subroutine SBESYN(X, ALPHA, NUM, BY) c Copyright (c) 1996 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. c ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. c Based on Government Sponsored Research NAS7-03001. C>> 2009-10-28 SBESYN Krogh/Snyder Moved BGAMSQ = BGAM**2 inside else. C>> 2000-01-05 SBESYN Krogh Changed c$ comments to c. (Cray f90 prob.) C>> 1995-11-13 SBESYN Krogh Converted from SFTRAN to Fortran C>> 1994-10-19 SBESYN Krogh Changes to use M77CON C>> 1994-04-19 SBESYN CLL Edited to make DP & SP files similar. C>> 1991-01-14 SBESYN CLL Removed duplicate data statement. C>> 1989-08-09 SBESYN CLL More accurate constants for Cray C>> 1986-03-18 SBESYN Lawson Initial code. c--S replaces "?": ?BESYN, ?BESPQ, ?ERV1, ?GAMMA, ?LGAMA C c This subr computes the Y Bessel functions of X for c NUM orders from ALPHA through ALPHA + NUM - 1. c The results will be stored in BY(I), I = 1,...,NUM. C c Require X .gt. 0., ALPHA .ge. 0., NUM .ge. 1. C c The original subroutines SBYNU and BESJ/BESY were c designed and programmed by E. W. Ng and W. V. Snyder, JPL, C in 1973. Modified by Ng and S. Singletary, JPL, 1974. c c 1984 April 16, JPL, C. Lawson and S. Chan. Original subrs c combined into single subroutine. Converted to SFTRAN3 c and Fortran 77 for the JPL MATH77 library. C c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c c As the machine precision, EPS, increases so does XPQ, c and thus so does the requirement for the storage dimension, c LDIMA. Here are some values of -LOG10(EPS), XPQ, and LDIMA. c c -LOG10(EPS)= 5 10 15 20 25 30 c XPQ = 5.74 11.38 17.03 22.68 28.32 33.97 c LDIMA = 17 33 49 63 79 95 c c Since LDIMA cannot be adjusted at run-time, we are c setting it to 95 to handle the case of CDC double precision c which is probably the largest precision system likely c to be encountered. Note that the relative precision of results c from this subr cannot exceed about 16 or 17 decimal places c because of the limited accuracy of the polynomial coeffs used to c compute G0, and also the limited precision of the c subprograms referenced for gamma and loggamma. c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c Subprograms used: TANH, LOG10, LOG, EXP, COS, SIN, SQRT external R1MACH, SBESPQ, SERV1, ERMSG, ERMOR, IERV1 external SGAMMA, SLGAMA c ---------- integer I, II, K, LDIMA, M, MU, MUSAVE, ND2, NMAX, NMIN, NUM parameter( LDIMA = 95, ND2 = 10) real R1MACH, SGAMMA, SLGAMA real AJ(LDIMA), ALPHA, ARG real BGAM, BGAMSQ, BIG, BIGLOG, BY(NUM) real C11293, C16, C1P5, C2BYPI, C59, CHI, CP6, CUTLOW real D1, D2, D2SER(0:ND2), D2VAL, D3, DR real EC, EM, EM1, EMU, EN1, EN2, EN3, EPS, ETA real FAC, FK, FKM1, FKP1, FOUR, FV, FVM1, FVP1 real G, G0, G1, GMAX, GNU, HALF, HALFPI, HICUT real LOGPI, LOGTWO, ONE, P, PI, PIV2, PSI1, PSIZ real Q, Q2DXPV, SCALE, SMALL, SUM real TEMP, TEST, THREE, THSJ, THVDX, TWO, TWODX real V, V2, VPMU, X, XLOG, XPQ real YLOG, YV, YVM1, YVP1, Z, ZERO logical FLAG, J1SMAL save EPS, HICUT, SMALL, XPQ, BIG, BIGLOG c parameter( ZERO = 0.E0, ONE = 1.E0, TWO = 2.E0) parameter( HALF = 0.5E0, THREE = 3.0E0) parameter( C16 = 16.E0, FOUR = 4.0E0) parameter(PI = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288E0) C parameter(HALFPI = 1.57079632679489661923132169163975144E0) c LOGPI = ln(pi) parameter(LOGPI = 1.14472988584940017414342735135305869E0) c