\002)"; static char fmt_9997[] = "(\002 \002,a6,\002 COMPLETED THE COMPUTATIONAL" " TESTS (\002,i6,\002 C\002,\002ALLS)\002,/\002 ******* BUT WITH " "MAXIMUM TEST RATIO\002,f8.2,\002 - SUSPECT *******\002)"; static char fmt_9996[] = "(\002 ******* \002,a6,\002 FAILED ON CALL NUMB" "ER:\002)"; /* System generated locals */ integer a_dim1, a_offset, b_dim1, b_offset, c_dim1, c_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5, i__6, i__7; alist al__1; /* Builtin functions */ integer s_cmp(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen), s_wsfe(cilist *), do_fio( integer *, char *, ftnlen), e_wsfe(void), f_rew(alist *); /* Local variables */ integer i__, m, n, ia, ib, na, nc, im, in, ms, ns, laa, lbb, lda, lcc, ldb, ldc; extern logical lce_(complex *, complex *, integer *); integer ics; complex als, bls; integer icu; real err; complex beta; integer ldas, ldbs, ldcs; logical same; char side[1]; logical conj, left, null; char uplo[1]; extern /* Subroutine */ int cmake_(char *, char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, logical *, complex *, ftnlen, ftnlen, ftnlen); complex alpha; extern /* Subroutine */ int cmmch_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, real *, complex *, integer *, real *, real *, logical *, integer *, logical *, ftnlen, ftnlen), chemm_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *); logical isame[13]; char sides[1]; integer nargs; logical reset; extern /* Subroutine */ int csymm_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *); char uplos[1]; extern logical lceres_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, ftnlen, ftnlen); real errmax; /* Fortran I/O blocks */ static cilist io___172 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9995, 0 }; static cilist io___173 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9994, 0 }; static cilist io___176 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9998, 0 }; static cilist io___178 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9999, 0 }; static cilist io___179 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9997, 0 }; static cilist io___180 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9996, 0 }; static cilist io___181 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9995, 0 }; /* Tests CHEMM and CSYMM. */ /* Auxiliary routine for test program for Level 3 Blas. */ /* -- Written on 8-February-1989. */ /* Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory. */ /* Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. */ /* Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* .. Parameters .. */ /* .. Scalar Arguments .. */ /* .. Array Arguments .. */ /* .. Local Scalars .. */ /* .. Local Arrays .. */ /* .. External Functions .. */ /* .. External Subroutines .. */ /* .. Intrinsic Functions .. */ /* .. Scalars in Common .. */ /* .. Common blocks .. */ /* .. Data statements .. */ /* Parameter adjustments */ --idim; --alf; --bet; --g; --ct; --cs; --cc; c_dim1 = *nmax; c_offset = 1 + c_dim1; c__ -= c_offset; --bs; --bb; b_dim1 = *nmax; b_offset = 1 + b_dim1; b -= b_offset; --as; --aa; a_dim1 = *nmax; a_offset = 1 + a_dim1; a -= a_offset; /* Function Body */ /* .. Executable Statements .. */ conj = s_cmp(sname + 1, "HE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0; nargs = 12; nc = 0; reset = TRUE_; errmax = 0.f; i__1 = *nidim; for (im = 1; im <= i__1; ++im) { m = idim[im]; i__2 = *nidim; for (in = 1; in <= i__2; ++in) { n = idim[in]; /* Set LDC to 1 more than minimum value if room. */ ldc = m; if (ldc < *nmax) { ++ldc; } /* Skip tests if not enough room. */ if (ldc > *nmax) { goto L90; } lcc = ldc * n; null = n <= 0 || m <= 0; /* Set LDB to 1 more than minimum value if room. */ ldb = m; if (ldb < *nmax) { ++ldb; } /* Skip tests if not enough room. */ if (ldb > *nmax) { goto L90; } lbb = ldb * n; /* Generate the matrix B. */ cmake_("GE", " ", " ", &m, &n, &b[b_offset], nmax, &bb[1], &ldb, & reset, &c_b1, (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); for (ics = 1; ics <= 2; ++ics) { *(unsigned char *)side = *(unsigned char *)&ichs[ics - 1]; left = *(unsigned char *)side == 'L'; if (left) { na = m; } else { na = n; } /* Set LDA to 1 more than minimum value if room. */ lda = na; if (lda < *nmax) { ++lda; } /* Skip tests if not enough room. */ if (lda > *nmax) { goto L80; } laa = lda * na; for (icu = 1; icu <= 2; ++icu) { *(unsigned char *)uplo = *(unsigned char *)&ichu[icu - 1]; /* Generate the hermitian or symmetric matrix A. */ cmake_(sname + 1, uplo, " ", &na, &na, &a[a_offset], nmax, &aa[1], &lda, &reset, &c_b1, (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen) 1, (ftnlen)1); i__3 = *nalf; for (ia = 1; ia <= i__3; ++ia) { i__4 = ia; alpha.r = alf[i__4].r, alpha.i = alf[i__4].i; i__4 = *nbet; for (ib = 1; ib <= i__4; ++ib) { i__5 = ib; beta.r = bet[i__5].r, beta.i = bet[i__5].i; /* Generate the matrix C. */ cmake_("GE", " ", " ", &m, &n, &c__[c_offset], nmax, &cc[1], &ldc, &reset, &c_b1, ( ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); ++nc; /* Save every datum before calling the */ /* subroutine. */ *(unsigned char *)sides = *(unsigned char *)side; *(unsigned char *)uplos = *(unsigned char *)uplo; ms = m; ns = n; als.r = alpha.r, als.i = alpha.i; i__5 = laa; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__5; ++i__) { i__6 = i__; i__7 = i__; as[i__6].r = aa[i__7].r, as[i__6].i = aa[i__7] .i; /* L10: */ } ldas = lda; i__5 = lbb; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__5; ++i__) { i__6 = i__; i__7 = i__; bs[i__6].r = bb[i__7].r, bs[i__6].i = bb[i__7] .i; /* L20: */ } ldbs = ldb; bls.r = beta.r, bls.i = beta.i; i__5 = lcc; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__5; ++i__) { i__6 = i__; i__7 = i__; cs[i__6].r = cc[i__7].r, cs[i__6].i = cc[i__7] .i; /* L30: */ } ldcs = ldc; /* Call the subroutine. */ if (*trace) { io___172.ciunit = *ntra; s_wsfe(&io___172); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, side, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, uplo, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&m, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&n, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&alpha, (ftnlen)sizeof( real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&lda, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldb, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&beta, (ftnlen)sizeof( real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldc, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); e_wsfe(); } if (*rewi) { al__1.aerr = 0; al__1.aunit = *ntra; f_rew(&al__1); } if (conj) { chemm_(side, uplo, &m, &n, &alpha, &aa[1], & lda, &bb[1], &ldb, &beta, &cc[1], & ldc); } else { csymm_(side, uplo, &m, &n, &alpha, &aa[1], & lda, &bb[1], &ldb, &beta, &cc[1], & ldc); } /* Check if error-exit was taken incorrectly. */ if (! infoc_1.ok) { io___173.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___173); e_wsfe(); *fatal = TRUE_; goto L110; } /* See what data changed inside subroutines. */ isame[0] = *(unsigned char *)sides == *(unsigned char *)side; isame[1] = *(unsigned char *)uplos == *(unsigned char *)uplo; isame[2] = ms == m; isame[3] = ns == n; isame[4] = als.r == alpha.r && als.i == alpha.i; isame[5] = lce_(&as[1], &aa[1], &laa); isame[6] = ldas == lda; isame[7] = lce_(&bs[1], &bb[1], &lbb); isame[8] = ldbs == ldb; isame[9] = bls.r == beta.r && bls.i == beta.i; if (null) { isame[10] = lce_(&cs[1], &cc[1], &lcc); } else { isame[10] = lceres_("GE", " ", &m, &n, &cs[1], &cc[1], &ldc, (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)1); } isame[11] = ldcs == ldc; /* If data was incorrectly changed, report and */ /* return. */ same = TRUE_; i__5 = nargs; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__5; ++i__) { same = same && isame[i__ - 1]; if (! isame[i__ - 1]) { io___176.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___176); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&i__, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } /* L40: */ } if (! same) { *fatal = TRUE_; goto L110; } if (! null) { /* Check the result. */ if (left) { cmmch_("N", "N", &m, &n, &m, &alpha, &a[ a_offset], nmax, &b[b_offset], nmax, &beta, &c__[c_offset], nmax, &ct[1], &g[1], &cc[1], &ldc, eps, &err, fatal, nout, &c_true, ( ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); } else { cmmch_("N", "N", &m, &n, &n, &alpha, &b[ b_offset], nmax, &a[a_offset], nmax, &beta, &c__[c_offset], nmax, &ct[1], &g[1], &cc[1], &ldc, eps, &err, fatal, nout, &c_true, ( ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); } errmax = dmax(errmax,err); /* If got really bad answer, report and */ /* return. */ if (*fatal) { goto L110; } } /* L50: */ } /* L60: */ } /* L70: */ } L80: ; } L90: ; } /* L100: */ } /* Report result. */ if (errmax < *thresh) { io___178.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___178); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } else { io___179.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___179); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&errmax, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); e_wsfe(); } goto L120; L110: io___180.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___180); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); e_wsfe(); io___181.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___181); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, side, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, uplo, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&m, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&n, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&alpha, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&lda, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldb, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&beta, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); L120: return 0; /* End of CCHK2. */ } /* cchk2_ */ /* Subroutine */ int cchk3_(char *sname, real *eps, real *thresh, integer * nout, integer *ntra, logical *trace, logical *rewi, logical *fatal, integer *nidim, integer *idim, integer *nalf, complex *alf, integer * nmax, complex *a, complex *aa, complex *as, complex *b, complex *bb, complex *bs, complex *ct, real *g, complex *c__, ftnlen sname_len) { /* Initialized data */ static char ichu[2] = "UL"; static char icht[3] = "NTC"; static char ichd[2] = "UN"; static char ichs[2] = "LR"; /* Format strings */ static char fmt_9995[] = "(1x,i6,\002: \002,a6,\002(\002,4(\002'\002,a1" ",\002',\002),2(i3,\002,\002),\002(\002,f4.1,\002,\002,f4.1,\002)" ", A,\002,i3,\002, B,\002,i3,\002) \002,\002 .\002)"; static char fmt_9994[] = "(\002 ******* FATAL ERROR - ERROR-EXIT TAKEN O" "N VALID CALL *\002,\002******\002)"; static char fmt_9998[] = "(\002 ******* FATAL ERROR - PARAMETER NUMBER" " \002,i2,\002 WAS CH\002,\002ANGED INCORRECTLY *******\002)"; static char fmt_9999[] = "(\002 \002,a6,\002 PASSED THE COMPUTATIONAL TE" "STS (\002,i6,\002 CALL\002,\002S)\002)"; static char fmt_9997[] = "(\002 \002,a6,\002 COMPLETED THE COMPUTATIONAL" " TESTS (\002,i6,\002 C\002,\002ALLS)\002,/\002 ******* BUT WITH " "MAXIMUM TEST RATIO\002,f8.2,\002 - SUSPECT *******\002)"; static char fmt_9996[] = "(\002 ******* \002,a6,\002 FAILED ON CALL NUMB" "ER:\002)"; /* System generated locals */ integer a_dim1, a_offset, b_dim1, b_offset, c_dim1, c_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5, i__6, i__7; complex q__1; alist al__1; /* Builtin functions */ integer s_cmp(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen), s_wsfe(cilist *), do_fio( integer *, char *, ftnlen), e_wsfe(void), f_rew(alist *); /* Local variables */ integer i__, j, m, n, ia, na, nc, im, in, ms, ns, laa, icd, lbb, lda, ldb; extern logical lce_(complex *, complex *, integer *); integer ics; complex als; integer ict, icu; real err; char diag[1]; integer ldas, ldbs; logical same; char side[1]; logical left, null; char uplo[1]; extern /* Subroutine */ int cmake_(char *, char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, logical *, complex *, ftnlen, ftnlen, ftnlen); complex alpha; char diags[1]; extern /* Subroutine */ int cmmch_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, real *, complex *, integer *, real *, real *, logical *, integer *, logical *, ftnlen, ftnlen); logical isame[13]; char sides[1]; integer nargs; logical reset; extern /* Subroutine */ int ctrmm_(char *, char *, char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *), ctrsm_(char *, char *, char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *); char uplos[1]; extern logical lceres_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, ftnlen, ftnlen); char tranas[1], transa[1]; real errmax; /* Fortran I/O blocks */ static cilist io___222 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9995, 0 }; static cilist io___223 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9995, 0 }; static cilist io___224 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9994, 0 }; static cilist io___227 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9998, 0 }; static cilist io___229 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9999, 0 }; static cilist io___230 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9997, 0 }; static cilist io___231 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9996, 0 }; static cilist io___232 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9995, 0 }; /* Tests CTRMM and CTRSM. */ /* Auxiliary routine for test program for Level 3 Blas. */ /* -- Written on 8-February-1989. */ /* Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory. */ /* Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. */ /* Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* .. Parameters .. */ /* .. Scalar Arguments .. */ /* .. Array Arguments .. */ /* .. Local Scalars .. */ /* .. Local Arrays .. */ /* .. External Functions .. */ /* .. External Subroutines .. */ /* .. Intrinsic Functions .. */ /* .. Scalars in Common .. */ /* .. Common blocks .. */ /* .. Data statements .. */ /* Parameter adjustments */ --idim; --alf; c_dim1 = *nmax; c_offset = 1 + c_dim1; c__ -= c_offset; --g; --ct; --bs; --bb; b_dim1 = *nmax; b_offset = 1 + b_dim1; b -= b_offset; --as; --aa; a_dim1 = *nmax; a_offset = 1 + a_dim1; a -= a_offset; /* Function Body */ /* .. Executable Statements .. */ nargs = 11; nc = 0; reset = TRUE_; errmax = 0.f; /* Set up zero matrix for CMMCH. */ i__1 = *nmax; for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) { i__2 = *nmax; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) { i__3 = i__ + j * c_dim1; c__[i__3].r = 0.f, c__[i__3].i = 0.f; /* L10: */ } /* L20: */ } i__1 = *nidim; for (im = 1; im <= i__1; ++im) { m = idim[im]; i__2 = *nidim; for (in = 1; in <= i__2; ++in) { n = idim[in]; /* Set LDB to 1 more than minimum value if room. */ ldb = m; if (ldb < *nmax) { ++ldb; } /* Skip tests if not enough room. */ if (ldb > *nmax) { goto L130; } lbb = ldb * n; null = m <= 0 || n <= 0; for (ics = 1; ics <= 2; ++ics) { *(unsigned char *)side = *(unsigned char *)&ichs[ics - 1]; left = *(unsigned char *)side == 'L'; if (left) { na = m; } else { na = n; } /* Set LDA to 1 more than minimum value if room. */ lda = na; if (lda < *nmax) { ++lda; } /* Skip tests if not enough room. */ if (lda > *nmax) { goto L130; } laa = lda * na; for (icu = 1; icu <= 2; ++icu) { *(unsigned char *)uplo = *(unsigned char *)&ichu[icu - 1]; for (ict = 1; ict <= 3; ++ict) { *(unsigned char *)transa = *(unsigned char *)&icht[ ict - 1]; for (icd = 1; icd <= 2; ++icd) { *(unsigned char *)diag = *(unsigned char *)&ichd[ icd - 1]; i__3 = *nalf; for (ia = 1; ia <= i__3; ++ia) { i__4 = ia; alpha.r = alf[i__4].r, alpha.i = alf[i__4].i; /* Generate the matrix A. */ cmake_("TR", uplo, diag, &na, &na, &a[ a_offset], nmax, &aa[1], &lda, &reset, &c_b1, (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen) 1); /* Generate the matrix B. */ cmake_("GE", " ", " ", &m, &n, &b[b_offset], nmax, &bb[1], &ldb, &reset, &c_b1, ( ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); ++nc; /* Save every datum before calling the */ /* subroutine. */ *(unsigned char *)sides = *(unsigned char *) side; *(unsigned char *)uplos = *(unsigned char *) uplo; *(unsigned char *)tranas = *(unsigned char *) transa; *(unsigned char *)diags = *(unsigned char *) diag; ms = m; ns = n; als.r = alpha.r, als.i = alpha.i; i__4 = laa; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__4; ++i__) { i__5 = i__; i__6 = i__; as[i__5].r = aa[i__6].r, as[i__5].i = aa[ i__6].i; /* L30: */ } ldas = lda; i__4 = lbb; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__4; ++i__) { i__5 = i__; i__6 = i__; bs[i__5].r = bb[i__6].r, bs[i__5].i = bb[ i__6].i; /* L40: */ } ldbs = ldb; /* Call the subroutine. */ if (s_cmp(sname + 3, "MM", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen) 2) == 0) { if (*trace) { io___222.ciunit = *ntra; s_wsfe(&io___222); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, side, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, uplo, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, transa, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, diag, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&m, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&n, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&alpha, (ftnlen) sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&lda, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldb, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } if (*rewi) { al__1.aerr = 0; al__1.aunit = *ntra; f_rew(&al__1); } ctrmm_(side, uplo, transa, diag, &m, &n, & alpha, &aa[1], &lda, &bb[1], &ldb); } else if (s_cmp(sname + 3, "SM", (ftnlen)2, ( ftnlen)2) == 0) { if (*trace) { io___223.ciunit = *ntra; s_wsfe(&io___223); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, side, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, uplo, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, transa, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, diag, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&m, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&n, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&alpha, (ftnlen) sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&lda, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldb, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } if (*rewi) { al__1.aerr = 0; al__1.aunit = *ntra; f_rew(&al__1); } ctrsm_(side, uplo, transa, diag, &m, &n, & alpha, &aa[1], &lda, &bb[1], &ldb); } /* Check if error-exit was taken incorrectly. */ if (! infoc_1.ok) { io___224.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___224); e_wsfe(); *fatal = TRUE_; goto L150; } /* See what data changed inside subroutines. */ isame[0] = *(unsigned char *)sides == *( unsigned char *)side; isame[1] = *(unsigned char *)uplos == *( unsigned char *)uplo; isame[2] = *(unsigned char *)tranas == *( unsigned char *)transa; isame[3] = *(unsigned char *)diags == *( unsigned char *)diag; isame[4] = ms == m; isame[5] = ns == n; isame[6] = als.r == alpha.r && als.i == alpha.i; isame[7] = lce_(&as[1], &aa[1], &laa); isame[8] = ldas == lda; if (null) { isame[9] = lce_(&bs[1], &bb[1], &lbb); } else { isame[9] = lceres_("GE", " ", &m, &n, &bs[ 1], &bb[1], &ldb, (ftnlen)2, ( ftnlen)1); } isame[10] = ldbs == ldb; /* If data was incorrectly changed, report and */ /* return. */ same = TRUE_; i__4 = nargs; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__4; ++i__) { same = same && isame[i__ - 1]; if (! isame[i__ - 1]) { io___227.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___227); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&i__, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } /* L50: */ } if (! same) { *fatal = TRUE_; goto L150; } if (! null) { if (s_cmp(sname + 3, "MM", (ftnlen)2, ( ftnlen)2) == 0) { /* Check the result. */ if (left) { cmmch_(transa, "N", &m, &n, &m, & alpha, &a[a_offset], nmax, &b[b_offset], nmax, & c_b1, &c__[c_offset], nmax, &ct[1], &g[1], &bb[ 1], &ldb, eps, &err, fatal, nout, &c_true, ( ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); } else { cmmch_("N", transa, &m, &n, &n, & alpha, &b[b_offset], nmax, &a[a_offset], nmax, & c_b1, &c__[c_offset], nmax, &ct[1], &g[1], &bb[ 1], &ldb, eps, &err, fatal, nout, &c_true, ( ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); } } else if (s_cmp(sname + 3, "SM", (ftnlen) 2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) { /* Compute approximation to original */ /* matrix. */ i__4 = n; for (j = 1; j <= i__4; ++j) { i__5 = m; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__5; ++i__) { i__6 = i__ + j * c_dim1; i__7 = i__ + (j - 1) * ldb; c__[i__6].r = bb[i__7].r, c__[i__6].i = bb[i__7].i; i__6 = i__ + (j - 1) * ldb; i__7 = i__ + j * b_dim1; q__1.r = alpha.r * b[i__7].r - alpha.i * b[i__7].i, q__1.i = alpha.r * b[i__7].i + alpha.i * b[ i__7].r; bb[i__6].r = q__1.r, bb[i__6].i = q__1.i; /* L60: */ } /* L70: */ } if (left) { cmmch_(transa, "N", &m, &n, &m, & c_b2, &a[a_offset], nmax, &c__[c_offset], nmax, & c_b1, &b[b_offset], nmax, &ct[1], &g[1], &bb[1], & ldb, eps, &err, fatal, nout, &c_false, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); } else { cmmch_("N", transa, &m, &n, &n, & c_b2, &c__[c_offset], nmax, &a[a_offset], nmax, &c_b1, &b[b_offset], nmax, &ct[1], &g[1], &bb[1], & ldb, eps, &err, fatal, nout, &c_false, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); } } errmax = dmax(errmax,err); /* If got really bad answer, report and */ /* return. */ if (*fatal) { goto L150; } } /* L80: */ } /* L90: */ } /* L100: */ } /* L110: */ } /* L120: */ } L130: ; } /* L140: */ } /* Report result. */ if (errmax < *thresh) { io___229.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___229); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } else { io___230.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___230); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&errmax, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); e_wsfe(); } goto L160; L150: io___231.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___231); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); e_wsfe(); io___232.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___232); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, side, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, uplo, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, transa, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, diag, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&m, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&n, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&alpha, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&lda, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldb, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); L160: return 0; /* End of CCHK3. */ } /* cchk3_ */ /* Subroutine */ int cchk4_(char *sname, real *eps, real *thresh, integer * nout, integer *ntra, logical *trace, logical *rewi, logical *fatal, integer *nidim, integer *idim, integer *nalf, complex *alf, integer * nbet, complex *bet, integer *nmax, complex *a, complex *aa, complex * as, complex *b, complex *bb, complex *bs, complex *c__, complex *cc, complex *cs, complex *ct, real *g, ftnlen sname_len) { /* Initialized data */ static char icht[2] = "NC"; static char ichu[2] = "UL"; /* Format strings */ static char fmt_9994[] = "(1x,i6,\002: \002,a6,\002(\002,2(\002'\002,a1" ",\002',\002),2(i3,\002,\002),f4.1,\002, A,\002,i3,\002,\002,f4.1," "\002, C,\002,i3,\002) \002,\002 .\002)"; static char fmt_9993[] = "(1x,i6,\002: \002,a6,\002(\002,2(\002'\002,a1" ",\002',\002),2(i3,\002,\002),\002(\002,f4.1,\002,\002,f4.1,\002)" " , A,\002,i3,\002,(\002,f4.1,\002,\002,f4.1,\002), C,\002,i3," "\002) .\002)"; static char fmt_9992[] = "(\002 ******* FATAL ERROR - ERROR-EXIT TAKEN O" "N VALID CALL *\002,\002******\002)"; static char fmt_9998[] = "(\002 ******* FATAL ERROR - PARAMETER NUMBER" " \002,i2,\002 WAS CH\002,\002ANGED INCORRECTLY *******\002)"; static char fmt_9999[] = "(\002 \002,a6,\002 PASSED THE COMPUTATIONAL TE" "STS (\002,i6,\002 CALL\002,\002S)\002)"; static char fmt_9997[] = "(\002 \002,a6,\002 COMPLETED THE COMPUTATIONAL" " TESTS (\002,i6,\002 C\002,\002ALLS)\002,/\002 ******* BUT WITH " "MAXIMUM TEST RATIO\002,f8.2,\002 - SUSPECT *******\002)"; static char fmt_9995[] = "(\002 THESE ARE THE RESULTS FOR COLUMN" " \002,i3)"; static char fmt_9996[] = "(\002 ******* \002,a6,\002 FAILED ON CALL NUMB" "ER:\002)"; /* System generated locals */ integer a_dim1, a_offset, b_dim1, b_offset, c_dim1, c_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5, i__6, i__7; complex q__1; alist al__1; /* Builtin functions */ integer s_cmp(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen), s_wsfe(cilist *), do_fio( integer *, char *, ftnlen), e_wsfe(void), f_rew(alist *); /* Local variables */ integer i__, j, k, n, ia, ib, jc, ma, na, nc, ik, in, jj, lj, ks, ns, laa, lda, lcc, ldc; extern logical lce_(complex *, complex *, integer *); complex als; integer ict, icu; real err; complex beta; integer ldas, ldcs; logical same, conj; complex bets; real rals; logical tran, null; char uplo[1]; extern /* Subroutine */ int cmake_(char *, char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, logical *, complex *, ftnlen, ftnlen, ftnlen); complex alpha; extern /* Subroutine */ int cmmch_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, real *, complex *, integer *, real *, real *, logical *, integer *, logical *, ftnlen, ftnlen), cherk_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, real *, complex *, integer *, real *, complex *, integer *); real rbeta; logical isame[13]; integer nargs; real rbets; logical reset; char trans[1]; logical upper; extern /* Subroutine */ int csyrk_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *); char uplos[1]; real ralpha; extern logical lceres_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, ftnlen, ftnlen); real errmax; char