# # Top Level Makefile for LAPACK # Version 3.4.1 # April 2012 # TOPSRCDIR = . include $(TOPSRCDIR)/make.inc .PHONY: all all: lapack_install lib blas_testing lapack_testing .PHONY: lib lib: lapacklib tmglib #lib: blaslib variants lapacklib tmglib .PHONY: blaslib blaslib: $(MAKE) -C BLAS .PHONY: cblaslib cblaslib: $(MAKE) -C CBLAS .PHONY: lapacklib lapacklib: $(MAKE) -C SRC .PHONY: lapackelib lapackelib: $(MAKE) -C LAPACKE .PHONY: blaspplib blaspplib: @echo "Thank you for your interest in BLAS++, a newly developed C++ API for BLAS library" @echo "The objective of BLAS++ is to provide a convenient, performance oriented API for development in the C++ language, that, for the most part, preserves established conventions, while, at the same time, takes advantages of modern C++ features, such as: namespaces, templates, exceptions, etc." @echo "We are still working on integrating BLAS++ in our library. For the moment, you can download directly blas++ from https://bitbucket.org/icl/blaspp" @echo "For support BLAS++ related question, please email: slate-user@icl.utk.edu" .PHONY: lapackpplib lapackpplib: @echo "Thank you for your interest in LAPACK++, a newly developed C++ API for LAPACK library" @echo "The objective of LAPACK++ is to provide a convenient, performance oriented API for development in the C++ language, that, for the most part, preserves established conventions, while, at the same time, takes advantages of modern C++ features, such as: namespaces, templates, exceptions, etc." @echo "We are still working on integrating LAPACK++ in our library. For the moment, you can download directly lapack++ from https://bitbucket.org/icl/lapackpp" @echo "For support LAPACK++ related question, please email: slate-user@icl.utk.edu" .PHONY: tmglib tmglib: $(MAKE) -C TESTING/MATGEN .PHONY: variants variants: $(MAKE) -C SRC/VARIANTS .PHONY: lapack_install lapack_install: $(MAKE) -C INSTALL run .PHONY: blas_testing blas_testing: blaslib $(MAKE) -C BLAS blas_testing .PHONY: cblas_testing cblas_testing: cblaslib blaslib $(MAKE) -C CBLAS cblas_testing .PHONY: lapack_testing lapack_testing: tmglib lapacklib blaslib $(MAKE) -C TESTING/LIN cleanexe $(MAKE) -C TESTING ./lapack_testing.py .PHONY: variants_testing variants_testing: tmglib variants lapacklib blaslib $(MAKE) -C TESTING/LIN cleanexe $(MAKE) -C TESTING/LIN VARLIB='../../SRC/VARIANTS/cholrl.a' $(MAKE) -C TESTING stest.out && mv TESTING/stest.out TESTING/stest_cholrl.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING dtest.out && mv TESTING/dtest.out TESTING/dtest_cholrl.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING ctest.out && mv TESTING/ctest.out TESTING/ctest_cholrl.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING ztest.out && mv TESTING/ztest.out TESTING/ztest_cholrl.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING/LIN cleanexe $(MAKE) -C TESTING/LIN VARLIB='../../SRC/VARIANTS/choltop.a' $(MAKE) -C TESTING stest.out && mv TESTING/stest.out TESTING/stest_choltop.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING dtest.out && mv TESTING/dtest.out TESTING/dtest_choltop.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING ctest.out && mv TESTING/ctest.out TESTING/ctest_choltop.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING ztest.out && mv TESTING/ztest.out TESTING/ztest_choltop.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING/LIN cleanexe $(MAKE) -C TESTING/LIN VARLIB='../../SRC/VARIANTS/lucr.a' $(MAKE) -C TESTING stest.out && mv TESTING/stest.out TESTING/stest_lucr.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING dtest.out && mv TESTING/dtest.out TESTING/dtest_lucr.