Other Factorizations

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Other Factorizations

The QL and RQ factorizations    are given by


These factorizations are computed by xGEQLF and xGERQF, respectively; they are           less commonly used than either the QR or LQ factorizations described above, but have applications in, for example, the computation of generalized QR factorizations [2].   

All the factorization routines discussed here (except xTZRQF) allow arbitrary m and n, so that in some cases the matrices R or L are trapezoidal rather than triangular. A routine that performs pivoting is provided only for the QR factorization.


Type of
factorization                            Single precision  Double precision
and matrix      Operation                real     complex  real     complex
QR, general     factorize with pivoting  SGEQPF   CGEQPF   DGEQPF   ZGEQPF
                factorize, no pivoting   SGEQRF   CGEQRF   DGEQRF   ZGEQRF
                generate Q               SORGQR   CUNGQR   DORGQR   ZUNGQR
                multiply matrix by Q     SORMQR   CUNMQR   DORMQR   ZUNMQR
LQ, general     factorize, no pivoting   SGELQF   CGELQF   DGELQF   ZGELQF
                generate Q               SORGLQ   CUNGLQ   DORGLQ   ZUNGLQ
                multiply matrix by Q     SORMLQ   CUNMLQ   DORMLQ   ZUNMLQ
QL, general     factorize, no pivoting   SGEQLF   CGEQLF   DGEQLF   ZGEQLF
                generate Q               SORGQL   CUNGQL   DORGQL   ZUNGQL
                multiply matrix by Q     SORMQL   CUNMQL   DORMQL   ZUNMQL
RQ, general     factorize, no pivoting   SGERQF   CGERQF   DGERQF   ZGERQF
                generate Q               SORGRQ   CUNGRQ   DORGRQ   ZUNGRQ
                multiply matrix by Q     SORMRQ   CUNMRQ   DORMRQ   ZUNMRQ
RQ, trapezoidal factorize, no pivoting   STZRQF   CTZRQF   DTZRQF   ZTZRQF
Table 2.9: Computational routines for orthogonal factorizations

Tue Nov 29 14:03:33 EST 1994