Valid HTML 4.0! Valid CSS!
%%% -*-BibTeX-*-
%%% ====================================================================
%%%  BibTeX-file{
%%%     author          = "Nelson H. F. Beebe",
%%%     version         = "2.65",
%%%     date            = "10 September 2024",
%%%     time            = "06:05:23 MDT",
%%%     filename        = "ulam-stanislaw-m.bib",
%%%     address         = "University of Utah
%%%                        Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB
%%%                        155 S 1400 E RM 233
%%%                        Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090
%%%                        USA",
%%%     telephone       = "+1 801 581 5254",
%%%     FAX             = "+1 801 581 4148",
%%%     URL             = "",
%%%     checksum        = "16720 10404 44077 445984",
%%%     email           = "beebe at, beebe at,
%%%                        beebe at (Internet)",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     keywords        = "BibTeX; bibliography; Monte Carlo; Ulam",
%%%     license         = "public domain",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     docstring       = "This is a bibliography of publications of
%%%                        Stanis{\l}aw Marcin Ulam (13 April 1909--13
%%%                        May 1984).  The companion LaTeX file
%%%                        ulam-stanislaw-m.ltx can be used to typeset
%%%                        this bibliography.
%%%                        Ulam's papers are on file with the American
%%%                        Philosophical Society, with a Web site at
%%%                        At version 2.65, the year coverage looked
%%%                        like this:
%%%                             1929 (   2)    1961 (   5)    1993 (   1)
%%%                             1930 (   6)    1962 (   8)    1994 (   1)
%%%                             1931 (   6)    1963 (   4)    1995 (   0)
%%%                             1932 (   3)    1964 (   8)    1996 (   3)
%%%                             1933 (   8)    1965 (   3)    1997 (   4)
%%%                             1934 (   4)    1966 (   7)    1998 (   1)
%%%                             1935 (   4)    1967 (   7)    1999 (   3)
%%%                             1936 (   0)    1968 (   7)    2000 (   1)
%%%                             1937 (   1)    1969 (   9)    2001 (   3)
%%%                             1938 (   8)    1970 (   5)    2002 (   3)
%%%                             1939 (   3)    1971 (   7)    2003 (   1)
%%%                             1940 (   0)    1972 (   6)    2004 (   3)
%%%                             1941 (   4)    1973 (   2)    2005 (   5)
%%%                             1942 (   3)    1974 (   5)    2006 (   4)
%%%                             1943 (   4)    1975 (   2)    2007 (   0)
%%%                             1944 (   5)    1976 (   9)    2008 (   3)
%%%                             1945 (   4)    1977 (   6)    2009 (   3)
%%%                             1946 (   2)    1978 (   5)    2010 (   5)
%%%                             1947 (   7)    1979 (   4)    2011 (   1)
%%%                             1948 (   6)    1980 (   6)    2012 (   7)
%%%                             1949 (   6)    1981 (   6)    2013 (   4)
%%%                             1950 (   5)    1982 (  10)    2014 (   1)
%%%                             1951 (   4)    1983 (   1)    2015 (   3)
%%%                             1952 (   2)    1984 (   3)    2016 (   1)
%%%                             1953 (   2)    1985 (  11)    2017 (   1)
%%%                             1954 (   1)    1986 (  10)    2018 (   2)
%%%                             1955 (   4)    1987 (  30)    2019 (   1)
%%%                             1956 (   5)    1988 (   1)    2020 (   0)
%%%                             1957 (   7)    1989 (   4)    2021 (   0)
%%%                             1958 (   6)    1990 (   7)    2022 (   0)
%%%                             1959 (   5)    1991 (   4)    2023 (   0)
%%%                             1960 (   4)    1992 (   3)    2024 (   1)
%%%                             19xx (   1)
%%%                             Article:        241
%%%                             Book:            47
%%%                             InCollection:    36
%%%                             InProceedings:   29
%%%                             Misc:             7
%%%                             Proceedings:     15
%%%                             TechReport:      28
%%%                             Total entries:  403
%%%                        This bibliography cannot claim complete
%%%                        coverage, because much of Ulam's career
%%%                        was spent at a nuclear weapons laboratory
%%%                        where most research is classified and secret.
%%%                        From an online list of Ulam's works: ``Eleven
%%%                        weapons-related reports written by Ulam and
%%%                        his collaborators between 1944 and 1958 are
%%%                        still classified. These are listed in
%%%                        LAMS-3923, 1968 and in Stanis{\l}aw Ulam: Sets,
%%%                        Numbers, and Universes, edited by
%%%                        W. A. Beyer, J. Mycielski, and G.-C. Rota
%%%                        (The MIT Press, 1974).''
%%%                        At version 2.00 of this file, entries were
%%%                        split into two main parts: Part 1 contains
%%%                        publications by Ulam, and Part 2 has
%%%                        publications about Ulam or his works.
%%%                        Many of the declassified research reports
%%%                        formerly available from the Los Alamos
%%%                        library have been removed, or blocked from
%%%                        public access, but some of them have been
%%%                        saved by the Federation of American
%%%                        Scientists:
%%%                        Back issues of the journal Los Alamos Science
%%%                        are available at
%%%                        Data for this bibliography have been
%%%                        collected from the University of Utah
%%%                        Mathematics Department bibliography archives,
%%%                        the TeX User Group bibliography archives, the
%%%                        Karlsruhe Computer Science bibliography
%%%                        archives, from the European Mathematical
%%%                        Society Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik
%%%                        database, from the American Mathematical
%%%                        Society MathSciNet database, and from several
%%%                        online library catalogs, including those of
%%%                        the British Library, the Karlsruhe Virtual
%%%                        Library catalog, the Oxford University
%%%                        Library, and the US Library of Congress.
%%%                        This file is available as part of the BibNet
%%%                        Project.  The master copy is available for
%%%                        public access on in the
%%%                        directory tree /pub/bibnet/authors.  It is
%%%                        mirrored to in the directory
%%%                        tree /netlib/bibnet/authors, from which it is
%%%                        available via anonymous ftp and the Netlib
%%%                        service.
%%%                        The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
%%%                        checksum as the first value, followed by the
%%%                        equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
%%%                        count) utility output of lines, words, and
%%%                        characters.  This is produced by Robert
%%%                        Solovay's checksum utility.",
%%%  }
%%% ====================================================================
    "\hyphenation{Metro-po-lis}" #
    "\ifx \undefined \booktitle \def \booktitle#1{{{\em #1}}} \fi" #
    "\ifx \undefined \EURO      \def \EURO {EUR} \fi" #
    "\ifx \undefined \k         \let \k = \c \fi"

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Acknowledgement abbreviations:
@String{ack-nhfb = "Nelson H. F. Beebe,
                    University of Utah,
                    Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB,
                    155 S 1400 E RM 233,
                    Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA,
                    Tel: +1 801 581 5254,
                    FAX: +1 801 581 4148,
                    e-mail: \path||,
                            \path|| (Internet),
                    URL: \path||"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Institution abbreviations:
@String{inst-LANL               = "Los Alamos National Laboratory"}
@String{inst-LANL:adr           = "Los Alamos, NM, USA"}

@String{inst-LASL               = "Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory"}
@String{inst-LASL:adr           = "Los Alamos, NM, USA"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Journal abbreviations:
@String{j-ADV-APPL-MATH         = "Advances in Applied Mathematics"}

@String{j-AM-J-MATH             = "American Journal of Mathematics"}

@String{j-AM-SCI                = "American Scientist"}

@String{j-AMER-MATH-MONTHLY     = "American Mathematical Monthly"}

@String{j-AMER-J-PHYSICS        = "American Journal of Physics"}

@String{j-ANN-HIST-COMPUT       = "Annals of the History of Computing"}

@String{j-ANN-SOC-POL-MATH      = "Annales de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Polonaise de

@String{j-ANN-MATH-2            = "Annals of Mathematics (2)"}

@String{j-ARCH-HIST-EXACT-SCI   = "Archive for History of Exact Sciences"}

@String{j-BULL-AMS              = "Bulletin of the American Mathematical

@String{j-BULL-AT-SCI           = "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists"}

@String{j-C-R-ACAD-SCI-PARIS    = "Comptes rendus de l'Acad{\'e}mie des
                                  sciences, Paris"}

@String{j-CHAOS                 = "Chaos (Woodbury, NY)"}

@String{j-COLLOQ-MATH           = "Colloquium Mathematicum"}

@String{j-COMBIN-PROBAB-COMPUT  = "Combinatorics, Probability and Computing"}

@String{j-COMP-AUTO             = "Computers and Automation"}

@String{j-COMPUT-PHYS           = "Computers in Physics"}

@String{j-EUR-J-PHYS            = "European Journal of Physics"}

@String{j-EUR-PHYS-J-B          = "European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter
                                  and Complex Systems"}

@String{j-FUNDAM-MATH           = "Fundamenta mathematicae"}

@String{j-HIST-MATH             = "Historia Mathematica"}

@String{j-IEEE-ANN-HIST-COMPUT  = "IEEE Annals of the History of Computing"}

@String{j-IEEE-SPECTRUM         = "IEEE Spectrum"}

@String{j-INF-CONTROL           = "Information and Control"}

@String{j-ISIS                  = "Isis"}

@String{j-J-ACM                 = "Journal of the ACM"}

@String{j-J-AM-STAT-ASSOC       = "Journal of the American Statistical

@String{j-J-COMB-THEORY         = "Journal of Combinatorial Theory"}

@String{j-J-PHYS-A              = "Journal of Physics A (Mathematical and

@String{j-J-STAT-PHYS           = "Journal of Statistical Physics"}

@String{j-J-SYMBOLIC-LOGIC      = "Journal of Symbolic Logic"}

@String{j-LET-MATH-PHYS         = "Letters in Mathematical Physics"}

@String{j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE    = "Los Alamos Science"}

@String{j-MATH-ANN              = "Mathematische Annalen"}

@String{j-MATH-BIOSCI           = "Mathematical Biosciences"}

@String{j-MATH-INTEL            = "The Mathematical Intelligencer"}

@String{j-MATH-MAG              = "Mathematics Magazine"}

@String{j-MATH-TABLES-OTHER-AIDS-COMPUT = "Mathematical Tables and Other Aids
                                  to Computation"}

@String{j-MATH-TODAY            = "Mathematics Today"}

@String{j-MATH-USSR-IZV         = "Mathematics of the {USSR} --- Izvestiya"}

@String{j-MONAT-MATH-PHYSIK     = "Monatshefte f{\"u}r Mathematik und Physik"}

@String{j-MONTE-CARLO-METHODS-APPL = "Monte Carlo Methods and Applications"}

@String{j-NAMS                  = "Notices of the American Mathematical

@String{j-NATURE                = "Nature"}

@String{j-NONLINEARITY          = "Nonlinearity (Bristol)"}

@String{j-NUCL-NEWS             = "Nuclear News"}

@String{j-NY-TIMES              = "New York Times"}

@String{j-PHYS-PERSPECT         = "Physics in Perspective (PIP)"}

@String{j-PHYS-REV-E            = "Physical Review E (Statistical physics,
                                  plasmas, fluids, and related
                                  interdisciplinary topics)"}

@String{j-PHYS-TODAY            = "Physics Today"}

@String{j-PHYSICA-D             = "Physica D, Nonlinear phenomena"}

@String{j-PROC-AM-MATH-SOC      = "Proceedings of the American Mathematical

@String{j-PROC-AMER-PHIL-SOC    = "Proceedings of the American Philosophical

@String{j-PROC-NATL-ACAD-SCI-USA = "Proceedings of the National Academy of
                                  Sciences of the United States of America"}

@String{j-PROC-SYMP-APPL-MATH   = "Proceedings of symposia in applied

@String{j-ROCKY-MOUNTAIN-J-MATH = "Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics"}

@String{j-SCI-AMER              = "Scientific American"}

@String{j-SCI-COMPUT            = "Scientific Computing"}

@String{j-SCIENCE               = "Science"}

@String{j-SCIENCE-NEW-SERIES    = "Science (New Series)"}

@String{j-SIAM-J-NUMER-ANAL     = "SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis"}

@String{j-SIAM-NEWS             = "SIAM News"}

@String{j-SIAM-REVIEW           = "SIAM Review"}

@String{j-STUDIA-MATH           = "Studia Mathematica"}

@String{j-TRANS-AM-MATH-SOC     = "Transactions of the American Mathematical

@String{j-TWO-YEAR-COLL-MATH-J  = "Two-Year College Mathematics Journal"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Publisher abbreviations:
@String{pub-A-K-PETERS          = "A. K. Peters, Ltd."}
@String{pub-A-K-PETERS:adr      = "Wellesley, MA, USA"}

@String{pub-ACADEMIC            = "Academic Press"}
@String{pub-ACADEMIC:adr        = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-AKADEMIE-VERLAG     = "Akademie-Verlag"}
@String{pub-AKADEMIE-VERLAG:adr = "Berlin, Germany"}

@String{pub-AMS                 = "American Mathematical Society"}
@String{pub-AMS:adr             = "Providence, RI, USA"}

@String{pub-BASIC-BOOKS         = "Basic Books"}
@String{pub-BASIC-BOOKS:adr     = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-BELKNAP             = "Belknap Press of Harvard University Press"}
@String{pub-BELKNAP:adr         = "Cambridge, MA, USA; London, UK"}

@String{pub-BIRKHAUSER          = "Birkh{\"{a}}user"}
@String{pub-BIRKHAUSER:adr      = "Cambridge, MA, USA; Berlin, Germany; Basel,

@String{pub-BIRKHAUSER-BOSTON   = "Birkh{\"a}user Boston Inc."}
@String{pub-BIRKHAUSER-BOSTON:adr = "Cambridge, MA, USA"}

@String{pub-CAMBRIDGE           = "Cambridge University Press"}
@String{pub-CAMBRIDGE:adr       = "Cambridge, UK"}

@String{pub-DOVER               = "Dover Publications, Inc."}
@String{pub-DOVER:adr           = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-DUNOD               = "Dunod"}
@String{pub-DUNOD:adr           = "Paris, France"}

@String{pub-HARVARD             = "Harvard University Press"}
@String{pub-HARVARD:adr         = "Cambridge, MA, USA"}

@String{pub-HENRY-HOLT         = "Henry Holt and Company"}
@String{pub-HENRY-HOLT:adr     = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-INTERSCIENCE        = "Interscience Publishers"}
@String{pub-INTERSCIENCE:adr    = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-LITTLE-BROWN        = "Little, Brown and Co."}
@String{pub-LITTLE-BROWN:adr    = "Boston, MA, USA"}

@String{pub-MCGRAW-HILL         = "Mc{\-}Graw-Hill"}
@String{pub-MCGRAW-HILL:adr     = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-MIT                 = "MIT Press"}
@String{pub-MIT:adr             = "Cambridge, MA, USA"}

@String{pub-NORTH-HOLLAND       = "North-Holland Publishing Co."}
@String{pub-NORTH-HOLLAND:adr   = "Amsterdam, The Netherlands"}

@String{pub-NORTON              = "W. W. Norton \& Co."}
@String{pub-NORTON:adr          = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-OXFORD              = "Oxford University Press"}
@String{pub-OXFORD:adr          = "Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, UK"}

@String{pub-PANTHEON            = "Pantheon Books"}
@String{pub-PANTHEON:adr        = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-PENGUIN             = "Penguin Books"}
@String{pub-PENGUIN:adr         = "Harmondsworth, UK"}

@String{pub-PERGAMON            = "Pergamon"}
@String{pub-PERGAMON:adr        = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-PH                  = "Pren{\-}tice-Hall"}
@String{pub-PH:adr              = "Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458, USA"}

@String{pub-PLENUM              = "Plenum Press"}
@String{pub-PLENUM:adr          = "New York, NY, USA; London, UK"}

@String{pub-PRINCETON           = "Princeton University Press"}
@String{pub-PRINCETON:adr       = "Princeton, NJ, USA"}

@String{pub-PROMETHEUS-BOOKS    = "Prometheus Books"}
@String{pub-PROMETHEUS-BOOKS:adr = "Amherst, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-REIDEL              = "D. Reidel"}
@String{pub-REIDEL:adr          = "Dordrecht, The Netherlands; Boston, MA, USA;
                                  Lancaster, UK; Tokyo, Japan"}

@String{pub-SV                  = "Springer-Verlag Inc."}
@String{pub-SV:adr              = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-U-CAL               = "University of California Press"}
@String{pub-U-CAL:adr           = "Berkeley, CA, USA"}

@String{pub-U-ILLINOIS-PRESS    = "University of Illinois Press"}
@String{pub-U-ILLINOIS-PRESS:adr = "Urbana, IL, USA"}

@String{pub-VIKING              = "Viking"}
@String{pub-VIKING:adr          = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-VINTAGE             = "Vintage Books"}
@String{pub-VINTAGE:adr         = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-WILEY               = "Wiley"}
@String{pub-WILEY:adr           = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-WORLD-SCI           = "World Scientific Publishing Co."}
@String{pub-WORLD-SCI:adr       = "Singapore; Philadelphia, PA, USA; River
                                    Edge, NJ, USA"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Series abbreviations:
@String{ser-LNCS                = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"}

@String{ser-LNM                 = "Lecture Notes in Mathematics"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%%             Part 1 (of 2) --- Publications by Stan Ulam
%%% Bibliography entries, sorted by ascending year with
%%% ``bibsort -byyear'':
  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Concerning functions of sets",
  journal =      j-FUNDAM-MATH,
  volume =       "14",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "231--233",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1929",
  ISSN =         "0016-2736 (print), 1730-6329 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0016-2736",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 10:32:02 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Fundamenta mathematicae",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Remark on the generalized {Bernstein}'s theorem",
  journal =      j-FUNDAM-MATH,
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "281--283",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1929",
  ISSN =         "0016-2736 (print), 1730-6329 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0016-2736",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 10:31:03 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Fundamenta mathematicae",

  author =       "S. Mazur and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber unendliche Abelsche Gruppen}. ({German})
                 [{On} infinite {Abelian} groups]",
  journal =      j-ANN-SOC-POL-MATH,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "204--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1930",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:29:08 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "German",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{Ein Betrag zum Massproblem}. ({German}) [{A}
                 contribution to the measure problem]",
  journal =      j-ANN-SOC-POL-MATH,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "198--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1930",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:30:57 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber die Eindeutigkeit des Masses von
                 Gerardenmengen}. ({German}) [{Uniqueness} of the
                 {Gerard} measure]",
  journal =      j-ANN-SOC-POL-MATH,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "200--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1930",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:31:34 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{Zur Masstheorie in der allgemeinen Mengenlehre}.
                 ({German}) [{On} measure theory in general set
  journal =      j-FUNDAM-MATH,
  volume =       "16",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "140--150",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1930",
  ISSN =         "0016-2736 (print), 1730-6329 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0016-2736",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 10:33:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Also in Mengenlehre, edited by U. Felgner, 223-233.
                 Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, 1979",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Fundamenta mathematicae",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{Zur Theorie des Fixpunktes}. ({German}) [{On} the
                 theory of fixed points]",
  journal =      j-ANN-SOC-POL-MATH,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "201--202",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1930",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:33:13 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber vollstandig additive Massfunktionen in
                 abstrakten Raumen}. ({German}) [{On} complete additive
                 measure functions in abstract spaces]",
  journal =      j-ANN-SOC-POL-MATH,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "195--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1930",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:32:29 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "German",

  author =       "H. Auerbach and S. Mazur and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber eine charakteristische Eigenschaft des
                 Ellipsoides}. ({German}) [{On} an eigenvalue of
  journal =      j-ANN-SOC-POL-MATH,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "128--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1931",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:35:11 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "German",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Karol Borsuk and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On symmetric products of topological spaces",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "37",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "875--882",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1931",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 10:34:21 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. Mazur and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber isometrische Abbildungen von normierten
                 Vektorraumen}. ({German}) [{On} isometric
                 transformations of normed vector spaces]",
  journal =      j-ANN-SOC-POL-MATH,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "127--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1931",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:37:07 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "German",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{Einige Satze {\"u}ber Mengen II-er Kategorie}.
                 ({German}) [{A} proposition on quantities of the second
  journal =      j-ANN-SOC-POL-MATH,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "123--124",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1931",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:34:17 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and Karol Borsuk",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber eine neue topologische Operation}.
                 ({German}) [{On} a new topological operation]",
  journal =      j-ANN-SOC-POL-MATH,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "125--126",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1931",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:36:25 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "German",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and J. Schreier",
  title =        "Sur une propri{\'e}t{\'e} de la mesure de {M.
                 Lebesgue}. ({French}) [{On} a property of the measure
                 of {M. Lebesgue}]",
  journal =      "Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences",
  volume =       "192",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "539--542",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1931",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 10:37:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "French",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "S. Mazur and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Sur les transformations isometriques d'espaces
                 vectoriels norm{\'e}s",
  journal =      "Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences",
  volume =       "194",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "946--948",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1932",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:15:48 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  booktitle =    "{Verhandlungen, Internationaler Mathematikerkongress
                 Z{\"u}rich 1932}",
  title =        "{Zum Massbegriff in Produktraumen}. ({German}) [{On}
                 the concept of measure in product spaces]",
  volume =       "2",
  publisher =    "Orell F{\"u}ssli Verlag",
  address =      "Z{\"u}rich, Switzerland",
  pages =        "118--119",
  year =         "1932",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:10:39 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Reprinted in \cite{Beyer:1974:SUS}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and C. Kuratowski",
  title =        "Quelques propri{\'e}t{\'e}s topologiques du produit
                 combinatoire. ({French}) [{Some} topological properties
                 of the combinatorial product]",
  journal =      j-FUNDAM-MATH,
  volume =       "19",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "247--251",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1932",
  ISSN =         "0016-2736 (print), 1730-6329 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0016-2736",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:13:46 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Fundamenta mathematicae",
  language =     "French",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Z. Lomnicki and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber die Gesetze der grossen Zahlen}. ({German})
                 [{On} the laws of large numbers]",
  journal =      j-ANN-SOC-POL-MATH,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "118--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1933",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:39:12 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "German",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Z. Lomnicki and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber die Grundlagen der
                 Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung}. ({German}) [{On} the
                 basic of probability calculation]",
  journal =      j-ANN-SOC-POL-MATH,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "115--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1933",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:38:02 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "German",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "J. Schreier and S. Ulam",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber die Automorphismen der Permutationsgruppe
                 der nat{\"u}rlichen Zahlenfolge}. ({German}) [{On} the
                 automorphism of permutation groups of natural number
  journal =      j-STUDIA-MATH,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "134--141",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1933",
  CODEN =        "SMATAZ",
  ISSN =         "0039-3223 (print), 1730-6337 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0039-3223",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:26:42 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Studia Mathematica",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "J. Schreier and S. Ulam",
  title =        "Sur les transformations continues des sph{\`e}res
                 euclidiennes. ({French}) [{On} continuous
                 transformations of {Euclidean} spheres]",
  journal =      j-C-R-ACAD-SCI-PARIS,
  volume =       "197",
  pages =        "967--968",
  year =         "1933",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  ZMnumber =     "0008.08703",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Comptes rendus de l'Acad{\'e}mie des sciences, Paris",
  keywords =     "topology",
  language =     "French",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and C. Kuratowski",
  title =        "Sur un coefficient li{\'e} aux transformations
                 continues d'ensembles. ({French}) [{On} a coefficient
                 related to continuous transformations of sets ]",
  journal =      j-FUNDAM-MATH,
  volume =       "20",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "244--253",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1933",
  ISSN =         "0016-2736 (print), 1730-6329 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0016-2736",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:22:58 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Fundamenta mathematicae",
  language =     "French",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and J. Schreier",
  title =        "Sur le groupe des permutations de la suite des nombres
                 naturels. ({French}) [{On} the permutation group of
                 sequences of natural numbers]",
  journal =      j-C-R-ACAD-SCI-PARIS,
  volume =       "197",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "737--738",
  month =        "??",
  year =         "1933",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:24:17 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Comptes rendus de l'Acad{\'e}mie des sciences, Paris",
  language =     "French",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber gewisse Zerlegungen von Mengen}. ({German})
                 [{On} certain decompositions of quantities]",
  journal =      j-FUNDAM-MATH,
  volume =       "20",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "221--223",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1933",
  ISSN =         "0016-2736 (print), 1730-6329 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0016-2736",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:17:04 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Fundamenta mathematicae",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{Probleme 56: {\"U}ber gewisse Invarianten der
                 e-Abbildungen}. ({German}) [{Problem} 56: {On} certain
                 invariants of e-transformations]",
  journal =      j-MATH-ANN,
  volume =       "108",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "311--318",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1933",
  CODEN =        "MAANA3",
  ISSN =         "0025-5831 (print), 1432-1807 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0025-5831",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:19:00 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Mathematische Annalen",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Z. Lomnicki and S. Ulam",
  title =        "Sur la th{\'e}orie de la mesure dans les espaces
                 combinatoires et son application au calcul des
                 probabilite{\'e}s. {I}. Variables independantes.
                 ({French}) [{On} measure theory in combinatorial spaces
                 and its application to the computation of
  journal =      j-FUNDAM-MATH,
  volume =       "23",
  pages =        "237--278",
  year =         "1934",
  ISSN =         "0016-2736 (print), 1730-6329 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0016-2736",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  ZMnumber =     "0009.40601",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Fundamenta mathematicae",
  keywords =     "probability theory, statistics",
  language =     "French",

  author =       "J. Schreier and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{Bemerkungen {\"u}ber die stetigen Abbildungen von
                 Topologischen Raumen}. ({German}) [{Remark} on constant
                 transformations of topological spaces ]",
  journal =      j-ANN-SOC-POL-MATH,
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "142--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1934",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:40:26 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "German",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "J. Schreier and S. Ulam",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber topologische Abbildungen der euklidischen
                 Sph{\"a}ren}. ({German}) [{On} topological
                 transformations of the {Euclidean} sphere]",
  journal =      j-FUNDAM-MATH,
  volume =       "23",
  pages =        "102--118",
  year =         "1934",
  ISSN =         "0016-2736 (print), 1730-6329 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0016-2736",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  ZMnumber =     "0009.41005",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Fundamenta mathematicae",
  keywords =     "topology",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber stetige Abbildungen von Mannigfaltigkeiten}.
                 ({German}) [{On} continuous maps of manifolds]",
  journal =      j-ANN-SOC-POL-MATH,
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "141--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1934",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:41:24 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "German",

  author =       "H. Auerbach and S. Ulam",
  title =        "Sur le nombre de g{\'e}n{\'e}rateurs d'un groupe
                 semi-simple. ({French}) [{On} the number of generators
                 of a semisimple group]",
  journal =      j-C-R-ACAD-SCI-PARIS,
  volume =       "201",
  pages =        "117--119",
  year =         "1935",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  ZMnumber =     "0012.05407",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Comptes rendus de l'Acad{\'e}mie des sciences, Paris",
  keywords =     "group theory",
  language =     "French",

  author =       "H. Auerbach and S. Mazur and S. Ulam",
  title =        "Sur une propri{\'e}t{\'e} caract{\'e}ristique de
                 l'ellipso{\"\i}de. ({French}) [{On} a characteristic
                 property of the ellipsoid]",
  journal =      j-MONAT-MATH-PHYSIK,
  volume =       "42",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "45--48",
  year =         "1935",
  CODEN =        "MMPHA8",
  ISSN =         "0026-9255 (print), 1436-5081 (electronic)",
  MRclass =      "Contributed Item",
  MRnumber =     "MR1550413",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Monatshefte f{\"u}r Mathematik und Physik",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "French",

  author =       "J. Schreier and S. Ulam",
  title =        "{Eine Bemerkung {\"u}ber die Gruppe der topologischen
                 Abbildungen der Kreislinie auf sich selbst}. ({German})
                 [{A} remark n the group of topological transformations
                 of the circle line on itself ]",
  journal =      j-STUDIA-MATH,
  volume =       "5",
  pages =        "155--159",
  year =         "1935",
  CODEN =        "SMATAZ",
  ISSN =         "0039-3223 (print), 1730-6337 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0039-3223",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  ZMnumber =     "0013.05603",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Studia Mathematica",
  keywords =     "group theory",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "J. Schreier and S. Ulam",
  title =        "Sur le nombre des g{\'e}n{\'e}rateurs d'un groupe
                 topologique compact et connexe. ({French}) [{On} the
                 number of generators of a topological compact and
                 connected group]",
  journal =      j-FUNDAM-MATH,
  volume =       "24",
  pages =        "302--304",
  year =         "1935",
  ISSN =         "0016-2736 (print), 1730-6329 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0016-2736",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  ZMnumber =     "0011.01102",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Fundamenta mathematicae",
  keywords =     "group theory",
  language =     "French",

  author =       "J. Schreier and S. Ulam",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber die Automorphismen der Permutationsgruppe
                 der nat{\"u}rlichen Zahlenfolge}. ({German}) [{On} the
                 automorphism of permutation groups of natural number
  journal =      j-FUNDAM-MATH,
  volume =       "28",
  pages =        "258--260",
  year =         "1937",
  ISSN =         "0016-2736 (print), 1730-6329 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0016-2736",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  ZMnumber =     "63.0073.01; 0016.20301",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Fundamenta mathematicae",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "J. C. Oxtoby and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Existence of metrically transitive transformations.
                 {Preliminary} report",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "44",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "347--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1938",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:42:11 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "J. C. Oxtoby and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "On the equivalence of any set of first category to a
                 set of measure zero",
  journal =      "Fundam. Math., Warszawa",
  volume =       "31",
  pages =        "201--206",
  year =         "1938",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  ZMnumber =     "0019.29605; 64.0185.02",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On bounded transformations of space. {Preliminary}
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "44",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "195--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1938",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:43:41 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On the distribution of a general measure in any
                 complete metric separable space",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "44",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "786--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1938",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:45:40 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Probleme 74",
  journal =      "Fundam. Math., Warszawa",
  volume =       "30",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "365--365",
  year =         "1938",
  bibdate =      "Tue Apr 12 06:53:49 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Set-theoretical invariants of the product operation",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "44",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "195--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1938",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:46:26 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Sur les transformations ergodiques. ({French}) [{On}
                 ergodic transformations]",
  journal =      j-ANN-SOC-POL-MATH,
  volume =       "17",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "112--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1938",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:46:58 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "French",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw Marcin Ulam",
  title =        "Theory of functions of two real variables. {Lectures}
                 at {Brown University} during 1937--38",
  publisher =    "Brown university",
  address =      "Providence, RI, USA",
  pages =        "1--38",
  year =         "1938",
  LCCN =         "QA331 .U6",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 09:45:10 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "Mimeographed.",
  subject =      "Functions of real variables",

