NA Digest Sunday, June 12, 2005 Volume 05 : Issue 23

Today's Editor:
Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to

Information via e-mail about NA-NET: Mail to


From: Charles Van Loan <>
Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 18:50:03 -0400
Subject: Householder Prize Winners Announced

The results of the Householder Prize for the Best Thesis in Numerical Algebra
were announced at the Householder XVI Symposium held in Seven Springs,
Pennsylvania, May 23-27.

Dissertations had to have been completed during 2002, 2003, or 2004.
There were twenty submissions and the winner was

Jaspar van den Eshof
"Nested Iteration Methods for Nonlinear Matrix Problems"
Advisor = Gerard Sleijpen
(Utrecht, 2003)

There were also three Honorable Mentions:

Ioana Dumitriu
"Eigenvalue Statistics for Beta-Ensembles"
Advisor = Alan Edelman
(MIT, 2003)

Plamen Koev
"Accurate and Efficient Computations with Structured Matrices"
Advisor = Jim Demmel
(Berkeley, 2002)

Tatjana Stykel
"Analysis and Numerical Solution of Generalized Lyapunov Equations"
Advisor = Volker Mehrmann
(T.U. Berlin, 2002)


From: Leonard Hoffnung <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2005 09:29:32 -0700
Subject: New Book on Finite Element Analysis

What Every Engineer Should Know About Computational Techniques of Finite
Element Analysis Louis Komzsik

This book provides a detailed discussion of the numerical methods used
in modern engineering analysis, intended for engineers, students, and
users of finite element software. The complete solution process is
described, including model formulation, problem reduction, numerical
solution, and representation of the results. Algorithms of practical
interest are presented with an emphasis on performance and scalability.

Numerous illustrative examples are included from the automobile and
aerospace industries.

For more information, see:


From: Bronis R. de Supinski <>
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2005 08:15:05 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: OpenMP Specification Released

OpenMP Specification Version 2.5 Released

The OpenMP Architecture Review Board (ARB) is pleased to announce the
release of Version 2.5 of the OpenMP API Specification. This new
version of the specification combines the previous Fortran Version 2.0
and C/C++ Version 2.0 specifications into a single document.

Version 2.5 is now available for download at No new
features have been added in Version 2.5. However, large parts of the
text have been rewritten and restructured in order to accommodate all
the base languages in a single document, and a number of
inconsistencies have been resolved.

Important changes made in the new version include:
+ New definitions of many of the terms used in the specification;
+ The addition of an OpenMP memory model;
+ The use of internal control variables to describe how an implementation
controls parallelism;
+ A redefinition of the rules governing the flush construct;
+ A clearer definition of how the sharing attributes of variables
are determined;
+ A definition of rules governing persistence of threadprivate data;
+ A clearer statement of the behaviour of private arrays in C/C++;
+ A new definition of the rules governing nesting of regions;
+ A clarification of the interaction between lock operations and
memory updates;
+ A significantly extended set of examples;
+ The removal of many minor inconsistencies and inaccuracies.

The OpenMP ARB has already begun to work on Version 3.0, which will
add a number of new features to the specification. These new features
are expected to allow OpenMP to support a wider set of applications,
without making the specification too large, or its implementation too

The following members organisations of the ARB offer compilers that
support OpenMP:
+ Fujitsu
+ HP
+ Intel
+ Portland Group
+ Sun Microsystems


From: Shaun Forth <>
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2005 13:48:07 +0100
Subject: Fortran 2003 and 95 Programming Courses

Fortran 2003 and 95 Programming Courses

John Reid and I are running two Fortran programming courses this
autumn which may be of interest to NA-Digest readers.

The first "Scientific Programming with Fortran 95" (10-14 October) is
a first programming course suitable for graduate students, assumes
little or no previous programming experience and, over 5 days, builds
up from programming "hello world" to simple linked lists using
pointers. This course has run for several years attended by MSc/PhD
students and graduates recently recruited to industry.

The second, new course "Fortran 2003 for Fortran 95 Programmers" (7-9
December) introduces some advanced features of the Fortran 95 standard
and all the new features of the recent Fortran 2003 standard. Delivery
is via short lectures and, where supported by the NAg compiler,
hands-on programming exercises. This course is targeted at
experienced Fortran 95 programmers in both industry and academia.

For more details visit
and follow the link to short courses.

Shaun Forth


From: Achim Schroll <>
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2005 09:34:55 +0200
Subject: Conference at ETH Honoring Rolf Jeltsch

A conference celebrating Rolf Jeltsch's 60th birthday
will be held at ETH-Zurich, October 20-22 2005, Switzerland.

You are most welcome to participate!
At this point we want to remind you to register for the conference at

There is no conference fee but registration is compulsory.

