subroutine ddasdb (kase, neq, t, y, yprime, info, rwork, iwork, & idid, atol, rtol) c Copyright (c) 2006, Math a la Carte, Inc. c>> 2010-08-26 ddasdb Krogh Changed declaration of info to info(*). c>> 2006-04-09 ddasdb Krogh Declared MDFDAT c>> 2002-05-29 ddasdb Krogh Fixed prob. giving diagnostic on a compiler c>> 2001-12-13 ddasdb Krogh Initial code c--D Replaces "?": ?dasdb, ?daslx, ?dasf, ?dastp, ?mess c c Gives pretty print out of variables used by the DAE solver ddaslx. c c kase tells us from where we were called. c 0 Entry to ddaslx c 1 Exit from ddaslx c 2 Just prior to call to ddasf c 3 Just after call to ddasf c >3 Inside ddastp c <0 Presumably a call from user code. In this case -kase defines a c two digit number d_1d_0. d_0 is treated as if it gives kase, c and d_1 is treated as if it were the k-th digit for this kase. c The printing rules are given as a 7 digit number c d_6d_5d_4d_3d_2d_1d_0 in info(idb), which is interpreted as c follows. c d_0 Print on entry to DDASLX c = 0 No print. c = 1 IDID/IRES, INFO(1), NEQ, T, TOUT c = 2 The above + y, y' c = 3 The above + Tolerances c = 4 The above + INFO (all of it) c d_1 Print on exit from DDASLX. Print is as for d_0 c d_2 Before a call to DDASF (or return for reverse communication c that would ordinarily call DDASF). c = 0 No print. c = 1 Print T, IDID (which is IRES in this case) c = 2 The above + anything vectors used in the computations, c except for y, and y'. c = 3 Print y and y' c = 4 Print matrix if used in computation. c d_3 As for the case above, except print is for what is in c locations just stored to. c d_4 Internal print inside subroutine DDASTP. c = 0 No print. c = 1 Print corrections c = 2 Print y and y' c = 3 Error weights c = 4 difference tables c = 5 integration coefficients c d_5 Determines how much of WORK and IWORK are printed, when c there is other print. c = 0 No print. c = 1 Always print IWORK(1:16) c = 2 Always print WORK(1:9) c = 3 Always print both of the above. c d_6 For turning off, or limiting the amount of print. c = 0 No effect. c = 1 No effect, but gives a way to specify a value of 0, 1 or 2 c when passing a negative value of IRES after starting. c > 1 Print data for just this many of the first variables, and c just this many of the first rows in matrices when c variables or matrices are printed. c Declarations for the calling sequence integer kase, neq, info(*), iwork(*), idid double precision t, y(*), yprime(*), rwork(*), atol(*), rtol(*) integer idat(3) double precision fdat(3) c Local variables integer i, j, k, ki, km, kx, mattyp, nvec c POINTERS INTO IWORK integer lml, lmu, lires, ldelt, lwm, lmxord, lk, lkold, lmat, & lcnstr, lns, lnstl, lnst, lnre, lnje, letf, lctf, lnpd, & ljcalc, lphase, revloc, mxstep, le, lwt, lphi, ntemp, lipvt parameter (lml=1, lmu=2, lires=3, ldelt=4, lwm=5, lmxord=6, lk=7, & lkold=8, lmat=9, lcnstr=10, lns=11, lnstl=12, lnst=13, & lnre=14, lnje=15, letf=16, lctf=17, lnpd=18, ljcalc=19, & lphase=20, revloc=21, mxstep=22, le=23, lwt=24, lphi=25, & ntemp=26, lipvt=31) c c POINTERS INTO RWORK integer lcj, ltstop, lhmax, lh, ltn, lcjold, lhold, lnjac, & lround, lhmin, lalpha, lbeta, lgamma, lpsi, lsigma, ldelta parameter (lcj=1, ltstop=2, lhmax=3, lh=4, ltn=5, lcjold=6, & lhold=7, lnjac=8, lround=9, lhmin=10, lalpha=11, lbeta=17, & lgamma=23, lpsi=29, lsigma=35, ldelta=46) c