  author =       "J. C. Oxtoby and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "On the existence of a measure invariant under a
  journal =      j-ANN-MATH-2,
  volume =       "40",
  pages =        "560--566",
  year =         "1939",
  CODEN =        "ANMAAH",
  ISSN =         "0003-486X (print), 1939-8980 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0003-486X",
  MRclass =      "46.3X",
  MRnumber =     "MR0000097 (1,18e)",
  MRreviewer =   "B. O. Koopman",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  ZMnumber =     "65.1313.04; 0021.41202",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Annals of Mathematics. Second Series",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On the abstract theory of measure",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "45",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "83--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1939",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:47:47 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "e-isomorphic transformations. {Preliminary} report",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "45",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "232--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1939",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:48:33 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "D. H. Hyers and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On approximate isometries. {Preliminary} report",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "47",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "708--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1941",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:49:18 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "J. C. Oxtoby and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Measure-preserving homeomorphisms and metrical
  journal =      j-ANN-MATH-2,
  volume =       "42",
  pages =        "874--920",
  year =         "1941",
  CODEN =        "ANMAAH",
  ISSN =         "0003-486X (print), 1939-8980 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0003-486X",
  MRclass =      "46.3X",
  MRnumber =     "MR0005803 (3,211b)",
  MRreviewer =   "B. O. Koopman",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  ZMnumber =     "0063.06074",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Annals of Mathematics. Second Series",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On measures for subsets of sets of measure zero",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "47",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "702--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1941",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:49:59 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Theory of operation of products of sets. {I}.
                 {Preliminary} report",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "47",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "702--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1941",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:50:37 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "D. L. Bernstein and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On the problem of completely additive measure in
                 classes of sets with a general equivalence relation",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "48",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "361--362",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1942",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:53:56 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "D. H. Hyers and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Approximate isometries of the space of continuous
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "48",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "368--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1942",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:52:38 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Geometrical approach to the theory of representations
                 of topological groups. Preliminary report",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "48",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "44--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1942",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:53:22 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On the equivalence of functions",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "49",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "49--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1943",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:54:46 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On the length of curves, the surface area and the
                 isoperimetric problem under a general {Minkowski}
                 metric. {Preliminary} report",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "49",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "57--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1943",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:55:17 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Theory of the operation of products of sets. {II}.
                 {Preliminary} report",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "49",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "367--368",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1943",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:55:51 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "What is measure?",
  journal =      j-AMER-MATH-MONTHLY,
  volume =       "50",
  pages =        "597--602",
  year =         "1943",
  CODEN =        "AMMYAE",
  ISSN =         "0002-9890 (print), 1930-0972 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9890",
  MRclass =      "27.2X",
  MRnumber =     "MR0009183 (5,113g)",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  ZMnumber =     "0060.13106",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "The American Mathematical Monthly",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "differentiation and integration",

  author =       "L. Cohen and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On the algebra of systems of vectors and some problems
                 in kinematics",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "50",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "61--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1944",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:57:08 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "P. Erd{\H{o}}s and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Some combinatorial problems in set theory.
                 {Preliminary} report",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "50",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "57--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1944",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:57:56 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Cornelius J. Everett and S. Ulam",
  title =        "On ordered groups",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "50",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "496--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1944",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:56:37 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and D. Hawkins",
  title =        "Theory of multiplicative processes. {I}",
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LA-171",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  year =         "1944",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:30:26 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Theory of the operation of product of sets. {III}.
                 {Preliminary} report",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "50",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "60--61",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1944",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:59:02 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cornelius J. Everett and S. Ulam",
  title =        "On ordered groups",
  journal =      j-TRANS-AM-MATH-SOC,
  volume =       "57",
  pages =        "208--216",
  year =         "1945",
  CODEN =        "TAMTAM",
  ISSN =         "0002-9947 (print), 1088-6850 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9947",
  MRclass =      "20.0X",
  MRnumber =     "MR0012285 (7,4g)",
  MRreviewer =   "G. Birkhoff",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  ZMnumber =     "0061.03406",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Transactions of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "group theory",

  author =       "Cornelius J. Everett and S. Ulam",
  title =        "Projective algebra. {I}",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "51",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "59--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1945",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:59:53 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "D. H. Hyers and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "On approximate isometries",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "51",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "288--292",
  year =         "1945",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  MRclass =      "46.3X",
  MRnumber =     "MR0013219 (7,123f)",
  MRreviewer =   "F. J. Murray",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  ZMnumber =     "0060.26404",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "functional analysis",

  author =       "John von Neumann and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Random Ergodic Theorems",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "51",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "660--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1945",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jun 08 08:13:51 2005",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Cornelius J. Everett and S. Ulam",
  title =        "Projective algebra. {I}",
  journal =      j-AM-J-MATH,
  volume =       "68",
  pages =        "77--88",
  year =         "1946",
  CODEN =        "AJMAAN",
  ISSN =         "0002-9327 (print), 1080-6377 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9327",
  MRclass =      "09.1X",
  MRnumber =     "MR0015374 (7,409b)",
  MRreviewer =   "J. Dieudonn{\'e}",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  ZMnumber =     "0060.06307",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "American Journal of Mathematics",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{Stefan Banach}, 1892--1945",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "52",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "600--603",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1946",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:31:45 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stefan Banach and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Problemes {P34, P35, P35,R1}",
  journal =      j-COLLOQ-MATH,
  volume =       "1",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "152--153",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1947",
  CODEN =        "CQMAAQ",
  ISSN =         "0010-1354 (print), 1730-6302 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-1354",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:32:47 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Colloquium Mathematicum",

  author =       "D. H. Hyers and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Approximate isometries of the space of continuous
  journal =      j-ANN-MATH-2,
  volume =       "48",
  pages =        "285--289",
  year =         "1947",
  CODEN =        "ANMAAH",
  ISSN =         "0003-486X (print), 1939-8980 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0003-486X",
  MRclass =      "46.3X",
  MRnumber =     "MR0020717 (8,588b)",
  MRreviewer =   "S. B. Myers",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  ZMnumber =     "0029.36701",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Annals of Mathematics. Second Series",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. M. Ulam and John von Neumann",
  title =        "On combinations of stochastic and deterministic
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "53",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1120--1120",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1947",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 06 19:17:03 2005",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "The abstract notes ``\ldots{} starting with almost
                 every $ x_1 $ (in the sense of Lebesgue measure) and
                 {\em iterating\/} the function $ f(x) = 4 \cdot (1 - x)
                 $ one obtains a sequence of numbers on $ (0, 1) $ with
                 a computable algebraic distribution. By playing
                 suitable games with numbers `drawn' in this fashion,
                 one can obtain various other distributions, either
                 given explicitly or satisfying given differential or
                 integral equations.''",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "logistic map, deterministic model, stochastic model",
  received =     "3 September 1947",
  remark =       "One-paragraph abstract.",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On quasi-fixed points for transformations in function
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "53",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1120--1120",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1947",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:00:59 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  received =     "28 July 1947",
  remark =       "One-paragraph abstract.",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Review: {Andrzej Mostowski, {\em On Undecidable
                 Propositions in Formalized Systems of Mathematics}}",
  journal =      j-J-SYMBOLIC-LOGIC,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "60--60",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1947",
  CODEN =        "JSYLA6",
  ISSN =         "0022-4812 (print), 1943-5886 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0022-4812",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 06 15:20:17 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Symbolic Logic",
  journal-URL =  ";

  author =       "Robert D. Richtmyer and Stanis{\l}aw Ulam and John von
  title =        "Statistical methods in neutron diffusion",
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LAMS-551",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  pages =        "22",
  day =          "9",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1947",
  bibdate =      "Sun Dec 18 09:44:43 2011",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Republished in typeset form in \cite{Hurd:1985:NEM}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "According to \cite[page 75]{Benov:2016:MPF}, only
                 eight copies of this report were published, and the
                 report was classified secret until declassification on
                 31 June 1969. It may be the earliest written mention of
                 the Monte Carlo method for simulation. The report cover
                 says: ``Work Done by: S. Ulam and J. vonNeumann [sic];
                 Written by: R. D. Richtmyer and J. vonNeumann [sic]''.
                 It does not use the name ``Monte Carlo'', but instead
                 uses ``statistical methods to solve neutron diffusion
                 and multiplication problems, in accordance with the
                 principle suggested by Stan Ulam.'' It also gives ENIAC
                 machine-code for the simulation.",

  author =       "John von Neumann and S. Ulam",
  title =        "On the Group of Homeomorphisms of the Surface of the
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "53",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "506--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1947",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jun 08 08:13:51 2005",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Cornelius J. Everett and S. Ulam",
  title =        "Multiplicative systems. {I}",
  journal =      j-PROC-NATL-ACAD-SCI-USA,
  volume =       "34",
  number =       "8",
  pages =        "403--405",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1948",
  CODEN =        "PNASA6",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0027-8424 (print), 1091-6490 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0027-8424",
  MRclass =      "60.0X",
  MRnumber =     "MR0026280 (10,132h)",
  MRreviewer =   "W. Feller",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  ZMnumber =     "0032.29104",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
                 United States of America",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cornelius J. Everett and S. Ulam",
  title =        "On the problem of determination of mathematical
                 structures by their endomorphisms",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "54",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "646--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1948",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:02:16 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and Cornelius J. Everett",
  title =        "Multiplicative systems in several variables. {Part
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LA-683",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  year =         "1948",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:34:45 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and Cornelius J. Everett",
  title =        "Multiplicative systems in several variables. {Part
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LA-690",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  year =         "1948",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:34:45 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and Cornelius J. Everett",
  title =        "Multiplicative systems in several variables. {Part
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LA-707",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  year =         "1948",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:34:45 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  editor =       "????",
  booktitle =    "{A.E.C. Information Meeting, Brookhaven National
                 Laboratory, April 26-28, 1948}",
  title =        "Statistical methods for problems involving equations
                 of the diffusion type, ({Monte Carlo})",
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  pages =        "27--??",
  year =         "1948",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:03:22 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "BNL-17",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Cornelius J. Everett and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Multiplicative systems, {I}",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "55",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "51--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1949",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:05:23 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cornelius J. Everett and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Multiplicative systems, {II}",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "55",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "51--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1949",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:05:23 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cornelius J. Everett and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Multiplicative systems, {III}",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "55",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "51--52",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1949",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:05:23 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Nicholas Metropolis and S. Ulam",
  title =        "The {Monte Carlo} method",
  journal =      j-J-AM-STAT-ASSOC,
  volume =       "44",
  number =       "247",
  pages =        "335--341",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1949",
  CODEN =        "JSTNAL",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0162-1459 (print), 1537-274X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0162-1459",
  MRclass =      "65.0X",
  MRnumber =     "MR0031341 (11,138c)",
  MRreviewer =   "J. L. Doob",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:44 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  ZMnumber =     "0033.28807",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "This is one of the earliest published articles on the
                 Monte Carlo method; see \cite{Hurd:1985:NEM}.",
  fjournal =     "Journal of the American Statistical Association",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "ENIAC; probability theory",

  author =       "N. C. Metropolis and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On motions of systems of mass points randomly
                 distributed on the infinite line",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "55",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "670--671",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1949",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:06:52 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of a conference held on the UCLA campus
                 at the National Bureau of Standards Institute for
                 Numerical Analysis, 29--31 July 1948}",
  title =        "Problems in Probability and Combinatorial Analysis",
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1949",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 07 10:22:22 2016",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Cited in \cite[page 142]{Hurd:1985:NEM} as presented,
                 and using the term ``Monte Carlo'', but not published
                 in the proceedings in 1949.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Cornelius J. Everett and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On an application of a correspondence between matrices
                 over real algebras and matrices of positive real
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "56",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "63--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1950",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:08:35 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "C. J. Everett and S. Ulam",
  title =        "Considerations on thermonuclear reactions",
  type =         "Classified report",
  number =       "LA-1158",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  pages =        "36",
  day =          "16",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1950",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 15 14:01:43 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "C. J. Everett and S. Ulam",
  title =        "Ignition of a Large Mass of Deuterium by a Burning
                 Deuterium--Tritium Mixture: {Problem I}",
  type =         "Classified report",
  number =       "LA-1076",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  pages =        "40",
  day =          "7",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1950",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 15 13:58:55 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "C. J. Everett and S. Ulam",
  title =        "Ignition of a Large Mass of Deuterium by a Burning
                 {D--T} Mixture: {Problem II}",
  type =         "Classified report",
  number =       "LA-1124",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  pages =        "22",
  day =          "16",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1950",
  bibdate =      "Sat Feb 15 14:01:43 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Cornelius J. Everett and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Random walk and the {Hamilton--Jacobi} equation",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "56",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "63--64",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1950",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:09:31 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "D. H. Hyers and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Approximately convex functions",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "59",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "300--301",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1951",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:10:24 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Edward Teller and Stanis{\l}aw Ulam",
  title =        "On Heterocatalytic Detonations. {I}. {Hydrodynamic}
                 Lenses and Radiation Mirrors",
  type =         "Report",
  number =       "LAMS-1225",
  institution =  "Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of
  address =      "Los Alamos, NM, USA",
  pages =        "20",
  day =          "9",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1951",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 12 15:30:53 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "This now-classified report is believed to contain the
                 Teller--Ulam hydrogen-bomb trigger design. See
                 \cite[page 221]{Hargittai:2010:JET}, \cite[page
                 344]{Macrae:1992:JNSa}, \cite[pages
                 179--181]{Goodchild:2004:ETRb}. For a discussion of
                 this report, see \cite[Chapter 1]{Ford:2015:BHB}.
                 Copies found on the Web are heavily censored, with many
                 pages completely blanked out.",
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "Ford \cite[page 3]{Ford:2015:BHB} writes ``Edward
                 [Teller] was too intense to show much sense of humor.
                 Stan had an abundance of humor. Stan [Ulam] and Edward
                 [Teller] did not care very much for each other (which
                 may help to explain why a ``Heterocatalytic Detonation
                 II'' report never appeared).''",

  author =       "S. Ulam",
  title =        "On the {Monte Carlo} method",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1951:PSS",
  pages =        "207--212",
  year =         "1951",
  MRclass =      "65.0X",
  MRnumber =     "MR0044897 (13,495d)",
  MRreviewer =   "G. E. Forsythe",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "This publication appears in {\em Science, Computers
                 and People: From the Tree of Mathematics}, edited by
                 Mark C. Reynolds and Gian-Carlo Rota. Boston:
                 Birkha{\"u}ser, 1986.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "D. H. Hyers and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Approximately convex functions",
  journal =      j-PROC-AM-MATH-SOC,
  volume =       "3",
  pages =        "821--828",
  year =         "1952",
  CODEN =        "PAMYAR",
  ISSN =         "0002-9939 (print), 1088-6826 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9939",
  MRclass =      "27.0X",
  MRnumber =     "MR0049962 (14,254b)",
  MRreviewer =   "M. Brelot",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. Ulam",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the International Congress of
                 Mathematicians, Vol. 2, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
                 August 30--September 6, 1950}",
  title =        "Random processes and transformations",
  publisher =    pub-AMS,
  address =      pub-AMS:adr,
  pages =        "264--275",
  year =         "1952",
  MRclass =      "60.0X",
  MRnumber =     "MR0045334 (13,568c)",
  MRreviewer =   "M. Lo{\`e}ve",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  ZMnumber =     "0049.09511",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "N. Metropolis and S. Ulam",
  title =        "A property of randomness of an arithmetical function",
  journal =      j-AMER-MATH-MONTHLY,
  volume =       "60",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "252--253",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1953",
  CODEN =        "AMMYAE",
  ISSN =         "0002-9890 (print), 1930-0972 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9890",
  MRclass =      "60.0X",
  MRnumber =     "MR0053416 (14,770g)",
  MRreviewer =   "A. S. Householder",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:49 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  ZMnumber =     "0051.10203",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "The American Mathematical Monthly",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and J. Pasta",
  title =        "Heuristic studies in problems of mathematical physics
                 on high speed computing machines",
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LA-1557",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  year =         "1953",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:38:43 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "S. M. Ulam and D. H. Hyers",
  title =        "On the stability of differential expressions",
  journal =      j-MATH-MAG,
  volume =       "28",
  pages =        "59--64",
  year =         "1954",
  CODEN =        "MAMGA8",
  ISSN =         "0011-801x",
  MRclass =      "27.2X",
  MRnumber =     "MR0065620 (16,456d)",
  MRreviewer =   "G. Scorza Dragoni",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Delta. University of Wisconsin",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Cornelius J. Everett and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On a method of propulsion of projectiles by means of
                 external nuclear explosions",
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LAMS-1955",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  year =         "1955",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:40:37 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Enrico Fermi and John Pasta and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Studies of nonlinear problems. {I}",
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LA-1940",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  pages =        "22",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1955",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:41:26 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Also in {\em Enrico Fermi: Collected Papers, volume
                 2}, edited by Edoardo Amaldi, Herbert L. Anderson,
                 Enrico Persico, Emilio Segr{\'e}, and Albedo
                 Wattenberg. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965,
                 pages 978--988.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  CP-number =    "266",
  keywords =     "Fermi--Pasta--Ulam[--Tsingou] numerical experiment;
                 MANIAC I computer (Los Alamos)",
  remark =       "Work done by Enrico Fermi, John Pasta, Stanis{\l}aw M.
                 Ulam, and M. Tsingou. From page 2: ``The last few
                 examples were calculated in 1955. After the untimely
                 death of Professor Enrico Fermi in November, 1954, the
                 calculations were continued in Los Alamos.'' Mary
                 Tsingou was unjustly omitted from the author list, even
                 though Fermi was credited as the lead author, but had
                 died before the report was written: see
  xxauthor =     "E. Fermi and J. Pasta and M. Tsingou and Stanis{\l}aw
                 M. Ulam",

  author =       "P. R. Stein and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  editor =       "????",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the 1955 High-Speed Computer
                 Conference (Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge,
                 Louisiana, February 14--16, 1955)}",
  title =        "Study of certain combinatorial problems through
                 experiments on computing machines",
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  pages =        "101--106",
  year =         "1955",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:42:41 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Homage to {Fermi}",
  journal =      "Santa Fe New Mexican",
  volume =       "??",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  day =          "6",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1955",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:39:57 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Verna Gardiner and R. Lazarus and N. Metropolis and S.
  title =        "On certain sequences of integers defined by sieves",
  journal =      j-MATH-MAG,
  volume =       "29",
  pages =        "117--122",
  year =         "1956",
  CODEN =        "MAMGA8",
  ISSN =         "0011-801x",
  MRclass =      "10.0X",
  MRnumber =     "MR0075217 (17,711b)",
  MRreviewer =   "D. H. Lehmer",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Delta. University of Wisconsin",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  editor =       "Herbert A. Meyer",
  booktitle =    "Symposium on {Monte Carlo} methods, {University of
                 Florida, March 16--17, 1954}",
  title =        "Applications of {Monte Carlo} methods to tactical
  publisher =    pub-WILEY,
  address =      pub-WILEY:adr,
  pages =        "63--??",
  year =         "1956",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 10:32:02 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. Ulam",
  booktitle =    "Symposium on Monte Carlo methods, University of
                 Florida, 1954",
  title =        "Applications of {Monte Carlo} methods to tactical
  publisher =    pub-WILEY,
  address =      pub-WILEY:adr,
  pages =        "63--??",
  year =         "1956",
  MRclass =      "90.0X",
  MRnumber =     "MR0078638 (17,1223e)",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Abstract only.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On the ergodic behavior of dynamical systems",
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LA-2055",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  year =         "1956",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:44:01 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Series of lectures on physics of ionized gases",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Some mathematical problems investigated through
                 computations on electronic machines",
  journal =      j-AMER-MATH-MONTHLY,
  volume =       "63",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "607--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1956",
  CODEN =        "AMMYAE",
  ISSN =         "0002-9890 (print), 1930-0972 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9890",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:14:02 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "American Mathematical Monthly",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "J. Kister and P. Stein and S. Ulam and W. Walden and
                 M. Wells",
  title =        "Experiments in Chess",
  journal =      j-J-ACM,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "174--177",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1957",
  CODEN =        "JACOAH",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0004-5411 (print), 1557-735X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0004-5411",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 05 20:03:13 1994",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of the ACM",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "P. R. Stein and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Experiments in chess on electronic computing
  journal =      "Chess Review",
  volume =       "??",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "13--15",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1957",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:49:33 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Also in \cite{Stein:1957:ECEb}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "P. R. Stein and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Experiments in chess on electronic computing
  journal =      j-COMP-AUTO,
  volume =       "??",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1957",
  CODEN =        "CPAUAJ",
  ISSN =         "0010-4795, 0887-4549",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:49:33 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Computers and Automation",
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "S. M. Ulam",
  booktitle =    "Applied probability. Proceedings of Symposia in
                 Applied Mathematics, Vol. VII",
  title =        "Infinite models in physics",
  publisher =    pub-MCGRAW-HILL,
  address =      pub-MCGRAW-HILL:adr,
  pages =        "87--95",
  year =         "1957",
  MRclass =      "60.0X",
  MRnumber =     "MR0090179 (19,779c)",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium in Applied
                 Mathematics (Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, April
                 14--15, 1955)",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{Marian Smoluchowski} and the theory of probabilities
                 in physics",
  journal =      j-AMER-J-PHYSICS,
  volume =       "25",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "475--481",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1957",
  CODEN =        "AJPIAS",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0002-9505 (print), 1943-2909 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9505",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:45:41 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "American Journal of Physics",
  journal-URL =  "",

  editor =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "The {Scottish} book",
  publisher =    "S. Ulam",
  address =      "Los Alamos, NM, USA",
  pages =        "iii + 88",
  year =         "1957",
  LCCN =         "QA43 .S533 1957; QA43 .U4",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 09:45:10 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "An edited translation of a notebook kept at the
                 Scottish Cafe for the Lwow Section of the
                 Soci{\'e}t{\'e} Polonaise de Math{\'e}matiques",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "Translated from the Polish original by S. Ulam.. Cover
  subject =      "Mathematics; Problems, exercises, etc",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On some new possibilities in the organization and use
                 of computing machines",
  type =         "{IBM} research report",
  number =       "RC-86",
  institution =  "IBM",
  address =      "????",
  year =         "1957",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:48:41 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. Ulam",
  title =        "{Books}",
  journal =      j-SCI-AMER,
  volume =       "198",
  pages =        "127--137",
  year =         "1958",
  CODEN =        "SCAMAC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0036-8733 (print), 1946-7087 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0036-8733",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 9 07:05:38 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Scientific American",
  issue =        "6",
  journal-URL =  "",
  masid =        "46785560",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Future uses of future computers",
  journal =      "{American Chemical Society} Abstracts of Papers",
  volume =       "133",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "33--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1958",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:14:37 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. Ulam",
  title =        "{John von Neumann}, 1903--1957",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "64",
  number =       "3 (part 2)",
  pages =        "1--49 + 1",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1958",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  MRclass =      "01.0X",
  MRnumber =     "MR0091904 (19,1030d)",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jun 25 08:46:32 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  remark =       "Special issue in memory of John von Neumann

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "The late {John von Neumann} on computers and the
  journal =      j-SCI-AMER,
  volume =       "??",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "127--??",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1958",
  CODEN =        "SCAMAC",
  ISSN =         "0036-8733 (print), 1946-7087 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0036-8733",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:52:08 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Scientific American",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On the possibility of extracting energy from
                 gravitational systems by navigating space vehicles",
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LAMS-2219",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  year =         "1958",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:53:05 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "Maxwell's demon",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Statement before the {U.S. House of Representatives}.
                 {Hearings} on Astronautics and Space Exploration",
  howpublished = "85th Congress, 2nd session, April 15--May 12, 1958",
  year =         "1958",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:53:48 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "M. T. Menzel and P. R. Stein and Stanis{\l}aw M.
  title =        "Quadratic transformations. {Part I}",
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LA-2305",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  year =         "1959",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:55:49 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "John R. Pasta and S. Ulam",
  title =        "Heuristic Numerical Work in Some Problems of
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "65",
  pages =        "1--12",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1959",
  CODEN =        "MTTCAS",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0891-6837",
  ISSN-L =       "0891-6837",
  MRclass =      "65.00 (76.00)",
  MRnumber =     "MR0103580 (21 \#2348)",
  MRreviewer =   "M. Muller",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
                 JSTOR database",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "P. R. Stein and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On certain binary reaction systems",
  journal =      j-NAMS,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "68--69",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "1959",
  CODEN =        "AMNOAN",
  ISSN =         "0002-9920 (print), 1088-9477 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9920",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:16:39 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Notices Amer. Math. Soc.",
  fjournal =     "Notices of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Review of {{\em Funkcje Rzeczywiste}} [Real functions]
                 by {Roman Sikorski}",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "65",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "305--306",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1959",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:54:53 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Review of {Roman Sikorski}, {{\em Funkcje Rzeczywiste}
                 [Real functions], Volume II}",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "67",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "172--172",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1959",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:54:53 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "J. C. Holladay and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On some combinatorial problems in patterns of growth,
  journal =      j-NAMS,
  volume =       "7",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "234--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1960",
  CODEN =        "AMNOAN",
  ISSN =         "0002-9920 (print), 1088-9477 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9920",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:17:45 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Notices Amer. Math. Soc.",
  fjournal =     "Notices of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "R. G. Schrandt and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "On Patterns of Growth of Figures in Two Dimensions",
  journal =      j-NAMS,
  volume =       "7",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "642--642",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1960",
  CODEN =        "AMNOAN",
  ISSN =         "0002-9920 (print), 1088-9477 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9920",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Early studies of pattern development in cellular
                 automata, including competitions between two kinds of
                 patterns. Reprinted in \cite{Burks:1970:ECA}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Notices Amer. Math. Soc.",
  fjournal =     "Notices of the American Mathematical Society",
  issue =        "48",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "automata-history; CA; pattern-formation",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "A Collection of Mathematical Problems",
  volume =       "8",
  publisher =    pub-INTERSCIENCE,
  address =      pub-INTERSCIENCE:adr,
  pages =        "xiii + 150",
  year =         "1960",
  LCCN =         "QA43 .U5; QA43 .U36; QA3 .I57",
  MRclass =      "00.00",
  MRnumber =     "MR0120127 (22 \#10884)",
  MRreviewer =   "A. Dvoretzky",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 09:45:10 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Reprinted in \cite{Ulam:1964:PMM}. Translated into
                 Russian (1964).",
  series =       "Interscience Tracts in Pure and Applied Mathematics",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "Mathematics; Problems, exercises, etc",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Statement before the {Joint Committee on Atomic
                 Energy. in Frontiers in Atomic Energy Research}:
                 {Hearings} before the {Subcommittee on Research and
                 Development of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy}",
  howpublished = "Eighty-sixth Congress, Second Session, on Frontiers in
                 Atomic Energy Research, March 22--25, 1960, 282--285.
                 Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,
  year =         "1960",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:58:02 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Cornelius J. Everett and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Nuclear propelled vehicle, such as a rocket",
  howpublished = "British Patent 877,392.",
  year =         "1961",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:00:09 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  editor =       "Edwin F. Beckenbach",
  key =          "Ulam",
  booktitle =    "Modern Mathematics for the Engineer",
  title =        "{Monte Carlo} Calculations in Problems of Mathematical
  chapter =      "11",
  publisher =    pub-MCGRAW-HILL,
  address =      pub-MCGRAW-HILL:adr,
  pages =        "261--281",
  year =         "1961",
  MRclass =      "65.15",
  MRnumber =     "MR0129165 (23 \#B2202)",
  MRreviewer =   "A. A. Mullin",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "2nd series",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  owner =        "seufert",
  xxpages =      "95--108",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  booktitle =    "{Monsanto Chemical Company Meeting, Clinton National
                 Laboratory, Oct. 13--15, 1947}",
  title =        "On a statistical method of solving multiplication and
                 diffusion problems",
  volume =       "Mon-411(14)",
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1961",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:18:32 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Monsanto Chemical Company Abstracts of Papers",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. M. Ulam",
  editor =       "Lucian M. Le Cam and Jerzy Neyman and Elizabeth
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the Fourth Berkeley Symposium on
                 Mathematical Statistics and Probability (University of
                 California, Berkeley, June 20--July 30, 1960)}",
  title =        "On some statistical properties of dynamical systems",
  volume =       "3",
  publisher =    pub-U-CAL,
  address =      pub-U-CAL:adr,
  pages =        "315--320",
  year =         "1961",
  MRclass =      "82.62",
  MRnumber =     "MR0136377 (24 \#B2415)",
  MRreviewer =   "J. C. Oxtoby",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Translated into Russian (1963).",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxbooktitle =  "Proc. 4th Berkeley Sympos. Math. Statist. and Prob.,
                 Vol. III",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  editor =       "Carl F. J. Overhage",
  booktitle =    "The Age of Electronics",
  title =        "Electronic computers and scientific research",
  publisher =    pub-MCGRAW-HILL,
  address =      pub-MCGRAW-HILL:adr,
  pages =        "95--108",
  year =         "1962",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:03:53 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Also in {\em Computers and Automation}, August 1963
                 and September 1963.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanislaw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{Monte Carlo} calculations in problems of mathematical
  crossref =     "Beckenbach:1962:MME",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1962",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 27 08:46:35 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "An open problem",
  crossref =     "Anonymous:1962:RAG",
  pages =        "223--223",
  year =         "1962",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:05:09 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. Ulam",
  editor =       "Garrett Birkhoff and Richard Bellman and C. C. Lin",
  booktitle =    "Hydrodynamic Instability",
  title =        "Stability of many-body computations",
  volume =       "13",
  publisher =    pub-AMS,
  address =      pub-AMS:adr,
  pages =        "247--258",
  year =         "1962",
  MRclass =      "76.65",
  MRnumber =     "MR0138274 (25 \#1721)",
  MRreviewer =   "G. Birkhoff",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Symposia in Applied Mathematics",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "On Some Mathematical Problems Connected with Patterns
                 of Growth of Figures",
  journal =      j-PROC-SYMP-APPL-MATH,
  volume =       "14",
  pages =        "215--224",
  year =         "1962",
  CODEN =        "PSYMA7",
  ISSN =         "0160-7634",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "An early study on pattern development in cellular
                 automata by the man who suggested CA's to von Neumann.
                 Reprinted in \cite{Burks:1970:ECA}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Proceedings of symposia in applied mathematics",
  keywords =     "automata-theory; CA; pattern-formation",

  author =       "Paul R. Stein and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Non-linear transformation studies on electronic
  publisher =    "Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory",
  address =      "Los Alamos, NM, USA",
  pages =        "125",
  year =         "1963",
  LCCN =         "QA601 .S82",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 09:45:10 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "Transformations (Mathematics); Nonlinear theories",
  xxnote =       "Check year??",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Communication to the {U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign
                 Relations}. In {Nuclear Test Ban Treaty: Hearings
                 before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United
                 States Senate}",
  howpublished = "Eighty-eighth Congress, First Session, on Executive M,
                 August 12--15, 19--23, 26--27, 1963. Washington, DC: US
                 Goverment Printing Office",
  pages =        "505--506, 993",
  year =         "1963",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:07:48 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  editor =       "Stefan Drobot",
  booktitle =    "Mathematical Models in Physical Sciences: Proceedings
                 of the Conference at the {University of Notre Dame},
  title =        "Some properties of certain non-linear
  publisher =    pub-PH,
  address =      pub-PH:adr,
  pages =        "85--95",
  year =         "1963",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:10:24 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  editor =       "S. Chowla and B. Jones",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the 1963 Number Theory Conference
                 (University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, August,
  title =        "Some problems of a dilettante. Problems 110, 111, and
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  pages =        "114--115",
  year =         "1963",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:09:05 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "M. L. Stein and S. M. Ulam and M. B. Wells",
  title =        "Mathematical Notes: {A} Visual Display of Some
                 Properties of the Distribution of Primes",
  journal =      j-AMER-MATH-MONTHLY,
  volume =       "71",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "516--520",
  year =         "1964",
  CODEN =        "AMMYAE",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0002-9890 (print), 1930-0972 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9890",
  MRclass =      "Contributed Item",
  MRnumber =     "MR1532694",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "The American Mathematical Monthly",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "P. R. Stein and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Non-linear transformation studies on electronic
  journal =      "Rozprawy Mat.",
  volume =       "39",
  pages =        "1--66",
  year =         "1964",
  LCCN =         "QA1 .D52 v.39; QA1 .R81; QA1 .D52",
  MRclass =      "68.00",
  MRnumber =     "MR0169416 (29 \#6666)",
  MRreviewer =   "R. W. Hamming",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "The Introduction and Part I are reprinted in
  series =       "Rozprawy matematyczne",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "At head of title: Instytut Matematyczny Polskiej
                 Akademii Nauk.",
  subject =      "Transformations (Mathematics)",
  xxpages =      "65",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Computers",
  journal =      j-SCI-AMER,
  volume =       "211",
  pages =        "202--216",
  year =         "1964",
  CODEN =        "SCAMAC",
  ISSN =         "0036-8733 (print), 1946-7087 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0036-8733",
  MRclass =      "68.00",
  MRnumber =     "MR0165727 (29 \#3007)",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Scientific American",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. Ulam",
  title =        "Combinatorial Analysis in Infinite Sets and Some
                 Physical Theories",
  journal =      j-SIAM-REVIEW,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "343--355",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1964",
  CODEN =        "SIREAD",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0036-1445 (print), 1095-7200 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0036-1445",
  MRclass =      "05.99",
  MRnumber =     "MR0170832 (30 \#1067)",
  MRreviewer =   "H. Freudenthal",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 27 09:05:18 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "SIAM Review",
  journal-URL =  "",
  onlinedate =   "October 1964",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and F. deLuzio and W. von Braun
                 and M. Hunter and I. Asimov",
  editor =       "R. F. Trapp",
  booktitle =    "????",
  title =        "The future of nuclear energy in space: {A} panel
                 discussion sponsored by the {Aerospace Division,
                 American Nuclear Society}, at the 1963 winter meeting
                 in {New York City, NY} on {November 20, 1963}",
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1964",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:13:39 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Also in Nuclear News, July 1964.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and W. E. Walden",
  title =        "Possibility of an accelerated process of collapse of
                 stars in a very dense centre of a cluster or a galaxy",
  journal =      j-NATURE,
  volume =       "201",
  number =       "4925",
  pages =        "1202--1202",
  day =          "21",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1964",
  CODEN =        "NATUAS",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0028-0836 (print), 1476-4687 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0028-0836",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:16:10 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Nature",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Problems in modern mathematics",
  publisher =    pub-WILEY,
  address =      pub-WILEY:adr,
  pages =        "xvii + 150",
  year =         "1964",
  LCCN =         "QA43 .U5 1964",
  MRclass =      "00.00",
  MRnumber =     "MR0280310 (43 \#6031)",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 09:45:10 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Science editions",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "``First published under the title: A collection of
                 mathematical problems.''.",
  subject =      "Mathematics; Problems, exercises, etc",
  xxpages =      "ix + 150",

