/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * -- PBLAS auxiliary routine (version 2.0) -- * University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, * and University of California, Berkeley. * April 1, 1998 * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Include files */ #include "../pblas.h" #include "../PBpblas.h" #include "../PBtools.h" #include "../PBblacs.h" #include "../PBblas.h" #ifdef __STDC__ void PB_Ctzherk( PBTYP_T * TYPE, char * UPLO, int M, int N, int K, int IOFFD, char * ALPHA, char * AC, int LDAC, char * AR, int LDAR, char * C, int LDC ) #else void PB_Ctzherk( TYPE, UPLO, M, N, K, IOFFD, ALPHA, AC, LDAC, AR, LDAR, C, LDC ) /* * .. Scalar Arguments .. */ char * UPLO; int IOFFD, K, LDAC, LDAR, LDC, M, N; char * ALPHA; /* * .. Array Arguments .. */ PBTYP_T * TYPE; char * AC, * AR, * C; #endif { /* * Purpose * ======= * * PB_Ctzherk performs the trapezoidal symmetric or Hermitian rank k * operation: * * C := alpha * AC * AR + C, * * where alpha is a scalar, AC is an m by k matrix, AR is an k by n ma- * trix and C is an m by n trapezoidal symmetric or Hermitian matrix. * * Arguments * ========= * * TYPE (local input) pointer to a PBTYP_T structure * On entry, TYPE is a pointer to a structure of type PBTYP_T, * that contains type information (See pblas.h). * * UPLO (input) pointer to CHAR * On entry, UPLO specifies which part of the matrix C is to be * referenced as follows: * * UPLO = 'L' or 'l' the lower trapezoid of C is referenced, * * UPLO = 'U' or 'u' the upper trapezoid of C is referenced, * * otherwise all of the matrix C is referenced. * * M (input) INTEGER * On entry, M specifies the number of rows of the matrix C. M * must be at least zero. * * N (input) INTEGER * On entry, N specifies the number of columns of the matrix C. * N must be at least zero. * * K (input) INTEGER * On entry, K specifies the number of columns of the matrix AC, * and the number of rows of the matrix AR. K must be at least * zero. * * IOFFD (input) INTEGER * On entry, IOFFD specifies the position of the offdiagonal de- * limiting the upper and lower trapezoidal part of C as follows * (see the notes below): * * IOFFD = 0 specifies the main diagonal C( i, i ), * with i = 1 ... MIN( M, N ), * IOFFD > 0 specifies the subdiagonal C( i+IOFFD, i ), * with i = 1 ... MIN( M-IOFFD, N ), * IOFFD < 0 specifies the superdiagonal C( i, i-IOFFD ), * with i = 1 ... MIN( M, N+IOFFD ). * * ALPHA (input) pointer to CHAR * On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha. * * AC (input) pointer to CHAR * On entry, AC is an array of dimension (LDAC,K) containing the * m by k matrix AC. * * LDAC (input) INTEGER * On entry, LDAC specifies the leading dimension of the array * AC. LDAC must be at least max( 1, M ). * * AR (input) pointer to CHAR * On entry, AR is an array of dimension (LDAR,N) containing the * k by n matrix AR. * * LDAR (input) INTEGER * On entry, LDAR specifies the leading dimension of the array * AR. LDAR must be at least K. * * C (input/output) pointer to CHAR * On entry, C is an array of dimension (LDC,N) containing the m * by n matrix A. Only the trapezoidal part of C determined by * UPLO and IOFFD is updated. * * LDC (input) INTEGER * On entry, LDC specifies the leading dimension of the array C. * LDC must be at least max( 1, M ). * * Notes * ===== * N N * ---------------------------- ----------- * | d | | | * M | d Upper | | Upper | * | Lower d | |d | * | d | M | d | * ---------------------------- | d | * | d | * IOFFD < 0 | Lower d | * | d| * N | | * ----------- ----------- * | d Upper| * | d | IOFFD > 0 * M | d | * | d| N * | Lower | ---------------------------- * | | | Upper | * | | |d | * | | | d | * | | | d | * | | |Lower d | * ----------- ---------------------------- * * -- Written on April 1, 1998 by * Antoine Petitet, University of Tennessee, Knoxville 37996, USA. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * .. Local Scalars .. */ char * one; int i1, j1, m1, mn, n1, size; GEMM_T gemm; /* .. * .. Executable Statements .. * */ if( ( M <= 0 ) || ( N <= 0 ) ) return; if( Mupcase( UPLO[0] ) == CLOWER ) { size = TYPE->size; one = TYPE->one; gemm = TYPE->Fgemm; mn = MAX( 0, -IOFFD ); if( ( n1 = MIN( mn, N ) ) > 0 ) gemm( C2F_CHAR( NOTRAN ), C2F_CHAR( NOTRAN ), &M, &n1, &K, ALPHA, AC, &LDAC, AR, &LDAR, one, C, &LDC ); if( ( n1 = MIN( M-IOFFD, N ) - mn ) > 0 ) { i1 = ( j1 = mn ) + IOFFD; TYPE->Fherk( C2F_CHAR( UPLO ), C2F_CHAR( NOTRAN ), &n1, &K, ALPHA, Mptr( AC, i1, 0, LDAC, size ), &LDAC, one, Mptr( C, i1, j1, LDC, size ), &LDC ); if( ( m1 = M - mn - n1 - IOFFD ) > 0 ) { i1 += n1; gemm( C2F_CHAR( NOTRAN ), C2F_CHAR( NOTRAN ), &m1, &n1, &K, ALPHA, Mptr( AC, i1, 0, LDAC, size ), &LDAC, Mptr( AR, 0, j1, LDAR, size ), &LDAR, one, Mptr( C, i1, j1, LDC, size ), &LDC ); } } } else if( Mupcase( UPLO[0] ) == CUPPER ) { size = TYPE->size; one = TYPE->one; gemm = TYPE->Fgemm; mn = MIN( M - IOFFD, N ); if( ( n1 = mn - MAX( 0, -IOFFD ) ) > 0 ) { j1 = mn - n1; if( ( m1 = MAX( 0, IOFFD ) ) > 0 ) gemm( C2F_CHAR( NOTRAN ), C2F_CHAR( NOTRAN ), &m1, &n1, &K, ALPHA, AC, &LDAC, AR, &LDAR, one, C, &LDC ); TYPE->Fherk( C2F_CHAR( UPLO ), C2F_CHAR( NOTRAN ), &n1, &K, ALPHA, Mptr( AC, m1, 0, LDAC, size ), &LDAC, one, Mptr( C, m1, j1, LDC, size ), &LDC ); } if( ( n1 = N - MAX( 0, mn ) ) > 0 ) { j1 = N - n1; gemm( C2F_CHAR( NOTRAN ), C2F_CHAR( NOTRAN ), &M, &n1, &K, ALPHA, AC, &LDAC, Mptr( AR, 0, j1, LDAR, size ), &LDAR, one, Mptr( C, 0, j1, LDC, size ), &LDC ); } } else { TYPE->Fgemm( C2F_CHAR( NOTRAN ), C2F_CHAR( NOTRAN ), &M, &N, &K, ALPHA, AC, &LDAC, AR, &LDAR, TYPE->one, C, &LDC ); } /* * End of PB_Ctzherk */ }