C2BYPI = 2/pi parameter(C2BYPI = 0.63661977236758134307553505349005744E0) c EC = Euler's constant. parameter(EC = 0.57721566490153286060651209008240243E0) c LOGTWO = Ln(2) parameter(LOGTWO = 0.69314718055994530941723212145817657E0) parameter( C1P5 = 1.5E0 ) parameter( C11293 = 1.1293E0) parameter( CP6 = 0.60206E0) parameter( C59 = 0.59E0) parameter( CUTLOW = 0.012E0) parameter( THSJ = 0.12E0) data EPS / ZERO / C data D2SER / +.3674669051966159615185E+00, * -.1782903980807269842231E+01, * +.9411644685122855908427E+00, * -.1958865250248747878077E+01, * +.1557306621108283294475E+01, * -.2521051413546812096437E+01, * +.2184502685635110914145E+01, * -.3140067153452674402872E+01, * +.2817401038921461361158E+01, * -.3772198775799670081858E+01, * +.3452780604492584575060E+01/ C c ------------------------------------------------------------------ C c Set environmental parameters. c if ( EPS .eq. ZERO) then EPS = R1MACH(3) HICUT = ONE / (EPS*C16) SMALL = C16 * R1MACH(1) / EPS XPQ = C11293 * (CP6 - LOG10( EPS )) - C59 BIG = R1MACH(2) / TWO BIGLOG = LOG(BIG) end if c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c c Compute V, NMIN, and NMAX. c NMIN = INT(ALPHA) V = ALPHA - REAL(NMIN) NMAX = NMIN + NUM -1 c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c c Test validity of given argument values. C if ( X .lt. ZERO .or. * ALPHA .lt. ZERO .or. NUM .lt. 1) then C Error 1. call ERMSG('SBESYN',1,0, * 'Require X .gt. 0, ALPHA .ge. 0, NUM .ge. 1',',') go to 400 c c ------------------------------------------------------------------ C c Branch on size of X. c else if (X .eq. ZERO ) then c Error 6. do 20 I = 1, NUM BY(I) = -BIG 20 continue call ERMSG('SBESYN',6,0, * 'When X = 0., function value is -INFINITY.', ',') go to 400 else if ( X .lt. EPS ) then c c ********************* Code for very small X case. ******************** c c Use a single term expression for Y, valid for X very close to zero. c Ref NBS AMS 55 Eqs 9.1.8 & 9.1.9. c For GNU = 0, Y = (2/pi) * (EC + Ln(X/2)), {EC = Euler's const.} c For GNU .gt. 0 Y = -(1/pi) * Gamma(GNU) * (X/2)**(-GNU) c XLOG = log( X ) GNU = ALPHA c do 140 I = 1, NUM if ( GNU .eq. ZERO ) then BY(I) = C2BYPI * (EC + XLOG - LOGTWO) else YLOG = SLGAMA(GNU) - GNU * (XLOG-LOGTWO) - LOGPI if (YLOG .lt. BIGLOG) then BY(I) = -EXP(YLOG) else c Error 5. do 120 II = I,NUM BY(II) = -BIG 120 continue call ERMSG('SBESYN',5,0, * 'Results exceed overflow limit from BY(I) on.', ',') call IERV1('I', I, ',') go to 400 end if end if GNU = GNU + ONE 140 continue return else TWODX = TWO / X if ( X .le. XPQ ) then c c ********************* Code for the middle X case. ******************** c C C J-TYPE BESSEL FUNCTIONS FOLLOW THE RECURRENCE RELATION C F(V-1,X)=(2*V/X)*F(V,X)-F(V+1,X). C MU = INT(X) + 1 DR = TWODX * (V+REAL(MU)) FKP1 = ONE FK = ZERO C C RECUR FORWARD UNTIL FKP1 IS GREATER THAN PRECISION OF ARITHMETIC. C 210 if (EPS * ABS(FKP1) .LE. ONE) then MU = MU + 1 DR = DR + TWODX FKM1 = FK FK = FKP1 FKP1 = DR * FK - FKM1 go to 210 end if C C WE ARE NOW ASSURED THAT BACKWARD RECURRENCE FROM MU WILL YIELD C ACCURATE RESULTS. C C GUARANTEE EVEN MU if (MOD(MU,2) .NE. 0) MU = MU + 1 MUSAVE = MU c c Test for Error 3. c This error should never happen. Large MU would be due to c large X. But X is not larger than XPQ here. c See explanation at the beginning of this subroutine c of