  author =       "J. R. Pasta and S. M. Ulam and E. Fermi",
  booktitle =    "Collected works of Enrico Fermi",
  title =        "Studies on nonlinear problems",
  volume =       "2",
  publisher =    "Univ. of Chicago Press",
  address =      "Chicago",
  pages =        "978",
  year =         "1965",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "nonlinear",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "The {Orion} project",
  journal =      j-NUCL-NEWS,
  volume =       "??",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "25--27",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1965",
  CODEN =        "NUNWA8",
  ISSN =         "0029-5574",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:18:18 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Nuclear News",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  editor =       "????",
  booktitle =    "Biomathematics and Computer Science in the Life
  title =        "Recursive definitions of static changing patterns",
  volume =       "9",
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1965",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:20:40 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Monograph of Proceedings of Third Annual Symposium,
                 Houston, Texas, (1965)",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Cornelius J. Everett and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "On some possibilities of generalizing the {Lorentz}
                 group in the {Special Relativity Theory}",
  journal =      j-J-COMB-THEORY,
  volume =       "1",
  pages =        "248--270",
  year =         "1966",
  CODEN =        "JCTHAR",
  ISSN =         "0021-9800 (print), 1878-1756 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0021-9800",
  MRclass =      "83.50",
  MRnumber =     "MR0198925 (33 \#7075)",
  MRreviewer =   "A. F. Monna",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Combinatorial Theory",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  editor =       "????",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the 25th International Astronomical
                 Union Symposium (Thessaloniki, Greece, August 16--22,
  title =        "Collapse of stellar systems",
  publisher =    "International Astronomical Union",
  address =      "????",
  pages =        "76--77",
  year =         "1966",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:17:55 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  editor =       "Paul S. Moorhead and Martin M. Kaplan",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the Symposium on Mathematical
                 Challenges to the Neo-Darwinian Interpretation of
                 Evolution (New York, April 5--8, 1961)}",
  title =        "How to formulate mathematically problems of the rate
                 of evolution?",
  volume =       "5",
  publisher =    pub-AMS,
  address =      pub-AMS:adr,
  pages =        "21--33",
  year =         "1966",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:00:49 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "A. Liss, 1985.",
  series =       "Wistar Institute Monograph",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "La machine creatrice",
  crossref =     "Caillois:1966:RIG",
  pages =        "31--42",
  year =         "1966",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:20:02 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  editor =       "R. E. Marshak and J. Warren Blaker",
  booktitle =    "Perspectives in Modern Physics: Essays in Honor of
                 {Hans A. Bethe}",
  title =        "Thermonuclear devices",
  publisher =    pub-INTERSCIENCE,
  address =      pub-INTERSCIENCE:adr,
  pages =        "593--601",
  year =         "1966",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:21:58 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "G. H. Meisters and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "On visual hulls of sets",
  journal =      j-PROC-NATL-ACAD-SCI-USA,
  volume =       "57",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "1172--1174",
  year =         "1967",
  CODEN =        "PNASA6",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0027-8424 (print), 1091-6490 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0027-8424",
  MRclass =      "46.15 (15.00)",
  MRnumber =     "MR0213853 (35 \#4707)",
  MRreviewer =   "R. C. James",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         may,
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
                 United States of America",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "R. G. Schrandt and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On recursively defined geometrical objects and
                 patterns of growth",
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LA-3762",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  year =         "1967",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:26:52 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Reprinted in \cite{Burks:1970:ECA}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "M. Stein and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Mathematical Notes: An Observation on the Distribution
                 of Primes",
  journal =      j-AMER-MATH-MONTHLY,
  volume =       "74",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "43--44",
  year =         "1967",
  CODEN =        "AMMYAE",
  ISSN =         "0002-9890 (print), 1930-0972 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9890",
  MRclass =      "Contributed Item",
  MRnumber =     "MR1534125",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "The American Mathematical Monthly",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  editor =       "James Ortega and Paul I. Richards and Frank W.
  title =        "An education in applied math",
  journal =      j-SIAM-REVIEW,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "343--344",
  year =         "1967",
  CODEN =        "SIREAD",
  ISSN =         "0036-1445 (print), 1095-7200 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0036-1445",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:23:41 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Proceedings of {May 24--27, 1966 SIAM Conference
                 (Aspen, Colorado)}",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "SIAM Review",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  editor =       "George Shapiro and Milton Rogers",
  booktitle =    "Prospects for Simulation and Simulators of Dynamic
  title =        "On general formulations of simulation and model
  publisher =    "Spartan Books",
  address =      "New York, NY, USA",
  pages =        "3--8",
  year =         "1967",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:25:46 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "How to formulate mathematically problems of rate of
  journal =      "The Wistar Institute symposium monograph",
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "21--33",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1967",
  ISSN =         "0084-1013",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jun 5 08:51:38 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "The {Scottish} book",
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LA-6832",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  year =         "1967",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 13:47:28 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Reprint of \cite{Mauldin:1981:SBM}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "W. A. Beyer and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Note on the visual hull of a set",
  journal =      j-J-COMB-THEORY,
  volume =       "4",
  pages =        "240--245",
  year =         "1968",
  CODEN =        "JCTHAR",
  ISSN =         "0021-9800 (print), 1878-1756 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0021-9800",
  MRclass =      "46.15",
  MRnumber =     "MR0226374 (37 \#1964)",
  MRreviewer =   "G. H. Meisters",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Combinatorial Theory",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Paul Erd{\H{o}}s and S. Ulam",
  title =        "On equations with sets as unknowns",
  journal =      j-PROC-NATL-ACAD-SCI-USA,
  volume =       "60",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "1189--1195",
  year =         "1968",
  CODEN =        "PNASA6",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0027-8424 (print), 1091-6490 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0027-8424",
  MRclass =      "04.60",
  MRnumber =     "MR0234838 (38 \#3152)",
  MRreviewer =   "A. H. Stone",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
                 United States of America",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mark Kac and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Mathematics and logic: {Retrospect} and prospects",
  publisher =    "Frederick A. Praeger, Inc.",
  address =      "New York, NY, USA",
  pages =        "x + 170",
  year =         "1968",
  ISBN =         "0-14-021253-1",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-14-021253-2",
  LCCN =         "QA93 .K113m; QA93 .K33; QA93 .K25",
  MRclass =      "00.50 (02.00)",
  MRnumber =     "MR0232640 (38 \#964)",
  MRreviewer =   "H. B. Curry",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 09:45:10 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "The text of this book first appeared as article with
                 the same title in {\em Britannica Perspectives}, volume
                 1, 557732. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.,
                 1968. Translated into French (1973), into
                 Serbo-Croatian (1977), and into Spanish (1979).",
  series =       "Britannica perspective",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "Mathematics; Popular works",
  xxpages =      "204",
  xxpages =      "ix + 170",

  author =       "S. M. Ulam",
  editor =       "R. F. Churchhouse and J.-C. Herz",
  booktitle =    "Computers in Mathematical Research",
  title =        "Computations on certain binary branching processes",
  publisher =    pub-NORTH-HOLLAND,
  address =      pub-NORTH-HOLLAND:adr,
  pages =        "168--171",
  year =         "1968",
  MRclass =      "05.10",
  MRnumber =     "MR0233716 (38 \#2037)",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. Ulam and H. W. Kuhn and A. W. Tucker and Claude E.
  title =        "{John von Neumann}, 1903--1957",
  journal =      "Perspectives in American History",
  volume =       "2",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "235--269",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1968",
  CODEN =        "????",
  ISSN =         "0079-0990",
  ISSN-L =       "0079-0990",
  bibdate =      "Sat Oct 15 18:44:51 2011",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  journal-URL =  "",
  tableofcontents = "The Intellectual Migration: Europe and America,
                 1930--1960 \\
                 1. Weimar Culture: The Outsider as Insider / Peter Gay
                 2. Reminiscences / Edited by Gertrud Weiss Szilard and
                 Kathleen R. Winsor \\
                 3. {\'E}migr{\'e} Physicists and the Biological
                 Revolution / Donald Fleming \\
                 4. A New Site for the Seminar: The refugees and
                 American Physics in the Thirties / Charles Weiner \\
                 5. John von Neumann, 1903--1957 / S. Ulam, H. W. Kuhn,
                 A. W. Tucker, and Claude E. Shannon \\
                 6. An Episode in the History of Social Research: A
                 Memoir / Paul S. Lazarsfeld \\
                 7. Scientific Experiences of a European Scholar in
                 America / T. W. Adorno, translated by Donald Fleming
                 8. The Diaspora of Experimental Psychology: The
                 Gestaltists and Others / Jean Matter Mandler and
                 George Mandler \\
                 9. The Migration of Psychoanalysis: Its impact on
                 American Psychology / Marie Jahoda \\
                 10. Franz Neumann Between Marxism and Liberal Democracy
                 / H. Stuart Hughes \\
                 11. Two Romanisten in America: Spitzer and Aurebach /
                 Harry Levin \\
                 12. The Aftermath of the Bauhaus in America: Gropius,
                 Mies, and Breuer / William H. Jordy \\
                 13. Kunstgeschichte American Style: A Study in
                 Migration / Colin Eisler \\
                 14. The Wiener Kreis in America / Herbert Feigl",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  booktitle =    "Colloque sur le Probl{\`e}me des {$N$} Corps",
  title =        "Numerical studies of star systems",
  publisher =    "Editions du Centre National de la Recherche",
  address =      "????",
  pages =        "265--267",
  year =         "1968",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:28:55 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  booktitle =    "Science, Philosophy and Religion. Proceedings of the
                 Symposium held at {Kirtland Air Force Laboratory,
                 Albuquerque, New Mexico}",
  title =        "Philosophical implications of some recent scientific
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  pages =        "44--48",
  year =         "1968",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:30:13 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "W. A. Beyer and R. G. Schrandt and Stanis{\l}aw M.
  title =        "Computer studies of some history-dependent random
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LA-4246",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  year =         "1969",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:36:33 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Cornelius J. Everett and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "The entropy of interacting populations",
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LA-4256",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  year =         "1969",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:37:28 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Jan Mycielski and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "On the pairing process and the notion of genealogical
  journal =      j-J-COMB-THEORY,
  volume =       "6",
  pages =        "227--234",
  year =         "1969",
  CODEN =        "JCTHAR",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0021-9800 (print), 1878-1756 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0021-9800",
  MRclass =      "92.20",
  MRnumber =     "MR0238578 (38 \#6854)",
  MRreviewer =   "P. Holgate",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Combinatorial Theory",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  booktitle =    "The Mathematical Sciences: A Collection of Essays",
  title =        "The applicability of mathematics",
  publisher =    pub-MIT,
  address =      pub-MIT:adr,
  pages =        "1--6",
  year =         "1969",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:34:33 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Edited by the National Research Council's Committee on
                 Support of Research in the Mathematical Sciences.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and H. W. Kuhn and A. W. Tucker
                 and Claude E. Shannon",
  title =        "{John von Neumann}, 1903--1957",
  crossref =     "Fleming:1969:IME",
  pages =        "235--268",
  year =         "1969",
  bibdate =      "Fri May 22 06:02:00 2015",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Claude Elwood Shannon (April 30, 1916--February 24,

  author =       "S. Ulam",
  title =        "Reminiscences from the {Scottish Caf{\'e}}",
  journal =      "Wiadom. Mat. (2)",
  volume =       "12",
  pages =        "49--58 + 2",
  year =         "1969",
  ISSN =         "0373-8302",
  MRclass =      "01.50",
  MRnumber =     "MR0245418 (39 \#6726)",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Roczniki Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego. Seria
                 II. Wiadomo{\'s}ci Matematyczne",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Wspomnienia Kawiarni Szkockiej (Reminiscences of the
                 {Scottish Caf{\'e}})",
  journal =      "Wiadomosci Matematyczne",
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "49--58",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1969",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:35:33 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "Available in English only in manuscript form.",

  author =       "W. A. Beyer and M. L. Stein and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "The notion of complexity",
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LA-4822",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  year =         "1971",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:43:22 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "P. Erd{\H{o}}s and S. Ulam",
  title =        "Some probabilistic remarks on {Fermat}'s last
  journal =      j-ROCKY-MOUNTAIN-J-MATH,
  volume =       "1",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "613--616",
  month =        "Fall",
  year =         "1971",
  CODEN =        "RMJMAE",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0035-7596 (print), 1945-3795 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0035-7596",
  MRclass =      "10.60",
  MRnumber =     "MR0285506 (44 \#2724)",
  MRreviewer =   "W. J. LeVeque",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "M. Kac and S. Ulam",
  title =        "Matematika i logika. {Retrospektiva} i perspektivy",
  publisher =    "Izdat. ``Mir'', Moscow",
  pages =        "251",
  year =         "1971",
  MRclass =      "00A05",
  MRnumber =     "MR0349290 (50 \#1784)",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Translated from the English by N. I. Plu{\v{z}}nikova,
                 Edited by I. M. Jaglom, Contemporary Mathematics.
                 Popular series",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Foreword",
  crossref =     "Gamow:1970:MWL",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1970",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 03 18:08:05 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Generalizations of product isomorphisms",
  crossref =     "Capobianco:1971:RTG",
  pages =        "215--??",
  year =         "1971",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:40:55 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. Ulam and R. Schrandt",
  title =        "Some elementary attempts at numerical modeling of
                 problems concerning rates of evolutionary processes",
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LAMS-4573",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  year =         "1971",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:44:54 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "See \cite{Ulam:1986:SEA}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Testimony before the {United States District Court,
                 District of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
                 September 17, 1971}, in the case of {Honeywell
                 Incorporated} versus {Sperry Rand Corporation},
  year =         "1971",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:42:21 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "W. A. Beyer and M. L. Stein and Temple Smith and
                 Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Metrics in biology, an introduction",
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LA-4973",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  year =         "1972",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:51:55 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{Gamow}---and mathematics",
  crossref =     "Reines:1972:CFOa",
  pages =        "27--29",
  year =         "1972",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:46:18 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Ideas of space and space-time",
  journal =      "Rehovot Magazine",
  volume =       "??",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "29--33",
  month =        "Winter",
  year =         "1972/1973",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:47:40 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. M. Ulam",
  editor =       "S. K. Zaremba",
  booktitle =    "Applications of Number Theory to Numerical Analysis
                 {(Proceedings of a Symposium held at Universit{\'e} de
                 Montr{\'e}al, Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, 1971)}",
  title =        "Some combinatorial problems studied experimentally on
                 computing machines",
  publisher =    pub-ACADEMIC,
  address =      pub-ACADEMIC:adr,
  pages =        "1--10",
  year =         "1972",
  MRclass =      "68A55",
  MRnumber =     "MR0345469 (49 \#10205)",
  MRreviewer =   "C. Tartia",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxpages =      "1--3",

  author =       "S. M. Ulam",
  editor =       "M. F. Morales",
  booktitle =    "Annual Review of Biophysics and Bioengineering",
  title =        "Some ideas and prospects in biomathematics",
  volume =       "1",
  publisher =    "Annual reviews Inc., Palo Alto, CA",
  pages =        "277--291",
  year =         "1972",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  comment =      "A very general ``preview'' of some areas in
                 biomathematics. There is a section describing the
                 string edit problem.",
  xxpages =      "277--292",

  author =       "Mark Kac and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Math{\'e}matiques et logique: r{\'e}trospective et
  publisher =    pub-DUNOD,
  address =      pub-DUNOD:adr,
  pages =        "178",
  year =         "1973",
  LCCN =         "QA93 .K2514 1973",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 09:45:10 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "Translation of: Mathematics and logic..",
  subject =      "Mathematics; Popular works",

  author =       "P. R. Stein and S. Ulam",
  editor =       "A. O. Barut",
  booktitle =    "Studies in Mathematical Physics (Lectures Presented at
                 the {NATO Advanced Study Institute on Mathematical
                 Physics held in Istanbul, August, 1970})",
  title =        "Lectures in Nonlinear Algebraic Transformations",
  publisher =    pub-REIDEL,
  address =      pub-REIDEL:adr,
  pages =        "263--314",
  year =         "1973",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "nonlinear dynamics, chaos",

  author =       "W. A. Beyer and M. L. Stein and T. F. Smith and S. M.
  title =        "A Molecular Sequence Metric and Evolutionary Trees",
  journal =      j-MATH-BIOSCI,
  volume =       "19",
  number =       "1--2",
  pages =        "9--25",
  year =         "1974",
  CODEN =        "MABIAR",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0025-5564 (print), 1879-3134 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0025-5564",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  comment =      "The proposition is that the distance used to measure
                 the minimum number of events required to convert one
                 sequence to another must be a metric. The measures of
                 distance proposed by Dayhoff, Reichert and Wong, and
                 Sankoff are discussed. Beyer presents three metrics
                 based on ``the maximum of the root-mean-square of the
                 average minimum differences between all possible
                 subsequences among any two given sequences $N$ and $M$
                 in length.''",
  fjournal =     "Mathematical Biosciences",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Infinities",
  crossref =     "Neyman:1974:HCT",
  pages =        "378--392",
  year =         "1974",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:55:46 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "New rules and old games",
  journal =      "Outlook",
  volume =       "??",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "32--33",
  month =        "Spring",
  year =         "1974",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:56:44 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "A. R. Bednarek and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Projective Algebras and Calculus of Relations ---
                 Preliminary Report",
  journal =      j-NAMS,
  volume =       "22",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "A729--A729",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1975",
  CODEN =        "AMNOAN",
  ISSN =         "0002-9920 (print), 1088-9477 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9920",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jun 5 09:05:34 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Notices Amer. Math. Soc.",
  fjournal =     "Notices of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  booktitle =    "Arthur Koestler",
  title =        "{Arthur Koestler} et le d{\'e}fi du hazard: Entretien
                 avec {Stan Ulam} de {Pierre Debray-Ritzen}. ({French})
                 [{Arthur Koestler} and the challenge of chance:
                 Interview with {Stan Ulam} by {Pierre Debray-Ritzen}]",
  publisher =    "Edition de L'Herne",
  address =      "Paris, France",
  pages =        "428--432",
  year =         "1975",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:58:52 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Cahiers de l'Herne",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "French",

  author =       "A. R. Bednarek and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Generators for algebras of relations",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "82",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "781--782",
  year =         "1976",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  MRclass =      "06A20 (02J10)",
  MRnumber =     "MR0409291 (53 \#13051)",
  MRreviewer =   "J. Chacron",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Adventures of a mathematician",
  publisher =    "Charles Scribner's Sons",
  address =      "New York, NY, USA",
  pages =        "xi + 317 + 25",
  year =         "1976",
  ISBN =         "0-684-14391-7",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-684-14391-0",
  LCCN =         "QA29.U4 A33; QA29.U4 A33 1976; QA29.U4 A331",
  MRclass =      "01A70",
  MRnumber =     "MR0485098 (58 \#4954)",
  MRreviewer =   "J. C. Oxtoby",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 09:45:10 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Paperback editions published in 1977 and 1983.
                 Translated into Japanese (1979).",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "Ulam, Stanis{\l}aw M",
  xxpages =      "xi + 317 + 11",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Physics for mathematicians",
  crossref =     "Huang:1976:POW",
  pages =        "113--1212",
  year =         "1976",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:00:39 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Alexander R. Bednarek and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Some Remarks on Relational Composition in
                 Computational Theory and Practice",
  crossref =     "Karpinski:1977:FCT",
  pages =        "22--32",
  year =         "1977",
  MRclass =      "68A20 (04A05)",
  MRnumber =     "MR0660675 (58 \#32049)",
  MRreviewer =   "D. Rosenblatt",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  XMLdata =      "",

  author =       "A. R. Bednarek and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On the theory of relational structures and schemata
                 for parallel computation",
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LAMS-6734",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  year =         "1977",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:02:23 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  xxnote =       "Check author order??",

  author =       "A. R. Bednarek and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Projective algebra and the calculus of relations",
  journal =      j-J-SYMBOLIC-LOGIC,
  volume =       "43",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "56--64",
  year =         "1978",
  CODEN =        "JSYLA6",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0022-4812 (print), 1943-5886 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0022-4812",
  MRclass =      "03G15",
  MRnumber =     "MR495117 (80i:03070)",
  MRreviewer =   "Stephen L. Bloom",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "The Journal of Symbolic Logic",
  journal-URL =  ";

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{Banach} i inni",
  journal =      "Kultura",
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  day =          "6",
  month =        "Sierpnia",
  year =         "1978",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:04:36 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Translated into Polish by Jerzy Jaruzelski",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "Polish",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Narodziny ``Ksiegi Szkockiej''",
  journal =      "Kultura",
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  day =          "13",
  month =        "Sierpnia",
  year =         "1978",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:05:23 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Translated into Polish by Jerzy Jaruzelski",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "Polish",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Przygody matematyka",
  journal =      "Kultura",
  volume =       "9",
  pages =        "??--??",
  day =          "30",
  month =        "Lipca",
  year =         "1978",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:03:22 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Translated into Polish by Jerzy Jaruzelski",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "Polish",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  editor =       "Dominique Akl and Moshe Flato and Daniel Sternheimer",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of International Colloquium on the Role of
                 Mathematical Physics in the Development of Science
                 ({College de France, Paris, June 13--15, 1977})",
  title =        "The role of abstract mathematical ideas in possible
                 conceptual advances in natural sciences, more
                 specifically biology",
  publisher =    "UNESCO",
  address =      "????",
  pages =        "12--25",
  year =         "1978",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:06:29 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "A. R. Bednarek and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "An Integer-Valued Metric for Patterns",
  crossref =     "Budach:1979:FCT",
  pages =        "52--57",
  year =         "1979",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "F. R. K. Chung and P. Erd{\H{o}}s and R. L. Graham and
                 S. M. Ulam and F. F. Yao",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the Tenth Southeastern Conference on
                 Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing (Florida
                 Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, April 2--6,
  title =        "Minimal decompositions of two graphs into pairwise
                 isomorphic subgraphs",
  publisher =    "Utilitas Mathematica Publishing Inc.",
  address =      "Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada",
  pages =        "3--18",
  year =         "1979",
  MRclass =      "05C35",
  MRnumber =     "MR561031 (82b:05080)",
  MRreviewer =   "Donald L. Goldsmith",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Congress. Numer., XXIII--XXIV",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Mark Kac and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Mathematics and logic",
  publisher =    pub-PENGUIN,
  address =      pub-PENGUIN:adr,
  pages =        "204",
  year =         "1979",
  ISBN =         "0-14-080387-4",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-14-080387-7",
  MRclass =      "00A05 (03A05)",
  MRnumber =     "MR599363 (82a:00007)",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Retrospect and prospects, Abridged reprint of the 1968
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Foreword",
  crossref =     "Kuratowski:1980:HCP",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1980",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 03 18:13:29 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "A mathematical physicist looks at computing",
  journal =      "Rehovot Magazine",
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "47--50",
  year =         "1980",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:09:37 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw Marcin Ulam",
  title =        "{Von Neumann}: The Interaction of Mathematics and
  crossref =     "Metropolis:1980:HCT",
  pages =        "93--99",
  year =         "1980",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 20 07:55:48 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. Ulam",
  title =        "On the operations of pair production, transmutations,
                 and generalized random walk",
  journal =      j-ADV-APPL-MATH,
  volume =       "1",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "7--21",
  year =         "1980",
  ISSN =         "0196-8858 (print), 1090-2074 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0196-8858",
  MRclass =      "00A69 (60J85 82A05)",
  MRnumber =     "MR603122 (84m:00027)",
  MRreviewer =   "Author's review",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Advances in Applied Mathematics",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Future applications of mathematics in the natural
  crossref =     "Tarwater:1981:AMH",
  pages =        "101--114",
  year =         "1981",
  MRclass =      "00A69 (92-01)",
  MRnumber =     "MR641705 (83d:00027)",
  MRreviewer =   "Willard Parker",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Math. Ser.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{Kazimierz Kuratowski}, 1896--1980",
  journal =      "Polish Review",
  volume =       "26",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "62--66",
  year =         "1981",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:13:59 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "On the notion of analogy and complexity in some
                 constructive mathematical schemata",
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LA-9065",
  institution =  inst-LANL,
  address =      inst-LANL:adr,
  year =         "1981",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:14:54 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Also in \cite{Rota:1986:PSM}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "An anecdotal history of the {Scottish Book}",
  crossref =     "Mauldin:1981:SBM",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1982",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:18:33 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. Ulam",
  title =        "Biographies: {John von Neumann}, 1903--1957",
  journal =      j-ANN-HIST-COMPUT,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "157--181",
  month =        apr # "\slash " # jun,
  year =         "1982",
  CODEN =        "AHCOE5",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0164-1239",
  ISSN-L =       "0164-1239",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 1 15:29:19 MST 2002",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Annals of the History of Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Introduction",
  crossref =     "Rassias:1982:SSP",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1982",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:19:58 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. Ulam",
  title =        "{John von Neumann}, 1903--1957",
  journal =      j-ANN-HIST-COMPUT,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "157--181",
  year =         "1982",
  CODEN =        "AHCOE5",
  ISSN =         "0164-1239",
  ISSN-L =       "0164-1239",
  MRclass =      "01A70",
  MRnumber =     "MR667544 (83i:01079)",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Reprint",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Annals of the History of Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Speculations about the mechanism of recognition and
  type =         "Technical Report",
  number =       "LAUR 82-62",
  institution =  inst-LANL,
  address =      inst-LANL:adr,
  year =         "1982",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:23:42 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Transformations, iterations and mixing flows",
  crossref =     "Bednarek:1982:DSI",
  pages =        "419--426",
  year =         "1982",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:24:32 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{Kazimierz Kuratowski}, Wspomnienia. ({Polish})
                 [{Kazimierz Kuratowski}: {A} reminiscence]",
  journal =      "Wiadomosci Matematyczne",
  volume =       "??",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1983",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:25:29 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Translated into Polish by R. Engelking. Also in
                 Kazimierz Kuratowski, Selected Papers, Polish Academy
                 of Sciences, K. Borsuk, editor, PWN, Warsaw, 1988.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "Polish",

  author =       "Arthur W. Burks and Alston S. Householder and N.
                 Metropolis and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Comments on Early {Monte Carlo} Computations and
                 Scientific Meetings",
  journal =      j-ANN-HIST-COMPUT,
  volume =       "7",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "147--148",
  month =        apr # "\slash " # jun,
  year =         "1985",
  CODEN =        "AHCOE5",
  ISSN =         "0164-1239",
  ISSN-L =       "0164-1239",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 1 15:29:22 MST 2002",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Annals of the History of Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "S. Ulam",
  title =        "Speculations on some possible mathematical frameworks
                 for the foundations of certain physical theories",
  journal =      j-LET-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "2--3",
  pages =        "101--106",
  year =         "1985",
  CODEN =        "LMPDHQ",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0377-9017 (print), 1573-0530 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0377-9017",
  MRclass =      "00A25",
  MRnumber =     "MR815231",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Letters in Mathematical Physics. A Journal for the
                 Rapid Dissemination of Short Contributions in the Field
                 of Mathematical Physics",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and Mark C. Reynolds and
                 Gian-Carlo Rota",
  title =        "{Gamow} and Mathematics: Personal Reminiscences",
  crossref =     "Ulam:1986:SCP",
  pages =        "231--240",
  year =         "1986",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 30 06:18:44 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and Mark C. Reynolds and
                 Gian-Carlo Rota",
  title =        "{John von Neumann}, 1903--1957",
  crossref =     "Ulam:1986:SCP",
  chapter =      "16",
  pages =        "169--214",
  year =         "1986",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 30 06:09:44 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and Mark C. Reynolds and
                 Gian-Carlo Rota",
  title =        "{John von Neumann} on Computers and the Brain",
  crossref =     "Ulam:1986:SCP",
  chapter =      "18",
  pages =        "223--230",
  year =         "1986",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 30 06:09:44 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "On the notion of analogy and complexity in some
                 constructive mathematical schemata",
  crossref =     "Rota:1986:PSM",
  pages =        "35--45",
  year =         "1986",
  MRclass =      "00A25 (00A69)",
  MRnumber =     "MR875444 (88f:00022)",
  MRreviewer =   "F. J. Murray",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Adv. Math. Suppl. Stud.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and Mark C. Reynolds and
                 Gian-Carlo Rota",
  title =        "{Von Neumann}: The Interaction of Mathematics and
  crossref =     "Ulam:1986:SCP",
  chapter =      "17",
  pages =        "215--222",
  year =         "1986",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 30 06:09:44 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and Mark C. Reynolds and
                 Gian-Carlo Rota",
  booktitle =    "Science, computers, and people: from the tree of
  title =        "Science, computers, and people: from the tree of
  publisher =    pub-BIRKHAUSER-BOSTON,
  address =      pub-BIRKHAUSER-BOSTON:adr,
  pages =        "xxii + 264",
  year =         "1986",
  ISBN =         "0-8176-3276-X",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-8176-3276-2",
  LCCN =         "QA7 .U431 1986; QA7 .U43 1986",
  MRclass =      "01A70 (00A05 01A75)",
  MRnumber =     "MR874755 (88d:01038)",
  MRreviewer =   "A. D. Booth",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 09:45:10 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "From the tree of mathematics, With a preface by Martin
                 Gardner, With an introduction by Fran{\c{c}}oise Ulam",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "Mathematics; Science; Computers",
  tableofcontents = "Preface / vii \\
                 At the Memorial Service for S. M. Ulam / xi \\
                 Introduction / xv \\
                 Acknowledgments / xix \\
                 1: The Applicability of Mathematics / 1 \\
                 2: Physics for Mathematicians / 9 \\
                 3: Ideas of Space and Space-Time / 21 \\
                 4: Philosophical Implications of Some Recent Scientific
                 Discoveries / 31 \\
                 5: A First Look at Computing: A Personal Retrospective
                 / 37 \\
                 6: Computers in Mathematics / 43 \\
                 7: Experiments in Chess on Electronic Computing
                 Machines: Some Early Efforts / 61 \\
                 8: Computations in Parallel / 71 \\
                 9: Patterns of Growth of Figures / 77 \\
                 10: More on Patterns of Growth / 91 \\
                 11: How to Formulate Mathematically the Problems of the
                 Rate of Evolution / 105 \\
                 12: Some Further Ideas and Prospects in Biomathematics
                 / 115 \\
                 13: Further Applications of Mathematics in the Natural
                 Sciences / 137 \\
                 14: Thermonuclear Devices / 155 \\
                 15: The Orion Project / 165 \\
                 16: John von Neumann, 1903--1957 / 169 \\
                 17: Von Neumann: The Interaction of Mathematics and
                 Computing / 215 \\
                 18: John von Neumann on Computers and the Brain / 223
                 19: Gamow and Mathematics: Personal Reminiscences / 231
                 20: Marian Smoluchowski and the Theory of Probabilities
                 in Physics / 241 \\
                 21: Kazimierz Kuratowski / 253 \\
                 22: Stefan Banach / 259 \\
                 23: A Concluding Paean / 263",
  xxpages =      "xxi + 264",