More information about the conference, including the program and social
events is (will be) available on the home page

Please spread the word as you see fit.
Welcome to Zurich!

Michael Fey, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland
Achim Schroll, Lund University, Sweden


From: Elena Zudilova <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 09:58:29 +0200
Subject: Conference in Trento on Multimodal Interaction for Visualization


International Workshop on Multimodal Interaction for the Visualization
and Exploration of Scientific Data

in conjunction with
the Seventh International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces

October 3, 2005: Trento, ITALY

The ICMI'05 workshop on Multimodal Interaction for the Visualization
and Exploration of Scientific Data will take place in Trento, Italy on
October 3, 2005. It is aimed to bring together academic researchers and
practitioners from computer science, human-computer interaction,
virtual reality, artificial intelligence, software engineering and
psychology to discuss the challenges and opportunities provided by
multimodal interaction when it is applied to the field of scientific

The main research question that we would like to address is how to
efficiently integrate visualisation and modern multimodal interaction
technologies to ensure good user experience. We will consider the impact
of the application field-orientation as well as domain-independent
criteria for choosing between modern interaction techniques and input

Therefore, we are seeking original contributions that deal with (but are
not limited to):

- Interactive and multimodal data visualization
- Multimodal and cross-modal haptic interfaces
- Virtual exploration environments
- Collaborative visualization in VR
- Perceptual and attentive user interfaces
- Embodied agents
- Language driven interaction
- Adaptive interaction for the effective exploration of scientific data
- Human factors in the computer-supported exploration
- Design guidelines for interactive visualization tools
- Multimodal interactive visualization applications and systems


Co-chair: Elena Zudilova-Seinstra, University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
Co-chair: Tony Adriaansen, CSIRO (Australia)

Workshop Program Committee:

Yang Cai, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
Andrea Corradini, University of Southern Denmark (Denmark)
Vanessa Evers, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Pilar Herrero, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain)
Chris Johnson, University of Utah (USA)
Judith Klein-Seetharaman, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
Piet Kommers, University of Twente (the Netherlands)
Anton Nijholt, University of Twente (the Netherlands)
Gregory O'Hare, University College Dublin (Ireland)
Binh Pham, Queensland University of Technology (Australia)
Daniela Maria Romano, University of Sheffield (UK)
Corina Sas, Lancaster University (UK)
Kamran Sedig, University of Western Ontario (Canada)
Peter Sloot, University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
Robert van Liere, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (the
Maria Virvou, University of Piraeus (Greece)

Contact Information:

Elena Zudilova-Seinstra
Scientific Visualization and VR Group
Section Computational Science
University of Amsterdam
Kruislaan 403, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 525 7542
Fax: +31 20 525 7419

Tony Adriaansen
P.O. Box 76, Epping, NSW 2121, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9372 4326
Fax: +61 2 9372 4411


From: Joseph Traub <>
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 16:57:53 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Information-Based Complexity at FoCM05

The following speakers will participate in the information-based complexity
portion of the Foundations of Computational Mathematics 2005 Conference
in Santander, Spain.


Ian Sloan (Sydney)
Numerical Integration in High Dimensions-The
Lattice Side of the Story

Organized by Leszek Plaskota and Ian Sloan

Henryk Wo\'zniakowski (Columbia and Warsaw),
On the optimal convergence rate of universal and non-universal
algorithms for multivariate integration and approximation

Peter Mathe (WIAS Berlin),
Summation of noisy orthogonal series

Klaus Ritter (Darmstadt),
An implicite Euler scheme with non-uniform time discretization
for stochastic heat equations

Thomas M\"uller-Gronbach (Magdeburg),
Error bounds for weak approximation of diffusion processes

Stefan Heinrich (Kaiserslautern),
On the randomized and quantum complexity of elliptic PDE

Carsten Wiegand (Kaiserslautern),
Optimal Monte Carlo and quantum algorithms for parametric

Arvid Bessen (Columbia),
A lower bound for the Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem
on a quantum computer

Jakob Creutzig (Darmstadt),

Solving ordinary differential equations - from the worst case
to quantum setting (semiplenary)

Constructing good embedded lattice sequences with
millions of points (semiplenary)

Ronald Cools (Leuven),
An illustrated story of fast construction of embedded lattice
sequences for weighted spaces

Ben Waterhouse (Sydney),
Randomly shifted lattice rules for unbounded integrands

Friedrich Pillichshammer (Salzburg),
Mean square $L_2$-discrepancy of randomized digital nets
in prime base

Josef Dick (Sydney),
Obtaining $O(N^{-2+\epsilon})$ convergence for quadrature
rules based on digital nets

Shu Tezuka (Kyushu),
Functions with the maximum effective dimension

Peter Kritzer (Salzburg),
New upper bounds on the star discrepancy of $(t,m,s)$-nets
and $(t,s)$-sequences

