GMAT -- Graphical Multiprocessing Analysis Tool Please direct inquiries or reports to: GMAT Tool User Systems Division, LCC Dept. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory P.O. Box 808, L300 Livermore, CA 94550 Active development on this product has stopped, therefore, there is no longer support for bugfixes or enhancements. *************************************************************************** This is a new release of GMAT that includes both an X-window implementation and a Sunview implementation. The conversion from Sunview to X-windows was done by CRI while participating in a collaborative effort with LLNL. They have subsequently granted to LLNL : "a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, copy, modify, translate and distribute this software." They also disclaim any responsibility for the correct performance of the software or any subsequent version distributed by LLNL by including the following notice: * Copyright Cray Research, Inc. Unpublished. All rights reserved. * Cray Research warrants and provides support for this software * only when distributed and used under the terms of a license * agreement with Cray Research. * FOR PRODUCT DISTRIBUTED IN ANY OTHER MANNER, CRAY RESEARCH DISCLAIMS * ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL * CRAY RESEARCH BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA * OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE. *************************************************************************** DOCUMENTATION: To print out the document run: eqn | tbl | psroff -ms (if you do not have the postscript output drivers then you need to get into the document and edit the .ft CO directives, change them to something that will print out a fixed width font and use the appropriate ditroff driver. The document can also be obtained by writing the above address and requesting UCID-21348. The LLNL document UCID-21348 describes the Sunview version of GMAT. The X-window version of GMAT uses the Athena toolkit; it does not have the same look and feel of the Sunview version. The functionality is essentially the same, however. *************************************************************************** GENERATION and TESTING: The makefiles are as follows: Xmakefile: X11 on sun for CTSS or CRAY logs. Smakefile: Sunview on sun for CTSS or CRAY logs. Nmakefile: X11 on Cray - untested by me for this release. To make the X-window tools do the following: cd state make -f Xmakefile xstategraph cd ../time make -f Xmakefile xtimeline To make the Sunview tools do the following: cd state make -f Smakefile stategraph cd ../time make -f Smakefile timeline Example log files are in the directory examples : They are compressed and encoded. To retrieve them (traceCTSS,traceCRAY) from (trc.CTSS.Z , trc.CRAY.Z) : touch traceCTSS.Z chmod 664 traceCTSS.Z uudecode trc.CTSS.Z uncompress traceCTSS.Z similarly for traceCRAY. The NLTSS logfile is traceCTSS (the included User_Actions file belongs to it). The Cray logfile is traceCRAY. *************************************************************************** (c) Copyright 1987 by the Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. This work was produced under the sponsorship of the U.S.Department of Energy. The Government retains certain rights therein. Notice This computer code material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the United States Department of Energy, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately-owned rights. ************************************************************************* DISCLAIMER This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the University of California nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or the University of California. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government thereof, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract number W-7405-Eng-48. *********************************************************************** ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This tool was initially developed by Susan Campbell, Scott Sikora, Mark Seager and Robert Strout during the summer of 1987, at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, working with additional guidance and help from Mary Zosel, Nancy Werner, and Bruce Kelly. Later enhancements were done by Nancy Werner. After CRI converted GMAT to X-windows (Athena widget set), Nancy tested this version, made some minor bug fixes and put it under SCCS code control in 10/90. The tool was inspired by the MAT (Multitasking Analysis Tool) developed at LLNL for the Cray supercomputers. The desire to supply a graphical interface for MAT was heightened by the appearance of the Schedule display tool developed at Argonne National Laboratory by J. Dongarra and D. Sorenson. It was from this tool that we began our development. Though only two routines from that tool remain in this source, we are very grateful to Dongarra and Sorenson for their support by allowing us access to their source code. This helped greatly as an example from which we could learn how to use the SunView windowing system, and in turn greatly accelerated our development effort. The multiprocessing event data that is generated for MAT and GMAT is patterned after a similar tool designed by Cray Research, Inc. and called MTDUMP. The format of the event data, library routines to collect the data on the Livermore Computer Center's (LCC) X-MP multiprocessing machines (NLTSS system), and the MAT tool that produces an ascii display of the data were designed and implemented by Bruce Kelly and Robert Strout. The microtasking mechanism supported at LCC was modified to produce trace information by Nancy Werner. Additionally, Mark Seager has produced a Cray multitasking compatibility library to provide a multitasking capability and to generate the trace data on an Alliant FX/8.