  author =       "S. Ulam and R. Schrandt",
  title =        "Some elementary attempts at numerical modeling of
                 problems concerning rates of evolutionary processes",
  journal =      j-PHYSICA-D,
  volume =       "22",
  number =       "1--3",
  pages =        "4--12",
  year =         "1986",
  CODEN =        "PDNPDT",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-2789 (print), 1872-8022 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-2789",
  MRclass =      "92A12",
  MRnumber =     "MR878149",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Evolution, games and learning (Los Alamos, NM,
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Physica D. Nonlinear Phenomena",
  journal-URL =  "",
  xxvolume =     "2",

  author =       "J. Carson Mark and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "A Memorable Memo",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "294--294",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  MRclass =      "01A70",
  MRnumber =     "MR935780",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "R. Daniel Mauldin and S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Mathematical problems and games",
  journal =      j-ADV-APPL-MATH,
  volume =       "8",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "281--344",
  year =         "1987",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0196-8858 (print), 1090-2074 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0196-8858",
  MRclass =      "04A20 (00A07 05A17 28A10 28C15 90D42 92A05)",
  MRnumber =     "MR898709 (89g:04005)",
  MRreviewer =   "James Baumgartner",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Advances in Applied Mathematics",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Fran{\c{c}}oise Ulam",
  title =        "Conversations with {Rota}",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "300--312",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Reflections on the Brain's Attempts To Understand
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "283--287",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  MRclass =      "92A09",
  MRnumber =     "MR935778",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "A Gamow Memorial Lecture delivered at the University
                 of Colorado. Boulder, on October 5, 1982. With a
                 contribution by William A. Beyer: ``An Ulam
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "Sub Rosa --- {A} Trialogue",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "295--299",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  MRclass =      "01A70",
  MRnumber =     "MR935781",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Fran{\c{c}}oise Ulam",
  title =        "{Stan Ulam}: Esquisse",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "4--7",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "S. M. Ulam",
  title =        "{Stan Ulam}: Vita --- Excerpts from Adventures of a
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "8--22",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  MRclass =      "01A70",
  MRnumber =     "MR935763",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Adventures of a mathematician",
  publisher =    pub-U-CAL,
  address =      pub-U-CAL:adr,
  pages =        "xxxiv + 329 + 22",
  year =         "1991",
  ISBN =         "0-520-07154-9",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-520-07154-4",
  LCCN =         "QA29.U4 A33 1991eb; QA29.U4; Internet",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 09:45:10 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "Preface to the 1991 edition by William G. Mathews and
                 Daniel O. Hirsch. Note on S. M. Ulam's mathematics by
                 Jan Mycielski. Postcript by Fran{\c{c}}oise Ulam.",
  subject =      "Ulam, Stanis{\l}aw M",
  tableofcontents = "Prologue / 3 \\
                 Becoming a Mathematician in Poland / 7 \\
                 Childhood / 9 \\
                 Student Years / 25 \\
                 Travels Abroad / 52 \\
                 A Working Mathematician in America / 63 \\
                 Princeton Days / 65 \\
                 Harvard Years / 84 \\
                 Transition and Crisis / 106 \\
                 The University of Wisconsin / 123 \\
                 Life among the Physicists / 140 \\
                 Los Alamos / 141 \\
                 Southern California 1945--1946 / 172 \\
                 Back at Los Alamos / 188 \\
                 The Super / 209 \\
                 The Death of Two Pioneers / 225 \\
                 The Past Fifteen Years / 247 \\
                 Government Science / 249 \\
                 Professor / 266 \\
                 Random Reflections / 273 \\
                 Postscript to Adventures / 305 \\
                 Bibliography / 319 \\
                 Index / 321",

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{Los Alamos}",
  crossref =     "Ferris:1991:WTP",
  pages =        "706--729",
  year =         "1991",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 29 12:33:53 2014",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Mark Kac and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  title =        "Mathematics and logic",
  publisher =    pub-DOVER,
  address =      pub-DOVER:adr,
  pages =        "x + 170",
  year =         "1992",
  ISBN =         "0-486-67085-6",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-486-67085-0",
  MRclass =      "00A05 (03A05)",
  MRnumber =     "MR1217082 (94b:00003)",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Reprint of the 1968 original",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Stanis{\l}aw Ulam",
  title =        "On measure theory in general set theory (doctoral
  journal =      "Wiadom. Mat.",
  volume =       "33",
  pages =        "155--168",
  year =         "1997",
  ISSN =         "0373-8302",
  MRclass =      "01A75 (03-03 28A05)",
  MRnumber =     "MR1615835 (2000c:01044)",
  MRreviewer =   "Marek Balcerzak",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 07:49:19 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Reprint of the 1933 original",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Roczniki Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego. Seria
                 II. Wiadomo{\'s}ci Matematyczne",

  author =       "N. Metropolis and S. Ulam",
  title =        "A property of randomness of an arithmetical function",
  type =         "Report",
  number =       "AECU-2038; LADC-1177",
  institution =  inst-LASL,
  address =      inst-LASL:adr,
  pages =        "3",
  year =         "19xx",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 20 11:15:32 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "Probably 1952 or 1953: see \cite{Metropolis:1953:PRA}.
                 OSTI ID: 4404316",

  author =       "Stanislaw M. Ulam",
  title =        "{Monte Carlo} calculations in problems of mathematical
  crossref =     "Beckenbach:2013:MMEb",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "2013",
  bibdate =      "Fri Oct 27 08:46:35 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

%%% ====================================================================
%%%   Part 2 (of 2) --- Publications about Stan Ulam and/or his works
%%% Entries are sorted by year, and then by citation label:
  author =       "H. L. Gelernter and Beno{\^\i}t Mandelbrot",
  title =        "Book Review: {S. M. Ulam, \booktitle{A Collection of
                 Mathematical Problems}, (Tracts in Pure and Applied
                 Mathematics, Number 8) \$5.00, 1960 Interscience, New
                 York 150}",
  journal =      j-INF-CONTROL,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "81--82",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1961",
  CODEN =        "IFCNA4",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0019-9958 (print), 1878-2981 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0019-9958",
  bibdate =      "Sat Sep 8 16:48:41 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Information and Control",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "John H. Holland",
  title =        "Outline for a Logical Theory of Adaptive Systems",
  journal =      j-J-ACM,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "297--314",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1962",
  CODEN =        "JACOAH",
  ISSN =         "0004-5411 (print), 1557-735X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0004-5411",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 05 20:09:23 1994",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Early work on genetic algorithms. Reprinted in
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of the ACM",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Rose Kraft and Carl J. Wensrich",
  title =        "{Monte Carlo} methods: a bibliography covering the
                 period 1949 to 1963",
  type =         "Report",
  number =       "UCRL-7823 and UC-32 and TID-4500 (32nd edition)",
  institution =  "University of California Radiation Laboratory",
  address =      "Berkeley, CA, USA",
  pages =        "iii + 110",
  day =          "1",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1964",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 07 09:13:06 2016",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Supersedes report UCRL-658.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "As noted by \cite[page 75]{Benov:2016:MPF}, this
                 extensive bibliography did not record entry
                 \cite{Ulam:1947:SMN}, which was not declassified until

  author =       "Kenneth O. May",
  title =        "Book Review: {{\booktitle{Mathematics and Logic.
                 Retrospect and Prospect}} by Mark Kac; Stanislaw
  journal =      j-ISIS,
  volume =       "60",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "112--113",
  month =        "Spring",
  year =         "1969",
  CODEN =        "ISISA4",
  ISSN =         "0021-1753 (print), 1545-6994 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0021-1753",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 30 21:28:31 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Isis",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Arthur W. Burks",
  title =        "Essays on Cellular Automata",
  publisher =    pub-U-ILLINOIS-PRESS,
  address =      pub-U-ILLINOIS-PRESS:adr,
  pages =        "xxvi + 375",
  year =         "1970",
  LCCN =         "QA267.5.S4 B87",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 10 19:23:20 2001",
  bibsource =    "/u/ma/mlewis/references/heap.bib;
  note =         "A classic collection of papers on cellular automata
                 intended as a companion to von Neumann's {\em Theory of
                 Self Reproducing Automata\/}
                 \cite{vonNeumann:1966:TSR}. Includes papers by Burks,
                 Thatcher, Moore, Myhill, Ulam, and Holland. See
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "G. Gamow",
  booktitle =    "My World Line: An Informal Autobiography",
  title =        "My World Line: An Informal Autobiography",
  publisher =    "Viking Press",
  address =      "New York, NY, USA",
  year =         "1970",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:38:32 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Foreword by Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "J. G. Kemeny",
  title =        "Reviews: {{\em Mathematics and Logic, Retrospect and
                 Prospects}}, by {Mark Kac and Stanislaw M. Ulam}",
  journal =      j-AMER-MATH-MONTHLY,
  volume =       "77",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "316--316",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1970",
  CODEN =        "AMMYAE",
  ISSN =         "0002-9890 (print), 1930-0972 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9890",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 28 12:35:53 MDT 1999",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "American Mathematical Monthly",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "W. A. Beyer and J. Mycielski and Gian-Carlo Rota",
  title =        "{Stanis{\l}aw Ulam}: sets, numbers, and universes:
                 selected works",
  volume =       "9",
  publisher =    pub-MIT,
  address =      pub-MIT:adr,
  pages =        "xxiii + 709",
  year =         "1974",
  ISBN =         "0-262-02108-0",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-262-02108-1",
  LCCN =         "QA3 .U4; QA3 .U41; QA36 .U36s",
  MRclass =      "01A75",
  MRnumber =     "MR0441664 (56 \#67)",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 09:45:10 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Mathematicians of our time",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "Ulam, Stanis{\l}aw M; Bibliography; Mathematics",

  author =       "A. J. Dubovickii",
  title =        "Solution of a Problem of {S. Ulam} on Optimal Matching
                 of Segments",
  journal =      j-MATH-USSR-IZV,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "639",
  year =         "1976",
  CODEN =        "MUSIAE",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0025-5726 (print), 2169-5075 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0025-5726",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 7 10:36:00 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  abstract =     "Using a maximum principle a solution is found of
                 Ulam's problem of determining a continuous motion of a
                 unit segment from the position AB to A'B' under which
                 the total path traversed by the ends of this segment is
                 as small as possible.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Mathematics of the {USSR} --- Izvestiya",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "N. Metropolis",
  title =        "Book Review: {{\em Adventures of a Mathematician}, by
                 S. M. Ulam}",
  journal =      j-SCIENCE-NEW-SERIES,
  volume =       "193",
  number =       "4254",
  pages =        "568--569",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1976",
  ISSN =         "0036-8075 (print), 1095-9203 (electronic)",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 20 12:42:10 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jane Wilson",
  title =        "Books: Math beneath the ivory tower:
                 {{\booktitle{Adventures of a Mathematician}}, by S. M.
  journal =      j-BULL-AT-SCI,
  volume =       "32",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "45--46",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1976",
  CODEN =        "BASIAP",
  ISSN =         "0096-3402 (print), 1938-3282 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0096-3402",
  bibdate =      "Wed Oct 09 06:28:43 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Stan M. Ulam",

  author =       "Garrett Birkhoff",
  title =        "Book Review: {{\booktitle{Adventures of a
                 mathematician}}: By S. M. Ulam. New York (Scribners).
                 1976. 317 pp. \$17.50}",
  journal =      j-HIST-MATH,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "233--236",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1977",
  CODEN =        "HIMADS",
  ISSN =         "0315-0860 (print), 1090-249X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0315-0860",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jun 26 06:16:45 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Historia Mathematica",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jan Mycielski",
  title =        "A conjecture of {Ulam} on the invariance of measure in
                 {Hilbert}'s cube",
  journal =      j-STUDIA-MATH,
  volume =       "60",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1--10",
  year =         "1977",
  CODEN =        "SMATAZ",
  ISSN =         "0039-3223 (print), 1730-6337 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0039-3223",
  MRclass =      "28A75",
  MRnumber =     "0430215 (55 \#3222)",
  MRreviewer =   "J. C. Oxtoby",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 9 06:52:20 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Matematyczny. Studia

  author =       "Ed Zielinski",
  title =        "Letter: {Polish} and Proud",
  journal =      j-BULL-AT-SCI,
  volume =       "33",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "7--7",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1977",
  CODEN =        "BASIAP",
  ISSN =         "0096-3402 (print), 1938-3282 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0096-3402",
  bibdate =      "Thu Oct 10 07:24:24 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Emil J. Konopinski; Stanis{\l}aw Ulam",

  author =       "Anthony Barcellos",
  title =        "An Interview with {Stan Ulam}",
  journal =      j-TWO-YEAR-COLL-MATH-J,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "182--189",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1981",
  CODEN =        "????",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0049-4925 (print), 2325-9116 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0049-4925",
  bibdate =      "Thu Feb 14 09:49:22 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Two-Year College Mathematics Journal",
  journal-URL =  ";
  onlinedate =   "30 Jan 2018",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Reflections of the {Polish} masters: An interview with
                 {Stan Ulam} and {Mark Kac}",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "3",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "54--65",
  year =         "1982",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:22:41 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Gregory H. Moore",
  title =        "Book Review: {{\booktitle{A half century of Polish
                 mathematics: Remembrances and reflections}}: By
                 Kazimierz Kuratowski. Preface by Stanislaw Ulam. Oxford
                 (Pergamon) and Warsaw (PWN, Polish Scientific
                 Publishers). 1980. viii + 200 pp. 72 photographs}",
  journal =      j-HIST-MATH,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "489--495",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1982",
  CODEN =        "HIMADS",
  ISSN =         "0315-0860 (print), 1090-249X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0315-0860",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jun 26 06:17:36 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Historia Mathematica",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mosh{\'e} Flato",
  title =        "{Stanis{\l}aw Marcin Ulam (April 13, 1909--May 13,
  journal =      j-LET-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "8",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "257--257",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1984",
  CODEN =        "LMPHDY",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0377-9017 (print), 1573-0530 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0377-9017",
  MRclass =      "01A70",
  MRnumber =     "0759622",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 09 06:29:19 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Letters in Mathematical Physics",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gian-Carlo Rota",
  title =        "Words spoken at the memorial service for {S. M.
  journal =      j-MATH-INTEL,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "40--42",
  year =         "1984",
  CODEN =        "MAINDC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0343-6993 (print), 1866-7414 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0343-6993",
  MRclass =      "01A70",
  MRnumber =     "762058 (86b:01036)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 9 06:50:49 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "The Mathematical Intelligencer",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Walter Sullivan",
  title =        "{Stanis{\l}aw Ulam}, Theorist on Hydrogen Bomb",
  journal =      j-NY-TIMES,
  volume =       "??",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  day =          "15",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1984",
  CODEN =        "NYTIAO",
  ISSN =         "0362-4331 (print), 1542-667X, 1553-8095",
  ISSN-L =       "0362-4331",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 26 11:02:58 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "New York Times",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anthony Barcellos",
  title =        "{Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam}",
  crossref =     "Albers:1985:MPP",
  pages =        "367--374",
  year =         "1985",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 30 05:54:32 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "W. A. Beyer and P. H. Sellers and M. S. Waterman",
  title =        "{Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam} Contributions to Theoretical
  journal =      j-LET-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "2--3",
  pages =        "231--242",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1985",
  CODEN =        "LMPHDY",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0377-9017 (print), 1573-0530 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0377-9017",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jun 5 09:06:00 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Letters in Mathematical Physics",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mitchell Feigenbaum",
  title =        "An interview with {Stan Ulam} and {Mark Kac}",
  journal =      j-J-STAT-PHYS,
  volume =       "39",
  number =       "5--6",
  pages =        "455--476",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1985",
  CODEN =        "JSTPSB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0022-4715 (print), 1572-9613 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0022-4715",
  MRnumber =     "01A70 01A65 00A30",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 9 06:24:56 2015",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Reprinted from \booktitle{Los Alamos Science}, Fall,
  URL =          "",
  ZMnumber =     "0628.01041",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "J. Stat. Phys.",
  fjournal =     "Journal of Statistical Physics",
  journal-URL =  "",
  remark =       "Transport and propagation in nonlinear systems (Los
                 Alamos, NM, USA, 1984).",

  author =       "L. H. Finkel and G. M. Edelman",
  title =        "{Stanis{\l}aw Ulam} --- the Warmth and Brilliance of
                 an Eclectic Mind",
  journal =      j-LET-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "2--3",
  pages =        "243--245",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1985",
  CODEN =        "LMPHDY",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0377-9017 (print), 1573-0530 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0377-9017",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jun 5 09:06:00 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Letters in Mathematical Physics",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mosh{\'e} Flato",
  title =        "In Memory of {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam}",
  journal =      j-LET-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "2--3",
  pages =        "95--95",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1985",
  CODEN =        "LMPHDY",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0377-9017 (print), 1573-0530 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0377-9017",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jun 5 09:06:00 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Letters in Mathematical Physics",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gian-Carlo Rota",
  title =        "The barrier of meaning",
  journal =      j-LET-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "2-3",
  pages =        "97--99",
  year =         "1985",
  CODEN =        "LMPDHQ",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0377-9017 (print), 1573-0530 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0377-9017",
  MRclass =      "00A25",
  MRnumber =     "815230",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 9 06:49:00 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Letters in Mathematical Physics. A Journal for the
                 Rapid Dissemination of Short Contributions in the Field
                 of Mathematical Physics",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",

  author =       "A. D. Barbour",
  title =        "Pointwise convergence of densities under iteration of
                 {Ulam} and {von Neumann}'s map",
  journal =      j-J-PHYS-A,
  volume =       "19",
  number =       "18",
  pages =        "3921",
  year =         "1986",
  CODEN =        "JPHAC5",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0305-4470 (print), 1361-6447 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0305-4470",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 7 10:36:00 2012",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Physics A (Mathematical and General)",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "G. C. Rota",
  title =        "In Memoriam of {Stan Ulam} --- the Barrier of
  journal =      j-PHYSICA-D,
  volume =       "22",
  number =       "1--3",
  pages =        "1--3",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1986",
  CODEN =        "PDNPDT",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0167-2789 (print), 1872-8022 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0167-2789",
  MRclass =      "01A70",
  MRnumber =     "878148",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jun 5 09:06:00 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Physica. D, Nonlinear phenomena",
  journal-URL =  "",
  remark =       "Evolution, games and learning (Los Alamos, NM, 1985)",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Publications of {Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam}",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "313--318",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Stanis{\l}aw Ulam, 1909--1984",
  volume =       "15",
  publisher =    "Los Alamos National Laboratory",
  address =      "Los Alamos, NM, USA",
  pages =        "318",
  year =         "1987",
  LCCN =         "Q1 .L67; Q11 .L5",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 09:45:10 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Los Alamos science",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "Cover title. Also published as: From cardinals to
                 chaos. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press,
  subject =      "Ulam, Stanis{\l}aw M; Mathematicians; United States;
                 Biography; Probabilities; Nonlinear theories",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Stanis{\l}aw Ulam}: Cover and contents",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "c1, c2, 1--3",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "The {Ulam} Legacy: Biology",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "280--282",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "The {Ulam} Legacy: Mathematics",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "34--38",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "The {Ulam} Legacy: Physics",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "122--124",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "The {Ulam} Touch",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "292--293",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Didier Besnard and Francis H. Harlow and Norman L.
                 Johnson and Rick Rauenzahn and Jonathan Wolfe",
  title =        "Instabilities and Turbulence",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "145--174",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "David K. Campbell",
  title =        "Nonlinear Science --- From Paradigms to
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "218--262",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Roger Eckhardt",
  title =        "{Stan Ulam}, {John von Neumann}, and the {Monte Carlo}
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "131--137",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  MRclass =      "01A60 (65-03)",
  MRnumber =     "935772",
  bibdate =      "Tue Mar 20 08:35:47 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "With contributions by Tony Warnock, Gary D. Doolen and
                 John Hendricks, Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984",
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Walter B. Goad",
  title =        "Sequence Analysis --- Contributions by {Ulam} to
                 Molecular Genetics",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "288--291",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Ronald L. Graham",
  title =        "A Similarity Measure for Graphs --- Reflections on a
                 Theme of {Ulam}",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "114--121",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Francis H. Harlow",
  title =        "Early Work in Numerical Hydrodynamics",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "144--144",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Brosl Hasslacher",
  title =        "Discrete Fluids",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "175--217",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "David Hawkins",
  title =        "The Spirit of Play --- {A} Memoir for {Stan Ulam}",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "39--51",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Carson Mark",
  title =        "{Stan Ulam}: From Above the Fray",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "33--33",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "R. Daniel Mauldin",
  title =        "Probability and Nonlinear Systems",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "52--90",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "N. Metropolis",
  title =        "The Beginning of the {Monte Carlo} Method",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "125--130",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Jan Mycielski",
  title =        "Learning from {Ulam}: Measurable Cardinals,
                 Ergodicity, and Biomathematics",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "107--113",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  MRclass =      "92A07 (28D05)",
  MRnumber =     "935769",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Adrian Patrascioiu",
  title =        "The Ergodic Hypothesis: {A} Complicated Problem of
                 Mathematics and Physics",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "263--279",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Gian-Carlo Rota",
  title =        "{Stan Ulam}: The Lost Cafe",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "23--32",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Paul R. Stein",
  title =        "Iteration of Maps, Strange Attractors, and Number
                 Theory --- An {Ulamian} Potpourri",
  journal =      j-LOS-ALAMOS-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "15 (Special Issue, {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam 1909--1984})",
  pages =        "91--106",
  year =         "1987",
  CODEN =        "LASCDI",
  ISSN =         "0273-7116",
  bibdate =      "Mon Apr 11 08:15:55 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Los Alamos Science",

  author =       "Herbert F. (Herbert Frank) York",
  title =        "Making weapons, talking peace: a physicist's odyssey
                 from {Hiroshima} to {Geneva}",
  publisher =    pub-BASIC-BOOKS,
  address =      pub-BASIC-BOOKS:adr,
  pages =        "xiv + 359 + 8",
  year =         "1987",
  ISBN =         "0-465-04338-0",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-465-04338-5",
  LCCN =         "JX1974.7 .Y575 1987",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 8 16:43:44 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    ";
  price =        "US\$22.95",
  series =       "Alfred P. Sloan Foundation series",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "24 November 1921--19 May 2009",
  remark-1 =     "According to page 54, the book's author was present at
                 the lunch at the Los Alamos Lodge with Enrico Fermi,
                 Emil Konopinski, and Edward Teller, where Fermi raised
                 the question about extraterrestrials: ``where are
  remark-2 =     "Chapter 3, and much of the rest of the book, contains
                 substantial information about Edward Teller and Stan
                 Ulam, and their joint work on the design of the
                 hydrogen bomb.",
  remark-3 =     "Pages 150--152 discuss Project Orion, a
                 nuclear-propulsion system for spacecraft, due to Stan
                 Ulam, Theodore Taylor, and Freeman Dyson.",
  subject =      "Nuclear arms control; History; Nuclear weapons; Arms
                 race; 20th century; United States; Defenses",
  tableofcontents = "Preface to the Series / ix \\
                 Author's Preface / xi \\
                 Abbreviations / xiii \\
                 1: The Manhattan Project / 3 \\
                 2: Interlude / 30 \\
                 3: ``But Now We Don't Know It on Much Better Grounds''
                 / 42 \\
                 4: ``Do We Need a Second Laboratory?'' / 62 \\
                 5: John von Neumann and Other Martians / 85 \\
                 6: Eisenhower and His ``Wizards'' / 100 \\
                 7: ``Space Is a Place, Not a Program'' / 128 \\
                 8: Eighty Thousand Projects / 166 \\
                 9: Reflection and Transition / 193 \\
                 10: At the University of California, San Diego / 206
                 11: Advising Washington / 218 \\
                 12: On the Outside Looking In / 237 \\
                 13: Washington Once More / 261 \\
                 14: The Comprehensive Test Ban Negotiations: 282 \\
                 15: The Pope and the Archbishop / 324 \\
                 Notes / 341 \\
                 Index / 349",

  author =       "William Aspray",
  title =        "Book Review: {{\booktitle{Science, Computers, and
                 People: From the Tree of Mathematics}} by Stanislaw
                 Ulam; Mark C. Reynolds; Gian-Carlo Rota}",
  journal =      j-ISIS,
  volume =       "79",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "702--703",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1988",
  CODEN =        "ISISA4",
  ISSN =         "0021-1753 (print), 1545-6994 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0021-1753",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jul 30 21:23:44 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Isis",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "D. K. Arrowsmith",
  title =        "From Cardinals to Chaos --- Reflections on the Life
                 and Legacy of {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam}",
  journal =      j-NATURE,
  volume =       "342",
  number =       "6246",
  pages =        "137--137",
  day =          "9",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1989",
  CODEN =        "NATUAS",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0028-0836 (print), 1476-4687 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0028-0836",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jun 5 09:06:00 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Nature",
  journal-URL =  "",

  editor =       "Necia Grant Cooper and Roger Eckhardt and Nancy
  title =        "From cardinals to chaos: reflections on the life and
                 legacy of {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam}",
  publisher =    pub-CAMBRIDGE,
  address =      pub-CAMBRIDGE:adr,
  pages =        "318 + 2",
  year =         "1989",
  ISBN =         "0-521-36494-9, 0-521-36734-4 (paperback)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-521-36494-2, 978-0-521-36734-9 (paperback)",
  LCCN =         "QA29.U4 F76 1989",
  bibdate =      "Tue Apr 12 08:15:56 MDT 2011",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "First published 1987 as Los Alamos science, special
  subject =      "Ulam, Stanis{\l}aw M; Mathematicians; United States;
                 Biography; Probabilities; Nonlinear theories",

  author =       "R. E. Rider",
  title =        "From Cardinals to Chaos --- Reflections on the Life
                 and Legacy of {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam}",
  journal =      j-SCIENCE,
  volume =       "246",
  number =       "4926",
  pages =        "134--134",
  day =          "6",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1989",
  CODEN =        "SCIEAS",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0036-8075 (print), 1095-9203 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0036-8075",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jun 5 09:06:00 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Science",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gian-Carlo Rota",
  title =        "The barrier of meaning. {In} memorium: {Stanis{\l}aw
  journal =      j-NAMS,
  volume =       "36",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "141--143",
  year =         "1989",
  CODEN =        "AMNOAN",
  ISSN =         "0002-9920 (print), 1088-9477 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9920",
  MRclass =      "01A70",
  MRnumber =     "976745 (90b:01088)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 9 06:46:14 2015",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Notices Amer. Math. Soc.",
  fjournal =     "Notices of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Daniel Hirsch and William G. Mathews",
  title =        "The {H}-Bomb: Who Really Gave Away the Secret?",
  journal =      j-BULL-AT-SCI,
  volume =       "46",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "22--30",
  month =        jan # "\slash " # feb,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "BASIAP",
  ISSN =         "0096-3402 (print), 1938-3282 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0096-3402",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jun 5 17:28:28 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See comments
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Edward Teller; Harry S. Truman; Klaus Fuchs;
                 Stanis{\l}aw Ulam",
  remark =       "According to Hirsch: ``In many ways, Stan Ulam was the
                 true father of the H-bomb.''",

  author =       "Erwin Knoll",
  title =        "Letter: {H}-bomb secret never was",
  journal =      j-BULL-AT-SCI,
  volume =       "46",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "53--54",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "BASIAP",
  ISSN =         "0096-3402 (print), 1938-3282 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0096-3402",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 07 13:59:01 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See \cite{Hirsch:1990:HBW}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists",
  remark =       "The author is the editor of {{\booktitle{The

  author =       "Norman Moss and Daniel Hirsch and William G. Mathews",
  title =        "Letters: What {Fuchs} didn't know, and when he didn't
                 know it",
  journal =      j-BULL-AT-SCI,
  volume =       "46",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "51--52",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "BASIAP",
  ISSN =         "0096-3402 (print), 1938-3282 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0096-3402",
  bibdate =      "Thu Nov 07 14:36:02 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See \cite{Hirsch:1990:HBW}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists",
  remark =       "The author published a biography of Fuchs.",

  author =       "Jan Mycielski",
  title =        "{Stanis{\l}aw Marcin Ulam} (1909--1984)",
  journal =      "Wiadom. Mat.",
  volume =       "29",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "21--37",
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "RPTWAD",
  ISSN =         "0373-8302",
  ISSN-L =       "0373-8302",
  MRclass =      "01A70",
  MRnumber =     "1111893 (92m:01071)",
  MRreviewer =   "P. Szeptycki",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 9 06:40:18 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Roczniki Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego. Seria
                 II. Wiadomo{\'s}ci Matematyczne",

  author =       "K. J. Mysels",
  title =        "Was {Stan Ulam} Lost in the {Lost Cafe}?",
  journal =      j-PHYS-TODAY,
  volume =       "43",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "13--13",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "PHTOAD",
  ISSN =         "0031-9228 (print), 1945-0699 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0031-9228",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jun 5 09:06:00 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Physics Today",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "G. C. Rota",
  title =        "Was {Stan Ulam} Lost in the {Lost Cafe}? --- Reply",
  journal =      j-PHYS-TODAY,
  volume =       "43",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "93--93",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "PHTOAD",
  ISSN =         "0031-9228 (print), 1945-0699 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0031-9228",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jun 5 09:06:00 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Physics Today",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Stanley A. Bowes and Daniel Hirsch and William G.
  title =        "Letters: More fallout from {H}-bomb controversy",
  journal =      j-BULL-AT-SCI,
  volume =       "47",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "45--46",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "BASIAP",
  ISSN =         "0096-3402 (print), 1938-3282 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0096-3402",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 08 08:40:50 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See \cite{Hirsch:1990:HBW} and comment
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists",

  author =       "Chuck Hansen",
  title =        "Letter: {Ulam}'s shock waves",
  journal =      j-BULL-AT-SCI,
  volume =       "48",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "45--45",
  month =        jan # "\slash " # feb,
  year =         "1992",
  CODEN =        "BASIAP",
  ISSN =         "0096-3402 (print), 1938-3282 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0096-3402",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 16 10:07:31 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See \cite{Bowes:1991:LMF}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Reflections of the {Polish} masters: An interview with
                 {Stan Ulam} and {Mark Kac} by {Mitchell Feigenbaum}",
  journal =      "{Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae. Seria II.
                 Wiadomo\'sci Matematyczne}",
  volume =       "30",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "93--114",
  year =         "1993",
  ISSN =         "0373-8302",
  ISSN-L =       "0373-8302",
  MRnumber =     "01A70 01A60",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 9 06:22:18 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  ZMnumber =     "0815.01026",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "{Ann. Soc. Math. Pol., Ser. II, Wiad. Mat.}",
  fjournal =     "{Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae. Seria II.
                 Wiadomo\'sci Matematyczne}",
  language =     "Polish",

