/* The following Lucent copyright notice applies to parts of repwhere_ASL() and the original introuble* routines (moved here in 2011 from rops.c and rops2.c). */ /**************************************************************** Copyright (C) 1997 Lucent Technologies All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Lucent or any of its entities not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. LUCENT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL LUCENT OR ANY OF ITS ENTITIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************/ /* The following AMPL copyright notice applies to material added in 2011, identified by #ifndef ASL_OLD_DERIV_CHECK . */ /******************************************************************* Copyright (C) 2017, 2020 AMPL Optimization, Inc.; written by David M. Gay. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation. The author and AMPL Optimization, Inc. disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. *******************************************************************/ #include "asl.h" #include "errchk.h" void repwhere_ASL(ASL *asl, int jv) { int i, j, k, k1; static const char *what[2] = { "constraint", "objective" }; static const char *which[4] = { "function: ", "gradient: ", "Hessian: ", "???: " }; char *b, buf[512]; FILE *f; fflush(stdout); need_nl = 0; fprintf(Stderr, "Error evaluating "); #define next_line fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),f) if ((i = cv_index)) { strcpy(stub_end, ".fix"); j = 0; if ((f = fopen(filename, "r"))) { for(;;) { if (!next_line) goto eof; for(b = buf; *b; b++) if (*b == '=') { while(++j < i) if (!next_line) goto eof; b = buf; while(*b && *b != '=') b++; if (*b != '=' || b < buf + 2) j = 0; else b[-1] = 0; goto eof; } } eof: fclose(f); } if (j == i) fprintf(Stderr, "var %s: ", buf); else fprintf(Stderr, "\"var =\" definition %d: ", i); goto ret; } k = k1 = 0; if ((i = co_index) < 0) { k = 1; i = asl->i.n_con0 - i; if (n_obj <= 1) k1 = 1; } else ++i; fprintf(Stderr, "%s ", what[k]); if (maxrownamelen) { strcpy(stub_end, ".row"); if ((f = fopen(filename, "r"))) { for(j = 0; j < i; j++) if (!next_line) break; fclose(f); if (j >= i) { for(b = buf; *b; b++) if (*b == '\n') { *b = 0; break; } fprintf(Stderr, "%s ", buf); } } } else if (k1 == 0) fprintf(Stderr, "%d ", i); if (jv > 4 || jv < 1) jv = 4; fprintf(Stderr, "%s", which[jv-1]); ret: errno = 0; /* in case it was set by fopen */ fflush(Stderr); } void report_where(ASL *asl) { repwhere_ASL(asl, 1); } static void jmp_check(Jmp_buf *J, int jv) { if (J) longjmp(J->jb, jv); } static void Errprint(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); #ifndef NO_PERROR if (errno) fprintf(Stderr, "\n%s: ", strerror(errno)); #endif vfprintf(Stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); fflush(Stderr); } #ifdef ASL_OLD_DERIV_CHECK /*{{*/ void deriv_errclear_ASL(Edaginfo *I) {} void deriv_errchk_ASL(ASL *asl, int coi, int n, int jv) {} void