subroutine e9rint(messg,nw,nerr,save) c c this routine stores the current error message or prints the old one, c if any, depending on whether or not save = .true. . c integer messg(nw) logical save c c messgp stores at least the first 72 characters of the previous c message. its length is machine dependent and must be at least c c 1 + 71/(the number of characters stored per integer word). c integer messgp(36),fmt(14),ccplus c c start with no previous message. c data messgp(1)/1h1/, nwp/0/, nerrp/0/ c c set up the format for printing the error message. c the format is simply (a1,14x,72axx) where xx=i1mach(6) is the c number of characters stored per integer word. c data ccplus / 1h+ / c data fmt( 1) / 1h( / data fmt( 2) / 1ha / data fmt( 3) / 1h1 / data fmt( 4) / 1h, / data fmt( 5) / 1h1 / data fmt( 6) / 1h4 / data fmt( 7) / 1hx / data fmt( 8) / 1h, / data fmt( 9) / 1h7 / data fmt(10) / 1h2 / data fmt(11) / 1ha / data fmt(12) / 1hx / data fmt(13) / 1hx / data fmt(14) / 1h) / c if ( go to 20 c c save the message. c nwp=nw nerrp=nerr do 10 i=1,nw 10 messgp(i)=messg(i) c go to 30 c 20 if (i8save(1,0,.false.).eq.0) go to 30 c c print the message. c iwunit=i1mach(4) write(iwunit,9000) nerrp 9000 format(7h error ,i4,4h in ) c call s88fmt(2,i1mach(6),fmt(12)) write(iwunit,fmt) ccplus,(messgp(i),i=1,nwp) c 30 return c end subroutine entsrc(irold,irnew) c c this routine returns irold = lrecov and sets lrecov = irnew. c c if there is an active error state, the message is printed c and execution stops. c c irnew = 0 leaves lrecov unchanged, while c irnew = 1 gives recovery and c irnew = 2 turns recovery off. c c error states - c c 1 - illegal value of irnew. c 2 - called while in an error state. c if ( .or. 1 call seterr(31hentsrc - illegal value of irnew,31,1,2) c irold=i8save(2,irnew, c c if have an error state, stop execution. c if (i8save(1,0,.false.) .ne. 0) call seterr 1 (39hentsrc - called while in an error state,39,2,2) c return c end subroutine eprint c c this subroutine prints the last error message, if any. c integer messg(1) c call e9rint(messg,1,1,.false.) return c end subroutine erroff c c turns off the error state off by setting lerror=0. c i=i8save(1,0,.true.) return c end integer function i8save(isw,ivalue,set) c c if (isw = 1) i8save returns the current error number and c sets it to ivalue if set = .true. . c c if (isw = 2) i8save returns the current recovery switch and c sets it to ivalue if set = .true. . c logical set c integer iparam(2) c iparam(1) is the error number and iparam(2) is the recovery switch. c c start execution error free and with recovery turned off. c data iparam(1) /0/, iparam(2) /2/ c i8save=iparam(isw) if (set) iparam(isw)=ivalue c return c end integer function nerror(nerr) c c returns nerror = nerr = the value of the error flag lerror. c nerror=i8save(1,0,.false.) nerr=nerror return c end subroutine retsrc(irold) c c this routine sets lrecov = irold. c c if the current error becomes unrecoverable, c the message is printed and execution stops. c c error states - c c 1 - illegal value of irold. c if ( .or. 1 call seterr(31hretsrc - illegal value of irold,31,1,2) c itemp=i8save(2,irold,.true.) c c if the current error is now unrecoverable, print and stop. c if (irold.eq.1 .or. i8save(1,0,.false.).eq.0) return c call eprint stop c end subroutine s88fmt( n, w, ifmt ) c c s88fmt replaces ifmt(1), ... , ifmt(n) with c the characters corresponding to the n least significant c digits of w. c integer n,w,ifmt(n) c integer nt,wt,digits(10) c data digits( 1) / 1h0 / data digits( 2) / 1h1 / data digits( 3) / 1h2 / data digits( 4) / 1h3 / data digits( 5) / 1h4 / data digits( 6) / 1h5 / data digits( 7) / 1h6 / data digits( 8) / 1h7 / data digits( 9) / 1h8 / data digits(10) / 1h9 / c nt = n wt = w c 10 if (nt .le. 0) return idigit = mod( wt, 10 ) ifmt(nt) = digits(idigit+1) wt = wt/10 nt = nt - 1 go to 10 c end subroutine seterr(messg,nmessg,nerr,iopt) c c this version modified by w. fullerton to dump if iopt = 1 and c not recovering. c seterr sets lerror = nerr, optionally prints the message and dumps c according to the following rules... c c if iopt = 1 and recovering - just remember the error. c if iopt = 1 and not recovering - print, dump and stop. c if iopt = 2 - print, dump and stop. c c input c c messg - the error message. c nmessg - the length of the message, in characters. c nerr - the error number. must have nerr non-zero. c iopt - the option. must have iopt=1 or 2. c c error states - c c 1 - message length not positive. c 2 - cannot have nerr=0. c 3 - an unrecovered error followed by another error. c 4 - bad value for iopt. c c only the first 72 characters of the message are printed. c c the error handler calls a subroutine named fdump to produce a c symbolic dump. to complete the package, a dummy version of fdump c is supplied, but it should be replaced by a locally written version c which at least gives a trace-back. c integer messg(1) c c the unit for error messages. c iwunit=i1mach(4) c if ( go to 10 c c a message of non-positive length is fatal. c write(iwunit,9000) 9000 format(52h1error 1 in seterr - message length not positive.) go to 60 c c nw is the number of words the message occupies. c 10 nw=(min0(nmessg,72)-1)/i1mach(6)+1 c if ( go to 20 c c cannot turn the error state off using seterr. c write(iwunit,9001) 9001 format(42h1error 2 in seterr - cannot have nerr=0// 1 34h the current error message follows///) call e9rint(messg,nw,nerr,.true.) itemp=i8save(1,1,.true.) go to 50 c c set lerror and test for a previous unrecovered error. c 20 if (i8save(1,nerr,.true.).eq.0) go to 30 c write(iwunit,9002) 9002 format(23h1error 3 in seterr -, 1 48h an unrecovered error followed by another error.// 2 48h the previous and current error messages follow.///) call eprint call e9rint(messg,nw,nerr,.true.) go to 50 c c save this message in case it is not recovered from properly. c 30 call e9rint(messg,nw,nerr,.true.) c if (iopt.eq.1 .or. iopt.eq.2) go to 40 c c must have iopt = 1 or 2. c write(iwunit,9003) 9003 format(42h1error 4 in seterr - bad value for iopt// 1 34h the current error message follows///) go to 50 c c test for recovery. c 40 if (iopt.eq.2) go to 50 c if (i8save(2,0,.false.).eq.1) return c c call eprint c stop c 50 call eprint 60 call fdump stop c end subroutine fdump c call abort return end