  author =       "Fran{\c{c}}oise Ulam",
  editor =       "Themistocles M. Rassias and J{\'o}zef Tabor",
  booktitle =    "Stability of mappings of {Hyers--Ulam} type",
  title =        "Reminiscences about {S. M. Ulam}",
  publisher =    "Hadronic Press",
  address =      "Palm Harbor, FL, USA",
  pages =        "3--5",
  year =         "1994",
  ISBN =         "0-911767-82-7, 0-911767-64-9 (paperback)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-911767-82-7, 978-0-911767-64-3 (paperback)",
  LCCN =         "QH431 S73x, 1994",
  MRclass =      "01A70, 00B15, 39-06",
  MRnumber =     "1304262",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 9 06:54:03 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Hadronic Press Collect. Orig. Artic.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "German A. Goncharov",
  title =        "Thermonuclear Milestones: (1) The {American} Effort",
  journal =      j-PHYS-TODAY,
  volume =       "49",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "45--48",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1996",
  CODEN =        "PHTOAD",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0031-9228 (print), 1945-0699 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0031-9228",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 10:15:27 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Physics Today",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "German A. Goncharov",
  title =        "Thermonuclear Milestones: (3) The Race Accelerates",
  journal =      j-PHYS-TODAY,
  volume =       "49",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "56--61",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1996",
  CODEN =        "PHTOAD",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0031-9228 (print), 1945-0699 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0031-9228",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 2 10:15:27 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Physics Today",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Yuli Khariton and Viktor Adamskii and Yuri Smirnov",
  title =        "The way it was",
  journal =      j-BULL-AT-SCI,
  volume =       "52",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "54--59",
  month =        nov # "\slash " # dec,
  year =         "1996",
  CODEN =        "BASIAP",
  ISSN =         "0096-3402 (print), 1938-3282 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0096-3402",
  bibdate =      "Sat Oct 08 07:55:06 2011",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See comment \cite{Hirsch:1997:LHB}.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Edward Teller",
  remark =       "From the article: ``Khariton, Adamskii, and Smirnov
                 write with considerable authority. Khariton was the
                 scientific director of Arzamas-16, the first Soviet
                 nuclear weapons laboratory, from 1946 until 1992;
                 Adamskii joined the theoretical department at
                 Arzamas-16 in the late 1940s and worked closely with
                 Andrei Sakharov and Yakov Zeldovich on the development
                 of thermonuclear weapons. Smirnov was a member of
                 Sakharov's group in the early 1960s.''",

  author =       "Chuck Hansen",
  title =        "Letter: More fallout on fallout",
  journal =      j-BULL-AT-SCI,
  volume =       "53",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "3, 58",
  month =        sep # "\slash " # oct,
  year =         "1997",
  CODEN =        "BASIAP",
  ISSN =         "0096-3402 (print), 1938-3282 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0096-3402",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 12 07:10:39 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See \cite{Hirsch:1997:LHB}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Daniel Hirsch and William G. Mathews",
  title =        "Letter: {H}-bomb secrets",
  journal =      j-BULL-AT-SCI,
  volume =       "53",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "3, 58",
  month =        jul # "\slash " # aug,
  year =         "1997",
  CODEN =        "BASIAP",
  ISSN =         "0096-3402 (print), 1938-3282 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0096-3402",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 12 06:40:38 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See \cite{Hirsch:1990:HBW,Khariton:1996:WIW} and
                 comment \cite{Hansen:1997:LMF}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists",

  author =       "Thomas P. Weissert",
  title =        "The Genesis of Simulation in Dynamics: Pursuing the
                 {Fermi--Pasta--Ulam} Problem",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "xiii + 176",
  year =         "1997",
  ISBN =         "0-387-98236-1, 0-387-98237-X",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-387-98236-6, 978-0-387-98237-3",
  LCCN =         "QC133 .W45 1997",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 12 18:22:58 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  abstract =     "A treatment of modern dynamics. It discusses such
                 problems as the nonlinear oscillator simulation, the
                 seminal discoveries at MIT in the early 1950s, the
                 mathematical rediscovery of solitons later that decade
                 and general problems of computability.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "Simulering-edb",
  tableofcontents = "Preface \\
                 List of Figures \\
                 Introduction / 1 \\
                 Part 1 History / 7 \\
                 The FPU model and simulation: ``a little discovery'' /
                 9 \\
                 The FPU research programme: echoes on a string / 31 \\
                 The Kolmogorov--Arnold--Moser theorem: ``here comes the
                 surprise'' / 51 \\
                 Research threads come together: harmonic convergence /
                 83 \\
                 Part 2: Philosophy / 103 \\
                 Steps to an epistemology of simulation / 105 \\
                 Appendix: Hamiltonian dynamics: language of abstraction
                 / 139 \\
                 Glossary / 155 \\
                 References / 157 \\
                 Index / 167",

  author =       "Steven H. Strogatz",
  title =        "Book Review: {Thomas P. Weissert, \booktitle{The
                 genesis of simulation in dynamics: Pursuing the
                 Fermi--Pasta--Ulam problem}}",
  journal =      j-COMPUT-PHYS,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "574--??",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1998",
  CODEN =        "CPHYE2",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0894-1866 (print), 1558-4208 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0894-1866",
  bibdate =      "Wed Apr 10 08:46:17 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Comput. Phys",
  fjournal =     "Computers in Physics",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gary Froyland",
  title =        "{Ulam}'s method for random interval maps",
  journal =      j-NONLINEARITY,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "1029",
  year =         "1999",
  CODEN =        "NONLE5",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0951-7715 (print), 1361-6544 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0951-7715",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 7 10:33:51 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Nonlinearity (Bristol)",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gary Froyland",
  title =        "Using {Ulam}'s method to calculate entropy and other
                 dynamical invariants",
  journal =      j-NONLINEARITY,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "79",
  year =         "1999",
  CODEN =        "NONLE5",
  ISSN =         "0951-7715 (print), 1361-6544 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0951-7715",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 7 10:35:05 2012",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Nonlinearity (Bristol)",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Marvin L. Goldberger",
  title =        "In appreciation: {Enrico Fermi} (1901--1954): The
                 Complete Physicist",
  journal =      j-PHYS-PERSPECT,
  volume =       "1",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "328--336",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1999",
  CODEN =        "PHPEF2",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "1422-6944 (print), 1422-6960 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "1422-6944",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 27 20:49:46 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Physics in Perspective (PIP)",
  journal-URL =  "",
  remark-1 =     "From page 328: ``Fermi was a physicist, first and
                 foremost. In the words of his long-time colleague
                 Gilberto Bernardini, a colorful mangler of the English
                 language, `Fermi was a physicist with a capital
  remark-2 =     "From page 332: ``Fermi once told me what led him to
                 develop what are known as Fermi-Dirac statistics and
                 the Fermi theory of beta decay. As for the former, he
                 said that he had had an unbelievably hard time trying
                 to understand Wolfgang Pauli's fundamental paper on the
                 exclusion principle. (Anyone who has tried to read it
                 can appreciate the problem.) But, Fermi said, on the
                 very day that he had finally mastered it, he invented
                 the statistics.''",
  remark-3 =     "From pages 332--333: ``Pascual Jordan and Wigner had
                 developed the requisite machinery in a classic paper on
                 representations of field operators that satisfied
                 anti-commutation rather than commutation relations. The
                 paper was quite abstruse and emphasized mathematics
                 rather than physics. Fermi recognized, however, that he
                 needed something like this and finally mastered the
                 formalism. Again, he told me, on that very day he wrote
                 down and worked out the beta-decay theory. Any
                 physicist who has not read Fermi's 1934 paper on beta
                 decay should rush out and do so immediately. In my
                 opinion it is the very epitome of what a scientific
                 paper should be. The problem is stated clearly, a
                 solution is presented, and the results compared with
                 experiment. No smooth talk, no pretension, no promise
                 that this is the first of a long series, etc. Just the
                 facts! It should be required reading for every physics
  remark-4 =     "From page 333: ``The way he read theoretical papers
                 was to look at the abstract, close the journal, work it
                 out for himself and compare his result with the
                 author's. For an experimental paper he would try to
                 extract the raw data and reduce and interpret it for
                 himself. The pattern of understanding some idea and
                 applying it to a new situation was a characteristic
  remark-5 =     "From page 333: ``A weekly informal seminar, held at
                 the Institute for Nuclear Studies, was a superb
                 showcase for this talent. \ldots{} Fermi took enormous
                 pleasure in these events and taught the speakers a
                 great deal about their subject. Edward Teller
                 occasionally spoke on various topics, and a frequent
                 Fermi preamble to a remark was `What Edward is trying
                 to say is \ldots{}'. This would then be followed by an
                 extraordinarily lucid presentation of what Teller might
                 have said had he really understood the subject.''",
  remark-6 =     "From pages 334--335: ``It was in connection with both
                 experiment and theory that Fermi got interested in
                 computers. He had, of course, seen the need for
                 computation in bomb design during the war and had been
                 a close associate of John von Neumann and Stanis{\l}aw
                 Ulam during and after the war. In an effort to master
                 the computer, he, John Pasta and Stan Ulam studied a
                 `toy' problem of a set of equal-mass particles
                 connected by non-linear springs. They started the
                 system out in one of the normal modes of linearly
                 coupled masses and expected to find an equipartition of
                 energy among all the others. Indeed for short times
                 this happened, but then to their surprise nearly all
                 the energy came back into the original mode. It was not
                 until the pioneering work of Martin Kruskal and his
                 collaborators that this behavior could be understood in
                 terms of the initial normal-mode splitting into
                 solitons and the recurrence phenomenon analyzed
  remark-7 =     "From page 335: ``He did, however, accept membership on
                 the General Advisory Committee of the Atomic Energy
                 Commission chaired by Robert Oppenheimer. This was at a
                 time when the Committee wrestled with the profound
                 issue of whether the U.S. should embark on a crash
                 program to develop thermonuclear weapons, H-bombs. The
                 urgency of the issue was the result of the explosion of
                 a fission bomb by the Soviet Union in the spring of
                 1949, well in advance of the time General Groves and
                 various politicians had expected. The Committee
                 unanimously recommended against the development of
                 H-bombs on both technical and moral grounds, a
                 recommendation that later played an important role in
                 the crucifixion of Oppenheimer in 1954. \ldots{} `The
                 fact that no limit exists to the destructiveness of
                 this weapon makes its very existence and the knowledge
                 of its construction a danger to humanity as a
  remark-8 =     "From page 335: ``On his deathbed Fermi told Richard
                 Garwin that he felt in retrospect that he should have
                 tried to play a greater role in policy issues. \ldots{}
                 He willed himself to live through a meeting of the
                 Physical Society in Chicago where many of his friends
                 came to say goodbye. The evening the meeting ended [29
                 November 1954], he passed away. We shall not see the
                 likes of him soon, if ever.''",

  author =       "Barry A. Cipra",
  title =        "The Best of the {20th Century}: Editors Name Top 10
  journal =      j-SIAM-NEWS,
  volume =       "33",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "1--2",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2000",
  ISSN =         "0036-1437",
  ISSN-L =       "0036-1437",
  bibdate =      "Thu Sep 03 19:34:45 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "SIAM News",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "1946: Monte Carlo method (John von Neumann, Stan Ulam,
                 and Nick Metropolis); 1947: simplex method for linear
                 programming (George Dantzig); 1950: Krylov subspace
                 iteration methods and conjugate gradient (Magnus
                 Hestenes, Eduard Stiefel, and Cornelius Lanczos); 1951:
                 decompositional approach to matrix computations (Alston
                 Householder); 1957: Fortran optimizing compiler (John
                 Backus); 1959--1961: QR algorithm (J. G. F. Francis);
                 1962: Quicksort (Tony Hoare); 1965: Fast Fourier
                 Transform (James Cooley and John Tukey); 1977: integer
                 relation detection algorithm (Helaman Ferguson and
                 Rodney Forcade); 1987: fast multipole algorithm (Leslie
                 Greengard and Vladimir Rokhlin)",
  subject-dates = "Alston Scott Householder (5 May 1904--4 July 1993);
                 Cornelius Lanczos (2 February 1893--25 June 1974);
                 Eduard Stiefel (21 April 1909--25 November 1978);
                 George Bernard Dantzig (8 November 1914--13 May 2005);
                 James William Cooley (1926--June 29, 2016); John Warner
                 Backus (3 December 1924--17 March 2007); John Wilder
                 Tukey (16 June 1915--26 July 2000); Magnus Rudolph
                 Hestenes (13 February 1906--31 May 1991); Neumann
                 J{\'a}nos (28 December 1903--8 February 1957); Nicholas
                 Constantine Metropolis (11 June 1915--17 October 1999);
                 Stanis{\l}aw Marcin Ulam (13 April 1909--13 May 1984)",

  author =       "Martin Gardner",
  title =        "Packing spheres",
  crossref =     "Gardner:2001:CBM",
  chapter =      "10",
  pages =        "128--136",
  year =         "2001",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 09 17:54:03 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Page 135 mentions a conjecture by Stan Ulam in 1972
                 that ``the maximal density ($ \approx 0.74048$) for
                 packing congruent spheres is smaller than that for any
                 other convex body'' \cite[page
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Soon-Mo Jung",
  title =        "{Hyers--Ulam--Rassias} stability of functional
                 equations in mathematical analysis",
  publisher =    "Hadronic Press, Inc.",
  address =      "Palm Harbor, FL, USA",
  pages =        "ix + 256 + 2",
  year =         "2001",
  ISBN =         "1-57485-051-2",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-1-57485-051-2",
  MRclass =      "39B52 (39-01)",
  MRnumber =     "1841182 (2003b:39035)",
  MRreviewer =   "F. J. Papp",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 9 07:17:53 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "George Dyson",
  title =        "{Project Orion}: the true story of the atomic
  publisher =    pub-HENRY-HOLT,
  address =      pub-HENRY-HOLT:adr,
  pages =        "xv + 345",
  year =         "2002",
  ISBN =         "0-8050-5985-7",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-8050-5985-4",
  LCCN =         "TL783.5 .D95 2002",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 31 14:33:47 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "Nuclear rockets; Research; United States; History;
                 Freeman Dyson; Edward Teller; Ted Taylor; Stanis{\l}aw
                 Ulam; Nuclear explosions; Project Orion (United States
                 Air Force)",
  tableofcontents = "1: Sputnik / 1 \\
                 2: The World Set Free / 10 \\
                 3: Ulam's Demon / 20 \\
                 4: General Atomic / 29 \\
                 5: TRIGA / 39 \\
                 6: Critical Mass / 47 \\
                 7: QED / 58 \\
                 8: Lew Allen's Balls / 67 \\
                 9: ARPA / 74 \\
                 10: Columbus / 86 \\
                 11: Noah's Ark / 97 \\
                 12: Free Expansion of a Gas / 109 \\
                 13: Hotter Than the Sun, Cooler Than a Bomb / 120 \\
                 14: C-4 / 132 \\
                 15: Point Loma / 144 \\
                 16: Engineers' Dreams / 158 \\
                 17: Coca-Cola / 169 \\
                 18: Enceladus / 181 \\
                 19: Deep Space Force / 193 \\
                 20: Jackass Flats / 208 \\
                 21: Fallout / 223 \\
                 22: Huntsville / 238 \\
                 23: Death of a Project / 254 \\
                 24: 2001 / 270 \\
                 25: The Sun Snarers / 288 \\
                 Appendix: Project Orion Technical Reports, 1957--1965 /

  author =       "Abbott Gleason",
  title =        "{Adam Ulam: 8 April 1922--28 March 2000}",
  journal =      j-PROC-AMER-PHIL-SOC,
  volume =       "146",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "415--418",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2002",
  CODEN =        "PAPCAA",
  ISSN =         "0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0003-049X",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 24 19:38:17 MDT 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  remark =       "The prolific historian (author of 19 books), and
                 Harvard professor for 45 years, Adam Ulam, was
                 Stanis{\l}aw Ulam's younger brother.",

  author =       "G. T. Q. Hoare",
  title =        "{Stanis{\l}aw Ulam} 1909--1984",
  journal =      j-MATH-TODAY,
  volume =       "38",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "148--154",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "2002",
  ISSN =         "1361-2042",
  ISSN-L =       "1361-2042",
  MRclass =      "01A70",
  MRnumber =     "1945574",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 09 06:34:17 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Mathematics Today",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Bengt Carlson",
  title =        "How {Ulam} Set the Stage",
  journal =      j-BULL-AT-SCI,
  volume =       "59",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "46--51",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2003",
  CODEN =        "BASIAP",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0096-3402 (print), 1938-3282 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0096-3402",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 19 17:13:42 2011",
  bibsource =    "",
  abstract =     "History has not given enough credit to the main man
                 behind the H-bomb.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Imre B{\'a}r{\'a}ny",
  title =        "Book Review: {``Using the Borsuk--Ulam Theorem:
                 Lectures on Topological Methods in Combinatorics and
                 Geometry,'' by J Matou{\v{s}}ek, Springer, 2003, 196
                 pp., \pounds 30.50, \$49.95, \EURO 49.95}",
  journal =      j-COMBIN-PROBAB-COMPUT,
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "281--282",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2004",
  CODEN =        "CPCOFG",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0963-5483 (print), 1469-2163 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0963-5483",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jul 7 15:38:15 MDT 2008",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Combin. Probab. Comput.",
  fjournal =     "Combinatorics, Probability and Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "G. P. Berman and F. M. Izrailev",
  title =        "The {Fermi--Pasta--Ulam} problem: 50 years of
  journal =      "",
  volume =       "??",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--48",
  day =          "29",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "2004",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 18 17:15:57 2012",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  abstract =     "A brief review of the Fermi--Pasta--Ulam (FPU) paradox
                 is given, together with its suggested resolutions and
                 its relation to other physical problems. We focus on
                 the ideas and concepts that have become the core of
                 modern nonlinear mechanics, in their historical
                 perspective. Starting from the first numerical results
                 of FPU, both theoretical and numerical findings are
                 discussed in close connection with the problems of
                 ergodicity, integrability, chaos and stability of
                 motion. New directions related to the Bose--Einstein
                 condensation and quantum systems of interacting
                 Bose-particles are also considered.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "G. P. Berman and F. M. Izrailev",
  title =        "The {Fermi--Pasta--Ulam} problem: Fifty years of
  journal =      j-CHAOS,
  volume =       "15",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "015104",
  year =         "2005",
  CODEN =        "CHAOEH",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "1054-1500",
  ISSN-L =       "1054-1500",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 18 17:18:09 2012",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Chaos (Woodbury, NY)",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Thierry Dauxois and Michel Peyrard and Stefano Ruffo",
  title =        "The {Fermi--Pasta--Ulam} `numerical experiment':
                 history and pedagogical perspectives",
  journal =      j-EUR-J-PHYS,
  volume =       "26",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "S3--S11",
  year =         "2005",
  CODEN =        "EJPHD4",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0143-0807 (print), 1361-6404 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0143-0807",
  MRclass =      "82-03 (01A60)",
  MRnumber =     "2167379 (2006d:82002)",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 9 07:36:17 2015",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  abstract =     "The Fermi--Pasta--Ulam (FPU) pioneering numerical
                 experiment played a major role in the history of
                 computer simulation because it introduced this concept
                 for the first time. Moreover, it raised a puzzling
                 question which was answered more than 10 years later.
                 After an introduction to this problem, we briefly
                 review its history and then suggest some simple
                 numerical experiments, with a provided Matlab code, to
                 study various aspects of the ``FPU'' problem.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "European Journal of Physics",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Enrico Fermi; John Pasta; Mary Tsingou; Matlab; Stan
  remark =       "See also \cite{Dauxois:2008:FPU}.",

  author =       "Priscilla Johnson McMillan",
  title =        "The ruin of {J. Robert Oppenheimer}, and the birth of
                 the modern arms race",
  publisher =    pub-VIKING,
  address =      pub-VIKING:adr,
  pages =        "viii + 373 + 16",
  year =         "2005",
  ISBN =         "0-670-03422-3",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-670-03422-2",
  LCCN =         "QC16.O62 M36 2005",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 12 15:27:36 MST 2005",
  bibsource =    ";
  abstract =     "Draws from previously classified documents,
                 unpublished manuscripts, private correspondence, and
                 other sources to chronicle the events that surrounded
                 the revocation of scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer's
                 security clearance in 1954, discussing the roles of
                 physicist Edward Teller, Republican businessman Lewis
                 Strauss, congressional assistant William Borden, and
                 President Eisenhower.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "Oppenheimer, J. Robert; Teller, Edward; Physicists;
                 United States; Biography; Atomic bomb; United States;
                 History; Nuclear physics; United States; History; 20th
  subject-dates = "1904--1967; 1908--2003",
  tableofcontents = "Part One: 1945--1949 / 15 \\
                 David Lilienthal's Vacation / 17 \\
                 The Maneuvering Begins / 24 \\
                 The Halloween Meeting / 34 \\
                 The Secret Debate / 48 \\
                 Lost Opportunities / 57 \\
                 Part Two: 1950 / 61 \\
                 Fuchs's Betrayal /65 \\
                 Fission versus Fusion /82 \\
                 Teller / 92\\
                 Ulam / 100 \\
                 Part Three: 1951--1952 / 113 \\
                 Teller's Choice / 115 \\
                 The Second Lab / 127 \\
                 A New Era / 136 \\
                 Part Four: 1952--1954 / 143\\
                 Sailing Close to the Wind / 145 \\
                 Strauss Returns / 159 \\
                 Two Wild Horses / 169 \\
                 The Blank Wall / 177 \\
                 Hoover / 182 \\
                 The Hearing Begins / 195\\
                 Smyth / 210 \\
                 Borden / 217 \\
                 Caesar's Wife / 225 \\
                 Do We Really Need Scientists? / 238 \\
                 Oppenheimer / 251 \\
                 We Made It --- and We Gave It Away / 256 \\
                 Postlude / 266 \\
                 Acknowledgments / 271 \\
                 Notes / 275 \ Selected Bibliography / 315 \ Index /

  author =       "Mikl{\'o}s R{\'e}dei",
  title =        "{John von Neumann} selected letters",
  volume =       "27",
  publisher =    pub-AMS,
  address =      pub-AMS:adr,
  pages =        "xxv + 301",
  year =         "2005",
  ISBN =         "0-8218-3776-1 (hardcover)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-8218-3776-4 (hardcover)",
  ISSN =         "0899-2428",
  LCCN =         "QA29.V66 A4 2005",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jun 14 10:15:46 MDT 2011",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "History of mathematics",
  abstract =     "John von Neumann was perhaps the most influential
                 mathematician of the twentieth century, especially if
                 his broad influence outside mathematics is included.
                 The present volume is the first substantial collection
                 of (previously mainly unpublished) letters written by
                 von Neumann to colleagues, friends, government
                 officials, and others. The letters give us a glimpse of
                 the thinking of John von Neumann about mathematics,
                 physics, computer science, science management,
                 education, consulting, politics, and war. Readers of
                 quite diverse backgrounds will find much of interest in
                 this first-hand look at one of the towering figures of
                 twentieth century science.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "1903--1957",
  remark =       "From \cite[ref. 40, page 61]{Haigh:2014:EXM}, ``Von
                 Neumann talks about the `square and take the middle
                 digits' approach to generating pseudorandom numbers,
                 and testing the resulting distribution, in letters to
                 A. S. Householder (3 Feb. 1948) and C. C. Hurd (3 Dec.
                 1948),'', this volume, pp. 141--142, 144--145.",
  subject =      "von Neumann, John; Correspondence; Mathematicians;
                 United States; Mathematics",
  subject-dates = "1903--1957",
  tableofcontents = "Introductory comments \\
                 Letter to N. Aronszajn \\
                 Letters to F. Aydelotte \\
                 Letter to E. F. Beckenbach \\
                 Letter to H. Bethe \\
                 Letters to G. Birkhoff \\
                 Letter to W. J. E. Blaschke \\
                 Letter to R. S. Burington \\
                 Letters to V. Bush \\
                 Letter to R. Carnap \\
                 Letter to W. Cattell \\
                 Letter to T. M. Cherry \\
                 Letter to H. Cirker \\
                 Letter to H. Crocker \\
                 Letter to M. R. Davie \\
                 Letter to W. E. Deming \\
                 Letter to J. L. Destouches \\
                 Letter to P. A. M. Dirac \\
                 Letters to J. Dixmier \\
                 Letter to P. A. Dodd \\
                 Letter to W. M. DuMond \\
                 Letter to R. E. Duncan \\
                 Letter to editor of Evening Star \\
                 Letter to R. Farquharso \\
                 Letter to A. Flexner \\
                 Letter to R. O. Fornaguera \\
                 Letter to N. H. Goldsmith \\
                 Letter to W. H. Gottschalk (and Hans Rademacher) \\
                 Letters to K. G{\"o}del \\
                 Letter to G. Haberler \\
                 Letters to I. Halperin \\
                 Letter to G. B. Harrison \\
                 Letter to M. de Horvat \\
                 Letter to A. S. Householder \\
                 Letters to C. C. Hurd \\
                 Letter to K. Husimi \\
                 Letters to P. Jordan \\
                 Letters to I. Kaplansky \\
                 Letter to C. E. Kemble \\
                 Letter to J. R. Killian \\
                 Letters to H. D. Kloosterman \\
                 Letter to H. Kuhn \\
                 Letter to J. Lederberg \\
                 Letter to W. E. Lingelbach \\
                 Letter to S. MacLane \\
                 Letter to J. C. C. McKinsey \\
                 Letter to M. M. Mitchell \\
                 Letter to T. V. Moore \\
                 Letter to O. Morgenstern \\
                 Letters to M. Morse \\
                 Letter to E. Nagel \\
                 Letter to J. R. Oppenheimer \\
                 Letters to R. Ortvay \\
                 Letter to W Overbeck \\
                 Letter to H. H. Rankin \\
                 Letter to H. P. Robertson \\
                 Letter to E. Schr{\"o}dinger \\
                 Letter to E. Segr{\`e} \\
                 Letters to F. B. Silsbee \\
                 Letter to L. Spitzer \\
                 Letters to M. Stone \\
                 Letters to L. L. Strauss \\
                 Letter to J. Stroux \\
                 Letter to T. Tannaka \\
                 Letter to E. Teller \\
                 Letters to L. B. Tuckerman \\
                 Letters to S. Ulam \\
                 Letter to E. R. van Kampen \\
                 Letters to O. Veblen \\
                 Letters to N. Wiener \\
                 Letter to H. Wold \\
                 Notes on addresses of von Neumann's letters \\

  author =       "Istv{\'a}n Hargittai",
  title =        "The {Martians of Science}: five physicists who changed
                 the twentieth century",
  publisher =    pub-OXFORD,
  address =      pub-OXFORD:adr,
  pages =        "xxiv + 313 + 32",
  year =         "2006",
  ISBN =         "0-19-517845-9 (hardcover)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-19-517845-6 (hardcover)",
  LCCN =         "QC15 .H27 2006",
  bibdate =      "Thu Oct 6 06:57:45 MDT 2011",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "Physicists; United States; Biography; Science;
                 History; 20th century; von K{\'a}rm{\'a}n, Theodore;
                 Szilard, Leo; Wigner, Eugene Paul; von Neumann, John;
                 Teller, Edward",
  subject-dates = "1881--1963; 1902--1995; 1903--1957; 1908--2003",
  tableofcontents = "Introduction \\
                 1: Arrival and departure \\
                 Family origins and early childhood \\
                 Gem and less: gimn\'azium experience \\
                 Background in Hungary and first transition \\
                 2: Turning points in Germany \\
                 Theodore von K\'arm\'an \\
                 Leo Szilard \\
                 Eugene P. Wigner \\
                 John von Neumann \\
                 Edward Teller \\
                 4: ``To protect and defend'': World War II \\
                 Theodore von K\'arm\'an \\
                 Leo Szilard \\
                 Eugene P. Wigner \\
                 John von Neumann \\
                 Edward Teller \\
                 5: To deter: Cold War \\
                 Theodore von K\'arm\'an \\
                 Leo Szilard \\
                 Eugene P. Wigner \\
                 John von Neumann \\
                 Edward Teller \\
                 6: Being Martian \\
                 Comparisons \\
                 Traits \\
                 Religion and Jewishness \\
                 Being Hungarian \\
                 Epilogue \\
                 Greatness in science \\
                 Had they lived \\
                 Conclusion \\
                 Appendix: Sampler of quotable Martians \\
                 Notes \\
                 Select bibliography \\
                 Chronologies \\