Hrushikesh Mhaskar (Los Angeles)
Weighted quadrature formulas and approximation by zonal
function networks on the sphere

Erich Novak (Jena),
Optimal approximation of elliptic problems by linear and
nonlinear mappings I: General concepts

Stephan Dahlke (Marburg),
Optimal approximation of elliptic problem by linear and
nonlinear mappings II: Wavelet methods and the Poisson equation

On the solvability of ill-posed problems in two models
of computation (semiplenary)

Mark Kon (Boston),
A continuous complexity analysis of Support Vector Machines

Matthias Horn (Jena),
Global optimization without Lipschitz constant

Leszek Plaskota (Warsaw),
Adaption makes it easy to integrate functions with unknown


From: Konrad Steiner <>
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2005 15:35:40 +0200
Subject: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterstelle Fraunhofer Institut

Das Fraunhofer Institut fuer Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik
in Kaiserslautern sucht ab sofort fuer die
Abteilung Stroemungen und komplexe Strukturen
vorrangig promovierte

wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen

fuer den Schwerpunkt
Strukturoptimierung in Mechanik und Akustik
(Arbeitsgebiet: Biodesign)

Kenntnisse in Theorie und Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen und
Erfahrungen im wissenschaftlichen Rechnen und im Bereich Softwaretechnik
mindestens unter C++ und Matlab werden erwartet.
CAD-Kenntnisse sind von Vorteil.

Wenn Sie die Loesung interessanter Probleme aus der Industrie
reizt, und Sie mit mathematischer Modellierung und Simulation
bishin zur Umsetzung in anwenderfreundliche Software vertraut sind,
sollten Sie mit uns Kontakt aufnehmen.
Das ITWM versteht Mathematik als zentrale Schluesseltechnologie und
bietet eine abwechselungsreiche Taetigkeit in einem Team
von Mathematikern/innen, Informatikern/innen, Physikern/innen und

Die Stellen sind zunächst befristet.
Anstellung, Verguetung und Sozialleistungen erfolgen in Anlehnung an
den Bundes-Angestelltentarif (BAT).

Anfragen und Bewerbungen richten Sie bitte an:
Fraunhofer Institut fuer Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik
Dr. Konrad Steiner
67663 Kaiserslautern

Weitere Information finden Sie unter:


From: Iain Duff <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2005 09:21:14 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Research Position at CERFACS

Research position at CERFACS

A research position is open in the Parallel Algorithms Project led by
Iain Duff at CERFACS in Toulouse, France. The position is originally a
post-doc position but could become permanent for a suitable person.
We are looking for candidates with interest, motivation and background in
both numerical analysis and numerical computing. Experience in high
performance computing and mathematics (with publications) is required.

The candidates will work on one of the following topics:
- numerical linear algebra for large-scale problems
(e.g. direct/iterative/hybrid linear solvers, including multigrid)
- optimization - data assimilation

The deadline for submitting the applications is: August 31st 2005.
The position is available from October 1st 2005.

A successful candidate could start at any time after selection.

For detailed information about the Parallel Algorithms Project at CERFACS
URL address :
For more information about Toulouse, the city where CERFACS is located
URL address :
For information on the application procedure
URL address :

Please send your application by email to and


From: Montaz Ali <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 13:25:07 +0200 (SAST)
Subject: Lecturer Position at University of the Witwatersrand



School of Computational and Applied Mathematics

Applications are invited for the above permanent position. The School has
particular interests in the fields of optimization, control, numerical
analysis, computational mathematics, differential equations, continuum
mechanics, mathematics of finance, infectious disease modeling, astronomy,
industrial mathematics.

Qualifications and Experience: The successful applicant must have a PhD,
preferably in Computational and /or Applied Mathematics. Lecturing
experience will be a strong advantage.

School Website:

Living in South Africa:,,

Best Regards

Dr Montaz Ali
Centre for Control Theory and Optimization
School of Computational and Applied Maths
Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg


From: Paul Van Dooren <>
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2005 14:27:13 +0200
Subject: Student and Postdoctoral Positions at Catholic University, Belgium

Doctoral Student and PostDoc Positions

Department of Mathematical Engineering, Universite Catholique de Louvain
(UCL), Belgium (

The candidates will work on a research project funded by UCL on the topic of

Algorithmic Challenges in Large Networks

The ambition of this research proposal is to look at some of the most
recent and fundamental computational challenges raised by large
networks. It will address questions related to modelling,
classification, visualization, optimization and analysis of large
networks, and will include theoretical and algorithmic aspects of topics
such as data-mining, web-searching, analysis of telephone, traffic and
electricity networks, hierarchical reduction of large scale networks,
and analysis of dynamical properties of large networks. The four year
project started in September 2004 and is headed by professors Vincent
Blondel, Yurii Nesterov and Paul Van Dooren

Applicants should e-mail before June 20, 2005 to:

Paul Van Dooren (

Profile: The Doctoral Student candidate should have (by September 2005)
a degree in engineering, in computer science or in mathematics or a
degree that can be considered equivalent to it. The Postdoc candidate
should have (by September 2005) a doctoral degree in engineering, in
computer science or in mathematics or a degree that can be considered
equivalent to it, and should have expertise in the topics described in
the project. He or she must be capable of working independently and in a
small team. The chosen candidates will be enthusiastic persons with good
communication skills and a good knowledge of English. Knowledge of
French is welcome but not a must.