c POINTERS INTO INFO integer itol, iout, istop, imat, idb, imaxh, ih0, iord, icnstr, & inityp, ixstep parameter (itol=2, iout=3, istop=4, imat=5, idb=6, imaxh=7, & ih0=8, iord=9, icnstr=10, inityp=11, ixstep= 12) c c Parameters for calls to mess and dmess integer MEDDIG, NEDDIG, MEFDAT, METDIG, MENTXT, METABS, MERET, 1 METEXT, METABL, MEIVEC, MEFVEC, MEFMAT parameter (MEDDIG =12) parameter (NEDDIG =-MEDDIG) parameter (METDIG =22) parameter (MENTXT = 23) parameter (MEFDAT = 25) parameter (METABS =32) parameter (MERET =51) parameter (METEXT =53) parameter (METABL =55) parameter (MEIVEC =57) parameter (MEFVEC =61) parameter (MEFMAT =62) c ********* Error message text *************** c[Last 2 letters of Param. name] [Text generating message.] cAA INFO() in index order: $Tinfo1=$I$Ttol=$I$Tout=$I$T stop=$I$T$C c mat=$I$Tdb=$I$Tmaxh=$I$Th0=$I$Tord=$I$Tcnstr=$I$T$C c inityp=$I$Tmxstep=$I$T$E c $ cAB $NIWORK() in index order: $Tlml=$I$Tlmu=$I$Tmxord=$I$T$C c k=$I$Tkold=$I$Tns=$I$Tnstl=$I$Tnst=$I$Tnre=$I$T$C c nje=$I$Tetf=$I$Tctf=$I$Tnpd=$I$Tjcalc=$I$Tphase=$I$T$C c revloc=$I$Tmxstep=$I$Te=$I$Twt=$I$Tphi=$I$Twm=$I$T$C c ntemp=$I$E c $ cAC $NRWORK() in index order: tstop=$F hmax=$F h=$F tn=$F $C c cj=$F cjold=$F hold=$F njac=$F round=$F hmin=$F$E integer LTXTAA,LTXTAB,LTXTAC parameter (LTXTAA= 1,LTXTAB= 1,LTXTAC= 1) character MTXTAA(1) * (134) character MTXTAB(1) * (213) character MTXTAC(1) * (112) data MTXTAA/'INFO() in index order: $Tinfo1=$I$Ttol=$I$Tout=$I$T s *top=$I$Tmat=$I$Tdb=$I$Tmaxh=$I$Th0=$I$Tord=$I$Tcnstr=$I$Tinityp=$I *$Tmxstep=$I$T$E'/ data MTXTAB/'$NIWORK() in index order: $Tlml=$I$Tlmu=$I$Tmxord=$I$ *Tk=$I$Tkold=$I$Tns=$I$Tnstl=$I$Tnst=$I$Tnre=$I$Tnje=$I$Tetf=$I$Tct *f=$I$Tnpd=$I$Tjcalc=$I$Tphase=$I$Trevloc=$I$Tmxstep=$I$Te=$I$Twt=$ *I$Tphi=$I$Twm=$I$Tntemp=$I$E'/ data MTXTAC/'$NRWORK() in index order: tstop=$F hmax=$F h=$F tn *=$F cj=$F cjold=$F hold=$F njac=$F round=$F hmin=$F$E'/ c End of automaticaaly generated data c integer ltxt1 parameter (ltxt1 = 23) character*(ltxt1) text1(7) data text1 / 1 '$N$N*************** $B', 'From user code$E', 2 'On entry to DDASLX$E','On exit from DDASLX$E', 3 'Before call to DDASLF$E','After call to DDASLF$E', 4 'Inside DDASTP$E' / integer mact1(5),mact2(2),mact3(4),mact4(4),mact5(8),mact6(24) c 1 2 3 4 5 data mact1 / METEXT,MENTXT, 2, METEXT, MERET / data mact2 / METEXT, MERET / data mact3 / METEXT, MEFVEC, 0, MERET / data mact4 / METABS, 10, METEXT, MERET / data mact5 / METEXT, MEFMAT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, MERET / data mact6 / METEXT, MEFVEC, 6, METEXT, MEFDAT, 7, MEFVEC, 6, & METEXT, MEFDAT, 13, MEFVEC, 6, METEXT, MEFDAT, 19, MEFVEC, 6, & METEXT, MEFDAT, 25, MEFVEC, 6, MERET / nvec = neq ki = kase if (ki .lt. 0) then c User code call k = -ki j = 10 ki = 0 10 if ((mod(k, j) .eq. 0) .and. (ki .lt. 3)) then j = 10 * j ki = ki + 1 go to 10 end if mact1(3) = 2 * ltxt1 + 1 call mess(mact1, text1, idat) km = 2 else k = info(idb) km = 1 end if if (k .ge. 1000000) then if (k .lt. 2000000) then k = k - 1000000 if (kase .ge. 0) info(idb) = k if (k .eq. 0) return end if if (k .ge. 2000000) nvec = k / 1000000 end if mattyp = abs(iwork(lmat)) if (mattyp .gt. 4) then mattyp = iwork(lmat) - 6 if (mattyp .gt. 4) mattyp = mattyp - 4 end if c kx defines printing rules