transs[1], transt[1]; /* Fortran I/O blocks */ static cilist io___274 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9994, 0 }; static cilist io___275 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9993, 0 }; static cilist io___276 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9992, 0 }; static cilist io___279 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9998, 0 }; static cilist io___286 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9999, 0 }; static cilist io___287 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9997, 0 }; static cilist io___288 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9995, 0 }; static cilist io___289 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9996, 0 }; static cilist io___290 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9994, 0 }; static cilist io___291 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9993, 0 }; /* Tests CHERK and CSYRK. */ /* Auxiliary routine for test program for Level 3 Blas. */ /* -- Written on 8-February-1989. */ /* Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory. */ /* Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. */ /* Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* .. Parameters .. */ /* .. Scalar Arguments .. */ /* .. Array Arguments .. */ /* .. Local Scalars .. */ /* .. Local Arrays .. */ /* .. External Functions .. */ /* .. External Subroutines .. */ /* .. Intrinsic Functions .. */ /* .. Scalars in Common .. */ /* .. Common blocks .. */ /* .. Data statements .. */ /* Parameter adjustments */ --idim; --alf; --bet; --g; --ct; --cs; --cc; c_dim1 = *nmax; c_offset = 1 + c_dim1; c__ -= c_offset; --bs; --bb; b_dim1 = *nmax; b_offset = 1 + b_dim1; b -= b_offset; --as; --aa; a_dim1 = *nmax; a_offset = 1 + a_dim1; a -= a_offset; /* Function Body */ /* .. Executable Statements .. */ conj = s_cmp(sname + 1, "HE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0; nargs = 10; nc = 0; reset = TRUE_; errmax = 0.f; i__1 = *nidim; for (in = 1; in <= i__1; ++in) { n = idim[in]; /* Set LDC to 1 more than minimum value if room. */ ldc = n; if (ldc < *nmax) { ++ldc; } /* Skip tests if not enough room. */ if (ldc > *nmax) { goto L100; } lcc = ldc * n; i__2 = *nidim; for (ik = 1; ik <= i__2; ++ik) { k = idim[ik]; for (ict = 1; ict <= 2; ++ict) { *(unsigned char *)trans = *(unsigned char *)&icht[ict - 1]; tran = *(unsigned char *)trans == 'C'; if (tran && ! conj) { *(unsigned char *)trans = 'T'; } if (tran) { ma = k; na = n; } else { ma = n; na = k; } /* Set LDA to 1 more than minimum value if room. */ lda = ma; if (lda < *nmax) { ++lda; } /* Skip tests if not enough room. */ if (lda > *nmax) { goto L80; } laa = lda * na; /* Generate the matrix A. */ cmake_("GE", " ", " ", &ma, &na, &a[a_offset], nmax, &aa[1], & lda, &reset, &c_b1, (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); for (icu = 1; icu <= 2; ++icu) { *(unsigned char *)uplo = *(unsigned char *)&ichu[icu - 1]; upper = *(unsigned char *)uplo == 'U'; i__3 = *nalf; for (ia = 1; ia <= i__3; ++ia) { i__4 = ia; alpha.r = alf[i__4].r, alpha.i = alf[i__4].i; if (conj) { ralpha = alpha.r; q__1.r = ralpha, q__1.i = 0.f; alpha.r = q__1.r, alpha.i = q__1.i; } i__4 = *nbet; for (ib = 1; ib <= i__4; ++ib) { i__5 = ib; beta.r = bet[i__5].r, beta.i = bet[i__5].i; if (conj) { rbeta = beta.r; q__1.r = rbeta, q__1.i = 0.f; beta.r = q__1.r, beta.i = q__1.i; } null = n <= 0; if (conj) { null = null || (k <= 0 || ralpha == 0.f) && rbeta == 1.f; } /* Generate the matrix C. */ cmake_(sname + 1, uplo, " ", &n, &n, &c__[ c_offset], nmax, &cc[1], &ldc, &reset, & c_b1, (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); ++nc; /* Save every datum before calling the subroutine. */ *(unsigned char *)uplos = *(unsigned char *)uplo; *(unsigned char *)transs = *(unsigned char *) trans; ns = n; ks = k; if (conj) { rals = ralpha; } else { als.r = alpha.r, als.i = alpha.i; } i__5 = laa; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__5; ++i__) { i__6 = i__; i__7 = i__; as[i__6].r = aa[i__7].r, as[i__6].i = aa[i__7] .i; /* L10: */ } ldas = lda; if (conj) { rbets = rbeta; } else { bets.r = beta.r, bets.i = beta.i; } i__5 = lcc; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__5; ++i__) { i__6 = i__; i__7 = i__; cs[i__6].r = cc[i__7].r, cs[i__6].i = cc[i__7] .i; /* L20: */ } ldcs = ldc; /* Call the subroutine. */ if (conj) { if (*trace) { io___274.ciunit = *ntra; s_wsfe(&io___274); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, uplo, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, trans, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&n, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&k, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ralpha, (ftnlen) sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&lda, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&rbeta, (ftnlen) sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldc, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } if (*rewi) { al__1.aerr = 0; al__1.aunit = *ntra; f_rew(&al__1); } cherk_(uplo, trans, &n, &k, &ralpha, &aa[1], & lda, &rbeta, &cc[1], &ldc); } else { if (*trace) { io___275.ciunit = *ntra; s_wsfe(&io___275); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, uplo, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, trans, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&n, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&k, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&alpha, (ftnlen) sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&lda, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&beta, (ftnlen) sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldc, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } if (*rewi) { al__1.aerr = 0; al__1.aunit = *ntra; f_rew(&al__1); } csyrk_(uplo, trans, &n, &k, &alpha, &aa[1], & lda, &beta, &cc[1], &ldc); } /* Check if error-exit was taken incorrectly. */ if (! infoc_1.ok) { io___276.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___276); e_wsfe(); *fatal = TRUE_; goto L120; } /* See what data changed inside subroutines. */ isame[0] = *(unsigned char *)uplos == *(unsigned char *)uplo; isame[1] = *(unsigned char *)transs == *(unsigned char *)trans; isame[2] = ns == n; isame[3] = ks == k; if (conj) { isame[4] = rals == ralpha; } else { isame[4] = als.r == alpha.r && als.i == alpha.i; } isame[5] = lce_(&as[1], &aa[1], &laa); isame[6] = ldas == lda; if (conj) { isame[7] = rbets == rbeta; } else { isame[7] = bets.r == beta.r && bets.i == beta.i; } if (null) { isame[8] = lce_(&cs[1], &cc[1], &lcc); } else { isame[8] = lceres_(sname + 1, uplo, &n, &n, & cs[1], &cc[1], &ldc, (ftnlen)2, ( ftnlen)1); } isame[9] = ldcs == ldc; /* If data was incorrectly changed, report and */ /* return. */ same = TRUE_; i__5 = nargs; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__5; ++i__) { same = same && isame[i__ - 1]; if (! isame[i__ - 1]) { io___279.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___279); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&i__, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } /* L30: */ } if (! same) { *fatal = TRUE_; goto L120; } if (! null) { /* Check the result column by column. */ if (conj) { *(unsigned char *)transt = 'C'; } else { *(unsigned char *)transt = 'T'; } jc = 1; i__5 = n; for (j = 1; j <= i__5; ++j) { if (upper) { jj = 1; lj = j; } else { jj = j; lj = n - j + 1; } if (tran) { cmmch_(transt, "N", &lj, &c__1, &k, & alpha, &a[jj * a_dim1 + 1], nmax, &a[j * a_dim1 + 1], nmax, &beta, &c__[jj + j * c_dim1], nmax, &ct[1], &g[1], &cc[jc], &ldc, eps, &err, fatal, nout, &c_true, (ftnlen) 1, (ftnlen)1); } else { cmmch_("N", transt, &lj, &c__1, &k, & alpha, &a[jj + a_dim1], nmax, &a[j + a_dim1], nmax, &beta, & c__[jj + j * c_dim1], nmax, & ct[1], &g[1], &cc[jc], &ldc, eps, &err, fatal, nout, & c_true, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); } if (upper) { jc += ldc; } else { jc = jc + ldc + 1; } errmax = dmax(errmax,err); /* If got really bad answer, report and */ /* return. */ if (*fatal) { goto L110; } /* L40: */ } } /* L50: */ } /* L60: */ } /* L70: */ } L80: ; } /* L90: */ } L100: ; } /* Report result. */ if (errmax < *thresh) { io___286.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___286); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } else { io___287.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___287); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&errmax, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); e_wsfe(); } goto L130; L110: if (n > 1) { io___288.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___288); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&j, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } L120: io___289.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___289); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); e_wsfe(); if (conj) { io___290.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___290); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, uplo, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, trans, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&n, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&k, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ralpha, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&lda, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&rbeta, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } else { io___291.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___291); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, uplo, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, trans, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&n, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&k, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&alpha, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&lda, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&beta, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } L130: return 0; /* End of CCHK4. */ } /* cchk4_ */ /* Subroutine */ int cchk5_(char *sname, real *eps, real *thresh, integer * nout, integer *ntra, logical *trace, logical *rewi, logical *fatal, integer *nidim, integer *idim, integer *nalf, complex *alf, integer * nbet, complex *bet, integer *nmax, complex *ab, complex *aa, complex * as, complex *bb, complex *bs, complex *c__, complex *cc, complex *cs, complex *ct, real *g, complex *w, ftnlen sname_len) { /* Initialized data */ static char icht[2] = "NC"; static char ichu[2] = "UL"; /* Format strings */ static char fmt_9994[] = "(1x,i6,\002: \002,a6,\002(\002,2(\002'\002,a1" ",\002',\002),2(i3,\002,\002),\002(\002,f4.1,\002,\002,f4.1,\002)" ", A,\002,i3,\002, B,\002,i3,\002,\002,f4.1,\002, C,\002,i3,\002)" " .\002)"; static char fmt_9993[] = "(1x,i6,\002: \002,a6,\002(\002,2(\002'\002,a1" ",\002',\002),2(i3,\002,\002),\002(\002,f4.1,\002,\002,f4.1,\002)" ", A,\002,i3,\002, B,\002,i3,\002,(\002,f4.1,\002,\002,f4.1,\002)" ", C,\002,i3,\002) .\002)"; static char fmt_9992[] = "(\002 ******* FATAL ERROR - ERROR-EXIT TAKEN O" "N VALID CALL *\002,\002******\002)"; static char fmt_9998[] = "(\002 ******* FATAL ERROR - PARAMETER NUMBER" " \002,i2,\002 WAS CH\002,\002ANGED INCORRECTLY *******\002)"; static char fmt_9999[] = "(\002 \002,a6,\002 PASSED THE COMPUTATIONAL TE" "STS (\002,i6,\002 CALL\002,\002S)\002)"; static char fmt_9997[] = "(\002 \002,a6,\002 COMPLETED THE COMPUTATIONAL" " TESTS (\002,i6,\002 C\002,\002ALLS)\002,/\002 ******* BUT WITH " "MAXIMUM TEST RATIO\002,f8.2,\002 - SUSPECT *******\002)"; static char fmt_9995[] = "(\002 THESE ARE THE RESULTS FOR COLUMN" " \002,i3)"; static char fmt_9996[] = "(\002 ******* \002,a6,\002 FAILED ON CALL NUMB" "ER:\002)"; /* System generated locals */ integer c_dim1, c_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5, i__6, i__7, i__8; complex q__1, q__2; alist al__1; /* Builtin functions */ integer s_cmp(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen), s_wsfe(cilist *), do_fio( integer *, char *, ftnlen), e_wsfe(void), f_rew(alist *); void r_cnjg(complex *, complex *); /* Local variables */ integer i__, j, k, n, ia, ib, jc, ma, na, nc, ik, in, jj, lj, ks, ns, laa, lbb, lda, lcc, ldb, ldc; extern logical lce_(complex *, complex *, integer *); complex als; integer ict, icu; real err; integer jjab; complex beta; integer ldas, ldbs, ldcs; logical same, conj; complex bets; logical tran, null; char uplo[1]; extern /* Subroutine */ int cmake_(char *, char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, logical *, complex *, ftnlen, ftnlen, ftnlen); complex alpha; extern /* Subroutine */ int cmmch_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, real *, complex *, integer *, real *, real *, logical *, integer *, logical *, ftnlen, ftnlen); real rbeta; logical isame[13]; integer nargs; real rbets; logical reset; char trans[1]; logical upper; char uplos[1]; extern /* Subroutine */ int cher2k_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, real *, complex *, integer *), csyr2k_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *); extern logical lceres_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, ftnlen, ftnlen); real errmax; char transs[1], transt[1]; /* Fortran I/O blocks */ static cilist io___334 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9994, 0 }; static cilist io___335 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9993, 0 }; static cilist io___336 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9992, 0 }; static cilist io___339 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9998, 0 }; static cilist io___347 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9999, 0 }; static cilist io___348 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9997, 0 }; static cilist io___349 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9995, 0 }; static cilist io___350 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9996, 0 }; static cilist io___351 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9994, 0 }; static cilist io___352 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9993, 0 }; /* Tests CHER2K and CSYR2K. */ /* Auxiliary routine for test program for Level 3 Blas. */ /* -- Written on 8-February-1989. */ /* Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory. */ /* Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. */ /* Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* .. Parameters .. */ /* .. Scalar Arguments .. */ /* .. Array Arguments .. */ /* .. Local Scalars .. */ /* .. Local Arrays .. */ /* .. External Functions .. */ /* .. External Subroutines .. */ /* .. Intrinsic Functions .. */ /* .. Scalars in Common .. */ /* .. Common blocks .. */ /* .. Data statements .. */ /* Parameter adjustments */ --idim; --alf; --bet; --w; --g; --ct; --cs; --cc; c_dim1 = *nmax; c_offset = 1 + c_dim1; c__ -= c_offset; --bs; --bb; --as; --aa; --ab; /* Function Body */ /* .. Executable Statements .. */ conj = s_cmp(sname + 1, "HE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0; nargs = 12; nc = 0; reset = TRUE_; errmax = 0.f; i__1 = *nidim; for (in = 1; in <= i__1; ++in) { n = idim[in]; /* Set LDC to 1 more than minimum value if room. */ ldc = n; if (ldc < *nmax) { ++ldc; } /* Skip tests if not enough room. */ if (ldc > *nmax) { goto L130; } lcc = ldc * n; i__2 = *nidim; for (ik = 1; ik <= i__2; ++ik) { k = idim[ik]; for (ict = 1; ict <= 2; ++ict) { *(unsigned char *)trans = *(unsigned char *)&icht[ict - 1]; tran = *(unsigned char *)trans == 'C'; if (tran && ! conj) { *(unsigned char *)trans = 'T'; } if (tran) { ma = k; na = n; } else { ma = n; na = k; } /* Set LDA to 1 more than minimum value if room. */ lda = ma; if (lda < *nmax) { ++lda; } /* Skip tests if not enough room. */ if (lda > *nmax) { goto L110; } laa = lda * na; /* Generate the matrix A. */ if (tran) { i__3 = *nmax << 1; cmake_("GE", " ", " ", &ma, &na, &ab[1], &i__3, &aa[1], & lda, &reset, &c_b1, (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen) 1); } else { cmake_("GE", " ", " ", &ma, &na, &ab[1], nmax, &aa[1], & lda, &reset, &c_b1, (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen) 1); } /* Generate the matrix B. */ ldb = lda; lbb = laa; if (tran) { i__3 = *nmax << 1; cmake_("GE", " ", " ", &ma, &na, &ab[k + 1], &i__3, &bb[1] , &ldb, &reset, &c_b1, (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)1, ( ftnlen)1); } else { cmake_("GE", " ", " ", &ma, &na, &ab[k * *nmax + 1], nmax, &bb[1], &ldb, &reset, &c_b1, (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen) 1, (ftnlen)1); } for (icu = 1; icu <= 2; ++icu) { *(unsigned char *)uplo = *(unsigned char *)&ichu[icu - 1]; upper = *(unsigned char *)uplo == 'U'; i__3 = *nalf; for (ia = 1; ia <= i__3; ++ia) { i__4 = ia; alpha.r = alf[i__4].r, alpha.i = alf[i__4].i; i__4 = *nbet; for (ib = 1; ib <= i__4; ++ib) { i__5 = ib; beta.r = bet[i__5].r, beta.i = bet[i__5].i; if (conj) { rbeta = beta.r; q__1.r = rbeta, q__1.i = 0.f; beta.r = q__1.r, beta.i = q__1.i; } null = n <= 0; if (conj) { null = null || (k <= 0 || alpha.r == 0.f && alpha.i == 0.f) && rbeta == 1.f; } /* Generate the matrix C. */ cmake_(sname + 1, uplo, " ", &n, &n, &c__[ c_offset], nmax, &cc[1], &ldc, &reset, & c_b1, (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1); ++nc; /* Save every datum before calling the subroutine. */ *(unsigned char *)uplos = *(unsigned char *)uplo; *(unsigned char *)transs = *(unsigned char *) trans; ns = n; ks = k; als.r = alpha.r, als.i = alpha.i; i__5 = laa; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__5; ++i__) { i__6 = i__; i__7 = i__; as[i__6].r = aa[i__7].r, as[i__6].i = aa[i__7] .i; /* L10: */ } ldas = lda; i__5 = lbb; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__5; ++i__) { i__6 = i__; i__7 = i__; bs[i__6].r = bb[i__7].r, bs[i__6].i = bb[i__7] .i; /* L20: */ } ldbs = ldb; if (conj) { rbets = rbeta; } else { bets.r = beta.r, bets.i = beta.i; } i__5 = lcc; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__5; ++i__) { i__6 = i__; i__7 = i__; cs[i__6].r = cc[i__7].r, cs[i__6].i = cc[i__7] .i; /* L30: */ } ldcs = ldc; /* Call the subroutine. */ if (conj) { if (*trace) { io___334.ciunit = *ntra; s_wsfe(&io___334); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, uplo, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, trans, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&n, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&k, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&alpha, (ftnlen) sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&lda, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldb, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&rbeta, (ftnlen) sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldc, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } if (*rewi) { al__1.aerr = 0; al__1.aunit = *ntra; f_rew(&al__1); } cher2k_(uplo, trans, &n, &k, &alpha, &aa[1], & lda, &bb[1], &ldb, &rbeta, &cc[1], & ldc); } else { if (*trace) { io___335.ciunit = *ntra; s_wsfe(&io___335); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, uplo, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, trans, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&n, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&k, (ftnlen)sizeof( integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&alpha, (ftnlen) sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&lda, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldb, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&beta, (ftnlen) sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldc, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } if (*rewi) { al__1.aerr = 0; al__1.aunit = *ntra; f_rew(&al__1); } csyr2k_(uplo, trans, &n, &k, &alpha, &aa[1], & lda, &bb[1], &ldb, &beta, &cc[1], & ldc); } /* Check if error-exit was taken incorrectly. */ if (! infoc_1.ok) { io___336.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___336); e_wsfe(); *fatal = TRUE_; goto L150; } /* See what data changed inside subroutines. */ isame[0] = *(unsigned char *)uplos == *(unsigned char *)uplo; isame[1] = *(unsigned char *)transs == *(unsigned char *)trans; isame[2] = ns == n; isame[3] = ks == k; isame[4] = als.r == alpha.r && als.i == alpha.i; isame[5] = lce_(&as[1], &aa[1], &laa); isame[6] = ldas == lda; isame[7] = lce_(&bs[1], &bb[1], &lbb); isame[8] = ldbs == ldb; if (conj) { isame[9] = rbets == rbeta; } else { isame[9] = bets.r == beta.r && bets.i == beta.i; } if (null) { isame[10] = lce_(&cs[1], &cc[1], &lcc); } else { isame[10] = lceres_("HE", uplo, &n, &n, &cs[1] , &cc[1], &ldc, (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)1); } isame[11] = ldcs == ldc; /* If data was incorrectly changed, report and */ /* return. */ same = TRUE_; i__5 = nargs; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__5; ++i__) { same = same && isame[i__ - 1]; if (! isame[i__ - 1]) { io___339.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___339); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&i__, (ftnlen) sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } /* L40: */ } if (! same) { *fatal = TRUE_; goto L150; } if (! null) { /* Check the result column by column. */ if (conj) { *(unsigned char *)transt = 'C'; } else { *(unsigned char *)transt = 'T'; } jjab = 1; jc = 1; i__5 = n; for (j = 1; j <= i__5; ++j) { if (upper) { jj = 1; lj = j; } else { jj = j; lj = n - j + 1; } if (tran) { i__6 = k; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__6; ++i__) { i__7 = i__; i__8 = (j - 1 << 1) * *nmax + k + i__; q__1.r = alpha.r * ab[i__8].r - alpha.i * ab[i__8].i, q__1.i = alpha.r * ab[ i__8].i + alpha.i * ab[ i__8].r; w[i__7].r = q__1.r, w[i__7].i = q__1.i; if (conj) { i__7 = k + i__; r_cnjg(&q__2, &alpha); i__8 = (j - 1 << 1) * *nmax + i__; q__1.r = q__2.r * ab[i__8].r - q__2.i * ab[i__8].i, q__1.i = q__2.r * ab[i__8].i + q__2.i * ab[ i__8].r; w[i__7].r = q__1.r, w[i__7].i = q__1.i; } else { i__7 = k + i__; i__8 = (j - 1 << 1) * *nmax + i__; q__1.r = alpha.r * ab[i__8].r - alpha.i * ab[i__8] .i, q__1.i = alpha.r * ab[i__8].i + alpha.i * ab[i__8].r; w[i__7].r = q__1.r, w[i__7].i = q__1.i; } /* L50: */ } i__6 = k << 1; i__7 = *nmax << 1; i__8 = *nmax << 1; cmmch_(transt, "N", &lj, &c__1, &i__6, &c_b2, &ab[jjab], &i__7, &w[ 1], &i__8, &beta, &c__[jj + j * c_dim1], nmax, &ct[1], &g[1] , &cc[jc], &ldc, eps, &err, fatal, nout, &c_true, (ftnlen) 1, (ftnlen)1); } else { i__6 = k; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__6; ++i__) { if (conj) { i__7 = i__; r_cnjg(&q__2, &ab[(k + i__ - 1) * *nmax + j]); q__1.r = alpha.r * q__2.r - alpha.i * q__2.i, q__1.i = alpha.r * q__2.i + alpha.i * q__2.r; w[i__7].r = q__1.r, w[i__7].i = q__1.i; i__7 = k + i__; i__8 = (i__ - 1) * *nmax + j; q__2.r = alpha.r * ab[i__8].r - alpha.i * ab[i__8] .i, q__2.i = alpha.r * ab[i__8].i + alpha.i * ab[i__8].r; r_cnjg(&q__1, &q__2); w[i__7].r = q__1.r, w[i__7].i = q__1.i; } else { i__7 = i__; i__8 = (k + i__ - 1) * *nmax + j; q__1.r = alpha.r * ab[i__8].r - alpha.i * ab[i__8] .i, q__1.i = alpha.r * ab[i__8].i + alpha.i * ab[i__8].r; w[i__7].r = q__1.r, w[i__7].i = q__1.i; i__7 = k + i__; i__8 = (i__ - 1) * *nmax + j; q__1.r = alpha.r * ab[i__8].r - alpha.i * ab[i__8] .i, q__1.i = alpha.r * ab[i__8].i + alpha.i * ab[i__8].r; w[i__7].r = q__1.r, w[i__7].i = q__1.i; } /* L60: */ } i__6 = k << 1; i__7 = *nmax << 1; cmmch_("N", "N", &lj, &c__1, &i__6, & c_b2, &ab[jj], nmax, &w[1], & i__7, &beta, &c__[jj + j * c_dim1], nmax, &ct[1], &g[1], &cc[jc], &ldc, eps, &err, fatal, nout, &c_true, (ftnlen) 1, (ftnlen)1); } if (upper) { jc += ldc; } else { jc = jc + ldc + 1; if (tran) { jjab += *nmax << 1; } } errmax = dmax(errmax,err); /* If got really bad answer, report and */ /* return. */ if (*fatal) { goto L140; } /* L70: */ } } /* L80: */ } /* L90: */ } /* L100: */ } L110: ; } /* L120: */ } L130: ; } /* Report result. */ if (errmax < *thresh) { io___347.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___347); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } else { io___348.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___348); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&errmax, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); e_wsfe(); } goto L160; L140: if (n > 1) { io___349.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___349); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&j, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } L150: io___350.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___350); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); e_wsfe(); if (conj) { io___351.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___351); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, uplo, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, trans, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&n, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&k, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&alpha, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&lda, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldb, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&rbeta, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } else { io___352.