LAPACK 3.3.1
Linear Algebra PACKage


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00001       REAL             FUNCTION SECOND( )
00002 *
00003 *  -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.2) --
00004 *     Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd..
00005 *     February 2007
00006 *
00007 *  Purpose
00008 *  =======
00009 *
00010 *  SECOND returns the user time for a process in seconds.
00011 *  This version gets the time from the EXTERNAL system function ETIME.
00012 *
00013 * =====================================================================
00014 *
00015 *     .. Local Scalars ..
00016       REAL               T1
00017 *     ..
00018 *     .. Local Arrays ..
00019       REAL               TARRAY( 2 )
00020 *     ..
00021 *     .. External Functions ..
00022       REAL               ETIME
00023       EXTERNAL           ETIME
00024 *     ..
00025 *     .. Executable Statements ..
00026 *
00027       T1 = ETIME( TARRAY )
00028       SECOND = TARRAY( 1 )
00029       RETURN
00030 *
00031 *     End of SECOND
00032 *
00033       END
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