subroutine sbipl(a,b,m,bda,bdb,n,f,idf,alpha,beta,iflag, + d1,amat,ev,a1,a2,a3,d2,w) c integer m,n,idf,iflag real a,b,alpha,beta real bda(*),bdb(*),f(idf,*) real amat(*),ev(*),a1(*),a2(*),a3(*),w(*) real d1(*),d2(*) c c biharmonic on a disk. c see description in routine sbiplr. c c petter bjorstad january 1984. c c local. c c fourier transform : srffti, srfftf, srfftb c linpack : spbfa, spbsl, sgbfa, sgbsl c blas : scopy, sscal c fortran : mod, atan, cos, sqrt c integer i,j,jp,jm,nh,mm,info real dr,drh,dt,dt4,alf,bet,del2,del4 real tpi,zero(1) real t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9 c zero(1) = 0.0e0 nh = (n-1)/2 mm = m-1 tpi = 8.0e0*atan(1.0e0) dr = (b-a)/(m+1) drh = .50e0*dr dt = tpi/n dt4 = dt**4 del2 = (dt/dr)**2 del4 = del2*del2 alf = dt*dt*alpha bet = dt4*beta c c set up the correct right hand side vector, c incorporating the boundary data. c do 20 j=1,n call sscal(m,dt4,f(2,j),1) 20 continue c if(a.eq.0.0e0) go to 30 t1 = del2*(a+drh)*(4.0e0*del2+2.0e0/ + (a+dr)**2+2.0e0/a**2-alf)/(a+dr) t2 = del2*(a+drh)*(1.0e0/(a+dr)**2+1.0e0/a**2)/(a+dr) t3 = 2.0e0*dr*del4*(a+drh)*(a-drh)/(a*(a+dr)) t4 = del4*(a+1.50e0*dr)*(a+.50e0*dr)/((a+2.0e0*dr)*(a+dr)) go to 40 30 f(1,1) = dt4 * f(1,1) call scopy(m-2,zero,0,bda(3),1) 40 t5 = del2*(b-drh)*(4.0e0*del2+2.0e0/ + (b-dr)**2+2.0e0/b**2-alf)/(b-dr) t6 = del2*(b-drh)*(1.0e0/(b-dr)**2+1.0e0/b**2)/(b-dr) t7 = 2.0e0*dr*del4*(b-drh)*(b+drh)/(b*(b-dr)) t8 = del4*(b-1.50e0*dr)*(b-.50e0*dr)/((b-2.0e0*dr)*(b-dr)) do 50 j=1,n jp = mod(j,n)+1 jm = mod(j-2+n,n)+1 if(a.eq.0.0e0) go to 45 f(2,j) = f(2,j)+t1*f(1,j)-t2*(f(1,jp)+f(1,jm))+t3*bda(j) f(3,j) = f(3,j)- t4*f(1,j) 45 f(m+1,j) = f(m+1,j)+t5*f(m+2,j)-t6*(f(m+2,jp)+f(m+2,jm))- + t7*bdb(j) f(m,j) = f(m,j)-t8*f(m+2,j) 50 continue c c set up elementary matrices and scale f. c this is the first multiply of f by (i tensorprod d**(-1/2)). c c d1 is the diagonal matrix d from the theory. c amat(i) is the scalar ( a sub i ) from the theory. c amat is scaled by del2. c t1 = a do 100 i=1,m t1 = t1+dr t2 = dr/t1 t3 = sqrt(t1) d1(i)= 1.0e0/t1 amat(i) = del2 * (1.0e0+.50e0*t2)/sqrt(1.0e0+t2) call sscal(n,t3,f(i+1,1),idf) 100 continue c c forward real transform. c call srffti(n,a1) do 150 i=1,m call scopy(n,f(i+1,1),idf,ev,1) call srfftf(n,ev,a1) call scopy(n,ev,1,f(i+1,1),idf) 150 continue c c compute eigenvalues of periodic tridiag(-1,2,-1). c the matrix r in the theory. c ev(1) = 0.0e0 do 120 j=1,nh ev(2*j) = 2.0e0*(1.0e0-cos(tpi*j/n)) 120 continue call scopy(nh,ev(2),2,ev(3),2) if(mod(n,2).eq.0) ev(n) = 4.0e0 c c precompute parts of the pentadiagonal coefficients. c if( then a1(1) = del4*4.0e0+amat(1)**2+del4*2.0e0*(a+drh)/(a+dr)+bet else a1(1) = del4*4.0e0+amat(1)**2+bet end if a1(m) = del4*4.0e0+amat(m-1)**2+del4*2.0e0*(b-drh)/(b-dr)+bet c do 200 i=2,mm