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___352); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&nc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, sname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, uplo, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, trans, (ftnlen)1); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&n, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&k, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&alpha, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&lda, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldb, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&beta, (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&ldc, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } L160: return 0; /* End of CCHK5. */ } /* cchk5_ */ /* Subroutine */ int cchke_(integer *isnum, char *srnamt, integer *nout, ftnlen srnamt_len) { /* Format strings */ static char fmt_9999[] = "(\002 \002,a6,\002 PASSED THE TESTS OF ERROR-E" "XITS\002)"; static char fmt_9998[] = "(\002 ******* \002,a6,\002 FAILED THE TESTS OF" " ERROR-EXITS *****\002,\002**\002)"; /* Builtin functions */ integer s_wsfe(cilist *), do_fio(integer *, char *, ftnlen), e_wsfe(void); /* Local variables */ complex a[2] /* was [2][1] */, b[2] /* was [2][1] */, c__[2] /* was [2][1] */, beta, alpha; extern /* Subroutine */ int cgemm_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *), chemm_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *), cherk_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, real *, complex *, integer *, real *, complex *, integer *); real rbeta; extern /* Subroutine */ int ctrmm_(char *, char *, char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *), csymm_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *), ctrsm_(char *, char *, char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *), csyrk_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *), cher2k_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, real *, complex *, integer *), csyr2k_(char *, char *, integer *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *, complex *, integer *, complex *, complex *, integer *); real ralpha; extern /* Subroutine */ int chkxer_(char *, integer *, integer *, logical *, logical *); /* Fortran I/O blocks */ static cilist io___360 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9999, 0 }; static cilist io___361 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9998, 0 }; /* Tests the error exits from the Level 3 Blas. */ /* Requires a special version of the error-handling routine XERBLA. */ /* A, B and C should not need to be defined. */ /* Auxiliary routine for test program for Level 3 Blas. */ /* -- Written on 8-February-1989. */ /* Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory. */ /* Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. */ /* Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* 3-19-92: Initialize ALPHA, BETA, RALPHA, and RBETA (eca) */ /* 3-19-92: Fix argument 12 in calls to CSYMM and CHEMM */ /* with INFOT = 9 (eca) */ /* .. Scalar Arguments .. */ /* .. Scalars in Common .. */ /* .. Parameters .. */ /* .. Local Scalars .. */ /* .. Local Arrays .. */ /* .. External Subroutines .. */ /* .. Common blocks .. */ /* .. Executable Statements .. */ /* OK is set to .FALSE. by the special version of XERBLA or by CHKXER */ /* if anything is wrong. */ infoc_1.ok = TRUE_; /* LERR is set to .TRUE. by the special version of XERBLA each time */ /* it is called, and is then tested and re-set by CHKXER. */ infoc_1.lerr = FALSE_; /* Initialize ALPHA, BETA, RALPHA, and RBETA. */ alpha.r = 1.f, alpha.i = -1.f; beta.r = 2.f, beta.i = -2.f; ralpha = 1.f; rbeta = 2.f; switch (*isnum) { case 1: goto L10; case 2: goto L20; case 3: goto L30; case 4: goto L40; case 5: goto L50; case 6: goto L60; case 7: goto L70; case 8: goto L80; case 9: goto L90; } L10: infoc_1.infot = 1; cgemm_("/", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 1; cgemm_("/", "C", &c__0, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 1; cgemm_("/", "T", &c__0, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; cgemm_("N", "/", &c__0, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; cgemm_("C", "/", &c__0, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; cgemm_("T", "/", &c__0, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; cgemm_("N", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; cgemm_("N", "C", &c_n1, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; cgemm_("N", "T", &c_n1, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; cgemm_("C", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; cgemm_("C", "C", &c_n1, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; cgemm_("C", "T", &c_n1, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; cgemm_("T", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; cgemm_("T", "C", &c_n1, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; cgemm_("T", "T", &c_n1, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; cgemm_("N", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; cgemm_("N", "C", &c__0, &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; cgemm_("N", "T", &c__0, &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; cgemm_("C", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; cgemm_("C", "C", &c__0, &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; cgemm_("C", "T", &c__0, &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; cgemm_("T", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; cgemm_("T", "C", &c__0, &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; cgemm_("T", "T", &c__0, &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; cgemm_("N", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; cgemm_("N", "C", &c__0, &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; cgemm_("N", "T", &c__0, &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; cgemm_("C", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; cgemm_("C", "C", &c__0, &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; cgemm_("C", "T", &c__0, &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; cgemm_("T", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; cgemm_("T", "C", &c__0, &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; cgemm_("T", "T", &c__0, &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 8; cgemm_("N", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 8; cgemm_("N", "C", &c__2, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 8; cgemm_("N", "T", &c__2, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 8; cgemm_("C", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 8; cgemm_("C", "C", &c__0, &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 8; cgemm_("C", "T", &c__0, &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 8; cgemm_("T", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 8; cgemm_("T", "C", &c__0, &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 8; cgemm_("T", "T", &c__0, &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 10; cgemm_("N", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 10; cgemm_("C", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 10; cgemm_("T", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 10; cgemm_("N", "C", &c__0, &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 10; cgemm_("C", "C", &c__0, &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 10; cgemm_("T", "C", &c__0, &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 10; cgemm_("N", "T", &c__0, &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 10; cgemm_("C", "T", &c__0, &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 10; cgemm_("T", "T", &c__0, &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 13; cgemm_("N", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 13; cgemm_("N", "C", &c__2, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 13; cgemm_("N", "T", &c__2, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 13; cgemm_("C", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 13; cgemm_("C", "C", &c__2, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 13; cgemm_("C", "T", &c__2, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 13; cgemm_("T", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 13; cgemm_("T", "C", &c__2, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 13; cgemm_("T", "T", &c__2, &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); goto L100; L20: infoc_1.infot = 1; chemm_("/", "U", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; chemm_("L", "/", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; chemm_("L", "U", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; chemm_("R", "U", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; chemm_("L", "L", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; chemm_("R", "L", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; chemm_("L", "U", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; chemm_("R", "U", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; chemm_("L", "L", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; chemm_("R", "L", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; chemm_("L", "U", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2, &beta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; chemm_("R", "U", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; chemm_("L", "L", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2, &beta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; chemm_("R", "L", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; chemm_("L", "U", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; chemm_("R", "U", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; chemm_("L", "L", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; chemm_("R", "L", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 12; chemm_("L", "U", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__2, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 12; chemm_("R", "U", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 12; chemm_("L", "L", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__2, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 12; chemm_("R", "L", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); goto L100; L30: infoc_1.infot = 1; csymm_("/", "U", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; csymm_("L", "/", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; csymm_("L", "U", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; csymm_("R", "U", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; csymm_("L", "L", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; csymm_("R", "L", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; csymm_("L", "U", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; csymm_("R", "U", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; csymm_("L", "L", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; csymm_("R", "L", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; csymm_("L", "U", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2, &beta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; csymm_("R", "U", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; csymm_("L", "L", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2, &beta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; csymm_("R", "L", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; csymm_("L", "U", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; csymm_("R", "U", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; csymm_("L", "L", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; csymm_("R", "L", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 12; csymm_("L", "U", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__2, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 12; csymm_("R", "U", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 12; csymm_("L", "L", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__2, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 12; csymm_("R", "L", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); goto L100; L40: infoc_1.infot = 