#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ### # # @file blas.py # # netlib is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, # Univ. of California Berkeley and Univ. of Colorado Denver # # @version 2.3.1 # @author Julie Langou # @author Mathieu Faverge # @date 2010-11-15 # ### from utils import writefile, runShellCommand, killfiles, downloader, getURLName import sys import os import shutil class Blas: blasurl = "http://netlib.org/blas/blas.tgz" """ This class takes care of the BLAS installation. """ def __init__(self, config, netlib): print "\n","="*40 print " BLAS installation/verification" print "="*40 self.config = config self.downcmd = netlib.downcmd self.prefix = netlib.prefix downblas = netlib.downblas; # Checking if the LAPACK provided contains BLAS # If this is the case we need to switch the linking order to make sure we take the user BLAS if config.lapacklib: sauveblaslib=self.config.blaslib self.config.blaslib=self.config.lapacklib print "Checking if the provided LAPACK ("+self.config.lapacklib+") contains BLAS" if self.check_blas()==0: self.config.BLAS_in_LAPACK="yes" if sauveblaslib!="" or downblas>0: if downblas > 1 : blaslib_requested="Download Reference BLAS" else: blaslib_requested=sauveblaslib print """Which BLAS library do you want to use ? - b : the BLAS library you requested: """+blaslib_requested+""" - l : the LAPACK library you provided: """+self.config.lapacklib answer = raw_input(">[l] ") if answer == "b": self.config.blaslib=sauveblaslib else: self.config.blaslib=self.config.lapacklib print "Using the BLAS library contained in LAPACK library "+self.config.lapacklib self.config.blaslib="" return; else: print "Using the BLAS library contained in LAPACK library "+self.config.lapacklib self.config.blaslib="" return; else: self.config.BLAS_in_LAPACK="no" self.config.blaslib=sauveblaslib if config.blaslib: self.check_blas() else: if downblas==1: print "We will take the Reference BLAS provided by the Reference LAPACK library" elif downblas==2: self.down_install_blas() else: print """ Please provide a working BLAS library. If a BLAS library is not present on the system, the reference BLAS library it can be automatically downloaded and installed by adding the --downblas flag. Be aware that a reference BLAS library will be installed with the --downblas flag so don't expect good performance. You can specify the optimized BLAS library **installed** on your machine using the --blaslib option For instance --blaslib="-lessl" for IBM BLAS, --blaslib="-framework veclib" for Mac OS/X, --blaslib="-lgoto" for GOTO BLAS --blaslib="-lf77blas -lcblas -latlas" for ATLAS --blaslib="-lmkl_em64t -lguide" for MKL on emt64 architecture (remember to set environment variable MKL_NUM_THREADS=1) --blaslib="-lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core" for single threaded MKL on 64-bit architectures using Intel compilers --blaslib="-lmkl_intel -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core" for single threaded MKL on 32-bit architectures using Intel compilers --blaslib="-lmkl_gf -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core" for single threaded MKL on 32-bit architectures using GNU Fortran compilers etc... .' The BLAS library is not needed in the case where testing is disabled by means of the --notesting flag. """ sys.exit() def check_blas(self): print "BLAS library is set to "+self.config.blaslib print "Checking if provided BLAS works...", # This function simply generates a FORTRAN program # that contains few calls to BLAS routine and then # checks if compilation, linking and execution are succesful sys.stdout.flush() writefile('tmpf.f',""" program ftest double precision da, dx(1) dx(1)=1 da = 2 call dscal(1,da,dx,1) stop end\n""") fcomm = self.config.fc+' -o tmpf '+'tmpf.f '+self.config.blaslib+' '+self.config.ldflags_fc+' -lm' (output, error, retz) = runShellCommand(fcomm) if(retz != 0): print '\n\nBLAS: provided BLAS cannot be used! aborting...' print 'error is:\n','*'*40,'\n',fcomm,'\n',error,'\n','*'*40 sys.exit() comm = './tmpf' (output, error, retz) = runShellCommand(comm) if(retz != 0): print '\n\nBLAS: provided BLAS cannot be used! aborting...' print 'error is:\n','*'*40,'\n',comm,'\n',error,'\n','*'*40 sys.exit() killfiles(['tmpf.f','tmpf']) print 'yes' return 0; def down_install_blas(self): print """The reference BLAS library is being installed. Don't expect high performance from this reference library! If you want performance, you need to use an optimized BLAS library and, to avoid unnecessary complications, if you need to compile this optimized BLAS library, use the same compiler you're using here.""" sys.stdout.flush() savecwd = os.getcwd() # creating the build,lib and log dirs if don't exist if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.prefix,'lib')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.prefix,'lib')) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'log')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'log')) # Check if blas.tgz is already present in the working dir # otherwise download it if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),getURLName(self.blasurl))): print "Downloading reference BLAS...", downloader(self.blasurl,self.downcmd) print "done" # unzip and untar print 'Unzip and untar reference BLAS...', comm = 'gunzip -f blas.tgz' (output, error, retz) = runShellCommand(comm) if retz: print '\n\nBLAS: cannot unzip blas.tgz' print 'stderr:\n','*'*40,'\n',comm,'\n',error,'\n','*'*40 sys.exit() comm = 'tar xf blas.tar' (output, error, retz) = runShellCommand(comm) if retz: print '\n\nBLAS: cannot untar blas.tgz' print 'stderr:\n','*'*40,'\n',comm,'\n',error,'\n','*'*40 sys.exit() os.remove('blas.tar') print 'done' # change to BLAS dir os.chdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'BLAS')) # compile and generate library print 'Compile and generate reference BLAS...', sys.stdout.flush() comm = self.config.fc+' '+self.config.fcflags+" -c *.f" (output, error, retz) = runShellCommand(comm) if retz: print "\n\nBLAS: cannot compile blas" print "stderr:\n","*"*40,"\n",comm,'\n',error,"\n","*"*40 sys.exit() log = output+error comm = "ar cr librefblas.a *.o" (output, error, retz) = runShellCommand(comm) if retz: print "\n\nBLAS: cannot create blas library" print "stderr:\n","*"*40,"\n",comm,'\n',error,"\n","*"*40 sys.exit() log = log+output+error comm = self.config.ranlib+' librefblas.a' (output, error, retz) = runShellCommand(comm) if retz: print "\n\nBLAS: problem with ranlib" print "stderr:\n","*"*40,"\n",comm,'\n',error,"\n","*"*40 sys.exit() print "done" # write the log on a file log = log+output+error fulllog = os.path.join(savecwd,'log/blaslog') writefile(fulllog, log) print 'Installation of reference BLAS successful.' print '(log is in ',fulllog,')' # move librefblas.a to the lib directory shutil.copy('librefblas.a',os.path.join(self.prefix,'lib/librefblas.a')) # set framework variables to point to the freshly installed BLAS library self.config.blaslib = '-L'+os.path.join(self.prefix,'lib')+' -lrefblas ' os.chdir(savecwd)