deriv2_errchk_ASL(ASL *asl, int jv) {} #else /*}{*/ typedef struct DerrRecord DerrRecord; typedef void (*DerrPrint)(ASL*, DerrRecord*); struct DerrRecord { DerrPrint errprint; const char *fmt, *who; real a; union { const char *s; real b; } u; int jv; int dv; }; static void derrprint1(ASL *asl, DerrRecord *R) { fprintf(Stderr, R->fmt, R->who, R->a); } static void derrprint2(ASL *asl, DerrRecord *R) { fprintf(Stderr, R->fmt, R->who, R->a, R->u.b); } static void derrprintf(ASL *asl, DerrRecord *R) { fprintf(Stderr, R->fmt, R->who, R->u.s); } typedef struct DerrMblock DerrMblock; struct DerrMblock { DerrMblock *next; size_t len; real align[1]; /* would prefer align[0], but some older compilers would complain */ }; struct DerivErrInfo { DerrMblock *curmb, *freemb; char *mbnext, *mblast; DerrRecord **R; int *busy; int nbusy; }; void deriv_errchk_ASL(ASL *asl, int coi, int n, int jv) { DerivErrInfo *D; DerrRecord *R, **Rp, **Rpe; int k; D = asl->i.Derrs; if ((k = coi) < 0) { k = -(k + 1); if (k >= nlo) return; k += nlc; } else if (k >= nlc) return; for(Rp = D->R + k, Rpe = Rp + n; Rp < Rpe; ++Rp, ++coi) if ((R = *Rp) && R->jv <= jv) { jmp_check(err_jmp, R->jv); co_index = coi; cv_index = R->dv; repwhere_ASL(asl, R->jv); R->errprint(asl,R); fflush(Stderr); jmp_check(err_jmp1, R->jv); exit(1); } } void deriv2_errchk_ASL(ASL *asl, int jv) { DerivErrInfo *D; DerrRecord *R, **Rp, **Rpe; int coi, k, ke; D = asl->i.Derrs; for(ke = nlc + nlo, k = 0; k < ke; ++k) { Rp = D->R + k; if ((R = *Rp) && R->jv <= jv) { jmp_check(err_jmp, R->jv); if ((coi = k) >= nlc) coi = nlc - k - 1; co_index = coi; cv_index = R->dv; repwhere_ASL(asl, R->jv); R->errprint(asl,R); fflush(Stderr); jmp_check(err_jmp1, R->jv); exit(1); } } } static DerivErrInfo * new_DerrMblock(Edaginfo *I, size_t len) { DerivErrInfo *D; DerrMblock *M, **Mp; char *s; int nlco; size_t L, L1; len = len < 4096 ? 4096 : (len + sizeof(real) - 1) & ~(sizeof(real) - 1); if (!(D = I->Derrs)) { if ((D = I->Derrs0)) { I->Derrs = D; M = D->curmb; if (M->len >= len) return D; } else { nlco = I->nlc_ + I->nlo_; L = sizeof(DerivErrInfo) + nlco*(sizeof(int) + sizeof(DerrRecord*)); L = (L + sizeof(real) - 1) & ~(sizeof(real) - 1); L1 = L + (sizeof(DerrMblock) - sizeof(real)) + len; D = (DerivErrInfo*)M1alloc_ASL(I, L1); memset(D, 0, L); I->Derrs = I->Derrs0 = D; D->R = (DerrRecord**)(D+1); D->busy = (int*)(D->R + nlco); M = (DerrMblock*)((char*)D + L); M->len = len; goto have_M; } } for(Mp = &D->freemb;; Mp = &M->next) { if (!(M = *Mp)) { M = (DerrMblock*)M1alloc_ASL(I, (sizeof(DerrMblock) - sizeof(real)) + len); M->len = len; break; } if (M->len >= len) { *Mp = M->next; break; } } have_M: M->next = D->curmb; D->curmb = M; D->mbnext = s = (char*)M->align; D->mblast = s + M->len; return D; } static DerrRecord * getDR(ASL *asl, int jv) { DerivErrInfo *D; DerrRecord *R; int i, j, je, k; size_t L; if ((k = co_index) < 0) { k = -(k + 1); if (k >= nlo) return 0; k += nlc; } else if (k >= nlc) return 0; L = (sizeof(DerrRecord) + sizeof(real)-1) & ~(sizeof(real)-1); R = 0; if ((D = asl->i.Derrs)) { if ((R = D->R[k]) && R->jv <= jv) return 0; if (L <= D->mblast - D->mbnext) goto have_D; } D = new_DerrMblock(&asl->i, L); have_D: if (!R) { R = (DerrRecord*)(D->mblast - L); D->mblast = (char*)R; } D->R[k] = R; D->busy[D->nbusy++] = k; if ((R->dv = i = cv_index)) { j = 0; je = nlc + nlo; if (i > comb) { if (i <= combc) je = nlc; else if (i <= ncom0) j = combc; } for(; j < je; ++j) { if (!D->R[j]) { D->R[j] = R; D->busy[D->nbusy++] = j; } } } return R; } void deriv_errclear_ASL(Edaginfo *I) { DerivErrInfo *D; DerrMblock *M, *M0, *M1; DerrRecord **R; char *s; int *b, *be; D = I->Derrs; I->Derrs = 0; R = D->R; for(b = D->busy, be = b + D->nbusy; b < be; ++b) R[*b] = 0; D->nbusy = 0; M0 = D->freemb; for(M = D->curmb; M; M0 = M, M = M1) { M1 = M->next; M->next = M0; } D->freemb = M0->next; M0->next = 0; D->curmb = M0; D->mbnext = s = (char*)M0->align; D->mblast = s + M0->len; } #endif /*}} ASL_OLD_DERIV_CHECK*/ void introuble_ASL(ASL *asl, const char *who, real a, int jv) { static const char fmt[] = "can't evaluate %s(%g).\n"; #ifndef ASL_OLD_DERIV_CHECK /*{*/ DerrRecord *R; if (jv > 1 && !(want_deriv & 2)) { if ((R = getDR(asl,jv))) { R->errprint = derrprint1; R->a = a; R->jv = jv; R->fmt = fmt; R->who = who; } return; } #endif /*}*/ jmp_check(err_jmp, jv); repwhere_ASL(asl, 1); Errprint(fmt, who, a); jmp_check(err_jmp1, jv); exit(1); } void introuble2_ASL(ASL *asl, const char *who, real a, real b, int jv) { static const char fmt[] = "can't evaluate %s(%g,%g).\n"; #ifndef ASL_OLD_DERIV_CHECK /*{*/ DerrRecord *R; if (jv > 1 && !(want_deriv & 2)) { if ((R = getDR(asl,jv))) { R->errprint = derrprint2; R->a = a; R->u.b = b; R->jv = jv; R->fmt = fmt; R->who = who; } return; } #endif /*}*/ jmp_check(err_jmp, jv); repwhere_ASL(asl, jv); Errprint(fmt, who, a, b); jmp_check(err_jmp1, jv); exit(1); } void zero_div_ASL(ASL *asl, real L, const char *op) { errno_set(EDOM); jmp_check(err_jmp, 1); repwhere_ASL(asl, 4); fprintf(Stderr, "can't compute %g%s0.\n", L, op); fflush(Stderr); jmp_check(err_jmp1, 1); exit(1); } void fintrouble_ASL(ASL *asl, func_info *fi, const char *s, TMInfo *T) { TMInfo *T1, *T1prev; int jv; static const char fmt[] = "Error in function %s:\n\t%s\n"; jv = 1; switch(*s) { case '\'': jv = 2; goto inc_s; case '"': jv = 3; inc_s: ++s; } #ifndef ASL_OLD_DERIV_CHECK /*{*/ if (jv > 1 && !(want_deriv & 2)) { DerivErrInfo *D; DerrRecord *R; size_t L; if ((R = getDR(asl,jv))) { D = asl->i.Derrs; L = strlen(s) + 1; if (L > D->mblast - D->mbnext) D = new_DerrMblock(&asl->i, L); memcpy(D->mbnext, s, L); R->u.s = D->mbnext; D->mbnext += L; R->errprint = derrprintf; R->jv = jv; R->fmt = fmt; R->who = fi->name; } return; } #endif /*}*/ jmp_check(err_jmp, jv); repwhere_ASL(asl, jv); fprintf(Stderr, fmt, fi->name, s); fflush(Stderr); for(T1 = T->u.prev; T1; T1 = T1prev) { T1prev = T1->u.prev; free(T1); } jmp_check(err_jmp1,jv); exit(1); }