subroutine xerprt(messg,nmessg) c c abstract c print the hollerith message in messg, of length messg, c on each file indicated by xgetua. c this version prints exactly the right number of characters, c not a number of words, and thus should work on machines c which do not blank fill the last word of the hollerith. c c ron jones, june 1980 c integer f(10),g(14),lun(5) dimension messg(nmessg) data f(1),f(2),f(3),f(4),f(5),f(6),f(7),f(8),f(9),f(10) 1 / 1h( ,1h1 ,1hx ,1h, ,1h ,1h ,1ha ,1h ,1h ,1h) / data g(1),g(2),g(3),g(4),g(5),g(6),g(7),g(8),g(9),g(10) 1 / 1h( ,1h1 ,1hx ,1h ,1h ,1h ,1h ,1h ,1h ,1h / data g(11),g(12),g(13),g(14) 1 / 1h ,1h ,1h ,1h) / data la/1ha/,lcom/1h,/,lblank/1h / c prepare format for whole lines nchar = i1mach(6) nfield = 72/nchar call s88fmt(2,nfield,f(5)) call s88fmt(2,nchar,f(8)) c prepare format for last, partial line, if needed ncharl = nfield*nchar nlines = nmessg/ncharl nword = nlines*nfield nchrem = nmessg - nlines*ncharl if (nchrem.le.0) go to 40 do 10 i=4,13 10 g(i) = lblank nfield = nchrem/nchar if (nfield.le.0) go to 20 c prepare whole word fields g(4) = lcom call s88fmt(2,nfield,g(5)) g(7) = la call s88fmt(2,nchar,g(8)) 20 continue nchlst = mod(nchrem,nchar) if (nchlst.le.0) go to 30 c prepare partial word field g(10) = lcom g(11) = la call s88fmt(2,nchlst,g(12)) 30 continue 40 continue c print the message nword1 = nword+1 nword2 = (nmessg+nchar-1)/nchar call xgetua(lun,nunit) do 50 kunit = 1,nunit iunit = lun(kunit) if (iunit.eq.0) iunit = i1mach(4) if ( write (iunit,f) (messg(i),i=1,nword) if ( write (iunit,g) (messg(i),i=nword1,nword2) 50 continue return end