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING ctest.out && mv TESTING/ctest.out TESTING/ctest_lucr.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING ztest.out && mv TESTING/ztest.out TESTING/ztest_lucr.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING/LIN cleanexe $(MAKE) -C TESTING/LIN VARLIB='../../SRC/VARIANTS/lull.a' $(MAKE) -C TESTING stest.out && mv TESTING/stest.out TESTING/stest_lull.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING dtest.out && mv TESTING/dtest.out TESTING/dtest_lull.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING ctest.out && mv TESTING/ctest.out TESTING/ctest_lull.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING ztest.out && mv TESTING/ztest.out TESTING/ztest_lull.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING/LIN cleanexe $(MAKE) -C TESTING/LIN VARLIB='../../SRC/VARIANTS/lurec.a' $(MAKE) -C TESTING stest.out && mv TESTING/stest.out TESTING/stest_lurec.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING dtest.out && mv TESTING/dtest.out TESTING/dtest_lurec.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING ctest.out && mv TESTING/ctest.out TESTING/ctest_lurec.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING ztest.out && mv TESTING/ztest.out TESTING/ztest_lurec.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING/LIN cleanexe $(MAKE) -C TESTING/LIN VARLIB='../../SRC/VARIANTS/qrll.a' $(MAKE) -C TESTING stest.out && mv TESTING/stest.out TESTING/stest_qrll.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING dtest.out && mv TESTING/dtest.out TESTING/dtest_qrll.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING ctest.out && mv TESTING/ctest.out TESTING/ctest_qrll.out $(MAKE) -C TESTING ztest.out && mv TESTING/ztest.out TESTING/ztest_qrll.out .PHONY: cblas_example cblas_example: cblaslib blaslib $(MAKE) -C CBLAS cblas_example .PHONY: lapacke_example lapacke_example: lapackelib lapacklib blaslib $(MAKE) -C LAPACKE lapacke_example .PHONY: html html: @echo "LAPACK HTML PAGES GENERATION with Doxygen" doxygen DOCS/Doxyfile @echo "==================" @echo "LAPACK HTML PAGES GENERATED in DOCS/explore-html" @echo "Usage: open DOCS/explore-html/index.html" @echo "Online version available at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/explore-html/" @echo "==================" .PHONY: man man: @echo "LAPACK MAN PAGES GENERATION with Doxygen" doxygen DOCS/Doxyfile_man @echo "==================" @echo "LAPACK MAN PAGES GENERATED in DOCS/MAN" @echo "Set your MANPATH env variable accordingly" @echo "Usage: man dgetrf.f" @echo "==================" .PHONY: clean cleanobj cleanlib cleanexe cleantest clean: $(MAKE) -C INSTALL clean $(MAKE) -C BLAS clean $(MAKE) -C CBLAS clean $(MAKE) -C SRC clean $(MAKE) -C SRC/VARIANTS clean $(MAKE) -C TESTING clean $(MAKE) -C TESTING/MATGEN clean $(MAKE) -C TESTING/LIN clean $(MAKE) -C TESTING/EIG clean $(MAKE) -C LAPACKE clean rm -f *.a cleanobj: $(MAKE) -C INSTALL cleanobj $(MAKE) -C BLAS cleanobj $(MAKE) -C CBLAS cleanobj $(MAKE) -C SRC cleanobj $(MAKE) -C SRC/VARIANTS cleanobj $(MAKE) -C TESTING/MATGEN cleanobj $(MAKE) -C TESTING/LIN cleanobj $(MAKE) -C TESTING/EIG cleanobj $(MAKE) -C LAPACKE cleanobj cleanlib: $(MAKE) -C BLAS cleanlib $(MAKE) -C CBLAS cleanlib $(MAKE) -C SRC cleanlib $(MAKE) -C SRC/VARIANTS cleanlib $(MAKE) -C TESTING/MATGEN cleanlib $(MAKE) -C LAPACKE cleanlib rm -f *.a cleanexe: $(MAKE) -C INSTALL cleanexe $(MAKE) -C BLAS cleanexe $(MAKE) -C CBLAS cleanexe $(MAKE) -C TESTING/LIN cleanexe $(MAKE) -C TESTING/EIG cleanexe $(MAKE) -C LAPACKE cleanexe cleantest: $(MAKE) -C INSTALL cleantest $(MAKE) -C BLAS cleantest $(MAKE) -C CBLAS cleantest $(MAKE) -C TESTING cleantest