#include "blaswrap.h" #include "f2c.h" /* Subroutine */ int claswp_(integer *n, complex *a, integer *lda, integer * k1, integer *k2, integer *ipiv, integer *incx) { /* -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.1) -- Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. November 2006 Purpose ======= CLASWP performs a series of row interchanges on the matrix A. One row interchange is initiated for each of rows K1 through K2 of A. Arguments ========= N (input) INTEGER The number of columns of the matrix A. A (input/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDA,N) On entry, the matrix of column dimension N to which the row interchanges will be applied. On exit, the permuted matrix. LDA (input) INTEGER The leading dimension of the array A. K1 (input) INTEGER The first element of IPIV for which a row interchange will be done. K2 (input) INTEGER The last element of IPIV for which a row interchange will be done. IPIV (input) INTEGER array, dimension (K2*abs(INCX)) The vector of pivot indices. Only the elements in positions K1 through K2 of IPIV are accessed. IPIV(K) = L implies rows K and L are to be interchanged. INCX (input) INTEGER The increment between successive values of IPIV. If IPIV is negative, the pivots are applied in reverse order. Further Details =============== Modified by R. C. Whaley, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Tenn., Knoxville, USA ===================================================================== Interchange row I with row IPIV(I) for each of rows K1 through K2. Parameter adjustments */ /* System generated locals */ integer a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5, i__6; /* Local variables */ static integer i__, j, k, i1, i2, n32, ip, ix, ix0, inc; static complex temp; a_dim1 = *lda; a_offset = 1 + a_dim1; a -= a_offset; --ipiv; /* Function Body */ if (*incx > 0) { ix0 = *k1; i1 = *k1; i2 = *k2; inc = 1; } else if (*incx < 0) { ix0 = (1 - *k2) * *incx + 1; i1 = *k2; i2 = *k1; inc = -1; } else { return 0; } n32 = *n / 32 << 5; if (n32 != 0) { i__1 = n32; for (j = 1; j <= i__1; j += 32) { ix = ix0; i__2 = i2; i__3 = inc; for (i__ = i1; i__3 < 0 ? i__ >= i__2 : i__ <= i__2; i__ += i__3) { ip = ipiv[ix]; if (ip != i__) { i__4 = j + 31; for (k = j; k <= i__4; ++k) { i__5 = i__ + k * a_dim1; temp.r = a[i__5].r, temp.i = a[i__5].i; i__5 = i__ + k * a_dim1; i__6 = ip + k * a_dim1; a[i__5].r = a[i__6].r, a[i__5].i = a[i__6].i; i__5 = ip + k * a_dim1; a[i__5].r = temp.r, a[i__5].i = temp.i; /* L10: */ } } ix += *incx; /* L20: */ } /* L30: */ } } if (n32 != *n) { ++n32; ix = ix0; i__1 = i2; i__3 = inc; for (i__ = i1; i__3 < 0 ? i__ >= i__1 : i__ <= i__1; i__ += i__3) { ip = ipiv[ix]; if (ip != i__) { i__2 = *n; for (k = n32; k <= i__2; ++k) { i__4 = i__ + k * a_dim1; temp.r = a[i__4].r, temp.i = a[i__4].i; i__4 = i__ + k * a_dim1; i__5 = ip + k * a_dim1; a[i__4].r = a[i__5].r, a[i__4].i = a[i__5].i; i__4 = ip + k * a_dim1; a[i__4].r = temp.r, a[i__4].i = temp.i; /* L40: */ } } ix += *incx; /* L50: */ } } return 0; /* End of CLASWP */ } /* claswp_ */