1; ctrmm_("/", "U", "N", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; ctrmm_("L", "/", "N", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; ctrmm_("L", "U", "/", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; ctrmm_("L", "U", "N", "/", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrmm_("L", "U", "N", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrmm_("L", "U", "C", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrmm_("L", "U", "T", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrmm_("R", "U", "N", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrmm_("R", "U", "C", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrmm_("R", "U", "T", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrmm_("L", "L", "N", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrmm_("L", "L", "C", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrmm_("L", "L", "T", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrmm_("R", "L", "N", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrmm_("R", "L", "C", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrmm_("R", "L", "T", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrmm_("L", "U", "N", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrmm_("L", "U", "C", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrmm_("L", "U", "T", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrmm_("R", "U", "N", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrmm_("R", "U", "C", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrmm_("R", "U", "T", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrmm_("L", "L", "N", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrmm_("L", "L", "C", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrmm_("L", "L", "T", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrmm_("R", "L", "N", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrmm_("R", "L", "C", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrmm_("R", "L", "T", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrmm_("L", "U", "N", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrmm_("L", "U", "C", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrmm_("L", "U", "T", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrmm_("R", "U", "N", "N", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrmm_("R", "U", "C", "N", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrmm_("R", "U", "T", "N", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrmm_("L", "L", "N", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrmm_("L", "L", "C", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrmm_("L", "L", "T", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrmm_("R", "L", "N", "N", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrmm_("R", "L", "C", "N", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrmm_("R", "L", "T", "N", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrmm_("L", "U", "N", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrmm_("L", "U", "C", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrmm_("L", "U", "T", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrmm_("R", "U", "N", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrmm_("R", "U", "C", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrmm_("R", "U", "T", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrmm_("L", "L", "N", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrmm_("L", "L", "C", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrmm_("L", "L", "T", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrmm_("R", "L", "N", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrmm_("R", "L", "C", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrmm_("R", "L", "T", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); goto L100; L50: infoc_1.infot = 1; ctrsm_("/", "U", "N", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; ctrsm_("L", "/", "N", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; ctrsm_("L", "U", "/", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; ctrsm_("L", "U", "N", "/", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrsm_("L", "U", "N", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrsm_("L", "U", "C", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrsm_("L", "U", "T", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrsm_("R", "U", "N", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrsm_("R", "U", "C", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrsm_("R", "U", "T", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrsm_("L", "L", "N", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrsm_("L", "L", "C", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrsm_("L", "L", "T", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrsm_("R", "L", "N", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrsm_("R", "L", "C", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 5; ctrsm_("R", "L", "T", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrsm_("L", "U", "N", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrsm_("L", "U", "C", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrsm_("L", "U", "T", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrsm_("R", "U", "N", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrsm_("R", "U", "C", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrsm_("R", "U", "T", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrsm_("L", "L", "N", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrsm_("L", "L", "C", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrsm_("L", "L", "T", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrsm_("R", "L", "N", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrsm_("R", "L", "C", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 6; ctrsm_("R", "L", "T", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrsm_("L", "U", "N", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrsm_("L", "U", "C", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrsm_("L", "U", "T", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrsm_("R", "U", "N", "N", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrsm_("R", "U", "C", "N", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrsm_("R", "U", "T", "N", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrsm_("L", "L", "N", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrsm_("L", "L", "C", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrsm_("L", "L", "T", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrsm_("R", "L", "N", "N", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrsm_("R", "L", "C", "N", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; ctrsm_("R", "L", "T", "N", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrsm_("L", "U", "N", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrsm_("L", "U", "C", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrsm_("L", "U", "T", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrsm_("R", "U", "N", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrsm_("R", "U", "C", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrsm_("R", "U", "T", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrsm_("L", "L", "N", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrsm_("L", "L", "C", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrsm_("L", "L", "T", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrsm_("R", "L", "N", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrsm_("R", "L", "C", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 11; ctrsm_("R", "L", "T", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); goto L100; L60: infoc_1.infot = 1; cherk_("/", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &ralpha, a, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; cherk_("U", "T", &c__0, &c__0, &ralpha, a, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; cherk_("U", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &ralpha, a, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; cherk_("U", "C", &c_n1, &c__0, &ralpha, a, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; cherk_("L", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &ralpha, a, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; cherk_("L", "C", &c_n1, &c__0, &ralpha, a, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; cherk_("U", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &ralpha, a, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; cherk_("U", "C", &c__0, &c_n1, &ralpha, a, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; cherk_("L", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &ralpha, a, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; cherk_("L", "C", &c__0, &c_n1, &ralpha, a, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; cherk_("U", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &ralpha, a, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; cherk_("U", "C", &c__0, &c__2, &ralpha, a, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; cherk_("L", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &ralpha, a, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; cherk_("L", "C", &c__0, &c__2, &ralpha, a, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 10; cherk_("U", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &ralpha, a, &c__2, &rbeta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 10; cherk_("U", "C", &c__2, &c__0, &ralpha, a, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 10; cherk_("L", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &ralpha, a, &c__2, &rbeta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 10; cherk_("L", "C", &c__2, &c__0, &ralpha, a, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); goto L100; L70: infoc_1.infot = 1; csyrk_("/", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; csyrk_("U", "C", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; csyrk_("U", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; csyrk_("U", "T", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; csyrk_("L", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; csyrk_("L", "T", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; csyrk_("U", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; csyrk_("U", "T", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; csyrk_("L", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; csyrk_("L", "T", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; csyrk_("U", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; csyrk_("U", "T", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; csyrk_("L", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; csyrk_("L", "T", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 10; csyrk_("U", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 10; csyrk_("U", "T", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 10; csyrk_("L", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 10; csyrk_("L", "T", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, &beta, c__, &c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); goto L100; L80: infoc_1.infot = 1; cher2k_("/", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; cher2k_("U", "T", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; cher2k_("U", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; cher2k_("U", "C", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; cher2k_("L", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; cher2k_("L", "C", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; cher2k_("U", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; cher2k_("U", "C", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; cher2k_("L", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; cher2k_("L", "C", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; cher2k_("U", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; cher2k_("U", "C", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; cher2k_("L", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; cher2k_("L", "C", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; cher2k_("U", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; cher2k_("U", "C", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; cher2k_("L", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; cher2k_("L", "C", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 12; cher2k_("U", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__2, &rbeta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 12; cher2k_("U", "C", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 12; cher2k_("L", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__2, &rbeta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 12; cher2k_("L", "C", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &rbeta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); goto L100; L90: infoc_1.infot = 1; csyr2k_("/", "N", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 2; csyr2k_("U", "C", &c__0, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; csyr2k_("U", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; csyr2k_("U", "T", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; csyr2k_("L", "N", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 3; csyr2k_("L", "T", &c_n1, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; csyr2k_("U", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; csyr2k_("U", "T", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; csyr2k_("L", "N", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 4; csyr2k_("L", "T", &c__0, &c_n1, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; csyr2k_("U", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; csyr2k_("U", "T", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; csyr2k_("L", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 7; csyr2k_("L", "T", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; csyr2k_("U", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; csyr2k_("U", "T", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; csyr2k_("L", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__2); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 9; csyr2k_("L", "T", &c__0, &c__2, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 12; csyr2k_("U", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__2, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 12; csyr2k_("U", "T", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 12; csyr2k_("L", "N", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__2, b, &c__2, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); infoc_1.infot = 12; csyr2k_("L", "T", &c__2, &c__0, &alpha, a, &c__1, b, &c__1, &beta, c__, & c__1); chkxer_(srnamt, &infoc_1.infot, nout, &infoc_1.lerr, &infoc_1.ok); L100: if (infoc_1.ok) { io___360.