/*Translated by FOR_C, v3.4.2 (-), on 07/09/115 at 08:30:06 */ /*FOR_C Options SET: ftn=u io=c no=p op=aimnv s=dbov str=l x=f - prototypes */ #include #include "fcrt.h" #include "drlog.h" #include #include double /*FUNCTION*/ drlog( double x) { double drlog_v, r; /* Copyright (c) 1996 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * Based on Government Sponsored Research NAS7-03001. * File drlog contains user callable procedures drlog & drlog1, and * lower level procedure drlog2. * drlog(x) computes x - 1 - ln(x). * drlog1(x) computes x - ln(1 + x). *>> 1996-03-30 DRLOG Krogh Added external statements. *>> 1994-11-09 CLL Edited to avoid ENTRY statement. *>> 1994-10-20 DRLOG Krogh Changes to use M77CON *>> 1994-05-23 DRLOG WVS JPL Combine DRLOG and DRLOG1 *>> 1994-05-23 DRLOG WVS JPL Make SP and DP alike using CHGTYP *>> 1993-05-06 DRLOG WVS JPL Conversion from NSWC to Math 77 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *--D replaces "?": ?RLOG, ?RLOG1, ?RLOG2 * ================================================================== * EVALUATION OF THE FUNCTION X - 1 - LN(X) * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ r = (x - 0.5e0) - 0.5e0; if (x < 0.61e0 || x > 1.57e0) { drlog_v = r - log( x ); } else { drlog_v = drlog2( r ); } return( drlog_v ); } /* end of function */ /* ================================================================== */ double /*FUNCTION*/ drlog1( double x) { double drlog1_v, r; /* EVALUATION OF THE FUNCTION X - LN(1 + X) * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ if (x < -0.39e0 || x > 0.57e0) { r = (x + 0.5e0) + 0.5e0; drlog1_v = x - log( r ); } else { drlog1_v = drlog2( x ); } return( drlog1_v ); } /* end of function */ /* ================================================================== */ /* PARAMETER translations */ #define C1 (1.0e0/3.0e0) #define C2 (1.0e0/5.0e0) #define C3 (1.0e0/7.0e0) #define C4 (1.0e0/9.0e0) #define C5 (1.0e0/11.0e0) /* end of PARAMETER translations */ double /*FUNCTION*/ drlog2( double rin) { long int _l0; double drlog2_v, r, t, u, up2, w, z; static double a = .566749439387323789126387112411845e-01; static double b = .456512608815524058941143273395059e-01; static double p0 = .7692307692307692307680e-01; static double p1 = -.1505958055914600184836e00; static double p2 = .9302355725278521726994e-01; static double p3 = -.1787900022182327735804e-01; static double q1 = -.2824412139355646910683e01; static double q2 = .2892424216041495392509e01; static double q3 = -.1263560605948009364422e01; static double q4 = .1966769435894561313526e00; static double r0 = .333333333333333e00; static double r1 = -.224696413112536e00; static double r2 = .620886815375787e-02; static double s1 = -.127408923933623e01; static double s2 = .354508718369557e00; static double round = -1.0e0; /* Complete computation started by DRLOG or DRLOG1. * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* ------------------------ * CI = 1/(2I + 1) * ------------------------ */ /* ------------------------ * A = DRLOG (0.7) * B = DRLOG (4/3) * ------------------------ */ /* ------------------------ */ /* ------------------------ */ /* ------------------------ */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * * ARGUMENT REDUCTION * */ r = rin; if (r < -0.18e0) { u = (10.0e0*r + 3.0e0)/7.0e0; up2 = u + 2.0e0; w = a - u*0.3e0; } else if (r > 0.18e0) { t = 0.75e0*r; u = t - 0.25e0; up2 = t + 1.75e0; w = b + u/3.0e0; } else { u = r; up2 = u + 2.0e0; w = 0.0e0; } if (round < 0.0e0) round = DBL_EPSILON; /* SERIES EXPANSION * */ r = u/up2; t = r*r; if (round > 5.0e-14) { z = ((r2*t + r1)*t + r0)/((s2*t + s1)*t + 1.0e0); } else { /* Z IS (AT FIRST) A MINIMAX APPROXIMATION OF THE SERIES * * C6 + C7*R**2 + C8*R**4 + ... * * FOR THE INTERVAL (0.0, 0.375). THE APPROXIMATION IS ACCURATE * TO WITHIN 1.6 UNITS OF THE 21-ST SIGNIFICANT DIGIT. * */ z = (((p3*t + p2)*t + p1)*t + p0)/((((q4*t + q3)*t + q2)*t + q1)*t + 1.0e0); z = ((((z*t + C5)*t + C4)*t + C3)*t + C2)*t + C1; } drlog2_v = r*(u - 2.0e0*t*z) + w; return( drlog2_v ); } /* end of function */