/* This file combines the single and double precision versions of machar, selected by cc -DSP or cc -DDP. This feature provided by D. G. Hough, August 3, 1988. */ #ifndef SP #define DP 1 #endif #ifdef SP #define REAL float #define ZERO 0.0 #define ONE 1.0 #define PREC "Single " #define REALSIZE 1 #endif #ifdef DP #define REAL double #define ZERO 0.0e0 #define ONE 1.0e0 #define PREC "Double " #define REALSIZE 2 #endif #include #include #define ABS(xxx) ((xxx>ZERO)?(xxx):(-xxx)) main() { /* This program prints hardware-determined double-precision machine constants obtained from rmachar. Dmachar is a C translation of the Fortran routine MACHAR from W. J. Cody, "MACHAR: A subroutine to dynamically determine machine parameters". TOMS (14), 1988. Descriptions of the machine constants are given in the prologue comments in rmachar. Subprograms called rmachar Original driver: Richard Bartels, October 16, 1985 Modified by: W. J. Cody July 26, 1988 ********** */ int ibeta,iexp,irnd,it,machep,maxexp,minexp,negep,ngrd; int i ; REAL eps,epsneg,xmax,xmin; union wjc{ long int jj[REALSIZE]; REAL xbig; } uval; rmachar(&ibeta,&it,&irnd,&ngrd,&machep,&negep, &iexp,&minexp,&maxexp,&eps,&epsneg,&xmin,&xmax); printf(PREC); printf(" precision MACHAR constants\n"); printf("ibeta = %d\n",ibeta); printf("it = %d\n",it); printf("irnd = %d\n",irnd); printf("ngrd = %d\n",ngrd); printf("machep = %d\n",machep); printf("negep = %d\n",negep); printf("iexp = %d\n",iexp); printf("minexp = %d\n",minexp); printf("maxexp = %d\n",maxexp); #define DISPLAY(s,x) { \ uval.xbig = x ; \ printf(s); \ printf(" %24.16e ",(double) x) ; \ for(i=0;i y)) break; tmp1 = tmp*betain; if (tmp1*beta == z) break; i = i + 1; k = k+k; } /* determine k such that (1/beta)**k does not underflow first set k = 2 ** i */ (*iexp) = i + 1; mx = k + k; if (*ibeta == 10) { /* for decimal machines only */ (*iexp) = 2; iz = *ibeta; while (k >= iz) { iz = iz * (*ibeta); (*iexp) = (*iexp) + 1; } mx = iz + iz - 1; } /* loop to determine minexp, xmin. exit from loop is signaled by an underflow. */ for (;;) { (*xmin) = y; y = y * betain; a = y * one; tmp = y*t; tmp1 = a+a; if ((tmp1 == zero) || (ABS(y) >= (*xmin))) break; k = k + 1; tmp1 = tmp*betain; tmp1 = tmp1*beta; if ((tmp1 == y) && (tmp != y)) { nxres = 3; *xmin = y; break; } } (*minexp) = -k; /* determine maxexp, xmax */ if ((mx <= k+k-3) && ((*ibeta) != 10)) { mx = mx + mx; (*iexp) = (*iexp) + 1; } (*maxexp) = mx + (*minexp); /* Adjust *irnd to reflect partial underflow. */ (*irnd) = (*irnd)+nxres; /* Adjust for IEEE style machines. */ if ((*irnd) >= 2) (*maxexp) = (*maxexp)-2; /* adjust for machines with implicit leading bit in binary significand and machines with radix point at extreme right of significand. */ i = (*maxexp) + (*minexp); if (((*ibeta) == 2) && (i == 0)) (*maxexp) = (*maxexp) - 1; if (i > 20) (*maxexp) = (*maxexp) - 1; if (a != y) (*maxexp) = (*maxexp) - 2; (*xmax) = one - (*epsneg); tmp = (*xmax)*one; if (tmp != (*xmax)) (*xmax) = one - beta * (*epsneg); (*xmax) = (*xmax) / (beta * beta * beta * (*xmin)); i = (*maxexp) + (*minexp) + 3; if (i > 0) { for (j = 1; j<=i; j++ ) { if ((*ibeta) == 2) (*xmax) = (*xmax) + (*xmax); if ((*ibeta) != 2) (*xmax) = (*xmax) * beta; } } return; }