the relation of XPQ and LDIMA to the machine EPS. c if ( MU + 1 .gt. LDIMA) then call ERMSG('SBESYN', 3, 0, * 'Need larger dimension, LDIMA, to process given X.', ',') call ERMOR('Require LDIMA .ge. MU + 1', ',') call IERV1('MU', MU, ',') call IERV1('LDIMA', LDIMA, ',') go to 400 end if c FVM1 = SMALL AJ(MU+1) = FVM1 FV = ZERO ETA = ONE SUM = FVM1 M = MU / 2 EM = REAL(M) EMU = REAL(MU) FAC = (V + EMU) * TWODX C c Set TEST = largest value that can be multiplied by c FAC without risking overflow. The present value of c FAC is the largest that will occur during the recursion. c TEST will be used to protect against overflow during c the recursion. c TEST = BIG / MAX(ONE, FAC) C C Loop while MU .gt. ZERO C 230 continue FVP1 = FV FV = FVM1 if ( ABS(FV) .gt. TEST ) then c Rescale FV = FV / SUM FVP1 = FVP1 / SUM do 240 II = MU+1, MUSAVE AJ(II) = AJ(II) / SUM 240 continue SUM = ONE end if FVM1 = FAC * FV - FVP1 MU = MU -1 EMU = EMU - ONE FAC = (V + EMU) * TWODX AJ(MU+1) = FVM1 if (MOD(MU,2) .eq. 0) then if (V .eq. ZERO) then SUM = SUM + FVM1 if (MU .eq. 0) then SCALE = ONE / SUM go to 260 end if SUM = SUM + FVM1 else if (MU .NE. 0) then VPMU = V + EMU ETA = ETA * (EM/(V+(EM-ONE)))*(VPMU/(VPMU+TWO)) SUM = SUM + FVM1 * ETA EM = EM - ONE else c c Here MU = 0 and EM = 0NE. Thus the expression for c updating ETA reduces to the following simpler c expression. c ETA = ETA / (V + TWO) SUM = SUM + FVM1 * ETA BGAM = SGAMMA(V+ONE) Q2DXPV = TWODX ** V SCALE = ( BGAM / ETA ) * SUM * Q2DXPV SCALE = ONE / SCALE go to 260 end if end if end if go to 230 260 continue C C NORMALIZE AJ() TO GET VALUES OF J-BESSEL FUNCTION. C do 270 I = 1, MUSAVE+1 AJ(I) = AJ(I) * SCALE 270 continue MU = MUSAVE c c Compute Y Bessel functions, making use of previously computed J c Bessel functions and other previously computed values, MU, BGAM, c Q2DXPV, TWODX, V. c c Here V is in the range [0.,1.). The quantities G0 and G1 depend c on X and V and are unbounded as V approaches 1. Therefore we c make the the change of variables c V2 = V if V .le. 0.5 and c V2 = 1 - V if V .gt. 0.5 c Then G0 and G1 are computed as functions of X and V2 with V2 in c the range (-0.5, 0.5]. C c Compute G0 and G1. c V2 = V if ( V .eq. ZERO ) then Z = EC - log(TWODX) G0 = Z / HALFPI G1 = TWO / HALFPI BGAMSQ = ONE Q2DXPV = ONE else BGAMSQ = BGAM**2 if (V .gt. HALF) then c c Use the transformed variable, V2 = V - 1. c Make corresponding transformation of Q2DXPV & BGAMSQ. c V2 = (V - HALF) - HALF Q2DXPV = Q2DXPV / TWODX BGAMSQ = BGAMSQ / V**2 end if PIV2 = PI * V2 c c Here V2 is in [-.5, .5]. Now test against CUTLOW = 0.012 c if ( ABS(V2) .lt. CUTLOW ) then C c Here we compute c G0 = (ONE / TAN(PIV2)) - Q2DXPV**2 * BGAMSQ / PIV2 c by a formulation that retains accuracy for c V2 close to zero. c > The no. of coeffs from D2SER() used to compute D2VAL c could be fewer on lower precision computers, however this c computation is only done about 2.4% of the time so the c potential time saving would probably not be noticeable. c c This method was derived by C. Lawson and W. V. Snyder, c JPL, 1984 Apr 15. c c First compute EM1 = (2/X)**(2*V2) - 1 c = exp(2 * V2 * log(2/X)) - 1 c ARG = TWO * V2 * log( TWODX ) if ( ABS( ARG ) .lt. LOGTWO ) then TEMP = TANH( HALF * ARG ) EM1 = TWO * TEMP / (ONE - TEMP) else EM1 = EXP( ARG ) - ONE end if c c Evaluate taylor series