  author =       "Abraham Pais and Robert P. Crease",
  title =        "{J. Robert Oppenheimer}: a life",
  publisher =    pub-OXFORD,
  address =      pub-OXFORD:adr,
  pages =        "xxii + 353 + 16",
  year =         "2006",
  ISBN =         "0-19-516673-6",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-19-516673-6",
  LCCN =         "QC16.O62 P35 2006",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jul 7 10:46:43 MDT 2008",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "Oppenheimer, J. Robert; Atomic bomb; United States;
                 History; Physicists; Biography",
  subject-dates = "1904--1967",
  tableofcontents = "Foreword / Ida Nicolaisen / xiii \\
                 Preface / Robert P. Crease / xvii \\
                 Introduction / Abraham Pais / xix \\
                 1: First Encounters / 1 \\
                 2: Background: Early Years / 4 \\
                 3: University Studies / 8 \\
                 4: Postdoctoral Studies / 14 \\
                 Harvard / 14 \\
                 Caltech / 14 \\
                 Leiden / 15 \\
                 Z{\"u}rich / 17 \\
                 5: The California Professor as Teacher / 20 \\
                 6: The California Professor as Researcher / 24 \\
                 More on QED / 24 \\
                 Cosmic Rays / 26 \\
                 Electron--Positron Theory / 28 \\
                 Nuclear Physics / 29 \\
                 Shower Theory / 29 \\
                 Mesons / 30 \\
                 Astrophysics and Cosmology / 31 \\
                 7: Oppenheimer's Opinion of His Own Teaching and
                 Research in California / 33 \\
                 8: Personal Life in the 1930s / 34 \\
                 9: ``The Shatterer of Worlds'' / 39 \\
                 10: In Which Oppenheimer Enters the World Stage / 45
                 11: An Atomic Scientist's Credo / 49 \\
                 12: The Institute Prior to Oppenheimer's Arrival / 59
                 The Flexner Years / 69 \\
                 The Aydelotte Years / 73 \\
                 13: In which Oppenheimer is elected Director of the
                 Institute and Chairman of the GAC / 77 \\
                 14: Oppenheimer's early years as Institute Director /
                 86 \\
                 15: Oppenheimer and the world of physics, 1946--1954 /
                 96 \\
                 (a) ``The Great Charismatic Figure'' / 96 \\
                 (b) Building Up Physics at the Institute / 102 \\
                 F. J. Dyson / 103 \\
                 C. N. Yang / 104 \\
                 T. D. Lee / 105 \\
                 (c) Of Come Who Came and Some Who Went / 106 \\
                 Hideki Yukawa / 106 \\
                 Sin-itiro Tomonaga / 106 \\
                 David Joseph Bohm / 107 \\
                 John von Neumann / 108 \\
                 Oswald Veblen / 109 \\
                 (d) Oppenheimer as Leader of Conferences / 110 \\
                 Shelter Island, June 1947 / 110 \\
                 Pocono, March/April 1948 / 114 \\
                 Solvay, September/October 1948 / 116 \\
                 Old Stone, April 1949 / 117 \\
                 Rochester I, December 1950 / 117 \\
                 Rochester II (January) and III (December) 1952 / 118
                 IBM, April 1953 / 119 \\
                 A Book Review, October 1953 / 121 \\
                 Japan, September 1953 / 121 \\
                 Rochester IV, January 1954 / 122 \\
                 16: Further on Oppenheimer the Man / 123 \\
                 Los Alamos Vignettes / 123 \\
                 Robert Wilson / 123 \\
                 Hans Bethe / 125 \\
                 Edward Teller / 126 \\
                 Enrico Fermi / 129 \\
                 Richard Feynman / 130 \\
                 Luis Alvarez / 130 \\
                 Robert Serber / 130 \\
                 Niels Bohr / 131 \\
                 Young Wives' Tales / 134 \\
                 Elsie McMillan / 134 \\
                 Bernice Brode / 134 \\
                 Robert Oppenheimer / 136 \\
                 More Personal Recollections / 139 \\
                 17: Atomic Politics in the Early Postwar Years / 144
                 1945--1946 / 144 \\
                 October 3, 1945 / 144 \\
                 August 1, 1946 / 144 \\
                 October 1946 / 145 \\
                 December 1946 / 145 \\
                 The Acheson--Lilienthal Plan / 146 \\
                 The Baruch Plan / 151 \\
                 1946 as the Highest Point of Oppenheimer's Political
                 Contributions / 155 \\
                 Oppenheimer's Public Expressions on Atomic Policy:
                 1947--1948 / 157 \\
                 18: Of the First Serious Enemies and of the First
                 Russian A-Bomb / 163 \\
                 In Which the First Clouds Appear / 163 \\
                 The First Soviet A-Bomb / 166 \\
                 19: Of the Superbomb and of Spy Stories / 168 \\
                 Varia: 1947--1949 / 168 \\
                 Shall the United States Develop the Super? / 171 \\
                 Emil Klaus Julius Fuchs et al. / 177 \\
                 20: The New Super / 183 \\
                 The Teller--Ulam Invention / 183 \\
                 Oppenheimer's Views on the Super / 187 \\
                 Oppenheimer's Participation in Panels: 1950--1953 / 188
                 The Long Range Objectives Panel / 188 \\
                 Project Gabriel / 189 \\
                 Project Charles / 189 \\
                 Project Vista / 189 \\
                 Project Lincoln / 190 \\
                 1952: Oppenheimer Leaves the General Advisory Committee
                 / 191 \\
                 21: Atomic Politics in the Early 1950s / 193 \\
                 The Doctrine of Massive Retaliation / 193 \\
                 Operation Candor / 194 \\
                 The Opening Salvos of the Attackers / 196 \\
                 May 1953 / 197 \\
                 June 5, 1953 / 198 \\
                 June 20, 1953 / 198 \\
                 July 3, 1953 / 198 \\
                 July 7, 1953 / 198 \\
                 July 1953 / 198 \\
                 August 1953 / 198 \\
                 August 20, 1953 / 198 \\
                 November 12, 1953 / 198 \\
                 November 1953 / 201 \\
                 November--December 1953 / 201 \\
                 22: In Which the Excrement Hits the Ventilator / 202
                 The Oppenheimer--Strauss Meeting, December 1953 / 202
                 Eisenhower Erects a `Blank Wall' / 204 \\
                 Preparations for the Hearings / 208 \\
                 Oppenheimer and McCarthy / 212 \\
                 23: In Which the News of the Hearings Is Made Public /
                 214 \\
                 How Einstein and I First Heard / 214 \\
                 First Newspaper Comments / 216 \\
                 Supplemental Material Robert P. Crease \\
                 24: `Open Book': The Hearing in the Matter of J. Robert
                 Oppenheimer / 227 \\
                 The Hearing: April 12--May 6, 1954 / 232 \\
                 Findings, Appeal, Decision: May 17--June 29 / 250 \\
                 25: No Final Judgment / 259 \\
                 First Judgments / 259 \\
                 Post-Mortems / 264 \\
                 Cultural Judgments / 265 \\
                 The Sense of Tragedy / 268 \\
                 26: Insider in Exile / 272 \\
                 Institute Director / 273 \\
                 Science Impresario / 278 \\
                 Speaker and Author / 285 \\
                 St. John / 292 \\
                 Rehabilitation and Retirement / 295 \\
                 27: Cloaked Mountain Peak / 300 \\
                 Notes / 311 \\
                 Principal Sources Used / 335 \\
                 Index / 337",

  author =       "M. S. Waterman",
  editor =       "A. Apostolico and C. Guerra and S. Istrail and P.
                 Pevzner and M. Waterman",
  booktitle =    "Research in Computational Molecular Biology,
  title =        "{Stan Ulam} and computational biology",
  volume =       "3909",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "159--159",
  year =         "2006",
  ISBN =         "3-540-33295-2",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-540-33295-4",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jun 5 09:06:00 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "Venice, ITALY",
  conference-date = "Apr 02--05, 2006",
  conference-name = "10th Annual International Conference on Research in
                 Computational Molecular Biology",
  journalabr =   "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
  sponsor =      "Univ Padova, Dept Informat Engn; MIT, Broad Inst;
                 Harvard, Broad Inst; Coll Comp Georgia Tech; US Dept
                 Energy; IBM Corp; Int Soc Computat Biol; Italian Assoc
                 Informat \& Automat Computat; US Natl Sci Fdn",

  author =       "Eric W. Weisstein",
  key =          "Ulam",
  title =        "{Ulam} Sequence",
  pages =        "??",
  year =         "2006",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jan 26 12:46:16 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "From MathWorld --- a Wolfram Web resource.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-ds,
  rawdata =      "Ulam (2006) is Weisstein, Eric W. ``Ulam Sequence.''
                 From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

  author =       "Anthony Barcellos",
  title =        "{Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam}",
  crossref =     "Albers:2008:MPP",
  pages =        "367--374",
  year =         "2008",
  bibdate =      "Thu May 14 06:36:55 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Thierry Dauxois",
  title =        "{Fermi}, {Pasta}, {Ulam} and a {\em mysterious\/}
  journal =      "",
  volume =       "??",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "3",
  day =          "10",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2008",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 10 07:16:55 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  abstract =     "It is reported that the numerical simulations of the
                 Fermi--Pasta--Ulam problem were performed by a young
                 lady, Mary Tsingou. After 50 years of omission, it is
                 time for a proper recognition of her decisive
                 contribution to the first ever numerical experiment,
                 central in the solitons and chaos theories, but also
                 one of the very first out-of-equilibrium statistical
                 mechanics study. Let us quote from now on the
                 Fermi--Pasta--Ulam--{\em Tsingou} problem.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "G. Benettin and R. Livi and A. Ponno",
  title =        "The {Fermi--Pasta--Ulam} Problem: Scaling Laws vs.
                 Initial Conditions",
  journal =      j-J-STAT-PHYS,
  volume =       "135",
  number =       "5--6",
  pages =        "873--893",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2009",
  CODEN =        "JSTPSB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0022-4715 (print), 1572-9613 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0022-4715",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 30 12:55:03 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Statistical Physics",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Krzysztof Ciesielski and Themistocles M. Rassias",
  title =        "On {Stan Ulam} and his Mathematics",
  journal =      "The {Australian} Journal of Mathematical Analysis and
                 Applications ({AJMAA})",
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1--9",
  year =         "2009",
  ISSN =         "1449-5910",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 09 06:09:57 2015",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Special Issue in Honor of the 100th Anniversary of S.
                 M. Ulam.",
  URL =          ";
  abstract =     "In this note we give a glimpse of the curriculum vitae
                 of Stan Ulam, his personality and some of the
                 mathematics he was involved in.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Mason A. Porter and Norman J. Zabusky and Bambi Hu and
                 David K. Campbell",
  title =        "{Fermi}, {Pasta}, {Ulam} and the Birth of Experimental
                 Mathematics: a numerical experiment that {Enrico
                 Fermi}, {John Pasta}, and {Stanis{\l}aw Ulam} reported
                 54 years ago continues to inspire discovery",
  journal =      j-AM-SCI,
  volume =       "97",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "214--221",
  month =        may # "\slash " # jun,
  year =         "2009",
  CODEN =        "AMSCAC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0003-0996 (print), 1545-2786 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0003-0996",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jun 5 09:06:00 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "The work referred to in the title is
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "American Scientist",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Jeremy Bernstein",
  title =        "{John von Neumann} and {Klaus Fuchs}: an Unlikely
  journal =      j-PHYS-PERSPECT,
  volume =       "12",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "36--50",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "PHPEF2",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "1422-6944 (print), 1422-6960 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "1422-6944",
  MRclass =      "01A60 (81-03)",
  MRnumber =     "2601741",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 27 20:50:37 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Physics in Perspective (PIP)",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Edward Teller; Hans Bethe; John von Neumann; Klaus
                 Fuchs; Stanis{\l}aw Ulam",

  author =       "K. M. Frahm and D. L. Shepelyansky",
  title =        "{Ulam} method for the {Chirikov} standard map",
  journal =      j-EUR-PHYS-J-B,
  volume =       "76",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "57--68",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "EPJBFY",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "1434-6028 (print), 1434-6036 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "1434-6028",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jun 5 09:06:00 MDT 2013",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and
                 Complex Systems",
  journal-URL =  "",

  editor =       "John Michael Rassias",
  title =        "Functional equations, difference inequalities, and
                 {Ulam} stability notions ({F.U.N.})",
  publisher =    "Nova Science Publishers",
  address =      "New York, NY, USA",
  pages =        "ix + 211",
  year =         "2010",
  ISBN =         "1-60876-461-3 (hardcover)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-1-60876-461-7 (hardcover)",
  LCCN =         "QA431 .F7886 2010",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 9 06:55:55 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Mathematics research developments series",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "Functional equations; Differential inequalities;
                 Stability; Differential inequalities; Functional
                 equations; Stability",
  tableofcontents = "Ulam's stability of a class of linear Cauchy
                 functional equations / Ahmed Charifi \ldots{} [et al.]
                 Sequential antagonistic games with an auxiliary initial
                 phase / Jewgeni H. Dshalalow and Weijun Huang \\
                 Some stability results for equations and inequalities
                 connected with the exponential function / Wlodzimierz
                 Fechner and Roman Ger \\
                 On a problem of John M. Rassias concerning the
                 stability in Ulam sense of Euler-Lagrange equation / L.
                 G\?avru$\div$ta and P. G\?avru$\div$ta \\
                 Hyers--Ulam-Aoki-Rassias stability and
                 Ulam-Gavruta-Rassias stability of quadratic
                 homomorphisms and quadratic derivations on Banach
                 algebras / M. Eshaghi Gordji and N. Ghobadipour \\
                 Fundamental solutions for the generalized elliptic
                 Gellerstedt equation / Anvar Hasanov, John Michael
                 Rassias and Mamasali Turaev \\
                 Pointwise superstability and superstability of the
                 Jordan equation / Ji-Rong Lv, Huai-Xin Cao and J. M.
                 Rassias \\
                 A problem with non-local conditions on the line of
                 degeneracy and parallel characteristics for a mixed
                 type equation with singular coefficient / M. Mirsaburov
                 and M. Kh. Ruziev \\
                 On the stability of an additive functional inequality
                 in normed modules / Choonkil Park \\
                 Cubic derivations and quartic derivations on Banach
                 modules / Choonkil Park and John Michael Rassias \\
                 Tetrahedron isometry Ulam stability problem / John
                 Michael Rassias \\
                 Hyers--Ulam stability of Cauchy type additive
                 functional equations / Martina J. Rassias \\
                 Solution and Ulam stability of a mixed type cubic and
                 additive functional equation / J. M. Rassias \ldots{}
                 [et al.] \\
                 Stability of mappings approximately preserving
                 orthogonality and related topics / Aleksej Turn\?sek
                 The Frank problem for second order nonlinear equations
                 of mixed type with non-smooth degenerate curve / Guo
                 Chun Wen",

  author =       "D. L. Shepelyansky and O. V. Zhirov",
  title =        "{Google} matrix, dynamical attractors, and {Ulam}
  journal =      j-PHYS-REV-E,
  volume =       "81",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "036213:1--036213:9",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "PLEEE8",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "1539-3755 (print), 1550-2376 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "1539-3755",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 11 17:34:23 2015",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Physical Review E (Statistical physics, plasmas,
                 fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics)",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "G. Benettin and A. Ponno",
  title =        "Time-Scales to Equipartition in the
                 {Fermi--Pasta--Ulam} Problem: Finite-Size Effects and
                 Thermodynamic Limit",
  journal =      j-J-STAT-PHYS,
  volume =       "144",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "793--812",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JSTPSB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0022-4715 (print), 1572-9613 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0022-4715",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 28 19:17:45 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Statistical Physics",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "George Dyson",
  title =        "{Monte Carlo}",
  crossref =     "Dyson:2012:TCO",
  chapter =      "10",
  pages =        "175--199",
  year =         "2012",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jun 22 15:14:22 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Pages 191--192 describe the origin of the Monte Carlo
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "George Dyson",
  title =        "{Ulam}'s Demons",
  crossref =     "Dyson:2012:TCO",
  chapter =      "11",
  pages =        "200--224",
  year =         "2012",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jun 22 15:14:22 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Pages 191--192 describe the origin of the Monte Carlo
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "From page 218: ``Four of the twentieth century's most
                 imaginative ideas for leveraging our intelligence ---
                 the Monte Carlo method, the Teller--Ulam invention [for
                 the hydrogen-bomb trigger], self-reproducing cellular
                 automata, and nuclear pulse propagation --- originated
                 with help from Stan. Three of the four proved to be
                 wildly successful, and the fourth was abandoned before
                 it had a chance.''",

  editor =       "Themistocles M. Rassias and Janusz Brzd{\k{e}}k",
  title =        "Functional Equations in Mathematical Analysis",
  volume =       "52",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "xvii + 748",
  year =         "2012",
  DOI =          "",
  ISBN =         "1-4614-0054-6, 1-4614-0055-4 (e-book)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-1-4614-0054-7, 978-1-4614-0055-4 (e-book)",
  ISSN =         "1931-6828",
  LCCN =         "QA431 .F86 2012",
  MRclass =      "39-06 (39Bxx)",
  MRnumber =     "3075586",
  bibdate =      "Fri Jan 9 06:55:55 MST 2015",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Springer optimization and its applications",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "Functional equations",
  tableofcontents = "1. Stability properties of some functional
                 equations / Roman Badora \\
                 2. Note on superstability of Mikusi{\'n}ski's
                 functional equation / Bogdan Batko \\
                 3. A general fixed point method for the stability of
                 Cauchy functional equation / Liviu C\?adariu and Viorel
                 Radu \\
                 4. Orthogonality preserving property and its Ulam
                 stability / Jacek Chmieli{\'n}ski \\
                 5. On the Hyers--Ulam stability of functional equations
                 with respect to bounded distributions / Jae-Young Chung
                 6. Stability of multi-Jensen mappings in
                 non-archimedean normed spaces / Krzysztof
                 Ciepli{\'n}ski \\
                 7. On stability of the equation of homogeneous
                 functions on topological spaces / Stefan Czerwik \\
                 8. Hyers--Ulam stability of the quadratic functional
                 equation / Elhoucien Elqorachi, Youssef Manar, and
                 Themistocles M. Rassias \\
                 9. Intuitionistic fuzzy approximately additive mappings
                 / M. Eshaghi-Gordji, H. Khodaei, H. Baghani, and M.
                 Ramezani \\
                 10. Generalized Hyers--Ulam stability for general
                 quadratic functional equation in quasi-banach spaces /
                 Jinmei Gao \\
                 11. Ulam stability problem for frames / Laura
                 G\?avru{\c{t}}a \\
                 12. Generalized Hyers--Ulam stability of a quadratic
                 functional equation / Kil-Woung Jun, Hark-Mahn Kim, and
                 Jiae Son \\
                 13. On the Hyers--Ulam stability of the bi-pexider
                 functional equation / Kil-Woung Jun and Yang-Hi Lee \\
                 14. Approximately midconvex functions / Krzysztof
                 Misztal, Jacek Tabor, and J{\'o}zef Tabor \\
                 15. The Hyers--Ulam and ger type stabilities of the
                 first order linear differential equations / Takeshi
                 Miura and Go Hirasawa \\
                 16. On the Butler-Rassias functional equation and its
                 generalized Hyers--Ulam stability / Takeshi Miura, Go
                 Hirasawa, and Takahiro Hayata \\
                 17. A note on the stability of an integral equation /
                 Takeshi Miura, Go Hirasawa, Sin-Ei Takahasi, Takahiro
                 Hayata \\
                 18. On the stability of polynominal equations / Abbas
                 Najati and Themistocles M. Rassias \\
                 19. Isomorphisms and derivations in proper JCQ*-triples
                 / Choonkil Park and Madjid Eshaghi-Gordji \\
                 20. Fuzzy stability of an additive-Quartic functional
                 equation: a fixed point approach / Choonkil Park and
                 Themistocles M. Rassias \\
                 21. Selections of set-valued maps satisfying functional
                 inclusions on square-symmetric grupoids / Dorian Popa
                 22. On stability of isometries in banach spaces /
                 Vladimir Yu. Protasov \\
                 23. Ulam stability of the operational equations / Ioan
                 A. Rus \\
                 24. Stability of the pexiderized Cauchy functional
                 equation in non-archimedean spaces / G. Zamani
                 Eskandani and Pa{\c{s}}c G\?avru{\c{t}}a \\
                 25. Stability of the quadratic-cubic functional
                 equation in quasi-Banach spaces / Wanxiong Zhang and
                 Zhihua Wang \\
                 26. [mu]-Trigonometric functional equations and
                 Hyers--Ulam stability problem in hypergroups / D.oz and
                 Ricardo P{\'e} Zeglami, S. Kabbaj, A. Charifi, and A.
                 Roukbi \\
                 27. On multivariate Ostrowski type inequalities /
                 Chang-Jian Zhao and Wing-Sum Cheung \\
                 28. Ternary semigroups and ternary algebras / Antoni
                 Chronowski \\
                 29. Popoviciu type functional equations on groups / Ma$
                 pm $gorzata Chudziak \\
                 30. Norm and humerical radius inequalities for two
                 linear operators in Hilbert spaces: a survey of recent
                 results / Sever S. Dragomir \\
                 31. Cauchy's functional equation and nowhere continuous
                 / everywhere dense costas bijections in Euclidean
                 spaces / Konstantinos Drakakis \\
                 32. On solutions of some generalizations of the Go$ pm
                 ${\eth}ab-Schinzel equation / Eliza Jab$ pm $o{\'n}ska
                 33. One-parameter groups of formal power series of one
                 indeterminate / Wojciech Jab$ pm $o{\'n}ski \\
                 34. On some problems concerning a sum type operator /
                 Hans-Heinrich Kairies \\
                 35. Priors on the space of unimodal probability
                 measures / George Kouvaras and George Kokolakis \\
                 36. Generalized weighted arithmetic means / Janusz
                 Matkowski \\
                 37. On means which are quasi-arithmetic and of the
                 Beckenback-Gini type / Janusz Matkowski \\
                 38. Scala Riemann-Hilbert problem for multiply
                 connected domains / Vladimir V. Mityushev \\
                 39. Hodge theory for Riemannian solenoids / Vicente
                 Mu{\"a}noz and Richardo P{\'e}rez Maraco \\
                 40. On solutions of a generalization of the Go$ pm
                 ${\eth}ab-Schinzel functional equation / Anna
                 Mure{\'n}ko \\
                 41. On a functional equation containing an indexed
                 family of unknown mappings / Prem Nath and Dhiraj Kumar
                 Singh \\
                 42. Two-step iterative method for nonconvex bifunction
                 variational inequalities / Muhammad Aslam Noor, Khlaida
                 Inayat Noor, and Eisa Al-Said \\
                 43. On a Sincov type functional equation / Prasanna K.
                 Sahoo \\
                 44. Invariance in some families of means / Gheorghe
                 Toader, Iulia Costin, and Silvia Toader \\
                 45. On a Hilbert-type integral inequality / Bicheng
                 Yang \\
                 46. An extension of Hardy-Hilbert's inequality /
                 Bicheng Yang \\
                 47. A relation to Hilbert's integral inequality and a
                 basic Hilbert-type inequality / Bicheng Yang and
                 Themistocles M. Rassias \\

  author =       "Mikl{\'o}s R{\'e}dei and Charlotte Werndl",
  title =        "On the history of the isomorphism problem of dynamical
                 systems with special regard to {von Neumann}'s
  journal =      j-ARCH-HIST-EXACT-SCI,
  volume =       "66",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "71--93",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "AHESAN",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0003-9519 (print), 1432-0657 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0003-9519",
  bibdate =      "Mon Dec 12 08:18:43 MST 2011",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  abstract =     "This article reviews some major episodes in the
                 history of the spatial isomorphism problem of dynamical
                 systems theory (ergodic theory). In particular, by
                 analysing, both systematically and in historical
                 context, a hitherto unpublished letter written in 1941
                 by John von Neumann to Stanis{\l}aw Ulam, this article
                 clarifies von Neumann's contribution to discovering the
                 relationship between spatial isomorphism and spectral
                 isomorphism. The main message of the article is that
                 von Neumann's argument described in his letter to Ulam
                 is the very first proof that spatial isomorphism and
                 spectral isomorphism are not equivalent because
                 spectral isomorphism is weaker than spatial
                 isomorphism: von Neumann shows that spectrally
                 isomorphic ergodic dynamical systems with mixed spectra
                 need not be spatially isomorphic.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Archive for History of Exact Sciences",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "G. Benettin and H. Christodoulidi and A. Ponno",
  title =        "The {Fermi--Pasta--Ulam} Problem and Its Underlying
                 Integrable Dynamics",
  journal =      j-J-STAT-PHYS,
  volume =       "152",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "195--212",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "JSTPSB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0022-4715 (print), 1572-9613 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0022-4715",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 28 19:22:42 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Statistical Physics",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hao Ji and Michael Mascagni and Yaohang Li",
  title =        "Convergence Analysis of {Markov Chain Monte Carlo}
                 Linear Solvers Using {Ulam--von Neumann} Algorithm",
  journal =      j-SIAM-J-NUMER-ANAL,
  volume =       "51",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "2107--2122",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "SJNAAM",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0036-1429 (print), 1095-7170 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0036-1429",
  bibdate =      "Tue Dec 3 10:14:58 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis",
  journal-URL =  "",
  onlinedate =   "January 2013",

  author =       "T. Haigh and M. Priestley and C. Rope",
  title =        "{Los Alamos} Bets on {ENIAC}: Nuclear {Monte Carlo}
                 Simulations, 1947--1948",
  journal =      j-IEEE-ANN-HIST-COMPUT,
  volume =       "36",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "42--63",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2014",
  CODEN =        "IAHCEX",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "1058-6180 (print), 1934-1547 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "1058-6180",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 8 07:26:10 2015",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "IEEE Annals of the History of Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "computerized Monte Carlo simulations; Computers;
                 digital simulation; ENIAC; History; history of
                 computing; John von Neumann; Klara von Neumann; Los
                 Alamos National Laboratory; Los Alamos Scientific
                 Laboratory; mathematics computing; modern code
                 paradigm; Monte Carlo methods; Monte Carlo simulations;
                 Neutrons; Nick Metropolis; nuclear Monte Carlo
                 simulations; Programming; Stanis{\l}aw Ulam; stored
                 program concept; Weapons",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "Mathematicians Solve 60-year-old {Fermi--Pasta--Ulam}
  journal =      j-SCI-COMPUT,
  volume =       "??",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "??--??",
  day =          "24",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "SCHRCU",
  ISSN =         "1930-5753 (print), 1930-6156 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "1930-5753",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 25 11:12:45 2015",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See \cite{Onorato:2015:RTF} for the research paper.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Scientific Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Miguel Onorato and Lara Vozella and Davide Proment and
                 Yuri V. Lvov",
  title =        "Route to thermalization in the $ \alpha
                 $-Fermi--Pasta--Ulam system",
  journal =      j-PROC-NATL-ACAD-SCI-USA,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "PNASA6",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0027-8424 (print), 1091-6490 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0027-8424",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 25 15:29:44 2015",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  abstract =     "We study the original $ \alpha $-Fermi--Pasta--Ulam
                 (FPU) system with $ N = 16$, $ 32$, and $ 64$ masses
                 connected by a nonlinear quadratic spring. Our approach
                 is based on resonant wave--wave interaction theory;
                 i.e., we assume that, in the weakly nonlinear regime
                 (the one in which Fermi was originally interested), the
                 large time dynamics is ruled by exact resonances. After
                 a detailed analysis of the $ \alpha $-FPU equation of
                 motion, we find that the first nontrivial resonances
                 correspond to six-wave interactions. Those are
                 precisely the interactions responsible for the
                 thermalization of the energy in the spectrum. We
                 predict that, for small-amplitude random waves, the
                 timescale of such interactions is extremely large and
                 it is of the order of $ 1 / \epsilon^8$, where $
                 \epsilon $ is the small parameter in the system. The
                 wave--wave interaction theory is not based on any
                 threshold: Equipartition is predicted for arbitrary
                 small nonlinearity. Our results are supported by
                 extensive numerical simulations. A key role in our
                 finding is played by the Umklapp (flip-over) resonant
                 interactions, typical of discrete systems. The
                 thermodynamic limit is also briefly discussed.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  eprint =       "",
  fjournal =     "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
                 United States of America",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Dobriyan M. Benov",
  title =        "The {Manhattan Project}, the first electronic computer
                 and the {Monte Carlo} method",
  journal =      j-MONTE-CARLO-METHODS-APPL,
  volume =       "22",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "73--??",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "2016",
  CODEN =        "MCMAC6",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0929-9629 (print), 1569-3961 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0929-9629",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 25 09:12:23 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Monte Carlo Methods and Applications",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Alex Wellerstein and Edward Geist",
  title =        "The secret of the {Soviet} hydrogen bomb",
  journal =      j-PHYS-TODAY,
  volume =       "70",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "40--47",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "PHTOAD",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0031-9228 (print), 1945-0699 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0031-9228",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 1 11:50:44 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Physics Today",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Andrei Sakharov; Edward Teller; Hans Bethe; J. Robert
                 Oppenheimer; Klaus Fuchs; Stanis{\l}aw Ulam",

  author =       "G. Benettin and S. Pasquali and A. Ponno",
  title =        "The {Fermi--Pasta--Ulam} Problem and Its Underlying
                 Integrable Dynamics: An Approach Through {Lyapunov}
  journal =      j-J-STAT-PHYS,
  volume =       "171",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "521--542",
  month =        may,
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "JSTPSB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0022-4715 (print), 1572-9613 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0022-4715",
  bibdate =      "Wed Sep 26 10:32:54 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Statistical Physics",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Theodore Hill",
  title =        "Slicing Sandwiches, States, and Solar Systems",
  journal =      j-AM-SCI,
  volume =       "106",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "42",
  year =         "2018",
  CODEN =        "AMSCAC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0003-0996 (print), 1545-2786 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0003-0996",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 28 10:17:56 2018",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "American Scientist",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Hugo Steinhaus; Stanis{\l}aw Ulam; Stefan Banach; the
                 Scottish Book",

  author =       "Graziano Amati and Hugues Meyer and Tanja Schilling",
  title =        "Memory Effects in the {Fermi--Pasta--Ulam} Model",
  journal =      j-J-STAT-PHYS,
  volume =       "174",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "219--257",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "2019",
  CODEN =        "JSTPSB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0022-4715 (print), 1572-9613 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0022-4715",
  bibdate =      "Fri Mar 1 07:24:00 MST 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Statistical Physics",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Glenn Zorpette",
  title =        "5 Questions: {Richard Garwin}: The Designer of the
                 First Hydrogen Bomb on Creating ``the Sausage''",
  journal =      j-IEEE-SPECTRUM,
  volume =       "61",
  number =       "9",
  pages =        "22--23",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "2024",
  CODEN =        "IEESAM",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0018-9235 (print), 1939-9340 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0018-9235",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 9 17:36:16 2024",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "IEEE Spectrum",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "Garwin, Richard; History; Hydrogen; Weapons",

