LAPACK 3.3.1

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00001 # -*- Makefile -*-
00002 ####################################################################
00003 #  LAPACK make include file.                                       #
00004 #  LAPACK, Version 3.3.0                                           #
00005 #  November 2010                                                   #
00006 ####################################################################
00007 #
00008 # See the INSTALL/ directory for more examples.
00009 #
00010 SHELL = /bin/sh
00011 #
00012 #  The machine (platform) identifier to append to the library names
00013 #
00014 PLAT = _LINUX
00015 #  
00016 #  Modify the FORTRAN and OPTS definitions to refer to the
00017 #  compiler and desired compiler options for your machine.  NOOPT
00018 #  refers to the compiler options desired when NO OPTIMIZATION is
00019 #  selected.  Define LOADER and LOADOPTS to refer to the loader
00020 #  and desired load options for your machine.
00021 #
00022 FORTRAN  = gfortran -fimplicit-none -g -m32
00023 OPTS     =
00024 DRVOPTS  = $(OPTS)
00025 NOOPT    = -g -O0
00026 LOADER   = gfortran -g -m32
00027 LOADOPTS =
00028 #
00029 # Timer for the SECOND and DSECND routines
00030 #
00031 # Default : SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the EXTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME
00032 # TIMER    = EXT_ETIME
00033 # For RS6K : SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the EXTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME_
00034 # TIMER    = EXT_ETIME_
00035 # For gfortran compiler: SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the INTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME
00036 # TIMER    = INT_ETIME
00037 # If your Fortran compiler does not provide etime (like Nag Fortran Compiler, etc...)
00038 # SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the Fortran standard INTERNAL FUNCTION CPU_TIME 
00040 # If neither of this can use the NONE value... In that case, SECOND and DSECND will always return 0
00041 # TIMER     = NONE
00042 #
00043 #  The archiver and the flag(s) to use when building archive (library)
00044 #  If you system has no ranlib, set RANLIB = echo.
00045 #
00046 ARCH     = ar
00047 ARCHFLAGS= cr
00048 RANLIB   = ranlib
00049 #
00050 #  The location of BLAS library for linking the testing programs.
00051 #  The target's machine-specific, optimized BLAS library should be
00052 #  used whenever possible.
00053 #
00054 BLASLIB      = ../../blas$(PLAT).a
00055 #
00056 #  Location of the extended-precision BLAS (XBLAS) Fortran library
00057 #  used for building and testing extended-precision routines.  The
00058 #  relevant routines will be compiled and XBLAS will be linked only if
00059 #  USEXBLAS is defined.
00060 #
00061 # USEXBLAS    = Yes
00062 XBLASLIB     =
00063 # XBLASLIB    = -lxblas
00064 #
00065 #  Names of generated libraries.
00066 #
00067 LAPACKLIB    = lapack$(PLAT).a
00068 TMGLIB       = tmglib$(PLAT).a
00069 EIGSRCLIB    = eigsrc$(PLAT).a
00070 LINSRCLIB    = linsrc$(PLAT).a
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