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___360); do_fio(&c__1, srnamt, (ftnlen)6); e_wsfe(); } else { io___361.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___361); do_fio(&c__1, srnamt, (ftnlen)6); e_wsfe(); } return 0; /* End of CCHKE. */ } /* cchke_ */ /* Subroutine */ int cmake_(char *type__, char *uplo, char *diag, integer *m, integer *n, complex *a, integer *nmax, complex *aa, integer *lda, logical *reset, complex *transl, ftnlen type_len, ftnlen uplo_len, ftnlen diag_len) { /* System generated locals */ integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4; real r__1; complex q__1, q__2; /* Builtin functions */ integer s_cmp(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen); void r_cnjg(complex *, complex *); /* Local variables */ integer i__, j, jj; logical gen, her, tri, sym; extern /* Complex */ VOID cbeg_(complex *, logical *); integer ibeg, iend; logical unit, lower, upper; /* Generates values for an M by N matrix A. */ /* Stores the values in the array AA in the data structure required */ /* by the routine, with unwanted elements set to rogue value. */ /* TYPE is 'GE', 'HE', 'SY' or 'TR'. */ /* Auxiliary routine for test program for Level 3 Blas. */ /* -- Written on 8-February-1989. */ /* Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory. */ /* Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. */ /* Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* .. Parameters .. */ /* .. Scalar Arguments .. */ /* .. Array Arguments .. */ /* .. Local Scalars .. */ /* .. External Functions .. */ /* .. Intrinsic Functions .. */ /* .. Executable Statements .. */ /* Parameter adjustments */ a_dim1 = *nmax; a_offset = 1 + a_dim1; a -= a_offset; --aa; /* Function Body */ gen = s_cmp(type__, "GE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0; her = s_cmp(type__, "HE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0; sym = s_cmp(type__, "SY", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0; tri = s_cmp(type__, "TR", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0; upper = (her || sym || tri) && *(unsigned char *)uplo == 'U'; lower = (her || sym || tri) && *(unsigned char *)uplo == 'L'; unit = tri && *(unsigned char *)diag == 'U'; /* Generate data in array A. */ i__1 = *n; for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) { i__2 = *m; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) { if (gen || upper && i__ <= j || lower && i__ >= j) { i__3 = i__ + j * a_dim1; cbeg_(&q__2, reset); q__1.r = q__2.r + transl->r, q__1.i = q__2.i + transl->i; a[i__3].r = q__1.r, a[i__3].i = q__1.i; if (i__ != j) { /* Set some elements to zero */ if (*n > 3 && j == *n / 2) { i__3 = i__ + j * a_dim1; a[i__3].r = 0.f, a[i__3].i = 0.f; } if (her) { i__3 = j + i__ * a_dim1; r_cnjg(&q__1, &a[i__ + j * a_dim1]); a[i__3].r = q__1.r, a[i__3].i = q__1.i; } else if (sym) { i__3 = j + i__ * a_dim1; i__4 = i__ + j * a_dim1; a[i__3].r = a[i__4].r, a[i__3].i = a[i__4].i; } else if (tri) { i__3 = j + i__ * a_dim1; a[i__3].r = 0.f, a[i__3].i = 0.f; } } } /* L10: */ } if (her) { i__2 = j + j * a_dim1; i__3 = j + j * a_dim1; r__1 = a[i__3].r; q__1.r = r__1, q__1.i = 0.f; a[i__2].r = q__1.r, a[i__2].i = q__1.i; } if (tri) { i__2 = j + j * a_dim1; i__3 = j + j * a_dim1; q__1.r = a[i__3].r + 1.f, q__1.i = a[i__3].i + 0.f; a[i__2].r = q__1.r, a[i__2].i = q__1.i; } if (unit) { i__2 = j + j * a_dim1; a[i__2].r = 1.f, a[i__2].i = 0.f; } /* L20: */ } /* Store elements in array AS in data structure required by routine. */ if (s_cmp(type__, "GE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) { i__1 = *n; for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) { i__2 = *m; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) { i__3 = i__ + (j - 1) * *lda; i__4 = i__ + j * a_dim1; aa[i__3].r = a[i__4].r, aa[i__3].i = a[i__4].i; /* L30: */ } i__2 = *lda; for (i__ = *m + 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) { i__3 = i__ + (j - 1) * *lda; aa[i__3].r = -1e10f, aa[i__3].i = 1e10f; /* L40: */ } /* L50: */ } } else if (s_cmp(type__, "HE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0 || s_cmp(type__, "SY", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0 || s_cmp(type__, "TR", (ftnlen) 2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) { i__1 = *n; for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) { if (upper) { ibeg = 1; if (unit) { iend = j - 1; } else { iend = j; } } else { if (unit) { ibeg = j + 1; } else { ibeg = j; } iend = *n; } i__2 = ibeg - 1; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) { i__3 = i__ + (j - 1) * *lda; aa[i__3].r = -1e10f, aa[i__3].i = 1e10f; /* L60: */ } i__2 = iend; for (i__ = ibeg; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) { i__3 = i__ + (j - 1) * *lda; i__4 = i__ + j * a_dim1; aa[i__3].r = a[i__4].r, aa[i__3].i = a[i__4].i; /* L70: */ } i__2 = *lda; for (i__ = iend + 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) { i__3 = i__ + (j - 1) * *lda; aa[i__3].r = -1e10f, aa[i__3].i = 1e10f; /* L80: */ } if (her) { jj = j + (j - 1) * *lda; i__2 = jj; i__3 = jj; r__1 = aa[i__3].r; q__1.r = r__1, q__1.i = -1e10f; aa[i__2].r = q__1.r, aa[i__2].i = q__1.i; } /* L90: */ } } return 0; /* End of CMAKE. */ } /* cmake_ */ /* Subroutine */ int cmmch_(char *transa, char *transb, integer *m, integer * n, integer *kk, complex *alpha, complex *a, integer *lda, complex *b, integer *ldb, complex *beta, complex *c__, integer *ldc, complex *ct, real *g, complex *cc, integer *ldcc, real *eps, real *err, logical * fatal, integer *nout, logical *mv, ftnlen transa_len, ftnlen transb_len) { /* Format strings */ static char fmt_9999[] = "(\002 ******* FATAL ERROR - COMPUTED RESULT IS" " LESS THAN HAL\002,\002F ACCURATE *******\002,/\002 " " EXPECTED RE\002,\002SULT COMPUTED R" "ESULT\002)"; static char fmt_9998[] = "(1x,i7,2(\002 (\002,g15.6,\002,\002,g15.6," "\002)\002))"; static char fmt_9997[] = "(\002 THESE ARE THE RESULTS FOR COLUMN" " \002,i3)"; /* System generated locals */ integer a_dim1, a_offset, b_dim1, b_offset, c_dim1, c_offset, cc_dim1, cc_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5, i__6, i__7; real r__1, r__2, r__3, r__4, r__5, r__6; complex q__1, q__2, q__3, q__4; /* Builtin functions */ double r_imag(complex *); void r_cnjg(complex *, complex *); double sqrt(doublereal); integer s_wsfe(cilist *), e_wsfe(void), do_fio(integer *, char *, ftnlen); /* Local variables */ integer i__, j, k; real erri; logical trana, tranb, ctrana, ctranb; /* Fortran I/O blocks */ static cilist io___382 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9999, 0 }; static cilist io___383 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9998, 0 }; static cilist io___384 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9998, 0 }; static cilist io___385 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9997, 0 }; /* Checks the results of the computational tests. */ /* Auxiliary routine for test program for Level 3 Blas. */ /* -- Written on 8-February-1989. */ /* Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory. */ /* Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. */ /* Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* .. Parameters .. */ /* .. Scalar Arguments .. */ /* .. Array Arguments .. */ /* .. Local Scalars .. */ /* .. Intrinsic Functions .. */ /* .. Statement Functions .. */ /* .. Statement Function definitions .. */ /* .. Executable Statements .. */ /* Parameter adjustments */ a_dim1 = *lda; a_offset = 1 + a_dim1; a -= a_offset; b_dim1 = *ldb; b_offset = 1 + b_dim1; b -= b_offset; c_dim1 = *ldc; c_offset = 1 + c_dim1; c__ -= c_offset; --ct; --g; cc_dim1 = *ldcc; cc_offset = 1 + cc_dim1; cc -= cc_offset; /* Function Body */ trana = *(unsigned char *)transa == 'T' || *(unsigned char *)transa == 'C'; tranb = *(unsigned char *)transb == 'T' || *(unsigned char *)transb == 'C'; ctrana = *(unsigned char *)transa == 'C'; ctranb = *(unsigned char *)transb == 'C'; /* Compute expected result, one column at a time, in CT using data */ /* in A, B and C. */ /* Compute gauges in G. */ i__1 = *n; for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) { i__2 = *m; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) { i__3 = i__; ct[i__3].r = 0.f, ct[i__3].i = 0.f; g[i__] = 0.f; /* L10: */ } if (! trana && ! tranb) { i__2 = *kk; for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) { i__3 = *m; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { i__4 = i__; i__5 = i__; i__6 = i__ + k * a_dim1; i__7 = k + j * b_dim1; q__2.r = a[i__6].r * b[i__7].r - a[i__6].i * b[i__7].i, q__2.i = a[i__6].r * b[i__7].i + a[i__6].i * b[ i__7].r; q__1.r = ct[i__5].r + q__2.r, q__1.i = ct[i__5].i + q__2.i; ct[i__4].r = q__1.r, ct[i__4].i = q__1.i; i__4 = i__ + k * a_dim1; i__5 = k + j * b_dim1; g[i__] += ((r__1 = a[i__4].r, dabs(r__1)) + (r__2 = r_imag(&a[i__ + k * a_dim1]), dabs(r__2))) * (( r__3 = b[i__5].r, dabs(r__3)) + (r__4 = r_imag(&b[ k + j * b_dim1]), dabs(r__4))); /* L20: */ } /* L30: */ } } else if (trana && ! tranb) { if (ctrana) { i__2 = *kk; for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) { i__3 = *m; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { i__4 = i__; i__5 = i__; r_cnjg(&q__3, &a[k + i__ * a_dim1]); i__6 = k + j * b_dim1; q__2.r = q__3.r * b[i__6].r - q__3.i * b[i__6].i, q__2.i = q__3.r * b[i__6].i + q__3.i * b[i__6] .r; q__1.r = ct[i__5].r + q__2.r, q__1.i = ct[i__5].i + q__2.i; ct[i__4].r = q__1.r, ct[i__4].i = q__1.i; i__4 = k + i__ * a_dim1; i__5 = k + j * b_dim1; g[i__] += ((r__1 = a[i__4].r, dabs(r__1)) + (r__2 = r_imag(&a[k + i__ * a_dim1]), dabs(r__2))) * ( (r__3 = b[i__5].r, dabs(r__3)) + (r__4 = r_imag(&b[k + j * b_dim1]), dabs(r__4))); /* L40: */ } /* L50: */ } } else { i__2 = *kk; for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) { i__3 = *m; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { i__4 = i__; i__5 = i__; i__6 = k + i__ * a_dim1; i__7 = k + j * b_dim1; q__2.r = a[i__6].r * b[i__7].r - a[i__6].i * b[i__7] .i, q__2.i = a[i__6].r * b[i__7].i + a[i__6] .i * b[i__7].r; q__1.r = ct[i__5].r + q__2.r, q__1.i = ct[i__5].i + q__2.i; ct[i__4].r = q__1.r, ct[i__4].i = q__1.i; i__4 = k + i__ * a_dim1; i__5 = k + j * b_dim1; g[i__] += ((r__1 = a[i__4].r, dabs(r__1)) + (r__2 = r_imag(&a[k + i__ * a_dim1]), dabs(r__2))) * ( (r__3 = b[i__5].r, dabs(r__3)) + (r__4 = r_imag(&b[k + j * b_dim1]), dabs(r__4))); /* L60: */ } /* L70: */ } } } else if (! trana && tranb) { if (ctranb) { i__2 = *kk; for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) { i__3 = *m; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { i__4 = i__; i__5 = i__; i__6 = i__ + k * a_dim1; r_cnjg(&q__3, &b[j + k * b_dim1]); q__2.r = a[i__6].r * q__3.r - a[i__6].i * q__3.i, q__2.i = a[i__6].r * q__3.i + a[i__6].i * q__3.r; q__1.r = ct[i__5].r + q__2.r, q__1.i = ct[i__5].i + q__2.i; ct[i__4].r = q__1.r, ct[i__4].i = q__1.i; i__4 = i__ + k * a_dim1; i__5 = j + k * b_dim1; g[i__] += ((r__1 = a[i__4].r, dabs(r__1)) + (r__2 = r_imag(&a[i__ + k * a_dim1]), dabs(r__2))) * ( (r__3 = b[i__5].r, dabs(r__3)) + (r__4 = r_imag(&b[j + k * b_dim1]), dabs(r__4))); /* L80: */ } /* L90: */ } } else { i__2 = *kk; for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) { i__3 = *m; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { i__4 = i__; i__5 = i__; i__6 = i__ + k * a_dim1; i__7 = j + k * b_dim1; q__2.r = a[i__6].r * b[i__7].r - a[i__6].i * b[i__7] .i, q__2.i = a[i__6].r * b[i__7].i + a[i__6] .i * b[i__7].r; q__1.r = ct[i__5].r + q__2.r, q__1.i = ct[i__5].i + q__2.i; ct[i__4].r = q__1.r, ct[i__4].i = q__1.i; i__4 = i__ + k * a_dim1; i__5 = j + k * b_dim1; g[i__] += ((r__1 = a[i__4].r, dabs(r__1)) + (r__2 = r_imag(&a[i__ + k * a_dim1]), dabs(r__2))) * ( (r__3 = b[i__5].r, dabs(r__3)) + (r__4 = r_imag(&b[j + k * b_dim1]), dabs(r__4))); /* L100: */ } /* L110: */ } } } else if (trana && tranb) { if (ctrana) { if (ctranb) { i__2 = *kk; for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) { i__3 = *m; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { i__4 = i__; i__5 = i__; r_cnjg(&q__3, &a[k + i__ * a_dim1]); r_cnjg(&q__4, &b[j + k * b_dim1]); q__2.r = q__3.r * q__4.r - q__3.i * q__4.i, q__2.i = q__3.r * q__4.i + q__3.i * q__4.r; q__1.r = ct[i__5].r + q__2.r, q__1.i = ct[i__5].i + q__2.i; ct[i__4].r = q__1.r, ct[i__4].i = q__1.i; i__4 = k + i__ * a_dim1; i__5 = j + k * b_dim1; g[i__] += ((r__1 = a[i__4].r, dabs(r__1)) + (r__2 = r_imag(&a[k + i__ * a_dim1]), dabs(r__2) )) * ((r__3 = b[i__5].r, dabs(r__3)) + ( r__4 = r_imag(&b[j + k * b_dim1]), dabs( r__4))); /* L120: */ } /* L130: */ } } else { i__2 = *kk; for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) { i__3 = *m; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { i__4 = i__; i__5 = i__; r_cnjg(&q__3, &a[k + i__ * a_dim1]); i__6 = j + k * b_dim1; q__2.r = q__3.r * b[i__6].r - q__3.i * b[i__6].i, q__2.i = q__3.r * b[i__6].i + q__3.i * b[ i__6].r; q__1.r = ct[i__5].r + q__2.r, q__1.i = ct[i__5].i + q__2.i; ct[i__4].r = q__1.r, ct[i__4].i = q__1.i; i__4 = k + i__ * a_dim1; i__5 = j + k * b_dim1; g[i__] += ((r__1 = a[i__4].r, dabs(r__1)) + (r__2 = r_imag(&a[k + i__ * a_dim1]), dabs(r__2) )) * ((r__3 = b[i__5].r, dabs(r__3)) + ( r__4 = r_imag(&b[j + k * b_dim1]), dabs( r__4))); /* L140: */ } /* L150: */ } } } else { if (ctranb) { i__2 = *kk; for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) { i__3 = *m; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { i__4 = i__; i__5 = i__; i__6 = k + i__ * a_dim1; r_cnjg(&q__3, &b[j + k * b_dim1]); q__2.r = a[i__6].r * q__3.r - a[i__6].i * q__3.i, q__2.i = a[i__6].r * q__3.i + a[i__6].i * q__3.r; q__1.r = ct[i__5].r + q__2.r, q__1.i = ct[i__5].i + q__2.i; ct[i__4].r = q__1.r, ct[i__4].i = q__1.i; i__4 = k + i__ * a_dim1; i__5 = j + k * b_dim1; g[i__] += ((r__1 = a[i__4].r, dabs(r__1)) + (r__2 = r_imag(&a[k + i__ * a_dim1]), dabs(r__2) )) * ((r__3 = b[i__5].r, dabs(r__3)) + ( r__4 = r_imag(&b[j + k * b_dim1]), dabs( r__4))); /* L160: */ } /* L170: */ } } else { i__2 = *kk; for (k = 1; k <= i__2; ++k) { i__3 = *m; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { i__4 = i__; i__5 = i__; i__6 = k + i__ * a_dim1; i__7 = j + k * b_dim1; q__2.r = a[i__6].r * b[i__7].r - a[i__6].i * b[ i__7].i, q__2.i = a[i__6].r * b[i__7].i + a[i__6].i * b[i__7].r; q__1.r = ct[i__5].r + q__2.r, q__1.i = ct[i__5].i + q__2.i; ct[i__4].r = q__1.r, ct[i__4].i = q__1.i; i__4 = k + i__ * a_dim1; i__5 = j + k * b_dim1; g[i__] += ((r__1 = a[i__4].r, dabs(r__1)) + (r__2 = r_imag(&a[k + i__ * a_dim1]), dabs(r__2) )) * ((r__3 = b[i__5].r, dabs(r__3)) + ( r__4 = r_imag(&b[j + k * b_dim1]), dabs( r__4))); /* L180: */ } /* L190: */ } } } } i__2 = *m; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) { i__3 = i__; i__4 = i__; q__2.r = alpha->r * ct[i__4].r - alpha->i * ct[i__4].i, q__2.i = alpha->r * ct[i__4].i + alpha->i * ct[i__4].r; i__5 = i__ + j * c_dim1; q__3.r = beta->r * c__[i__5].r - beta->i * c__[i__5].i, q__3.i = beta->r * c__[i__5].i + beta->i * c__[i__5].r; q__1.r = q__2.r + q__3.r, q__1.i = q__2.i + q__3.i; ct[i__3].r = q__1.r, ct[i__3].i = q__1.i; i__3 = i__ + j * c_dim1; g[i__] = ((r__1 = alpha->r, dabs(r__1)) + (r__2 = r_imag(alpha), dabs(r__2))) * g[i__] + ((r__3 = beta->r, dabs(r__3)) + ( r__4 = r_imag(beta), dabs(r__4))) * ((r__5 = c__[i__3].r, dabs(r__5)) + (r__6 = r_imag(&c__[i__ + j * c_dim1]), dabs(r__6))); /* L200: */ } /* Compute the error ratio for this result. */ *err = 0.f; i__2 = *m; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) { i__3 = i__; i__4 = i__ + j * cc_dim1; q__2.r = ct[i__3].r - cc[i__4].r, q__2.i = ct[i__3].i - cc[i__4] .i; q__1.r = q__2.r, q__1.i = q__2.i; erri = ((r__1 = q__1.r, dabs(r__1)) + (r__2 = r_imag(&q__1), dabs( r__2))) / *eps; if (g[i__] != 0.f) { erri /= g[i__]; } *err = dmax(*err,erri); if (*err * sqrt(*eps) >= 1.f) { goto L230; } /* L210: */ } /* L220: */ } /* If the loop completes, all results are at least half accurate. */ goto L250; /* Report fatal error. */ L230: *fatal = TRUE_; io___382.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___382); e_wsfe(); i__1 = *m; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { if (*mv) { io___383.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___383); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&i__, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&ct[i__], (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&cc[i__ + j * cc_dim1], (ftnlen)sizeof(real) ); e_wsfe(); } else { io___384.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___384); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&i__, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&cc[i__ + j * cc_dim1], (ftnlen)sizeof(real) ); do_fio(&c__2, (char *)&ct[i__], (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); e_wsfe(); } /* L240: */ } if (*n > 1) { io___385.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___385); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&j, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } L250: return 0; /* End of CMMCH. */ } /* cmmch_ */ logical lce_(complex *ri, complex *rj, integer *lr) { /* System generated locals */ integer i__1, i__2, i__3; logical ret_val; /* Local variables */ integer i__; /* Tests if two arrays are identical. */ /* Auxiliary routine for test program for Level 3 Blas. */ /* -- Written on 8-February-1989. */ /* Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory. */ /* Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. */ /* Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* .. Scalar Arguments .. */ /* .. Array Arguments .. */ /* .. Local Scalars .. */ /* .. Executable Statements .. */ /* Parameter adjustments */ --rj; --ri; /* Function Body */ i__1 = *lr; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { i__2 = i__; i__3 = i__; if (ri[i__2].r != rj[i__3].r || ri[i__2].i != rj[i__3].i) { goto L20; } /* L10: */ } ret_val = TRUE_; goto L30; L20: ret_val = FALSE_; L30: return ret_val; /* End of LCE. */ } /* lce_ */ logical lceres_(char *type__, char *uplo, integer *m, integer *n, complex *aa, complex *as, integer *lda, ftnlen type_len, ftnlen uplo_len) { /* System generated locals */ integer aa_dim1, aa_offset, as_dim1, as_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4; logical ret_val; /* Builtin functions */ integer s_cmp(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen); /* Local variables */ integer i__, j, ibeg, iend; logical upper; /* Tests if selected elements in two arrays are equal. */ /* TYPE is 'GE' or 'HE' or 'SY'. */ /* Auxiliary routine for test program for Level 3 Blas. */ /* -- Written on 8-February-1989. */ /* Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory. */ /* Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. */ /* Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* .. Scalar Arguments .. */ /* .. Array Arguments .. */ /* .. Local Scalars .. */ /* .. Executable Statements .. */ /* Parameter adjustments */ as_dim1 = *lda; as_offset = 1 + as_dim1; as -= as_offset; aa_dim1 = *lda; aa_offset = 1 + aa_dim1; aa -= aa_offset; /* Function Body */ upper = *(unsigned char *)uplo == 'U'; if (s_cmp(type__, "GE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) { i__1 = *n; for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) { i__2 = *lda; for (i__ = *m + 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) { i__3 = i__ + j * aa_dim1; i__4 = i__ + j * as_dim1; if (aa[i__3].r != as[i__4].r || aa[i__3].i != as[i__4].i) { goto L70; } /* L10: */ } /* L20: */ } } else if (s_cmp(type__, "HE", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0 || s_cmp(type__, "SY", (ftnlen)2, (ftnlen)2) == 0) { i__1 = *n; for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) { if (upper) { ibeg = 1; iend = j; } else { ibeg = j; iend = *n; } i__2 = ibeg - 1; for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) { i__3 = i__ + j * aa_dim1; i__4 = i__ + j * as_dim1; if (aa[i__3].r != as[i__4].r || aa[i__3].i != as[i__4].i) { goto L70; } /* L30: */ } i__2 = *lda; for (i__ = iend + 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) { i__3 = i__ + j * aa_dim1; i__4 = i__ + j * as_dim1; if (aa[i__3].r != as[i__4].r || aa[i__3].i != as[i__4].i) { goto L70; } /* L40: */ } /* L50: */ } } /* L60: */ ret_val = TRUE_; goto L80; L70: ret_val = FALSE_; L80: return ret_val; /* End of LCERES. */ } /* lceres_ */ /* Complex */ VOID cbeg_(complex * ret_val, logical *reset) { /* System generated locals */ real r__1, r__2; complex q__1; /* Local variables */ static integer i__, j, ic, mi, mj; /* Generates complex numbers as pairs of random numbers uniformly */ /* distributed between -0.5 and 0.5. */ /* Auxiliary routine for test program for Level 3 Blas. */ /* -- Written on 8-February-1989. */ /* Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory. */ /* Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. */ /* Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* .. Scalar Arguments .. */ /* .. Local Scalars .. */ /* .. Save statement .. */ /* .. Intrinsic Functions .. */ /* .. Executable Statements .. */ if (*reset) { /* Initialize local variables. */ mi = 891; mj = 457; i__ = 7; j = 7; ic = 0; *reset = FALSE_; } /* The sequence of values of I or J is bounded between 1 and 999. */ /* If initial I or J = 1,2,3,6,7 or 9, the period will be 50. */ /* If initial I or J = 4 or 8, the period will be 25. */ /* If initial I or J = 5, the period will be 10. */ /* IC is used to break up the period by skipping 1 value of I or J */ /* in 6. */ ++ic; L10: i__ *= mi; j *= mj; i__ -= i__ / 1000 * 1000; j -= j / 1000 * 1000; if (ic >= 5) { ic = 0; goto L10; } r__1 = (i__ - 500) / 1001.f; r__2 = (j - 500) / 1001.f; q__1.r = r__1, q__1.i = r__2; ret_val->r = q__1.r, ret_val->i = q__1.i; return ; /* End of CBEG. */ } /* cbeg_ */ doublereal sdiff_(real *x, real *y) { /* System generated locals */ real ret_val; /* Auxiliary routine for test program for Level 3 Blas. */ /* -- Written on 8-February-1989. */ /* Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory. */ /* Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. */ /* Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* .. Scalar Arguments .. */ /* .. Executable Statements .. */ ret_val = *x - *y; return ret_val; /* End of SDIFF. */ } /* sdiff_ */ /* Subroutine */ int chkxer_(char *srnamt, integer *infot, integer *nout, logical *lerr, logical *ok) { /* Format strings */ static char fmt_9999[] = "(\002 ***** ILLEGAL VALUE OF PARAMETER NUMBER" " \002,i2,\002 NOT D\002,\002ETECTED BY \002,a6,\002 *****\002)"; /* Builtin functions */ integer s_wsfe(cilist *), do_fio(integer *, char *, ftnlen), e_wsfe(void); /* Fortran I/O blocks */ static cilist io___397 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9999, 0 }; /* Tests whether XERBLA has detected an error when it should. */ /* Auxiliary routine for test program for Level 3 Blas. */ /* -- Written on 8-February-1989. */ /* Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory. */ /* Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. */ /* Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* .. Scalar Arguments .. */ /* .. Executable Statements .. */ if (! (*lerr)) { io___397.ciunit = *nout; s_wsfe(&io___397); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&(*infot), (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, srnamt, (ftnlen)6); e_wsfe(); *ok = FALSE_; } *lerr = FALSE_; return 0; /* End of CHKXER. */ } /* chkxer_ */ /* Subroutine */ int xerbla_(char *srname, integer *info) { /* Format strings */ static char fmt_9999[] = "(\002 ******* XERBLA WAS CALLED WITH INFO =" " \002,i6,\002 INSTEAD\002,\002 OF \002,i2,\002 *******\002)"; static char fmt_9997[] = "(\002 ******* XERBLA WAS CALLED WITH INFO =" " \002,i6,\002 *******\002)"; static char fmt_9998[] = "(\002 ******* XERBLA WAS CALLED WITH SRNAME =" " \002,a6,\002 INSTE\002,\002AD OF \002,a6,\002 *******\002)"; /* Builtin functions */ integer s_wsfe(cilist *), do_fio(integer *, char *, ftnlen), e_wsfe(void), s_cmp(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen); /* Fortran I/O blocks */ static cilist io___398 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9999, 0 }; static cilist io___399 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9997, 0 }; static cilist io___400 = { 0, 0, 0, fmt_9998, 0 }; /* This is a special version of XERBLA to be used only as part of */ /* the test program for testing error exits from the Level 3 BLAS */ /* routines. */ /* XERBLA is an error handler for the Level 3 BLAS routines. */ /* It is called by the Level 3 BLAS routines if an input parameter is */ /* invalid. */ /* Auxiliary routine for test program for Level 3 Blas. */ /* -- Written on 8-February-1989. */ /* Jack Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory. */ /* Iain Duff, AERE Harwell. */ /* Jeremy Du Croz, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. */ /* .. Scalar Arguments .. */ /* .. Scalars in Common .. */ /* .. Common blocks .. */ /* .. Executable Statements .. */ infoc_2.lerr = TRUE_; if (*info != infoc_2.infot) { if (infoc_2.infot != 0) { io___398.ciunit = infoc_2.nout; s_wsfe(&io___398); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&(*info), (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&infoc_2.infot, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } else { io___399.ciunit = infoc_2.nout; s_wsfe(&io___399); do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&(*info), (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); e_wsfe(); } infoc_2.ok = FALSE_; } if (s_cmp(srname, srnamc_1.srnamt, (ftnlen)6, (ftnlen)6) != 0) { io___400.ciunit = infoc_2.nout; s_wsfe(&io___400); do_fio(&c__1, srname, (ftnlen)6); do_fio(&c__1, srnamc_1.srnamt, (ftnlen)6); e_wsfe(); infoc_2.ok = FALSE_; } return 0; /* End of XERBLA */ } /* xerbla_ */ /* Main program alias */ int cblat3_ () { MAIN__ (); return 0; }