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Cross-referenced entries must come last:
  author =       "Cuthbert C. Hurd",
  title =        "A Note on Early {Monte Carlo} Computations and
                 Scientific Meetings",
  journal =      j-ANN-HIST-COMPUT,
  volume =       "7",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "141--155",
  month =        apr # "\slash " # jun,
  year =         "1985",
  CODEN =        "AHCOE5",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0164-1239",
  ISSN-L =       "0164-1239",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 1 15:29:22 MST 2002",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Includes typeset reprint of
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Annals of the History of Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",
  remark =       "Nick Metropolis reports in a letter reproduced in this
                 paper that he invented the names of two elements
                 discovered by Emilio Segr{\`e}: astatine (85) and
                 technetium (43).",

  author =       "Norman Macrae",
  title =        "{John von Neumann}: The Scientific Genius Who
                 Pioneered the Modern Computer, Game Theory, Nuclear
                 Deterrence, and Much More",
  publisher =    pub-PANTHEON,
  address =      pub-PANTHEON:adr,
  pages =        "x + 405",
  year =         "1992",
  ISBN =         "0-679-41308-1",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-679-41308-0",
  LCCN =         "QA29.V66 M33 1992",
  MRclass =      "01A70 (03-03 68-03 90-03)",
  MRnumber =     "1300409 (95g:01023)",
  MRreviewer =   "A. D. Booth",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jun 25 08:46:32 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  price =        "US\$25.00 (US\$31.50 Can.)",
  abstract =     "The first full-scale biography of the man widely
                 regarded as the greatest scientist of the century after
                 Einstein. Born in Budapest in 1903, John von Neumann
                 grew up in one of the most extraordinary of scientific
                 communities. From his arrival in America in the
                 mid-1930s --- with bases in Boston, Princeton,
                 Washington, and Los Alamos --- von Neumann pioneered
                 and participated in the major scientific and political
                 dramas of the next three decades, leaving his mark on
                 more fields of scientific endeavor than any other
                 scientist. Von Neumann's work in areas such as game
                 theory, mathematics, physics, and meteorology formed
                 the building blocks for the most important discoveries
                 of the century: the modern computer, game theory, the
                 atom bomb, radar, and artificial intelligence, to name
                 just a few. From the laboratory to the highest levels
                 of government, this definitive biography gives us a
                 behind-the-scenes look at the politics and
                 personalities involved in these world-changing
                 discoveries. Written more than thirty years after von
                 Neumann's untimely death at age fifty-six, it was
                 prepared with the cooperation of his family, and
                 includes information gained from interviewing countless
                 sources across Europe and America. Norman Macrae paints
                 a highly readable, humanizing portrait of a man whose
                 legacy still influences and shapes modern science and
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "A Cornelia and Michael Bessie book.",
  subject =      "von Neumann, John; Mathematicians; United States;
  subject-dates = "1903--1957",
  tableofcontents = "The cheapest way to make the world richer \\
                 A silver spoon in Budapest, 1903--14 \\
                 At the Lutheran Gymnasium, 1914--21 \\
                 An undergraduate with lion's claws, 1921--26 \\
                 Rigor becomes more relaxed, 500 B.C.--A.D. 1931 \\
                 The quantum leap, 1926--32 \\
                 Sturm und Drang, marriage, emigration, 1927--31 \\
                 Depression at Princeton, 1931--37 \\
                 The calculating exploder, 1937--43 \\
                 Los Alamos to Trinity, 1943--45 \\
                 In the domain of economics \\
                 The computers at Philadelphia, 1944--46 \\
                 The computers from Princeton, 1946--52 \\
                 And then the H-Bomb \\
                 With astonishing influence, 1950--56",

  author =       "Peter Goodchild",
  title =        "{Edward Teller}, the real {Dr. Strangelove}",
  publisher =    pub-HARVARD,
  address =      pub-HARVARD:adr,
  pages =        "xxv + 469 + 16",
  year =         "2004",
  ISBN =         "0-674-01669-6",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-674-01669-9",
  LCCN =         "QC16.T37 G66 2004",
  bibdate =      "Thu Oct 6 06:57:45 MDT 2011",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  abstract =     "This excellent biography illuminates the enigmatic
                 character of the powerful twentieth century physicist,
                 Edward Teller, and gives perspective on the
                 intersection of science and technology with United
                 States policies in the last half of the 20th century.
                 Initially, it describes Teller's early years in
                 Hungary, which molded his personality and formed his
                 views of an untrustworthy Soviet Union. It then
                 narrates significant events in his education and early
                 academic career including his doctorial work with
                 Werner Heisenberg and migration to an academic position
                 in the United States in 1935. The narrative then
                 describes his work in the Manhattan Project at Los
                 Alamos under the leadership of J. Robert Oppenheimer,
                 where Teller pursued the idea of a hydrogen bomb, a
                 more powerful weapon than the fission bomb developed by
                 the Project. After the end of World War II, he
                 continued the development of the hydrogen bomb, which
                 was successfully tested in 1952. Throughout the Cold
                 War, Teller's obsession with the Soviet threat led him
                 to oppose nuclear arms control, continue development of
                 nuclear weapons, and strongly support the Star Wars
                 anti-ballistic missile program of the Reagan
                 administration. Those views brought him into conflict
                 with Oppenheimer and other members of the scientific
                 community. Teller was an important witness in the
                 Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) hearing that denied
                 Oppenheimer's security clearance in 1954. The biography
                 contains extensive endnotes and references.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "Originally published: Great Britain: Weinfeld and
                 Nicolson, 2004.",
  subject =      "Teller, Edward; physicists; United States; biography;
                 atomic bomb; history",
  subject-dates = "1908--2003",
  tableofcontents = "War, revolution, peace and maths \\
                 In the company of Gods \\
                 Twilight of a golden age \\
                 American the beautiful \\
                 The Hungarian conspiracy \\
                 Skirmishes \\
                 Maverick on the Mesa \\
                 The little toe of the ghost \\
                 The legacy of Hiroshima \\
                 Wilderness years \\
                 The taking of Washington \\
                 Unholy alliances \\
                 A `simple, great and stupid' mistake \\
                 Technically so sweet \\
                 Mike \\
                 `Soled' to the Californians \\
                 Bravo \\
                 The hearing \\
                 Aftermath \\
                 `Almost like Ivory soap' \\
                 A matter of detection \\
                 Plowshare \\
                 Confounding Camelot \\
                 Struggling uphill \\
                 Bringing up the props \\
                 Excalibur \\
                 Reykjavik \\
                 Brilliant pebbles.",

  editor =       "Donald J. Albers and Gerald L. Alexanderson",
  title =        "Mathematical people: profiles and interviews",
  publisher =    pub-A-K-PETERS,
  address =      pub-A-K-PETERS:adr,
  edition =      "Second",
  pages =        "xxvi + 386",
  year =         "2008",
  ISBN =         "1-56881-340-6",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-1-56881-340-0",
  LCCN =         "QA28 .M37 2008",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 10 17:01:29 MDT 2009",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  libnote =      "Not yet in my library.",
  subject =      "mathematicians; biography",
  tableofcontents = "Garrett Birkhoff / interviewed by G. L.
                 Alexanderson and Carroll Wilde \\
                 David Blackwell / interviewed by Donald J. Albers \\
                 Shiing-Shen Chern / by William Chinn and John Lewis \\
                 John H. Conway / by Richard K. Guy \\
                 H. S. M. Coxeter / interviewed by Dave Logothetti \\
                 Persi Diaconis / interviewed by Donald J. Albers \\
                 Paul Erd{\H{o}}s / interviewed by G. L. Alexanderson
                 Martin Gardner: defending the honor of the human mind /
                 by Peter Renz \\
                 Martin Gardner: master of recreational mathematics and
                 much more / interviewed by Donald J. Albers \\
                 Ronald L. Graham / by Donald J. Albers \\
                 Paul Halmos / interviewed by Donald J. Albers \\
                 Peter J. Hilton / interviewed by Lynn A. Steen and G.
                 L. Alexanderson \\
                 John Kemeny / interviewed by Lynn A. Steen \\
                 Morris Kline / interviewed by G. L. Alexanderson \\
                 Donald Knuth / interviewed by Donald J. Albers and Lynn
                 A. Steen \\
                 Solomon Lefschetz: a reminiscence / by Albert W. Tucker
                 Beno{\^\i}t Mandelbrot / interviewed by Anthony
                 Barcellos \\
                 Henry Pollak / interviewed by Donald J. Albers and
                 Michael J. Thibodeaux \\
                 George P{\'o}lya / interviewed by G. L. Alexanderson
                 Mina Rees / interviewed by Rosamond Dana and Peter J.
                 Hilton \\
                 Constance Reid / interviewed by G. L. Alexanderson \\
                 Herbert Robbins / interviewed by Warren Page \\
                 Raymond Smullyan: autobiographical essay \\
                 Olga Taussky-Todd: autobiographical essay \\
                 Albert Tucker / interviewed by Stephen B. Maurer \\
                 Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam / interviewed by Anthony

  author =       "Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Chuanming Zong",
  title =        "Mysteries in Packing Regular Tetrahedra",
  journal =      j-NAMS,
  volume =       "59",
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "1540--1549",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2012",
  CODEN =        "AMNOAN",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0002-9920 (print), 1088-9477 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9920",
  MRclass =      "52C17 (52-03)",
  MRnumber =     "3027108",
  MRreviewer =   "Uwe Schnell",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 09 07:36:55 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Notices Amer. Math. Soc.",
  fjournal =     "Notices of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  remark =       "This article gives a nice historical survey of the
                 Kepler sphere-packing problem, and its extensions to
                 packing of Platonic solids, such as tetrahedra,
                 octahedra, cubeoctahedra, and icosahedra. It also shows
                 that several early `proofs' of their packing fractions
                 were wrong, and gives pointers to recent work that is
                 more reliable.",

  author =       "Alex Wellerstein",
  title =        "The Infamous {Teller--Ulam} Report (1951)",
  howpublished = "Web site.",
  day =          "22",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2012",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 26 12:22:47 2015",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Kenneth William Ford",
  title =        "Building the {H} bomb: a personal history",
  publisher =    pub-WORLD-SCI,
  address =      pub-WORLD-SCI:adr,
  pages =        "240 (est.)",
  year =         "2015",
  DOI =          "",
  ISBN =         "981-4632-07-4 (hardcover), 981-4618-79-9 (paperback)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-981-4632-07-2 (hardcover), 978-981-4618-79-3
  LCCN =         "UG1282.A8 F67 2015",
  bibdate =      "Thu Mar 26 10:51:05 MDT 2015",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "1926--",
  subject =      "Hydrogen bomb; Design and construction; History;
                 United States; Ford, Kenneth William",
  subject-dates = "1926",
  tableofcontents = "The big idea \\
                 The protagonists \\
                 The choice \\
                 The scientists, the officials, and the president \\
                 Nuclear energy \\
                 Some physics \\
                 Going west \\
                 A new world \\
                 The classical super \\
                 Calculating and testing \\
                 Constructing Matterhorn \\
                 Academia cowers \\
                 New Mexico, New York, and New Jersey \\
                 The Garwin design \\
                 Climbing Matterhorn \\
                 More than a boy",

  editor =       "Anonymous",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of a Second Symposium on Large-Scale
                 Digital Calculating Machinery, Harvard University
                 Computation Laboratory, 13--16 September 1949}",
  title =        "{Proceedings of a Second Symposium on Large-Scale
                 Digital Calculating Machinery, Harvard University
                 Computation Laboratory, 13--16 September 1949}",
  volume =       "26",
  publisher =    pub-HARVARD,
  address =      pub-HARVARD:adr,
  pages =        "xxxviii + 393",
  year =         "1951",
  LCCN =         "QA75 .S9 1949",
  bibdate =      "Tue Dec 21 16:10:10 2010",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Annals of the Computation Laboratory of Harvard
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  editor =       "Anonymous",
  booktitle =    "Recent Advances in Game Theory: Papers Delivered at a
                 Meeting of the {Princeton University Conference,
                 October 4--6, 1961}",
  title =        "Recent Advances in Game Theory: Papers Delivered at a
                 Meeting of the {Princeton University Conference,
                 October 4--6, 1961}",
  volume =       "29",
  publisher =    pub-PRINCETON,
  address =      pub-PRINCETON:adr,
  pages =        "vii + 282",
  year =         "1962",
  LCCN =         "QA269.P75",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:52:23 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Princeton Conference Series",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  editor =       "Edwin Ford Beckenbach",
  booktitle =    "Modern Mathematics for the Engineer: Second Series",
  title =        "Modern Mathematics for the Engineer: Second Series",
  publisher =    pub-MCGRAW-HILL,
  address =      pub-MCGRAW-HILL:adr,
  pages =        "xviii + 456",
  year =         "1962",
  LCCN =         "QA401 .B4",
  MRclass =      "00A06 35-01 46-01 60-01 65-01 93-01",
  bibdate =      "Tue Oct 24 17:46:41 2023",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "With an introduction by Magnus R. Hestenes.",
  ZMnumber =     "0094.03003",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "David M. Young, Jr. (October 20, 1923--December 21,
                 2008); Magnus Rudolph Hestenes (13 February 1906--31
                 May 1991); Stanis{\l}aw Marcin Ulam (13 April 1909--13
                 May 1984)",
  remark =       "Reprinted in \cite{Beckenbach:2013:MMEb}.",
  tableofcontents = "From Delta functions to distributions / Arthur
                 Erd{\'e}lyi \\
                 Operational methods for separable differential
                 equations / Bernard Friedman \\
                 Integral transforms / John W. Miles \\
                 Semigroup methods in the theory of partial differential
                 equations / Ralph S. Phillips \\
                 Asymptotic formulas and series / J. Barkley Rosser \\
                 Chance processes and fluctuations / William Feller \\
                 Information theory / David Blackwell \\
                 The mathematical theory of control processes / Richard
                 Bellman \\
                 Formulating and solving linear programs / George B.
                 Dantzig \\
                 The mathematical theory of inventory processes / Samuel
                 Karlin \\
                 Monte Carlo calculations in problems of mathematical
                 physics / Stanislaw M. Ulam \\
                 Difference equations and functional equations in
                 transmission-line theory / Raymond Redheffer \\
                 Characteristic-value problems in hydrodynamic and
                 hydromagnetic theory / Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar \\
                 Applications of the theory of partial differential
                 equations to problems of fluid mechanics / Paul R.
                 Garabedian \\
                 The numerical solution of elliptic and parabolic
                 partial differential equations / David Young \\
                 Circle, sphere, symmetrization, and some classical
                 physical problems / George P{\'o}lya",
  ZBmath =       "3153221",

  editor =       "Roger Caillois and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam and others",
  booktitle =    "{Rencontres Internationales de Gen{\`e}ve ``Le robot,
                 la bete et l'homme'' (1965)}",
  title =        "{Rencontres Internationales de Gen{\`e}ve ``Le robot,
                 la bete et l'homme'' (1965)}",
  publisher =    "{\'E}ditions de la Baconni{\`e}re",
  address =      "Neuch{\^a}tel, Switzerland",
  pages =        "360",
  year =         "1966",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:59:04 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  editor =       "John von Neumann and Arthur W. (Arthur Walter) Burks",
  booktitle =    "Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata",
  title =        "Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata",
  publisher =    pub-U-ILLINOIS-PRESS,
  address =      pub-U-ILLINOIS-PRESS:adr,
  pages =        "xix + 388",
  year =         "1966",
  LCCN =         "QA267 .V55",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 06 18:23:10 2005",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Von Neumann's work on self-reproducing automata,
                 completed and edited after his death by Arthur Burks.
                 Also includes transcripts of von Neumann's 1949
                 University of Illinois lectures on the ``Theory and
                 Organization of Complicated Automata''. See
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "1903--1957",
  subject =      "Machine theory",

  editor =       "Donald Fleming and Bernard Bailyn",
  booktitle =    "The intellectual migration: {Europe} and {America},
  title =        "The intellectual migration: {Europe} and {America},
  publisher =    pub-BELKNAP,
  address =      pub-BELKNAP:adr,
  pages =        "748",
  year =         "1969",
  DOI =          "",
  ISBN =         "0-674-33411-6, 0-674-33412-4",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-674-33411-3, 978-0-674-33412-0",
  LCCN =         "E169.1 .F6",
  bibdate =      "Wed Mar 2 17:20:18 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "1923--2008",
  remark =       "An expansion of the second volume of
                 \booktitle{Perspectives in American history}, an annual
  subject =      "United States; Civilization; Foreign influences;
                 Europe; Emigration and immigration; Intellectuals;
                 Political refugees",
  tableofcontents = "Introduction / 3 \\
                 1. Weimar Culture: The Outsider as Insider / Peter Gay
                 / 11 \\
                 I \\
                 2. Reminiscences / Leo Szilard (Edited by Gertrud Weiss
                 Szilard and Kathleen R. Winsor) / 94 \\
                 3. {\'E}migr{\'e} Physicists and the Biological
                 Revolution / Donald Fleming / 152 \\
                 4. A New Site for the Seminar: The Refugees and
                 American Physics in the Thirties / Charles Weiner / 190
                 5. John von Neumann, 1903--1957 / S. Ulam, H. W. Kuhn,
                 A. W. Tucker, and Claude E. Shannon / 235 \\
                 II \\
                 6. An Episode in the History of Social Research: A
                 Memoir / Paul F. Lazarsfeld / 270 \\
                 7. Scientific Experiences of a European Scholar in
                 America / T. W. Adorno (Translated by Donald Fleming) /
                 338 \\
                 8. The Diaspora of Experimental Psychology: The
                 Gestaltists and Others / Jean Matter Mandler and George
                 Mandler / 371 \\
                 9. The Migration of Psychoanalysis: Its Impact on
                 American Psychology / Marie Jahoda / 420 \\
                 10. Franz Neumann Between Marxism and Liberal Democracy
                 / H. Stuart Hughes / 446 \\
                 III \\
                 11. Two Romanisten in America: Spitzer and Auerbach /
                 Harry Levin / 463 \\
                 12. The Aftermath of the Bauhaus in America: Gropius,
                 Mies, and Breuer / William H. Jordy / 485 \\
                 13. Kunstgeschichte American Style: A Study in
                 Migration / Colin Eisler / 544 \\
                 14. The Wiener Kreis in America / Herbert Feigl / 630
                 300 Notable {\'E}migr{\'e}s / 675 \\
                 Notes on Contributors / 719 \\
                 Index / 721",

  author =       "George Gamow",
  booktitle =    "My World Line: An Informal Autobiography",
  title =        "My World Line: An Informal Autobiography",
  publisher =    pub-VIKING,
  address =      pub-VIKING:adr,
  pages =        "178",
  year =         "1970",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 14:38:32 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Foreword by Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "George Gamow (1904--1968)",
  remark =       "First published posthumously. It mainly covers the
                 Russian period 1904--1933, with brief treatment of
                 Gamow's later years. Did Gamow plan a second volume for
                 that period?",

  editor =       "Michael Capobianco and J. B. Frechen and M. Krolik",
  booktitle =    "Recent trends in graph theory: proceedings of the
                 first {New York City} graph theory conference held on
                 {June 11, 12, and 13, 1970}",
  title =        "Recent trends in graph theory: proceedings of the
                 first {New York City} graph theory conference held on
                 {June 11, 12, and 13, 1970}",
  volume =       "215",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "vi + 219",
  year =         "1971",
  ISBN =         "3-540-05386-7 (Berlin), 0-387-05386-7 (New York)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-540-05386-6 (Berlin), 978-0-387-05386-8 (New
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 17:03:21 2007",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       ser-LNM,
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  editor =       "Frederick Reines",
  booktitle =    "Cosmology, fusion and other matters: {George Gamow}
                 memorial volume",
  title =        "Cosmology, fusion and other matters: {George Gamow}
                 memorial volume",
  publisher =    "Colorado Associated University Press",
  address =      "Boulder, CO, USA",
  pages =        "xiv + 320",
  year =         "1972",
  ISBN =         "0-87081-025-1",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-87081-025-1",
  LCCN =         "QC780 .C65",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 17 10:00:24 MDT 2011",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  editor-dates = "Frederick, Reines (1918--1998)",
  subject =      "Nuclear physics; Cosmology; Gamow, George",
  subject-dates = "George Gamow (1904--1968)",
  tableofcontents = "F. Reines / Introduction and preface \\
                 Alpher, R. A. and Herman, R. / Reflections on ``big
                 bang'' cosmology \\
                 Hoyle, F. and Narlikar, J. V. / Conformal invariance in
                 physics and cosmology \\
                 Penzias, A. A. / Cosmology and microwave astronomy \\
                 Wataghin, G. / On a model of the expanding universe \\
                 Dirac, P. A. M. / The variability of the gravitational
                 constant \\
                 Teller, E. / Are the constants constant? \\
                 Fowler, W. A. / New observations and old
                 nucleocosmochronologies \\
                 Shapiro, M. M., Silberberg, R., and Tsao, C. H. /
                 Diffusion of cosmic rays and their source composition
                 Cowan, C. L. and Reines, F. / Neutrino physics ---
                 prospects \\
                 Kavanagh, R. W. / Reaction rates in the proton-proton
                 chain \\
                 Critchfield, C. L. / Analytic forms of the
                 thermonuclear function \\
                 Tuck, J. L. / World energy reserves and some
                 speculations on the future of nuclear fusion energy \\
                 Longmire, C. L. / Heating of charged particles by
                 electric waves \\
                 Yourgrau, W. and van der Merwe, A. / Entropy (positive
                 and negative), information and statistical
                 thermodynamics \\
                 Ulam, S. M. / Gamow --- and mathematics \\
                 Delbr{\"u}ck, M. / Out of this world \\
                 Rosenfeld, L. / Nuclear reminiscences \\
                 Shapiro, M. M. / George Gamow --- an appreciation \\
                 Alpher, R. A. and Herman, R. / Memories of Gamow",

  author =       "Jerzy Neyman",
  booktitle =    "The heritage of {Copernicus}: theories ``pleasing to
                 the mind''",
  title =        "The heritage of {Copernicus}: theories ``pleasing to
                 the mind''",
  publisher =    pub-MIT,
  address =      pub-MIT:adr,
  pages =        "x + 542",
  year =         "1974",
  ISBN =         "0-262-14021-7",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-262-14021-8",
  LCCN =         "Q126.8 .N48",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:27:40 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "The Copernican volume of the National Academy of
  subject =      "science; History; Copernicus, Nicolaus",
  subject-dates = "1473--1543",

  editor =       "Kerson Huang",
  booktitle =    "Physics and our world: a symposium in honor of {Victor
                 F. Weisskopf, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
  title =        "Physics and our world: a symposium in honor of {Victor
                 F. Weisskopf, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
  volume =       "28",
  publisher =    "American Institute of Physics",
  address =      "New York, NY, USA",
  pages =        "ix + 164",
  year =         "1976",
  ISBN =         "0-88318-127-4",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-88318-127-0",
  LCCN =         "QC28 .P48",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:30:51 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "AIP conference proceedings",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "Physics; Congresses; Weisskopf, Victor Frederick",
  subject-dates = "1908--2002",

  editor =       "N. (Nicholas) Metropolis and Steven A. Orszag and
                 Gian-Carlo Rota",
  booktitle =    "{Essays dedicated to S. M. Ulam: proceedings of the
                 first Los Alamos Symposium on Mathematics in the
                 Natural Sciences}",
  title =        "{Essays dedicated to S. M. Ulam: proceedings of the
                 first Los Alamos Symposium on Mathematics in the
                 Natural Sciences}",
  publisher =    pub-ACADEMIC,
  address =      pub-ACADEMIC:adr,
  pages =        "xv + 297",
  year =         "1976",
  ISBN =         "0-12-492150-7",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-12-492150-4",
  LCCN =         "QA36 .L896 1974; QA1 .L588 1974",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 09:45:10 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Surveys in applied mathematics",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  meetingname =  "Los Alamos Symposium on Mathematics in the Natural
                 Sciences (1st: 1974)",
  subject =      "Mathematics; Congresses; Science; Methodology",

  editor =       "N. (Nicholas) Metropolis and Steven A. Orszag and
                 Gian-Carlo Rota",
  booktitle =    "Surveys in applied mathematics: essays dedicated to
                 {S. M. Ulam}: proceedings",
  title =        "Surveys in applied mathematics: essays dedicated to
                 {S. M. Ulam}: proceedings",
  publisher =    pub-ACADEMIC,
  address =      pub-ACADEMIC:adr,
  pages =        "xv + 297",
  year =         "1976",
  LCCN =         "QA1.L588 1974",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 09:45:10 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  meetingname =  "Los Alamos Symposium on Mathematics in the Natural
                 Sciences (1st: 1974)",
  subject =      "Mathematics; Congresses; Science",

  editor =       "Marek Karpinski",
  booktitle =    "{Fundamentals of computation theory: proceedings of
                 the 1977 International FCT-Conference, Poznan-Kornik,
                 Poland, September 19--23, 1977}",
  title =        "{Fundamentals of computation theory: proceedings of
                 the 1977 International FCT-Conference, Poznan-Kornik,
                 Poland, September 19--23, 1977}",
  volume =       "56",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "xi + 542",
  year =         "1977",
  CODEN =        "LNCSD9",
  ISBN =         "0-387-08442-8",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-387-08442-8",
  ISSN =         "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)",
  LCCN =         "QA267.A1,L43 no.56",
  bibdate =      "Fri Apr 12 07:14:47 1996",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       ser-LNCS,
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  keywords =     "categories (mathematics) --- congresses; computational
                 complexity --- congresses; machine theory ---
                 congresses; recursion theory --- congresses",

  editor =       "L. (Lothar) Budach",
  booktitle =    "{Fundamentals of computation theory: FCT '79:
                 proceedings of the Conference on Algebraic, Arithmetic,
                 and Categorial Methods in Computation Theory held in
                 Berlin\slash Wendisch-Rietz (GDR), September 17--21,
  title =        "{Fundamentals of computation theory: FCT '79:
                 proceedings of the Conference on Algebraic, Arithmetic,
                 and Categorial Methods in Computation Theory held in
                 Berlin\slash Wendisch-Rietz (GDR), September 17--21,
  volume =       "2",
  publisher =    pub-AKADEMIE-VERLAG,
  address =      pub-AKADEMIE-VERLAG:adr,
  pages =        "576",
  year =         "1979",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "QA267 .C594 1979",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 10:25:37 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Mathematical research",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  meetingname =  "Conference on Algebraic, Arithmetic, and Categorial
                 Methods in Computation Theory (1979: Wendisch Rietz,
  remark =       "English or French.",
  subject =      "Machine theory; Congresses; Categories (Mathematics);
                 Computational complexity",

  author =       "Kazimierz Kuratowski",
  booktitle =    "A half century of {Polish} mathematics: remembrances
                 and reflections",
  title =        "A half century of {Polish} mathematics: remembrances
                 and reflections",
  volume =       "108",
  publisher =    "Pa{\'n}stwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe (distributed by Ars
  address =      "Warszawa, Poland",
  pages =        "viii + 204",
  year =         "1980",
  ISBN =         "83-01-00819-9",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-83-01-00819-2",
  LCCN =         "QA27.P67 K7813",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:33:18 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Preface by Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam.",
  series =       "International series in pure and applied mathematics",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "Translation of P{\'o}\pm{} wieku matematyki polskiej,
                 1920--1970. Selected works of Polish mathematicians.",
  subject =      "Mathematics; Poland; History",

  editor =       "Nicholas Metropolis and Jack Howlett and Gian-Carlo
  booktitle =    "A History of Computing in the {Twentieth Century}: a
                 Collection of Essays",
  title =        "A History of Computing in the {Twentieth Century}: a
                 Collection of Essays",
  publisher =    pub-ACADEMIC,
  address =      pub-ACADEMIC:adr,
  pages =        "xix + 659",
  year =         "1980",
  DOI =          "",
  ISBN =         "0-12-491650-3, 1-4832-9668-7 (e-book)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-12-491650-0, 978-1-4832-9668-5 (e-book)",
  LCCN =         "QA75.5 .I63 1976",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 15 18:57:33 1995",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Original versions of these papers were presented at
                 the International Research Conference on the History of
                 Computing, held at the Los Alamos Scientific
                 Laboratory, 10--15 June 1976.",
  abstract =     "\booktitle{A History of Computing in the Twentieth
                 Century} focuses on the advancements in the processes,
                 methodologies, programs, and techniques in computing.
                 The selection first elaborates on computing
                 developments in Cambridge, U.S.A., pioneering work on
                 computers at Bletchley, and the COLOSSUS. Discussions
                 focus on secrecy and priority, the first COLOSSUS, MARK
                 II COLOSSUS, postwar developments in computing, and the
                 HEATH ROBINSON project. The text then ponders on
                 Turing's work at the National Physical Laboratory and
                 the construction of Pilot ACE, DEUCE, and ACE, the
                 Smithsonian Computer History Project, and programming
                 in America. Topics include origins of FORTRAN,
                 optimization techniques in FORTRAN, DEUCE computer, and
                 the Pilot ACE. The book takes a look at the development
                 of programming in the USSR, advancement of programming
                 languages, and reflections on the evolution of
                 algorithmic language. The book also examines the
                 computer development at Manchester University, the
                 sieve process, MANIAC project, and the ENIAC project.
                 The selection is a valuable reference for computer
                 science experts and researchers interested in the
                 development of computing.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015)",
  remark =       "This book contains the edited versions of the papers
                 presented at the international research Conference on
                 the History of Computing, held at the Los Alamos
                 Scientific Laboratory, 10--15 June 1976. The book
                 provides an account of the development of the first
                 large-scale computers in the first half of the
                 twentieth century. Each chapter describes one phase of
                 the development and is written by either a participant
                 or a witness to these events. The treatment is
                 narrative and factual and is meant to give a first
                 exposition of the res gestae. The Exposition is
                 accessible to anyone interested in the subject and
                 requires no technical background.",
  tableofcontents = "Contributors / / ii--ii \\
                 Front Matter / / iii--iii \\
                 Copyright / / iv--iv \\
                 Dedication [to John R. Pasta] / / v--v \\
                 List of Contributors / / xi--xiii \\
                 Preface / / xv--xvii \\
                 Acknowledgments / / xviii--xviii \\
                 Introductory Essay / N. Metropolis and Gian-Carlo Rota
                 / xix--xx \\
                 Part I. Introduction \\
                 We would know what they thought when they did it / R.
                 W. Hamming / 3--9 \\
                 Historiography: a perspective for computer scientists /
                 Kenneth O. May / 11--18 \\
                 Part II. The human side \\
                 Computer developments 1935--1955, as seen from
                 Cambridge, U.S.A. / Garrett Birkhoff / 21--30 \\
                 Pioneering work on computers at Bletchley / I. J. Good
                 / 31--45 \\
                 The COLOSSUS / B. Randell / 47--92 \\
                 Von Neumann: the interaction of mathematics and
                 computing / S. M. Ulam / 93--99 \\
                 Turing's work at the National Physical Laboratory and
                 the construction of Pilot ACE, DEUCE, and ACE / J. H.
                 Wilkinson / 101--114 \\
                 The Smithsonian computer history project and some
                 personal recollections / Henry S. Tropp / 115--122 \\
                 Part III. The languages \\
                 Programming in America in the 1950s: some personal
                 impressions / John Backus / 125--135 \\
                 The early development of programming in the USSR /
                 Andrei P. Ershov and Mikhail R. Shura-Bura / 137--196
                 The early development of programming languages / Donald
                 E. Knuth and Luis Trabb Pardo / 197--273 \\
                 Reflections on the evolution of algorithmic language /
                 Mark B. Wells / 275--287 \\
                 Part IV. The machines \\
                 Computer development at the Institute for Advanced
                 Study / Julian Bigelow / 291--310 \\
                 From ENIAC to the stored-program computer: two
                 revolutions in computers / Arthur W. Burks / 311--344
                 Computer development at Argonne National Laboratory /
                 J. C. Chu / 345--346 \\
                 The ORDVAC and the ILLIAC / James E. Robertson \\
                 WHIRLWIND / Robert R. Everett // 347--364 \\
                 Reminiscences of Oak Ridge / A. S. Householder /
                 385--388 \\
                 Computer development at IBM / Cuthbert C. Hurd /
                 389--418 \\
                 The SWAC: the National Bureau of Weather Standards
                 Western Automatic Computer / Harry D. Huskey / 419--431
                 Computer development at Manchester University / S. H.
                 Lavington / 433--443 \\
                 A history of the sieve process / D. H. Lehmer /
                 445--456 \\
                 The MANIAC / N. Metropolis / 457--464 \\
                 Early research on computers at RCA / Jan Rajchman /
                 465--469 \\
                 Memories of the Bureau of Standards' SEAC / Ralph J.
                 Slutz / 471--477 \\
                 Early computers / George R. Stibitz / 479--483 \\
                 The start of an ERA: Engineering Research Associates,
                 Inc., 1946--1955 / Erwin Tomash / 485--495 \\
                 Early programming development in Cambridge / M. V.
                 Wilkes / 497--501 \\
                 Part V. The places \\
                 Between Zuse and Rutishauser: the early development of
                 digital computing in central Europe / Friedrich L.
                 Bauer / 505--524 \\
                 The ENIAC / J. Presper Eckert, Jr. / 525--539 \\
                 The ENIAC / John W. Mauchly / 541--550 \\
                 Computers in the University of London, 1945--1962 /
                 Andrew D. Booth / 551--561 \\
                 A programmer's early memories / Edsger W. Dijkstra /
                 563--573 \\
                 Early history of computing in Japan / Ryota Suekane /
                 575--578 \\
                 From mechanical linkages to electronic computers:
                 recollections from Czechoslovakia / Antonin Svoboda /
                 579--586 \\
                 Central European prehistory of computing / H. Zemanek /
                 587--609 \\
                 Some remarks on the history of computing in Germany /
                 Konrad Zuse / 611--627 \\
                 The origins of digital computers: supplementary
                 bibliography / B. Randell // 629--659 \\
                 General Index / / 661--683 \\
                 Index of Claimed Firsts and Inventions / 684--685 \\
                 Index of Names / 686--693",

  editor =       "R. Daniel Mauldin",
  booktitle =    "{The Scottish book: mathematics from the Scottish
  title =        "{The Scottish book: mathematics from the Scottish
  publisher =    pub-BIRKHAUSER-BOSTON,
  address =      pub-BIRKHAUSER-BOSTON:adr,
  pages =        "xiii + 268",
  year =         "1981",
  ISBN =         "3-7643-3045-7",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-7643-3045-3",
  LCCN =         "QA43 .S39",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:38:48 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "First edition 1957 and 1977 by Stanis{\l}aw Ulam and
                 distributed by the Los Alamos Laboratory. Contains
                 mathematical problems, collected in a note-book by
                 Polish mathematicians in the Scottish coffee house in
                 Lw{\'o}w from 1935 to 1941. Includes selected papers
                 from the Scottish Book Conference, held at North Texas
                 State University in May 1979.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "Mathematics; Problems, exercises, etc",
  tableofcontents = "Introduction / R. D. Mauldin / vii \\
                 Preface to the Limited Los Alamos Editor of 1957 /
                 Stanis{\l}aw Ulam / x \\
                 Preface to the 1977 Monograph / Stanis{\l}aw Ulam /
                 xiii \\
                 I. The Scottish book conference lectures / 1 \\
                 An anecdotal history of the Scottish book /
                 Stanis{\l}aw Ulam / 3 \\
                 A personal history of the Scottish book / Mark Kac / 17
                 Steinhaus and the development of Polish mathematics /
                 A. Zygmund / 29 \\
                 My Scottish book ``problems'' / Paul Erd{\H{o}}s / 35
                 KKM-maps and their applications to nonlinear problems /
                 Andrzej Granas / 45 \\
                 II. The Scottish book problems / 63",