Application: You should send a detailed CV, including a concise
description of your education and current research interests. You should
also provide names of at least two persons that might be contacted for
references (please provide their full address including e-mail and

Information: The salary will be assigned according to the Belgian
university salary system. The Doctoral Student appointment is for the
duration of a doctoral thesis. The Postdoc appointment is initially
planned for one year and will start after October 2005.

Paul Van Dooren

Universite Catholique de Louvain
Department of Mathematical Engineering
Batiment Euler
4, avenue Georges Lemaitre
B-1348 Louvain la Neuve
Tel: +32-10-478040 (secr): +32-10-472597
Fax: +32-10-472180


From: Chuck Koelbel <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 11:29:58 -0500
Subject: Postdoctoral and Staff Positions at Rice University

The Department of Computer Science, Rice University, Houston, TX is
pleased to accept applications for an open position as Postdoctoral
Research Associate in Computer Science. The position will support
research and development activities in Grid (or distributed)
computation, in collaboration with four other schools involved in the
Texas Internet Grid for Research and Education (TIGRE) project. The
successful applicant will have a strong background in computer
science, computational science, or a closely related field. Practical
experience with Grid computation and associated middleware is
particularly important.

A separate position for Senior Research Programmer in the same
project should be announced shortly. That position may also be
attractive to PhD-level computational scientists who read this list.

For more information, please contact Charles Koelbel
<> or at the address below.


From: Lothar Reichel <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 17:49:10 -0400
Subject: Contents, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis

Table of Contents, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA),
vol. 19, 2005, Special Volume on Orthogonal Polynomials and Approximation
Theory edited by R. Alvarez-Nodarse, J. Arvesu', and F. Marcella'n. ETNA
is available at and at several mirror sites.

ETNA is in the extended Science Citation Index and the CompuMath Citation

A. B. J. Kuijlaars, A. Martinez-Finkelshtein, and R. Orive, Orthogonality
of Jacobi polynomials with general parameters, pp. 1-17.

A. Martinez-Finkelshtein, P. Martinez-Gonza'lez, and R. Orive, Asymptotics
of polynomial solutions of a class of generalized Lame' differential
equations, pp. 18-28.

M. Bello Hernandez and J. Mingez Ceniceros, Asymptotics for extremal
polynomials with varying measures, pp. 29-36.

A. Garrido, J. Arvesu', and F. Marcella'n, An electrostatic interpretation
of the zeros of the Freud-type orthogonal polynomials, pp. 37-47.

L. Daruis, O. Njaastad, and W. Van Assche, Szego quadrature and frequency
analysis, pp. 48-57.

C. Ferreira, J. L. Lo'pez, E. Mainar, and N. M. Temme, Asymptotic
approximations of integrals: an introduction, with recent developments
and applications to orthogonal polynomials, pp. 58-83.

N. L. Ferna'ndez, Localized polynomial bases on the sphere, pp. 84-93.

S. Tikhonov, Characteristics of Besov-Nikol'skii class of functions,
pp. 94-104.

V. Tomeo and E. Torrano, Three cases of normality of Hessenberg's matrix
related with atomic complex distributions, pp. 105-112.

R. Cruz-Barroso and P. Gonza'lez-Vera, Orthogonal Laurent polynomials and
quadratures on the unit circle and the real half-line, pp. 113-134.

Table of Contents, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA),
vol. 20, 2005 (incomplete). ETNA is available at
and at several mirror sites.

ETNA is in the extended Science Citation Index and the CompuMath Citation

D. Janovska' and G. Opfer, Fast Givens transformation for quaternion valued
matrices applied to Hessenberg reductions, pp. 1-26.

H. Schurz, Stability of numerical methods for ordinary stochastic
differential equations along Lyapunov-type and other functions with
variable step sizes, pp. 27-49.

D. Kressner, On the use of larger bulges in the QR algorithm, pp. 50-63.

M. A. Navascues, Fractal trigonometric approximation, pp. 64-74.

N. Li and Y. Saad, Crout versions of ILU factorization with pivoting
for sparse symmetric matrices, pp. 75-85.


End of NA Digest