for c D2VAL = (PIV2 * cotan(PIV2) - BGAMSQ) / PIV2 c D2VAL = D2SER(ND2) do 280 I = ND2-1, 0, -1 D2VAL = D2SER(I) + V2 * D2VAL 280 continue c G0 = D2VAL - BGAMSQ * (EM1 / PIV2) G1 = (Q2DXPV**2/HALFPI) * BGAMSQ * (TWO+V2) / (ONE-V2) else G0 = (ONE / TAN(PIV2)) - Q2DXPV**2 * BGAMSQ / PIV2 G1 = (Q2DXPV**2/HALFPI) * BGAMSQ * (TWO+V2) / (ONE-V2) end if end if c ---------------------------------- c C COMPUTE YO FROM SUM(J'S) FORM c EN3 = V2 + ONE EN2 = V2 + EN3 EN1 = V2 + FOUR D1 = TWO D2 = D1 - V2 D3 = D1 + V2 FLAG = .FALSE. c THSJ = 0.12 J1SMAL = ABS(AJ(1)) .lt. THSJ if ( J1SMAL .or. V2 .lt. ZERO) then FLAG = .TRUE. C C Y(V2+1,X) MUST ALSO BE COMPUTED BY A SUM C THVDX = THREE * V2 / X PSIZ = -BGAMSQ * Q2DXPV**2 / (HALFPI*X) PSI1 = G0 - HALF * G1 end if c if (V2 .ge. ZERO) then M = 3 YV = G0 * AJ(1) if ( J1SMAL ) then YVP1 = PSIZ * AJ(1) + PSI1 * AJ(2) end if else Z = TWODX * V * AJ(1)-AJ(2) YV = G0 * Z M = 2 YVP1 = PSIZ * Z + PSI1 * AJ(1) end if c do 290 I = M,MU,2 YV = G1 * AJ(I) + YV G = G1 G1 = -G1 * (EN1/D1) * (EN2/D2) * (EN3/D3) EN1 = EN1 + TWO EN2 = EN2 + ONE EN3 = EN3 + ONE D1 = D1 + ONE D2 = ONE + D2 D3 = D3 + TWO if ( FLAG ) then YVP1 = YVP1 + THVDX*G*AJ(I) + HALF*(G-G1)*AJ(I+1) end if 290 continue c if (V2 .lt. ZERO) then Z = YVP1 YVP1 = V * Z * TWODX - YV YV = Z else if ( .NOT. J1SMAL ) then C C NOW COMPUTE Y(V+1) C WRONSKIAN PROVIDED NOT NEAR A ZERO OF J C YVP1 = (YV*AJ(2)-ONE/(X*HALFPI)) / AJ(1) end if go to 350 else if ( X .LE. HICUT ) then c c ********************* Code for the large X case. ********************* c C c > Here we have X .ge. XPQ, and V in [0.,1.). c The asymptotic series for c the auxiliary functions P and Q can be used. c From these we will compute Y(V,X) and Y(V+1,X) and c then recur forward. c Reference: NBS AMS 55 Eqs 9.2.5 & 9.2.6 c call SBESPQ (X,V, P,Q) CHI = X - (V + HALF) * HALFPI YV = sqrt(ONE / (HALFPI*X)) * (P*SIN(CHI) + Q*COS(CHI)) C if ( NMAX .gt. 0 ) then call SBESPQ (X,V+ONE, P,Q) CHI = X - (V + C1P5) * HALFPI YVP1 = sqrt(ONE / (HALFPI*X)) * (P*SIN(CHI) + Q*COS(CHI)) end if go to 350 else c Error 2. call ERMSG('SBESYN', 2, 0, * 'Cannot obtain any accuracy when X exceeds HICUT.', ',') call SERV1('HICUT', HICUT, ',') go to 400 end if end if c 350 continue c Do forward recursion c Given YV = Y(V,X), YVP1 = Y(V+1,X), TWODX = 2/X, NMIN, NUM, NMAX = c NMIN + NUM -1, X, ALPHA, and BIG. Recur forward and store c Y(NMIN+V) thru Y(NMAX+V) in BY(1) thru BY(NUM). c if ( NMIN .eq. 0 ) then BY(1) = YV if ( NMAX .gt. 0 ) then BY(2) = YVP1 end if else if ( NMIN .eq. 1 ) then BY(1) = YVP1 end if c if ( NMAX .gt. 1 ) then G = V * TWODX GMAX = G + TWODX * REAL(NMAX-1) TEST = BIG / MAX(ONE, GMAX) c c Note: In the following statement, 3-NMIN can be nonpositive. c do 370 K = 3-NMIN, NUM YVM1 = YV YV = YVP1 if (ABS(YV) .gt. TEST) then c c The recursion has reached the overflow limit. c Set remaining elts of BY() to a large negative value c and issue error message. c do 360 II = MAX(K, 1),NUM BY(II) = -BIG 360 continue c Error 4. call ERMSG('SBESYN',4,0, * 'Results exceed overflow limit from BY(I) on.', ',') call IERV1('I', MAX(K,1), ',') go to 400 end if c G = G + TWODX YVP1 = G * YV - YVM1 if ( K .ge. 1) BY(K) = YVP1 370 continue end if return c Error return 400 continue call SERV1('X',X,',') call SERV1('ALPHA',ALPHA,',') call IERV1('NUM',NUM,'.') return end