  editor =       "Dalton Tarwater and John T. White and Carl Hall and
                 Marion E. Moore",
  title =        "{American} mathematical heritage: algebra and applied
                 mathematics{[: papers of the third conference, held at
                 the University of Texas at El Paso, November 1975, and
                 the fourth conference, held at the University of Texas
                 at Arlington, October 1976]}",
  volume =       "13",
  publisher =    "Texas Technological University Press",
  address =      "Lubbock, TX, USA",
  pages =        "127",
  year =         "1981",
  MRclass =      "01-06 13-03 20-03 01A60 93-03",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 24 12:12:36 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Mathematics Series",
  ZMnumber =     "0461.01001",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject-dates = "Olga Taussky-Todd (30 August 1906--7 October 1995)",
  tableofcontents = "Part I \\
                 Program, History of Algebra / 1 \\ \\
                 Saunders MacLane, University of Chicago / \\
                 History of Abstract Algebra / 3 \\
                 Walter Feit, Yale / Theory of Finite Groups in the
                 Twentieth Century / 37 \\
                 L. Fuchs, Tulane / Historical Survey of Abelian Groups
                 / 61 \\
                 Olga Taussky, Caltech / History of Sums of Squares in
                 Algebra / 73 \\
                 PART II \\ \\
                 Program, History of Applied Mathematics / 93 \\
                 Peter D. Lax, Courant Institute / Applied Mathematics,
                 1945 to 1975 / 95 \\
                 S. M. Ulam, University of Colorado / Future
                 Applications of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences /
                 101 \\
                 Richard Bellman, University of Southern California /
                 Systems of Society / 115 \\
                 R. E. Kalman, University of Florida / Mathematical
                 System Theory: The New Queen / 121",

  editor =       "A. R. Bednarek and Lamberto Cesari",
  booktitle =    "{Dynamical systems II: proceedings of a University of
                 Florida international symposium}",
  title =        "{Dynamical systems II: proceedings of a University of
                 Florida international symposium}",
  publisher =    pub-ACADEMIC,
  address =      pub-ACADEMIC:adr,
  pages =        "xiii + 664",
  year =         "1982",
  ISBN =         "0-12-084720-5, 0-12-083750-1",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-12-084720-4, 978-0-12-083750-2",
  LCCN =         "QA614.8 .D93 1982",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 16:35:49 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "Held in Gainesville, Florida, February 25--27, 1981.",
  subject =      "Differentiable dynamical systems; Congresses",

  editor =       "Themistocles M. Rassias and George M. Rassias",
  booktitle =    "Selected studies, physics-astrophysics, mathematics,
                 history of science: a volume dedicated to the memory of
                 {Albert Einstein}",
  title =        "Selected studies, physics-astrophysics, mathematics,
                 history of science: a volume dedicated to the memory of
                 {Albert Einstein}",
  publisher =    pub-NORTH-HOLLAND,
  address =      pub-NORTH-HOLLAND:adr,
  pages =        "xii + 392",
  year =         "1982",
  ISBN =         "0-444-86161-0",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-444-86161-0",
  LCCN =         "QB461 .S374 1982",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:21:11 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "astrophysics; mathematics; science; history; Einstein,
  subject-dates = "1879--1955",

  editor =       "Donald J. Albers and Gerald L. Alexanderson",
  booktitle =    "Mathematical People: Profiles and Interviews",
  title =        "Mathematical People: Profiles and Interviews",
  publisher =    pub-BIRKHAUSER,
  address =      pub-BIRKHAUSER:adr,
  pages =        "xvi + 2 + 372",
  year =         "1985",
  ISBN =         "0-8176-3191-7, 3-7643-3191-7",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-8176-3191-8, 978-3-7643-3191-7",
  LCCN =         "QA28 .M37 1985",
  bibdate =      "Sun Mar 25 08:44:00 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "Published in cooperation with the Mathematical
                 Association of America.",
  subject =      "Mathematicians; Biography",
  tableofcontents = "Foreword / Ivan Iven \\
                 Introduction: Reflections on writing the history of
                 mathematics / Philip J. Davis \\
                 Garrett Birkhoff / G. L. Alexanderson and Carroll Wilde
                 David Blackwell / Donald J. Albers \\
                 Shiing-Shen Chern / William Chinn and John Lewis \\
                 John Horton Conway / Richard K. Guy \\
                 H. S. M. Coxeter / Dave Logothetti \\
                 Persi Diaconis / Donald J. Albers \\
                 Paul Erd{\H{o}}s / G. L. Alexanderson \\
                 Martin Gardner / Peter Renz and Anthony Barcellos \\
                 Ronald L. Graham / Bruce Schecter \\
                 Paul R. Halmos / Donald J. Albers \\
                 Peter J. Hilton / Lynn A. Steen and G. L. Alexanderson
                 John Kemeny / Lynn A. Steen \\
                 Morris Kline / G. L. Alexanderson \\
                 Donald Knuth / Donald J. Albers and Lynn A. Steen \\
                 Beno{\^\i}t Mandelbrot / Anthony Barcellos \\
                 Henry O. Pollak / Donald J. Albers and Michael J.
                 Thibodeaux \\
                 George P{\'o}lya / G. L. Alexanderson \\
                 Mina Rees / Rosamond Dana and Peter J. Hilton \\
                 Constance Reid / G. L. Alexanderson \\
                 Herbert Robbins / Warren Page \\
                 Raymond Smullyan / Ira Mothner \\
                 Olga Taussky-Todd / Autobiographical Essay / 321--352
                 Albert W. Tucker / Stephen B. Maurer \\
                 Reminiscences of Solomon Lefschetz / Albert W. Tucker
                 Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam / Anthony Barcellos / 367--374",

  editor =       "Gary D. Doolen and Mark Kac and Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of the Conference on Transport and
                 Propagation in Nonlinear Systems, held at the Los
                 Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, May
  title =        "{Proceedings of the Conference on Transport and
                 Propagation in Nonlinear Systems, held at the Los
                 Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, May
  volume =       "39(5/6)",
  publisher =    pub-PLENUM,
  address =      pub-PLENUM:adr,
  pages =        "453--816 + 6",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1985",
  LCCN =         "QC175 .J826",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 09:45:10 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Journal of statistical physics, 0022-4715",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  meetingname =  "Conference on Transport and Propagation in Nonlinear
                 Systems (1984: Los Alamos National Laboratory)",
  remark =       "Dedicated to the memory of Mark Kac and Stan Ulam.",
  subject =      "Kac, Mark; Ulam, Stanis{\l}aw M; Nonlinear theories;
                 Congresses; Transport theory; Wave-motion, Theory of;
                 System analysis",

  editor =       "Gian-Carlo Rota",
  booktitle =    "Probability, statistical mechanics, and number theory:
                 a volume dedicated to {Mark Kac}",
  title =        "Probability, statistical mechanics, and number theory:
                 a volume dedicated to {Mark Kac}",
  volume =       "9",
  publisher =    pub-ACADEMIC,
  address =      pub-ACADEMIC:adr,
  pages =        "xi + 194",
  year =         "1986",
  ISBN =         "0-12-598543-6",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-12-598543-7",
  LCCN =         "QA273 .P7954 1986",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 15:17:01 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Advances in mathematics. Supplementary studies",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "Probabilities; Statistical mechanics; Number theory",

  editor =       "A. R. Bednarek and Fran{\c{c}}oise Ulam",
  booktitle =    "Analogies between analogies: the mathematical reports
                 of {S. M. Ulam} and his {Los Alamos} collaborators",
  title =        "Analogies between analogies: the mathematical reports
                 of {S. M. Ulam} and his {Los Alamos} collaborators",
  volume =       "10",
  publisher =    pub-U-CAL,
  address =      pub-U-CAL:adr,
  pages =        "xviii + 565",
  year =         "1990",
  ISBN =         "0-520-05290-0",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-520-05290-1",
  LCCN =         "QA274 .A53 1990; Internet",
  MRclass =      "01A75 (00A69 58F08 60J80 60K35)",
  MRnumber =     "MR1123485 (92i:01033)",
  MRreviewer =   "Dieter H. Mayer",
  bibdate =      "Sat Mar 31 09:45:10 MDT 2007",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "The mathematical reports of S. M. Ulam and his Los
                 Alamos collaborators, Edited and with a foreword by A.
                 R. Bednarek and Fran{\c{c}}oise Ulam, With a
                 bibliography of Ulam by Barbara Hendry",
  series =       "Los Alamos Series in Basic and Applied Sciences",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "Ulam, Stanis{\l}aw M; Stochastic processes; Nonlinear
                 theories; Mathematical physics",
  xxpages =      "xvii + 565",

  editor =       "Timothy Ferris and Clifton Fadiman",
  booktitle =    "The world treasury of physics, astronomy, and
  title =        "The world treasury of physics, astronomy, and
  publisher =    pub-LITTLE-BROWN,
  address =      pub-LITTLE-BROWN:adr,
  pages =        "xv + 859",
  year =         "1991",
  ISBN =         "0-316-28129-8",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-316-28129-4",
  LCCN =         "QC71 .W67 1991",
  bibdate =      "Mon Sep 29 11:20:43 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Foreword by Clifton Fadiman.",
  abstract =     "An astonishing cast of more than ninety renowned
                 writers provides thoughtful and lucid reflections on
                 some of the major scientific topics of our time ---
                 from black holes and galaxies to artificial
                 intelligence and chaos theory. Featuring essays,
                 articles, and poems penned by notables in the worlds of
                 both science and literature, this unique book will
                 delight the science enthusiast and the inquisitive
                 general reader alike.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject =      "Physics; Astronomy; Mathematics; Science; Philosophy;
                 Physicists; Biography; Astronomers; Mathematicians",
  tableofcontents = "Foreword / ix \\
                 Preface / xi \\
                 Part 1: Realm of the Atom \\
                 Atoms and quarks \\
                 Atoms in motion / Richard P. Feynman / 3 \\
                 Large and the small / Kenneth W. Ford / 18 \\
                 Gay tribe of electrons / George Gamow / 38 \\
                 Radioactive substances / Pierre Curie / 50 \\
                 $E = m c^2$ / Albert Einstein / 56 \\
                 Man who listened / Robert P. Crease and Charles C. Mann
                 / 60 \\
                 Theory of electrons and positrons / Paul A. M. Dirac /
                 80 \\
                 Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory / Werner
                 Heisenberg / 86 \\
                 Uncertainty and complementarity / Heinz R. Pagels / 97
                 Schr{\"o}dinger's cat / Heinz R. Pagels / 111 \\
                 Unified theory of physics / Timothy Ferris / 116 \\
                 Butterflies and super strings / Freeman J. Dyson / 128
                 Time and space \\
                 Distinction of past and future / Richard P. Feynman /
                 147 \\
                 Second law of thermodynamics / Max Planck / 163 \\
                 Age of the elements / David N. Schramm / 170 \\
                 Two masses / Isaac Asimov / 184 \\
                 Einstein's law of gravitation / Bertrand Russell / 194
                 Black holes / Roger Penrose / 203 \\
                 Black holes ain't so black / Stephen W. Hawking / 226
                 Part 2: Wider Universe \\
                 Sun and beyond \\
                 Total eclipse / Annie Dillard / 241 \\
                 Astride the comet / Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan / 254 \\
                 Cosmic terrorist / Richard Muller / 261 \\
                 I think I see it / Richard Muller / 268 \\
                 Classifying the stars / Annie J. Cannon / 272 \\
                 How a supernova explodes / Hans A. Bethe and Gerald
                 Brown / 277 \\
                 Measuring the universe / Harlow Shapley / 292 \\
                 Milky Way galaxy / Bart J. Bok / 299 \\
                 Structure of the universe \\
                 Cosmology: the quest to understand the creation and
                 expansion of the universe / Allan Sandage / 321 \\
                 Exploration of space / Edwin Hubble / 335 \\
                 Spherical space / Arthur Stanley Eddington / 346 \\
                 Primeval atom / Georges Lema{\^\i}tre / 360 \\
                 New physics and the universe / James Trefil / 365\\
                 Let there be light: modern cosmogony and biblical
                 creation / Owen Gingerich / 378 \\
                 Beginnings and endings \\
                 First three minutes / Steven Weinberg / 395 \\
                 Magic furnace / Harald Fritzsch / 410 \\
                 Origin of the universe / Alan Lightman / 419 \\
                 How will the world end? / John D. Barrow and Joseph
                 Silk / 425 \\
                 Part 3: Cosmos of Numbers \\
                 About mathematics \\
                 Mathematician's apology / Godfrey Harold Hardy / 431
                 Mathematics and creativity / Alfred Adler / 435 \\
                 How long is the coast of Britain? / Beno{\^\i}t B.
                 Mandelbrot / 447 \\
                 Chaos / James Gleick / 456 \\
                 Artificial intelligence and all that \\
                 Computers / Lewis Thomas / 475 \\
                 Computer and the brain / John von Neumann / 478 \\
                 Can a machine think? / Alan Turing / 492 \\
                 Math angst \\
                 Loss of certainty / Morris Kline / 520 \\
                 Unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the
                 natural sciences / Eugene P. Wigner / 526 \\
                 What is mathematics? / John D. Barrow / 541 \\
                 Limits of mathematics / Philip J. Davis and Reuben
                 Hersh / 559 \\
                 Part 4: Ways of Science \\
                 Scientists' lives and works \\
                 Albert Einstein / John Archibald Wheeler / 563 \\
                 Autobiographical notes / Albert Einstein / 577 \\
                 Tribute to Max Planck / Albert Einstein / 590 \\
                 Rutherford / C. P. Snow / 591 \\
                 Dirac / Jagdish Mehra / 603 \\
                 Hilbert / Paul A. M. Dirac / 604 \\
                 Quest for order / John Tierney / 605 \\
                 Legend of John von Neumann / P. R. Halmos / 614 \\
                 On the beach / Andrew Hodges / 629 \\
                 Ramanujan and Pi / Jonathan M. Borwein and Peter B.
                 Borwein / 647 \\
                 Paul Erd{\H{o}}s: mathematician / Lee Dembart / 660 \\
                 Man of science-Abdus Salam / Nigel Calder / 665 \\
                 Two shakers of physics: memorial lecture for Sin-itiro
                 Tomonaga / Julian Schwinger / 675 \\
                 Robert Wilson and the building of Fermilab / Philip J.
                 Hilts / 696 \\
                 Los Alamos / Stanis{\l}aw M. Ulam / 705 \\
                 Coming into my own / Luis W. Alvarez / 730 \\
                 Two cultures / C. P. Snow / 741 \\
                 Women in science / Vivian Gornick / 747 \\
                 Iron / Primo Levi / 651 \\
                 Poetry of science / 762 \\
                 When I heard the learn'd astronomer / Walt Whitman /
                 762 \\
                 ``I am like a slip of comet \ldots{}'' / Gerard Manley
                 Hopkins / 762 \\
                 Arcturus / Emily Dickinson / 763 \\
                 Star-swirls / Robinson Jeffers / 764 \\
                 Galaxy / Richard Ryan / 765 \\
                 Molecular evolution / James Clerk Maxwell / 766 \\
                 Atomic architecture / A. M. Sullivan / 767 \\
                 Seeing things / Howard Nemerov / 768 \\
                 Cosmic gall / John Updike / 768 \\
                 Nomad / Anthony Piccione / 769 \\
                 Little cosmic dust poem / John Haines / 770 \\
                 Connoisseur of chaos / Wallace Stevens / 771 \\
                 ``The Kings of the world \ldots{}'' / Rainer Maria
                 Rilke / 772 \\
                 Windy planet / Annie Dillard / 773 \\
                 Space shuttle / Diane Ackerman / 774 \\
                 Epistemology / Richard Wilbur / 775 \\
                 What science says to truth / William Watson / 775 \\
                 From ``An essay on man'' / Alexander Pope / 776 \\
                 True enough: to the physicist / Johann Wolfgang von
                 Goethe / 776 \\
                 About Planck time / George Bradley / 777 \\
                 Observatory ode / John Frederick Nims / 778 \\
                 Philosophy and science \\
                 Nature of science / Isaac Asimov / 781 \\
                 Art of discovery / Horace Freeland Judson / 784 \\
                 Structure of scientific revolutions / Thomas S. Kuhn /
                 787 \\
                 Logic of scientific discovery / Karl Popper / 795 \\
                 Causality and complementarity / Niels Bohr / 801 \\
                 From ``Letters to Max Born'' / Albert Einstein / 808
                 Black magic and white magic / Jacob Bronowski / 810 \\
                 Positivism, metaphysics, and religion / Werner
                 Heisenberg / 821 \\
                 Science and religion / Albert Einstein / 828 \\
                 Acknowledgments / 837 \\
                 Index / 849",

  author =       "Martin Gardner",
  booktitle =    "The colossal book of mathematics: classic puzzles,
                 paradoxes, and problems: number theory, algebra,
                 geometry, probability, topology, game theory, infinity,
                 and other topics of recreational mathematics",
  title =        "The colossal book of mathematics: classic puzzles,
                 paradoxes, and problems: number theory, algebra,
                 geometry, probability, topology, game theory, infinity,
                 and other topics of recreational mathematics",
  publisher =    pub-NORTON,
  address =      pub-NORTON:adr,
  pages =        "xi + 724",
  year =         "2001",
  ISBN =         "0-393-02023-1",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-393-02023-6",
  LCCN =         "QA95 .G245 2001",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 9 17:40:28 MST 2013",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "1914--2010",
  subject =      "Mathematical recreations",
  tableofcontents = "Preface \\
                 I. Arithmetic and algebra \\
                 1. The monkey and the coconuts \\
                 2. The calculus of finite differences \\
                 3. Palindromes: words and numbers \\
                 II. Plane geometry \\
                 4. Curves of constant width \\
                 5. Rep-tiles \\
                 6. Piet Hein's superellipse \\
                 7. Penrose tiles \\
                 8. The wonders of a planiverse \\
                 III. Solid geometry and higher dimensions \\
                 9. The helix \\
                 10. Packing spheres \\
                 11. Spheres and hyperspheres \\
                 12. The Church of the Fourth Dimension \\
                 13. Hypercubes \\
                 14. Non-Euclidean geometry \\
                 IV. Symmetry \\
                 15. Rotations and reflections \\
                 16. The amazing creations of Scott Kim \\
                 17. The art of M. C. Escher \\
                 V. Topology \\
                 18. Klein bottles and other surfaces \\
                 19. Knots \\
                 20. Doughnuts: linked and knotted \\
                 VI. Probability \\
                 21. Probability and ambiguity \\
                 22. Nontransitive dice and other paradoxes \\
                 23. More nontransitive paradoxes \\
                 VII. Infinity \\
                 24. Infinite regress \\
                 25. Aleph-null and aleph-one \\
                 26. Supertasks \\
                 27. Fractal music \\
                 28. Surreal numbers \\
                 VIII. Combinatorics \\
                 29. Hexaflexagons \\
                 30. The Soma cube \\
                 31. The game of life \\
                 32. Paper folding \\
                 33. Ramsey theory \\
                 34. Bulgarian solitaire and other seemingly endless
                 tasks \\
                 IX. Games and decision theory \\
                 35. A matchbox game-learning machine \\
                 36. Sprouts and Brussels sprouts \\
                 37. Harary's generalized ticktacktoe \\
                 38. The new Eleusis \\
                 X. Physics \\
                 39. Time travel \\
                 40. Does time ever stop? \\
                 41. Induction and probability \\
                 42. Simplicity \\
                 XI. Logic and philosophy \\
                 43. The unexpected hanging \\
                 44. Newcomb's paradox \\
                 45. Nothing \\
                 46. Everything \\
                 XII. Miscellaneous \\
                 47. Melody-making machines \\
                 48. Mathematical zoo \\
                 49. G{\"o}del, Escher, Bach \\
                 50. Six sensational discoveries \\
                 Selected titles by the author on mathematics \\

  editor =       "Anonymous",
  booktitle =    "{The Center for Nonlinear Studies 25th Annual
                 International Conference: 50 Years of the
                 Fermi--Pasta--Ulam Problem: Legacy, Impact, and Beyond:
                 May 16--20, 2005, Radisson Santa Fe Hotel, Santa Fe,
                 New Mexico USA}",
  title =        "{The Center for Nonlinear Studies 25th Annual
                 International Conference: 50 Years of the
                 Fermi--Pasta--Ulam Problem: Legacy, Impact, and Beyond:
                 May 16--20, 2005, Radisson Santa Fe Hotel, Santa Fe,
                 New Mexico USA}",
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  pages =        "????",
  year =         "2005",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jun 18 15:55:39 2012",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "From the abstract of David Campbell's talk ``From FPU
                 to ILMs via the CNLS'': ``The Fermi--Pasta--Ulam (FPU)
                 problem, which was formulated and studied in Los Alamos
                 50 years ago, produced results initially characterized
                 by Fermi as a `little discovery.' In fact, it heralded
                 the beginning of computational and (modern) nonlinear
                 physics, marking the first systematic study of a
                 nonlinear system by digital computers (`experimental
                 mathematics') and leading directly to the discovery of
                 `solitons,' as well as to deep insights into
                 deterministic chaos and statistical mechanics.'' See
                 \cite{Fermi:1955:SNP,Pasta:1965:SNP,Fermi:1974:SNP} for
                 the original problem, and
                 \cite{Berman:2004:FPU,Berman:2005:FPU} for a
                 half-century review.",

  author =       "Istv{\'a}n Hargittai",
  booktitle =    "Judging {Edward Teller}: a closer look at one of the
                 most influential scientists of the {Twentieth
  title =        "Judging {Edward Teller}: a closer look at one of the
                 most influential scientists of the {Twentieth
  publisher =    pub-PROMETHEUS-BOOKS,
  address =      pub-PROMETHEUS-BOOKS:adr,
  pages =        "575",
  year =         "2010",
  ISBN =         "1-61614-221-9 (hardcover)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-1-61614-221-6 (hardcover)",
  LCCN =         "QC16.T37 H37 2010",
  bibdate =      "Thu Oct 6 06:57:45 MDT 2011",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Afterword by Richard Garwin.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  shorttableofcontents = "Teller in Hungary: origins and background \\
                 Germany: road to science \\
                 Transitions \\
                 Atomic bomb quest \\
                 No calm before the storm \\
                 Fathering the hydrogen bomb \\
                 From worrier to warrior \\
                 Double tragedy: Teller and Oppenheimer \\
                 Fallout and test ban \\
                 ``A monomaniac with many manias'' \\
                 Warring the stars \\
                 Final thoughts",
  subject =      "Teller, Edward; Physicists; United States; Biography;
                 Scientists; Hungarian Americans; Atomic bomb; History",
  subject-dates = "1908--2003",
  tableofcontents = "Foreword by Peter Lax / 15 \\
                 Preface / 19 \\
                 I: Teller in Hungary: Origins and Background / 27 \\
                 Broader Background / 29 \\
                 Origins / 37 \\
                 Childhood / 41 \\
                 Gimn{\'a}zium Experience / 43 \\
                 Higher Learning Begins / 49 \\
                 Family Fate / 54 \\
                 2: Germany: Road to Science / 61 \\
                 Why Germany? / 61 \\
                 Karlsruhe and Munich / 66 \\
                 Leipzig and G{\"o}ttingen / 69 \\
                 Teller and Germany / 81 \\
                 3: Transitions / 91 \\
                 Copenhagen and London / 92 \\
                 New World / 102 \\
                 ``Molecule Inspector'' / 104 \\
                 Enter Nuclear Physics / 116 \\
                 4: Atomic Bomb Quest / 123 \\
                 Idyll Ending / 124 \\
                 War-Footing / 136 \\
                 Roots of Anticommunism / 146 \\
                 Bomb Dilemmas / 152 \\
                 5: No Calm Before the Storm / 165 \\
                 Chicago / 168 \\
                 Lasting Friendship / 173 \\
                 Mici / 177 \\
                 Entering Politics / 178 \\
                 Reactor Safety / 186 \\
                 The Big Debate / 189 \\
                 6: Fathering the Hydrogen Bomb / 205 \\
                 Hydrogen Bomb Quest / 207 \\
                 Can We Know the Past? / 225 \\
                 7: From Worrier to Warrior / 243 \\
                 Road to Livermore / 244 \\
                 Lengthened Shadows / 254 \\
                 Teller Tech / 273 \\
                 8: Double Tragedy: Teller and Oppenheimer / 277 \\
                 Parallel Lives / 278 \\
                 The Case and the Hearing / 294 \\
                 Aftermath / 304 \\
                 ``Dangerous Mole'' / 311 \\
                 9: Fallout and Test Ban / 317 \\
                 Against the Test Ban / 319 \\
                 Teller versus Pauling / 323 \\
                 Continued Opposition / 329 \\
                 Teller-Szilard Debates / 337 \\
                 ``Reluctant Revolutionary'' / 342 \\
                 Against Other Treaties / 345 \\
                 Nuclear Winter / 348 \\
                 10: ``A Monomaniac With Many Manias'' / 353 \\
                 Coding Excursion / 354 \\
                 Taste of Bidding / 356 \\
                 TRIGA / 359 \\
                 Politics Unlimited / 360 \\
                 ``And They Shall Beat Their Plowshare into Chariot'' /
                 368 \\
                 Secrecy / 378 \\
                 Three Mile Island / 385 \\
                 11: Warring the Stars / 389 \\
                 Great Alliance / 390 \\
                 SDI / 392 \\
                 Vision and Dedication / 397 \\
                 Excalibur / 403 \\
                 World Politics / 413 \\
                 Brilliant Pebbles / 417 \\
                 Summits / 418 \\
                 12: Final Thoughts / 425 \\
                 Homecoming / 427 \\
                 Being Jewish / 431 \\
                 Russian Connection / 433 \\
                 Assessment / 436 \\
                 Labels / 442 \\
                 Advising / 446 \\
                 Two Tellers (At Least) / 449 \\
                 Legacy / 453 \\
                 Afterword by Richard Garwin / 457 \\
                 Timeline: Selected Events in Edward Teller's Life / 461
                 Acknowledgments / 465 \\
                 Biographical Names / 469 \\
                 Notes / 489 \\
                 Index / 549",

  author =       "George Dyson",
  booktitle =    "{Turing}'s cathedral: the origins of the digital
  title =        "{Turing}'s cathedral: the origins of the digital
  publisher =    pub-PANTHEON,
  address =      pub-PANTHEON:adr,
  pages =        "xxii + 401",
  year =         "2012",
  ISBN =         "0-375-42277-3 (hardcover), 1-4000-7599-8 (paperback)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-375-42277-5 (hardcover), 978-1-4000-7599-7
  LCCN =         "QA76.17 .D97 2012",
  bibdate =      "Sun Mar 25 21:48:01 MDT 2012",
  bibsource =    ";
  abstract =     "Legendary historian and philosopher of science George
                 Dyson vividly re-creates the scenes of focused
                 experimentation, incredible mathematical insight, and
                 pure creative genius that gave us computers, digital
                 television, modern genetics, models of stellar
                 evolution--in other words, computer code. In the 1940s
                 and '50s, a group of eccentric geniuses--led by John
                 von Neumann--gathered at the newly created Institute
                 for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. Their
                 joint project was the realization of the theoretical
                 universal machine, an idea that had been put forth by
                 mathematician Alan Turing. This group of brilliant
                 engineers worked in isolation, almost entirely
                 independent from industry and the traditional academic
                 community. But because they relied exclusively on
                 government funding, the government wanted its share of
                 the results: the computer that they built also led
                 directly to the hydrogen bomb. George Dyson has
                 uncovered a wealth of new material about this project,
                 and in bringing the story of these men and women and
                 their ideas to life, he shows how the crucial
                 advancements that dominated twentieth-century
                 technology emerged from one computer in one laboratory,
                 where the digital universe as we know it was born.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark-1 =     "From a photo caption three plates before page 249:
                 ``\ldots{} at the University of Manchester in 1951. The
                 Ferranti Mark I, with 256 40-bit words (1 kilobyte) of
                 cathode-ray tube memory, and a 16,000-word magnetic
                 drum, was the first commercially available
                 implementation of Turing's Universal Machine. At
                 Turing's insistence, a random number generator was
                 included, so that the computer could learn by trial and
                 error or perform a search by means of random walk.''",
  remark-2 =     "From page 265: In 1949, \ldots{}, Turing designed a
                 random-number generator that instead of producing
                 pseudo-random numbers by a numerical process included a
                 source of truly-random noise. This avoid von Neumann's
                 ``state of sin''.",
  subject =      "computers; history; Turing machines; computable
                 functions; random access memory; von Neumann, John;
                 Turing, Alan Mathison; science / general; biography and
                 autobiography / science and technology",
  subject-dates = "1903--1957; 1912--1954",
  tableofcontents = "Principal characters \\
                 1953 \\
                 Olden Farm \\
                 Veblen's circle \\
                 Neumann J{\'a}nos \\
                 MANIAC \\
                 Fuld 219 \\
                 6J6 \\
                 V-40 \\
                 Cyclogenesis \\
                 Monte Carlo \\
                 Ulam's demons \\
                 Barricelli's universe \\
                 Turing's cathedral \\
                 Engineer's dreams \\
                 Theory of self-reproducing automata \\
                 Mach 9 \\
                 The tale of the big computer \\
                 The thirty-ninth step",

  editor =       "Edwin Ford Beckenbach",
  booktitle =    "Modern Mathematics for the Engineer: Second Series",
  title =        "Modern Mathematics for the Engineer: Second Series",
  publisher =    pub-DOVER,
  address =      pub-DOVER:adr,
  pages =        "xviii + 456",
  year =         "2013",
  ISBN =         "0-486-31612-2 (e-book), 0-486-49747-X (paperback),
                 1-306-32668-0 (e-book)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-486-31612-3 (e-book), 978-0-486-49747-1
                 (paperback), 978-1-306-32668-1 (e-book)",
  LCCN =         "QA401 .B39 2013",
  bibdate =      "Wed Oct 25 06:35:00 MDT 2023",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "With an introduction by Magnus R. Hestenes. Reprint of
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "David M. Young, Jr. (October 20, 1923--December 21,
                 2008); Magnus Rudolph Hestenes (13 February 1906--31
                 May 1991); Stanis{\l}aw Marcin Ulam (13 April 1909--13
                 May 1984)",
  tableofcontents = "From Delta functions to distributions / Arthur
                 Erd{\'e}lyi \\
                 Operational methods for separable differential
                 equations / Bernard Friedman \\
                 Integral transforms / John W. Miles \\
                 Semigroup methods in the theory of partial differential
                 equations / Ralph S. Phillips \\
                 Asymptotic formulas and series / J. Barkley Rosser \\
                 Chance processes and fluctuations / William Feller \\
                 Information theory / David Blackwell \\
                 The mathematical theory of control processes / Richard
                 Bellman \\
                 Formulating and solving linear programs / George B.
                 Dantzig \\
                 The mathematical theory of inventory processes / Samuel
                 Karlin \\
                 Monte Carlo calculations in problems of mathematical
                 physics / Stanislaw M. Ulam \\
                 Difference equations and functional equations in
                 transmission-line theory / Raymond Redheffer \\
                 Characteristic-value problems in hydrodynamic and
                 hydromagnetic theory / Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar \\
                 Applications of the theory of partial differential
                 equations to problems of fluid mechanics / Paul R.
                 Garabedian \\
                 The numerical solution of elliptic and parabolic
                 partial differential equations / David Young \\
                 Circle, sphere, symmetrization, and some classical
                 physical problems / George P{\'o}lya",