a1(i) = del4*4.0e0+amat(i-1)**2+amat(i)**2+bet 200 continue do 210 i=1,mm a2(i) = - 4.0e0*del2*amat(i) a3(i) = amat(i)*amat(i+1) 210 continue do 220 i=1,m d2(i) = d1(i)**2 220 continue c t5 = 2.0e0*del2*alf t9 = 4.0e0 * del2 - alf c do 400 j=1,n t6 = ev(j) if(iflag.eq.2) go to 350 t8 = d2(1)*t6 do 300 i=1,m t7 = t8 t8 = d2(i+1) * t6 w(3*i) = a1(i) + t7 * (t9 + t7)-t5 w(3*i+2) = a2(i) - amat(i) * ((t7 + t8) - alf) w(3*i+4) = a3(i) 300 continue if(j .eq. 1 .and. a .eq. 0.0e0) w(3) = w(3) + 2.0e0*del4 call spbfa(w,3,m,2,info) if( go to 900 call spbsl(w,3,m,2,f(2,j)) c c if we have a disk, then solve special system as well. c if(j.eq.1 .and. a.eq.0.0e0) then bda(1)= n*(-3.0e0*del4+.50e0*alf*del2)/sqrt(d1(1)) bda(2)= n*(del4*3.0e0/8.0e0)/sqrt(d1(2)) call spbsl(w,3,m,2,bda) end if c c end loop if positive definite system. c go to 400 c c start indefinite solution path. c 350 t8 = d2(1) * t6 do 360 i=1,m t7 = t8 t8 = d2(i+1)*t6 w(7*i-2) = a1(i)+t7*(4.0e0*del2+t7-alf)-t5 w(7*i-1) = a2(i)-amat(i) * ((t7+t8)-alf) w(7*i) = a3(i) 360 continue if(j.eq.1 .and. a.eq.0.0e0) w(5) = w(5) + 2.0e0*del4 call scopy(m-1,w(6),7,w(11),7) call scopy(m-2,w(7),7,w(17),7) call sgbfa(w,7,m,2,2,w(7*m+1),info) if( go to 910 call sgbsl(w,7,m,2,2,w(7*m+1),f(2,j),0) c c check if we have a disk c if(j.eq.1 .and. a.eq.0.0e0) then bda(1)= n*(-3.0e0*del4+.50e0*alf*del2)/sqrt(d1(1)) bda(2)= n*(del4*3.0e0/8.0e0)/sqrt(d1(2)) call sgbsl(w,7,m,2,2,w(7*m+1),bda,0) end if c c end loop 400 c 400 continue c c inverse real transform. c call srffti(n,a1) do 450 i=1,m call scopy(n,f(i+1,1),idf,ev,1) call srfftb(n,ev,a1) call scopy(n,ev,1,f(i+1,1),idf) 450 continue do 550 i=1,m t1 = sqrt(d1(i))/n call sscal(n,t1,f(i+1,1),idf) 550 continue c c if a is greater than zero then exit. c if( return c c if we have a=0, ie if the equation is solved in a c disk, then update the solution. c c scale special solution vector by sqrt(d1)/n. c do 600 i=1,m bda(i) = bda(i)*sqrt(d1(i))/n 600 continue c c the two first components of y are t1 and t2, c the two first components of x are t3 and t4. c t1 = (4.0e0*del2*alf- 64.0e0*del4/3.0e0)/n t2 = (16.0e0*del4/3.0e0)/n t3 = -3.0e0*del4 + .50e0*alf*del2 t4 = 3.0e0*del4/8.0e0 c c we can now compute the scalar y transpose * z c (z is stored in bda). c t5 = n*(bda(1)*t1 + bda(2)*t2) c c the inner product between y and f c t6 = 0.0e0 do 650 j=1,n t6=t6+t1*f(2,j)+t2*f(3,j) 650 continue c c we now compute the value of f at the center point. c t7 = 16.0e0 * del4 - 4.0e0 * del2 * alf + bet f(1,1) = (f(1,1) - t6)/(t7 - t5) c c copy the center point solution to all of f(1,j). c call scopy(n-1,f(1,1),0,f(1,2),idf) c c update the rest of f. c do 700 j = 1,n call saxpy(m,-f(1,1),bda,1,f(2,j),1) 700 continue return c c error returns c 900 continue iflag=-4 return 910 continue iflag=-5 return end