for iwork and rwork kx = mod(k / 100000, 10) c Get the appropriate digit for the kase we have k = mod(k / 10 ** ki, 10) if (k .eq. 0) return c Always print out a heading mact1(3) = (ki + 2) * ltxt1 + 1 call mess(mact1(km), text1, idat) mact3(3) = nvec if (ki .le. 1) then c Entry or exit from ddaslx c First print T, IDID, INFO(1), NEQ, TOUT idat(1) = idid idat(2) = info(1) idat(3) = neq fdat(1) = t call dmess(mact2, & 'T = $F, IDID = $I, info(1) = $I, NEQ = $I$E', & idat, fdat) if (k .eq. 1) go to 100 c Print y and y' call dmess(mact3, '$NY():$B', idat, y) call dmess(mact3, 'Y''():$B', idat, yprime) if (k .eq. 2) go to 100 c Print Tolerances if (info(itol) .eq. 0) then fdat(1) = atol(1) fdat(2) = rtol(1) call dmess(mact2, 'ATOL = $F, RTOL = $F$E', idat, fdat) else call dmess(mact3, 'ATOL():$B', idat, atol) call dmess(mact3, 'RTOL():$B', idat, rtol) end if if (k .eq. 3) go to 100 c Print all of INFO call mess(mact4, MTXTAA, info) else if (ki .le. 3) then c Returning from or calling ddasf c Print T, IRES fdat(1) = t idat(1) = idid call dmess(mact2, 'T = $F, IRES = $I$E', idat, fdat) if (k .eq. 1) go to 100 c Print vectors wanted if ((idat(1) .eq. 1) .or. (idat(1) .eq. 4)) then if ((ki .ne. 2) .or. (idat(1) .eq. 4)) & call dmess(mact3, '$NDELTA: $B', idat, rwork(ldelta)) else if ((idat(1) .eq. 5) .and. (ki .ne. 2)) then if ((kase .lt. 0) .and. (info(1) .ne. 1)) then c Don't have access to info in this case mact3(3) = 1 else if ((nvec.eq.neq) .or. ( iwork(lcnstr))) & mact3(3) = iwork(lcnstr) end if call dmess(mact3, '$NDELTA: $B', idat, rwork(ldelta+nvec)) end if if (k .ge. 3) then call dmess(mact3, '$NY(): $B', idat, y) call dmess(mact3, 'YPRIME(): $B', idat, yprime) end if if (k .le. 3) go to 100 if (idat(1) .le. 1) go to 100 if ((kase .lt. 0) .and. (info(1) .ne. 1)) go to 100 if (mattyp .lt. 0) go to 100 c Print the matrix if computed i = idat(1) if (i .eq. 5) i = 2 if (i + ki .gt. 4) then mact5(3) = neq + iwork(lcnstr) mact5(4) = nvec mact5(5) = nvec if (mattyp .gt. 4) mact5(5) = iwork(1) + iwork(2) if (idat(1) .eq. 5) then if ((nvec .eq. neq) .or. (nvec .gt. iwork(lcnstr))) & mact5(3) = iwork(lcnstr) call dmess(mact5, '$NConstraint Rows$E', idat, & rwork(lwm+neq)) else call dmess(mact5, '$NMatrix$B', idat, rwork(lwm)) end if end if else c From inside ddastp c Print corrections call dmess(mact3, '$NDELTA: $B', idat, rwork(ldelta+nvec)) if (k .eq. 1) go to 100 c Print y, y', and corrections. call dmess(mact3, '$NY(): $B', idat, y) call dmess(mact3, 'YPRIME(): $B', idat, yprime) if (k .eq. 2) go to 100 c Print error weights call dmess(mact3, 'Weights(): $B', idat, atol) if (k .eq. 3) go to 100 c Print difference tables mact5(3) = neq mact5(4) = nvec mact5(5) = iwork(lk)+1 mact5(6) = 22 call dmess(mact5, '$NDifference Tables$EEq. $#', idat, & rwork(iwork(lphi))) mact5(6) = 0 if (k .eq. 4) go to 100 c Print integration coefficients do 80 I = 3, 23, 5 mact6(I) = iwork(lk) 80 continue call dmess(mact6, & 'Integration Coefficients$Nalpha: $Bbeta: $Bgamma: $B'// & 'psi: $Bsigma: $B', idat, rwork(lalpha)) end if 100 continue if (kx .eq. 0) return if (mod(kx, 2) .eq. 1) then c Print IWORK if (mattyp .lt. 3) then iwork(1) = 0 iwork(2) = 0 end if call mess(mact4, MTXTAB, iwork) end if if (kx .lt. 2) return c Print RWORK call dmess(mact2, MTXTAC, idat, rwork) return end