LAPACK-3.3.0 errata file ======================== updated on Tue Apr 19 2011 maintained by Julien Langou, U. Colorado Denver and Julie Langou, U. Tennessee link:[CLAPACK-3.2.1 errata file] link:[BLACS-1.1.patch3 errata file] link:[ScaLAPACK-1.8.0 errata file] link:[Wishlist] [red,,1.5]#RED means BUG WAS CONFIRMED but IT IS STILL HERE# [orange,,1.5]#ORANGE means BUG WAS NOT CONFIRMED# [green,,1.5]#GREEN means BUG WAS CORRECTED :# - [green,,1.5]#correction will be included in next release# - [green,,1.5]#bug fix available in link:[LAPACK SVN repository]# == [green]*bug0078* :: DBDSDC problem with orthogonality of U in certain cases * bug report sent by duncanpo on April 4th 2011 * see forum topic 2326 * decreased EPS by a factor of 0.9 to correct problem with orthogonality of U in certain cases * corrected by Rodney on Tue April 7th 2011 == [green]*bug0077* :: [DS]GESVD Minimum Worksize comments need clarification * bug report sent by squartz on Sep 19th * see forum topic 2011 * corrected by Julie on Tue April 5th 2011 == [green]*bug0076* :: Problem in ?(sy/he)tri2 when nbmax greater than n * bug report sent by nmozarto on Mar 4th * see forum topic 2223 * corrected by Julie on Fri March 4th 2011 == [green]*bug0075* :: not orhtogonal: eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix with DSYEV * bug report sent by fabioaffinito on Feb 8th * see forum topic 2169 * corrected by Rodney on Thu March 3rd 2011 * The bug appears only when the matrix is diagonalized by using the upper half, and when the leading dimension n>200 approx. * User gave test program see: link:[here] * Come from change in version 3.2 [link:[Release Notes]] * related to 0035 == [green]*bug0074* :: ?sysv and ?hesv * bug report sent by Alexander Kobotov on Feb 8th * see forum topic 2168 * corrected by Julie * In LAPACK 3.3 ?(SY/HE)SV are updated to use TRS2. The TRS2 requires WORK(N) to operate, whereas in SV requirements for LWORK just to be >=1. There is no any check in SV if LWORK>=N, the array WORK just passed as it is to TRS2. So if LWORK leads ,e.g., to non-reproducible and uncorrect execution * of zgeev in multithreaded context * lapackers involved in the bug fix process: Julie and Julien Langou and Mathieu Faverge * bug fix by Victor Liu on Wednesday August 04th, 2010 * see link:[forum topic 1930] * two outstanding issues: (1) how do we go to fix this?, (2) more LAPACK subroutines might be concerned. == [red]*bug0057* :: Non-eigenvectors from DGEEV, problem in balancing * *CONFIRMED* * bug report sent by Numpy team on April 22nd, 2010 * see link:[forum topic 1818] * see follow-up on lapackers on April 22nd from Jim "bug in DGEHRD" "The balancing is choosing to scale some rows/columns by factors like 1e18, which rather amplifies tiny rounding errors in the (presumably correctly) computed eigenvectors of the balanced matrix, when balancing is undone at the end. The expert driver interface dgeevx would let the user disable balancing, until we figure out whether this is a bug or a feature, I'm not sure which." == [red]*bug0056* :: Non-orthogonal eigenvectors returned from DSYEVR * *CONFIRMED* * bug report sent by Scipy team on April 22nd * see link:[ LAPACK Mailing list msg 874] * Confirmed by Rodney on Tue, 17 Feb 2011 * " I can reproduce similar problems that the user encountered with non-orthogonal eigenvectors when only * a few eigenvalues are requested. This also happens with SSYEVR. If I set ABSTOL to SLAMCH('Safe minimum'), * the problem goes away in SSYEVR, and improves with DSYEVR but does not completely go away." == [red]*bug0033* :: failure of zheevd on a specific matrix * *CONFIRMED* * bug report sent by Cezary Sliwa (Instytut Fizyki PAN, Poland) on Thu 2 Jul 2009 to "". * see link:020.f[Cezary Sliwa's test code], link:021.dat[Cezary Sliwa's matrix], and link:022.txt[Cezary Sliwa's email]. * Confirmed by Rodney on Tue, 17 Feb 2011 == [red]*bug0032* :: matrix splitting problem with dstebz and sstebz * *CONFIRMED* * bug report sent by Phil DeMier (IBM) on Mon 29 Jun 2009 to "". "matrix splitting problem with dstebz and sstebz" * see link:018.txt[Phil DeMier's email] and link:019.f[Phil DeMier's test code] * Confirmed by Rodney on Tue, 17 Feb 2011 == [red]*bug0028* :: failure of convergence of DHGEQZ for some specific matrix pencils * *CONFIRMED* * reported by Vasile Sima on Thu Jan 22 2009 * see: link:008.txt[email from Vasile] * more information at: see link:[lapack known issues] * related to bug0026 below * Confirmed by Rodney on Tue, 08 Feb 2011 == [red]*bug0026* :: problem when playing with DGEEV and gfortran optimization flags * *CONFIRMED* * reported by Pauli Virtanen (scipy team) on Sat Dec 06 2008 (email to * see: link:004.txt[email from Pauli Virtanen] see: link:[] * problem appears to be with an underflow producing alpha=beta=zero eigenvalues for some cases in the above test code * it does not depend on the compiler options in later versions of gfortran (and other compilers), and is also present in SGEEV * most likely these issues are due to the shift strategy for QZ * Confirmed by Rodney on Tue, 08 Feb 2011 == [red]*bug0020* :: in xGESDD, workspace query can overflow for large matrices * *CONFIRMED* * reported by Stephan Ripke (Broad Institute, Boston) on Thu May 21 2009 * confirmed by Julien Langou on Thu May 21 2009 * see link:[forum topic 1418] == dead code* :: xLAHRD is now replaced by xLAHR2, xLAHRD is a dead code since LAPACK 3.1 * xLAHRD will be removed at some point in the future from the distribution // vim: set syntax=asciidoc: